Tables of European biogas utilisation

The following tables outline the utilization of biogas in the European Union as of 2006. This table is likely to change due to the increasing interest in biogas use as a renewable fuel and the tax penalties being imposed on energy or utility companies that waste biogas by burning it off.

Electricity from biogas (GWh)[1]
Country 2006 2005
 Germany7 3384 708
 United Kingdom4 9974 690
 Italy1 2341 198
 Czech Republic175161
EU (GWh)17 27213 397
Biogas in EU 2006 (GWh)[1]
Country Total Landfill Sludge Other
 Germany22 3706 6704 30011 400
 United Kingdom19 72017 6202 1000
 Italy4 1103 61010490
 Spain3 8902 930660300
 France2 6401 72087050
 Netherlands1 380450590340
 Austria1 370130401 200
 Denmark1 100170270660
 Poland1 09032077010
 Czech Republic70030036040
EU (GWh)62 20036 25011 05014 900


  1. Biogas barometer 2007 – EurObserv’ER Systèmes solaires – le journal des énergies renouvelables n° 179, s. 51–61, 5/2007
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