Unidentified body on Christmas Island

The unidentified body on Christmas Island was a sailor in the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) found on a life raft in the Indian Ocean, off Christmas Island, in 1942. He is widely believed to originate from the RAN cruiser HMAS Sydney, which sank off Western Australia in November 1941 after a battle with the German auxiliary cruiser Kormoran. While 318 of 399 Kormoran personnel survived, the 645 crew of Sydney was lost with all hands. The locations of the shipwrecks were unknown until March 2008.

The body was found on 6 February 1942. It is reported that an inquest was held on Christmas Island, soon afterwards. His remains were buried with military honours, in an unmarked grave, in the Old European Cemetery on the island. At the Battle of Christmas Island, Japanese forces captured the island on 31 March 1942 and it remained in their hands until 1945. Records, including any relating to the inquest, appear to have been lost or destroyed during the occupation.

Witnesses on Christmas Island believed that the float and sailor had come from Sydney.[1] A post-war investigation by the RAN, including attempts to reconstruct the lost records by those who wrote them, determined that the body could possibly be a naval rating.[2] Christmas Island's assistant harbour master, Captain E. Craig, stated that "the Carley float was typical of those in service with the RN and RAN".[2] A government inquiry concluded "on the balance of probability, that the body and the carley float ... were most likely from HMAS Sydney."[3]

A RAN archaeological expedition in September and October 2006 recovered the body. Although a DNA profile and other data about the man's background have been recovered from the remains, researchers have not been able to match this to relatives of personnel from Sydney.

Discovery of the body

During the late afternoon of 6 February 1942, lookouts on Christmas Island spotted an object out at sea.[4] Initially thought to be a Japanese submarine, closer inspection from a pilot boat found it was a Carley float with a dead person inside and the float was towed ashore.[4] With the island at risk of invasion, the deceased was quickly examined by the harbour master, the medical officer and the man in charge of the radio station, then the body was buried in an unmarked grave near Flying Fish Cove.[5][6] The examiners wrote reports but these were destroyed when Japanese forces occupied Christmas Island and later recreated from memory.[6][7] An inquest was not convened until mid-February and had not concluded when evacuation began on 17 February, Japanese forces occupying the island on 23 March. It is unknown if the doctor on Christmas Island had performed an autopsy; if so it was never found.[8]

Initial investigations & research

A preliminary examination in 1942 by the island's medical officer, Dr J. Scott Clark, found that the deceased was reported to have been a young adult male caucasoid who was tall by the standards of his time.[9] The remains were partly decomposed, the eyes, nose and all of the flesh from the right arm were missing and believed to have been consumed by fish or birds.[10] According to the Harbour Master, Captain J. R. Smith, the body was clothed in a blue boilersuit which had been bleached white by exposure, with four plain press studs from neck to waist.[10] According to J.C. Baker, who was in charge of the radio station at Christmas Island, the body was clothed in a white boilersuit.[8] The body was not carrying dog tags or personal effects.

A shoe was found beside the body, which Clark did not believe belonged to the dead man.[4] Later recollections of the shoe varied, Clark stated that it was "probably branded "CROWN BRAND PTY 4", although he had some doubts about "CROWN" and "4". Captain Smith, recalled a canvas shoe of a brand named "McCOWAN PTY" or "McEWAN PTY", which carried symbols representing a crown and/or a broad arrow. A sergeant with the party who recovered the raft later contradicted the finding of a shoe stating that a 'pair of boots' were found on the raft.[11]

In Smith's opinion, the life raft was a naval Carley float, which had come from Sydney.[1] The wooden decking was manufactured and branded with the word "PATENT" while the metal framework was branded "LYSAGHT DUA-ANNEAL ZINC. MADE IN AUSTRALIA" inside.[12] [13] The float had been damaged by gun or shellfire, with shrapnel embedded in the outer covering, and the underside was covered with barnacles and other marine growth, indicating that it had been at sea for some time.[1]

On 23 April 1949, the Director of Naval Intelligence wrote to the Director of Victualling in regard to whether the clothing (3a) and carley float (3b) could have come from the Sydney. The Director of Naval Victualling replied to 3a in a hand written note that while a rating may have worn a blue boilersuit, suits with press studs "had never been adopted" by the navy. RAN officers purchased their own boilersuits which in white or brown with press studs. The shoes described "definitely" corresponded with RAN issue "provided they were leather not canvas". There is no record of a reply regarding the carley float.[14]

Controversy regarding raft

The RAN claimed that the covering of the carley float did not match those used by Australian warships and thus could not have come from Sydney. The historian Tom Frame was also sceptical about the raft and that its connections to the Sydney were circumstantial. For many years, other authors, like the historian Barbara Winter (1984) and independent researcher Wes Olson (2000) disputed the official view put forward by the RAN. According to Olson, it was unclear how the RAN decided that the float cover was anomalous, as contemporary accounts of the float were often vague and/or contradictory.[2] Olson said that the only detail of the covering in witness descriptions appeared to be that it was grey.[15] Winter suggested that the currents of the Indian Ocean would have propelled a carley float, launched at the location and time of the battle, to the vicinity of Christmas Island, at around the time of its discovery.[5] According to Olson, the rope used on the float and markings on the float were of naval origin and the descriptions of marine growth on the float matched the period that a float from Sydney would have been in the water.[16] In 2000, Olson claimed that evidence presented at the 1998 inquiry had changed Frame's mind.[7][2]

Investigations since 1998

Recovery of the body

The 1998 Joint Standing Committee for Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade inquiry into the loss of Sydney recommended that attempts be made to find the grave, to exhume the body and acquire DNA for comparison with the next of kin of the crew of Sydney, to determine if the unknown sailor was from the cruiser.[17] The RAN searched the graveyard during August and September 2001 to no avail but a second search in October 2006 found the body.[18][19] When it was found, the body was in an unusually-shaped coffin, which appeared to have been constructed around it as the body was buried "with legs doubled under at the knee" the same position it had been in when found on the raft, possibly due to mummification. Press studs and small fragments of clothing were found in the coffin.[20] Following an autopsy and the taking of samples from the body for identification, the remains of the unknown sailor were reburied in the Commonwealth War Graves section in the Geraldton Cemetery with full military honours on 19 November 2008.[21][22]

Autopsy and subsequent research

Brain trauma caused by a shell fragment of German origin has been identified as the cause of death.[23][24] Bruce Billson (the Minister Assisting the Minister for Defence) reported that shrapnel struck the front of the skull and lodged in the left forehead. In addition to this injury, the pathologist identified a second major skull injury, with bone loss on the left side of the skull, above and behind the left earhole, which is also believed to have occurred around the time of death... The analysis also identified multiple rib fractures, but it is unknown whether these occurred around the time of death or long after death with the settling of the grave. No other shrapnel or projectiles have been found elsewhere in the remains.[24]

The fragment, which was thought initially to be a bullet, was found embedded in the man's skull during an autopsy in 2006. Anatomical analysis indicated that the unknown sailor was aged between 22 and 31 when he died, was right-handed, had size 11 feet and was tall for his generation, between 168.2 and 187.8 centimetres (5 ft 6.2 in and 6 ft 1.9 in). Bone isotope analysis showed that he had lived in eastern Australia, probably NSW or Queensland, before enlistment and may have grown up on the coast. The unknown sailor had acquired an unusual feature in both ankle joints, known as squatting facets; these indicated that he was more used to squatting than sitting on chairs.[20] As squatting was unusual at the time in urban, western communities, it was speculated that the man had spent significant time

  • in a rural area of Australia;
  • amongst members of an ethnic group in which squatting was more common than sitting (such as people from Asia or Eastern Europe) and/or
  • involved in a sporting or similar activity that required the ankles to be flexed towards the back of the thighs for prolonged periods.[25]

Attempts to extract a DNA profile from the remains began around 2009, although the results were not published before the Cole Inquiry.[26] Analysis of the partial genetic profile recovered has since suggested that the man had red hair, blue eyes and pale skin, suggesting that he was of European descent. He belonged to a mitochondrial haplogroup, an ancient female line of descent, known as haplogroup J1c12.

The boilersuit and shoe found with the body were, according to evidence provided by the Australian War Memorial, available to ship’s officers, commissioned warrant officers and warrant officers senior enough to have a watch keeping certificate.[27] Tests on the remains of the boilersuit showed that the fabric had never been dyed, was probably white and the press studs were of a type manufactured by Carr Australia Pty Ltd in the 1930s and 1940s. RAN Dress Regulations published in the Navy List of December 1940 do not mention white boilersuits. There is evidence that during the period, boilersuits were a popular working dress among RAN personnel. Many RAN engineer officers wore white boilersuits most of the time and other officers, commissioned warrant officers and warrant officers also wore them. Two former RAN officers recalled being issued with a white boilersuit twice a year, that these were fastened with four or five press studs and that some had press studs at the wrist, while others did not. Dress regulations for December 1940 state that RAN personnel on "foreign" (tropical) stations were issued with a pair of white canvas shoes to be worn only on those stations. While veterans did not recall being issued with them or seeing them worn, photographs of RAN personnel from the period show some of them wearing white canvas shoes. In 2007 it was reported that there was the possiblty that the Unknown sailor was one of three engineering officers.[28] By 2014, the identity of the unknown sailor had been narrowed to fifty members of the crew of Sydney.[29]

See also


  1. Olson, Bitter Victory, p. 329
  2. Olson, Bitter Victory, p. 330
  3. JCFADT, Report on the loss of HMAS Sydney, p. 118
  4. Olson, Bitter Victory, p. 328
  5. Winter, H.M.A.S. Sydney, p. 241
  6. Cole, The Loss of HMAS Sydney II, vol. 2, pp. 324–6
  7. Frame, HMAS Sydney, p. 203
  8. Cole, The Loss of HMAS Sydney II, vol. 2, pp. 323.7
  9. Chase 2006
  10. Olson, Bitter Victory, pp. 328–9
  11. Cole, The Loss of HMAS Sydney II, vol. 2, pp. 328
  12. Cole, The Loss of HMAS Sydney II, vol. 2, pp. 325
  13. Cole, The Loss of HMAS Sydney II, vol. 2, pp. 326
  14. Cole, The Loss of HMAS Sydney II, vol. 2, pp. 327
  15. Olson, Bitter Victory, pp. 329-30.)
  16. Olson, Bitter Victory, pp. 331–2
  17. Cole, The Loss of HMAS Sydney II, vol. 2, pp. 331–2
  18. Mearns, The Search for the Sydney, p. 112
  19. Cole, The Loss of HMAS Sydney II, vol. 2, pp. 332
  20. Cole, The Loss of HMAS Sydney II, vol. 2, pp. 335–6
  21. Mearns, The Search for the Sydney, p. 238
  22. Cole, The Loss of HMAS Sydney II, vol. 2, pp. 323
  23. Cole, The Loss of HMAS Sydney II, vol. 2, pp. 336–9
  24. Billson 2007
  25. Greg Swinden, 2009, "The Long Journey Home: The Story of the Unknown HMAS Sydney Sailor", Headmark: Journal of the Australian Naval Institute, p. 11.
  26. Cole, The Loss of HMAS Sydney II, vol. 2, pp. 356
  27. Cole, The Loss of HMAS Sydney II, vol. 2, pp. 346–351
  28. HMAS Syney Unknown sailor
  29. Smith, Bridie (4 January 2014). "Mystery HMAS Sydney sailor narrowed to one of 50 crew". SMH.com.au (The Sydney Morning Herald). Retrieved 11 January 2014.


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