List of Orthoptera species of Ireland

There are ten species of Orthoptera native to Ireland, seven grasshoppers and three bush-crickets .[1] A further species, the mole cricket, is thought to be extinct.

Common Green Grasshopper (Omocestus viridulus)

Family: Acrididae

Subfamily: Gomphocerinae (slant-faced grasshoppers)

Subfamily: Oedipodinae (bandwings)

Family: Phaneropteridae

Tribe: Barbitistini

Family: Tettigoniidae

Subfamily: Meconematinae

Subfamily: Tettigoniinae

Family: Tetrigidae (pygmy grasshoppers)

Subfamily: Tetriginae

Family: Gryllotalpidae (mole crickets)


  1. "Species Browser". Retrieved 2014-02-05.
  2. A first Irish record of Meconema meridionale (Costa) (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae).Irish Naturalists' Journal Volume 33, Part 2 2014 .
  3. Anderson, R. 1, 1977 Metrioptera Roeselii (Hagenbach) (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) New to Ireland. The Irish Naturalists' Journal, vol. 19, no. 1, 1977, pp. 17.
  • W. D. Hincks, 1949 Handbooks For The Identification of British Insects: Vol. I Part 5 Dermaptera and Orthoptera Royal Entomological Society of London online as pdf

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