List of The Flash characters
The Flash is an American television series developed by Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, and Geoff Johns, based on the DC Comics character the Flash. The series premiered on The CW television network in the United States on October 7, 2014, and is currently in its sixth season. The series is a spin-off from Arrow, a show set in the same fictional universe.

The first season follows police forensic investigator Barry Allen (Grant Gustin), who develops super-speed after he is struck by lightning. He is assisted by S.T.A.R. Labs' Dr. Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker), Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes), and Dr. Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) in his attempts to use his powers for good and solve the murder of his mother by a superhuman attacker. The murder investigation unjustly imprisoned his father (John Wesley Shipp), leaving detective Joe West (Jesse L. Martin), father of his best friend, Iris (Candice Patton), to take in the young Barry. The memory of his mother's murder and his father's framing later motivates Barry to put his personal needs aside and use his powers to fight against those who hurt the innocent, thus, shaping him into the Flash.
The second season sees Barry and his allies dealing with the ramifications of their fight with the Reverse-Flash when a villainous speedster called Zoom (Tony Todd) arrives from the parallel universe, Earth-2, to kill all speedsters in the multiverse. To stop him, they will have to join forces with the Flash of Earth-2, Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears). In the third season, Barry creates another timeline dubbed "Flashpoint" after going back in time to save his mother. When he undoes it, he inadvertently changes the timeline and gives rise to the villain Savitar (Tobin Bell), who seeks to kill him and everyone he loves. With help from Joe's estranged son, Wally West (Keiynan Lonsdale), who becomes the heroic speedster Kid Flash, Barry must find a way to defeat a god-like being.
In the fourth season, after Barry disappears into the Speed Force to stop Savitar, super-genius Clifford DeVoe (Neil Sandilands) lures him back out; creating 12 metahumans as part of a mysterious plot in the process. Though Wally departs to find his own way, Team Flash gain new allies in private detective turned superhero Ralph Dibny / Elongated Man (Hartley Sawyer), district attorney Cecile Horton (Danielle Nicolet), and a mysterious girl who later introduces herself as Barry and Iris' daughter, Nora West-Allen (Jessica Parker Kennedy). In the fifth season, due to Nora coming back in time to help Barry defeat DeVoe, the serial killer Cicada (Chris Klein) was brought into existence years before he was supposed to. Now she must operate alongside her father and his allies as the superhero XS to undo her mistake while also combatting individuals armed with meta-tech created by DeVoe's defeat.
In the sixth season, just after Team Flash loses Nora, they learn from a multiversal being called the Monitor (LaMonica Garrett) that Barry must die in an impending Crisis so billions can live. While making preparations for this, they must also deal with threats from bloodthirsty doctor Ramsey Rosso (Sendhil Ramamurthy), the criminal organization Black Hole, and quantum engineer Eva McCulloch (Efrat Dor). To help them, the team gain allies in scientist Chester P. Runk (Brandon McKnight) and former metahuman criminal Allegra Garcia (Kayla Compton).
The following is a list of characters who have appeared in the television series. Many of the characters appearing in the series are based on DC Comics characters.
- Legend
- = Main cast (credited)
- = Recurring cast (4+)
- = Guest cast (1-3)
Main characters
Barry Allen / Flash
Bartholomew Henry "Barry" Allen (portrayed by Grant Gustin; season 1–present) is the main protagonist of the series. He is an awkward assistant crime-scene investigator (CSI) for the Central City Police Department (CCPD) who moonlights as the Flash. Barry is traumatized as a child (portrayed by Logan Williams) when his mother, Nora, is murdered by the Reverse-Flash. His father, Henry, is framed for the crime. Joe West becomes Barry's adopted father, and Barry tries to discover what happened that night. He first appears in Arrow, personally investigating a superhuman-related crime in Starling City. Barry is a fan of the Arrow's exploits and learns Oliver Queen is the vigilante; they become good friends. Sometime after Barry returns to Central City, he is struck in his laboratory by lightning which was affected by dark matter from the explosion of the S.T.A.R. Lab's particle accelerator.
In season one, Barry awakens from a nine-month coma and finds himself with superhuman speed. He uses his new powers to fight crime and hunt other metahumans in Central City as a masked superhero known as the Flash while he tries to identify his mother's murderer. He reveals his feelings for his childhood friend Iris West, complicating a friendship with Eddie Thawne. Barry learns from a 2024 newspaper in the Time Vault at S.T.A.R. Labs that he may eventually marry Iris. He becomes good friends with Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow, and his idol and mentor Dr. Harrison Wells on missions. Although Wells advises Barry on how to adapt and increase his powers, Barry becomes suspicious of Wells, especially his knowledge on speed is much greater than the scientist should know, and eventually learns his mentor is Eobard Thawne (a.k.a. Reverse-Flash) in disguise. After Wells is unmasked, Barry is told about Thawne's plan to use the Flash's speed and the particle accelerator to generate a portal to the future (allowing Barry to return to the night of Nora's murder to prevent). Barry travels back in time, but is warned by his older self not to interfere. As a result, he lets time run its natural course but uses his time-traveling to say a final goodbye to Nora before passing away. Barry returns to the present and fights with the Reverse-Flash, stopping him from returning to the future. Although Barry is almost killed, Eddie sacrifices himself to destroy Thawne. This creates a miniature black hole, which Ronnie Raymond stops with his own life.
In season two, Barry is reclusive after Eddie and Ronnie's deaths, until a near-death experience convinces him to work with his friends again. He discovers his former mentor's recorded confession of Nora's murder that clears Henry of all charges, with Barry inheriting S.T.A.R. Labs' fortune and resources. Though rich, Barry chooses to continue working for CCPD while using Wells' money to fund his and his allies' activities. Barry and his team soon learn of the multiverse when metahumans from Earth-2 target him under orders from Zoom, receiving aid from Dr. Harrison "Harry" Wells of Earth-2. Barry struggles with his choice to not save Nora and his hatred of Eobard, gradually accepting Harry as a friend upon learning that Harry is trying to save Jesse Wells. The group are aided by Jay Garrick before they learn that the Flash of Earth-2 is actually a time remnant clone of Hunter Zolomon (a.k.a. Zoom) stealing Barry's Speed Force to cure a terminal illness. After sacrificing his powers to save Wally West from Zoom, Harry helps Barry recreate the events which gave him his speed, but Barry disappears into the Speed Force as it helps him move on from Nora's death. After returning and defeating Zoom's army, Barry is forced to watch Henry's death at Zolomon's hands in his childhood home. He avenges his father by luring the Time Wraiths to Zolomon to be dragged into the Speed Force while being transformed into the Black Flash. After freeing the real Jay Garrick (Henry's Earth-3 counterpart), Barry goes back in time to avert Nora's death without considering the consequences.
In season three, Barry creates the new "Flashpoint" timeline in which he is no longer the Flash. In this timeline, Barry is a CSI without any connection to the West family. Barry's memories are overwritten by the new timeline along with losing his powers, forcing Barry to release the Reverse-Flash in order to restore the timeline. Barry learns his actions have made vast differences to the timeline and he goes back in time again in an attempt to further restore the original timeline. Garrick stops Barry and convinces him to live with his mistakes from creating the "Flashpoint" timeline. As Barry accepts Wally's transition into Kid Flash, Barry struggles with the temptation to use his powers for personal gain. His struggles worsen upon learning Savitar's identity is a time remnant clone of a future version of himself. After his rogue time remnant is killed, Barry takes Savitar's place in the Speed Force prison to atone for causing the events to have occurred. He appoints Wally as the new Flash before taking his leave.
In season four, Barry stranded in the Speed Force for six months until being freed after Cisco builds a device mimicking his essence so that it can take his place there. Initially, he apparently lost his sanity due to his time spent in the Speed Force. But after Iris is kidnapped by a Samuroid sent by a mysterious party, Barry rescues Iris and his health is restored. He claims that has no memories of his initial madness. Barry and the team later realize that the party who sent the Samuroid is stalking them and had strategically manipulated events surrounding Barry's return, creating twelve new metahumans in order to challenge them for a yet-to-be-known purpose. Barry discovers the culprit is Clifford DeVoe aka the Thinker. After defeating the invaders from Earth-X, Barry and Iris are married by John Diggle. However, DeVoe frames Barry for murder shortly afterwards; not wanting to risk compromising his loved ones and allies by revealing his secrets, Barry allows himself to be sentenced to life imprisonment at Iron Height Penitentiary by Judge Hankerson, staying in his late-father's cell. A month later, Ralph Dibny uses shapeshifting power to impersonate DeVoe and help clear Barry of all charges. Through his imprisonment, Barry learns that DeVoe needs to steal the bus metahumans' powers for his scheme. Barry is forced to take a leave of absence from the CCPD because of lingering suspicions and becomes a private investigator under Ralph. Barry also discovers he could lend his speed to people in near proximity, therefore letting them to enter his Flashtime.
In season five, Barry returns to the CCPD after Team Flash is able to prove the Thinker's existence, but is left dealing with a new unexpected problem when his daughter Nora West-Allen arrives from the future, wanting to change the events that lead to Barry's disappearance in the future. But because of his Flashpoint experience, Barry fears that Nora is making the same mistake as he did. Barry also facing the threat of metahuman serial killer Cicada inadvertently created by Nora's time traveling actions, therefore proves that his future daughter could potentially be a danger to everyone owing to the irresponsibility despite Nora's intentions; this fear is validated when Barry and Iris learn Nora's allegiance with Eobard Thawne. After briefly imprisoned Nora in the pipeline, Barry sends his daughter back home out of distrust. He later forgives her following a talk with Iris. After Cicada is defeated, Barry and Iris are devastated to find out that the new timeline has erased Nora. The two of them view a video that she left in her book thanking her for allowing her to experience being a superhero. The Time Vault newspaper about the upcoming crisis changes from 2024 to 2019.
In season six, Barry and Iris remain hurt by the loss of Nora despite their anticipation that a version of her might be born in their future. Barry learns that crisis has coming sooner. He starts prepares the team for a life without him while trying to stop Caitlin's colleague Ramsey Rosso from infecting Central City with his mutated blood powers with him getting controlled by him before his friends saved him. During the Crisis, Barry learns that he doesn't have to die as the Flash of Earth-90 sacrifices himself in his place. Following the Crisis, Barry finds that the Spectre's abilities that enabled him to enter the Speed Force have infected it. He works with Cisco and Nash to find a way to create a new Speed Force before he runs out of his super-speed while trying to save Iris from the mirrorverse and stop Eva McCulloch.
- Gustin also plays his character's Earth-2 non-metahuman doppelgänger (a CSI at the CCPD and Ph.D. graduate who is married to Iris),[3] and a version of the Flash from an alternate 2024 who was broken from his battles against Savitar.
Gustin also portrays Savitar (voiced by Tobin Bell in his exosuit and Andre Tricoteux in the character's initial portrayal), a temporal duplicate of Barry from a possible future (created due to a bootstrap paradox) and season three's main antagonist.[4] The time remnant, shunned by Team Flash, would name himself after the Hindu god of motion while establishing himself as the first metahuman in recorded history by using a powered exoskeleton and the Philosopher's Stone to enhance his abilities. As he is a clone of Barry's possible future self, Savitar is essentially what Barry would be if he gave into his dark impulses. Following his imprisonment in the Speed Force after a battle with the Flash in the 2020s, Savitar takes advantage of Barry's post-Flashpoint paradox to regain his freedom and cement his existence by killing Iris so that Barry would be in the right state of mind to ensure his creation. After H.R. Wells of Earth-19 averts Iris's death, Savitar makes two final attempts to preserve his existence, but is defeated by Team Flash and killed by Iris. His body fades from existence.
Iris West-Allen
Iris Ann West-Allen (portrayed by Candice Patton; season 1–present) is the daughter of detective Joe West and the wife of Barry Allen. She is based on the DC Comics character of the same name.
In season one, Iris is a barista studying journalism through Barry's persuasion initially finding it boring and eventually starts a public blog on "The Streak". She becomes an investigative reporter for the Central City Picture News through her blogging fame. Iris, fascinated by the Flash, wants to learn more about him. She begins dating her father's partner, Eddie Thawne, while Barry is in a coma. When Barry admits his feelings about her, she is conflicted. She later confesses her love for Barry, but he goes back in time and negates the events of that day. Iris learns that Barry is the Flash after he saves her from Reverse-Flash. She feels betrayed by Barry for keeping secrets and further upset at her father for conspiring with him. Iris chooses Eddie, and she and Barry decide to let things proceed between them naturally. However, Eddie kills himself to prevent Reverse-Flash from being born.
In season two, Iris becomes more involved with the S.T.A.R. Labs team. She encourages Barry to pursue a relationship with Patty Spivot. Iris learns that her mother is terminally ill and gave birth to a son, Wally, after abandoning her family. She tells her father about Wally, and they meet him at Christmas. Iris forgives her mother on her deathbed and bonds with Wally after she saves his life. She accepts Eddie's death after seeing his video message (recorded by Barry when he is time-traveling) in which he tells her how happy she makes him. Iris reconsiders a relationship with Barry after he breaks up with Patty, and professes her love to him near the end of the season.
In season three, during the Flashpoint timeline, Iris assists Wally who fights crime as the Flash and no idea who Barry is. In the reset timeline, Iris reconciles with Joe after Barry reveals the changes. Iris and Barry begin their romantic relationship, but she wonders if she really is needed. Barry reassures her, saying that there would be no Flash without her. Iris and Barry become engaged after an encounter with Music Meister. An alternate future Iris is killed by Savitar, but Barry tries to prevent her murder. Ultimately, H.R. takes her place for Savitar to kill which changes the future. She, along with Barry, tries to talk down Savitar, another version of Barry, but he continues his plan and attacks Barry when it is foiled. Iris shoots Savitar through the back to save Barry.
In season four, Iris takes on a leadership role with S.T.A.R. Labs, working with Cisco and Wally when Barry is in the Speed Force. She was adamantly against bringing Barry back from the Speed Force thinking he was dead. After Barry returns with the help of Cisco and Caitlin, Barry and Iris' church wedding is interrupted by Earth-X invaders, and Barry and Iris are married by John Diggle. However, the DeVoes frame Barry for murder shortly after, leading Barry's friends to try to prove his innocence.
In season five, Iris and Barry meet their future daughter Nora. Iris learns that her future self implanted a power dampener into Nora since infancy to hide her powers. She also discovers her future self, despite being a good mother, hid the fact that Nora's father was the Flash from her. This leads to Nora having a negative perception of her mother out of anger and Iris is guilt-ridden by her counterpart's dishonesty. Iris wants to have a relationship with Nora and to avoid becoming the woman that the latter knew in the future. Following the defeat of Cicada, Iris and Barry are devastated to find out that the new timeline has erased Nora. The two of them view a video that she left in her book thanking her for allowing her to experience being a superhero. Unbeknownst to the couple, the changes of the timeline also causes the newspaper article about the "Crisis" in 2024 that Iris's future self wrote to change, advancing the event to occur in 2019. With Barry's supports and finances, Iris has founded her own newspaper company, The Central City Citizen.
- Patton also portrays her character's Earth-2 doppelgänger, a detective for the CCPD who is married to Barry.[3] Mourning her father, Iris is comforted after she helps Team Flash deal with Zoom.
Mirror Iris
In season six, Iris and Barry remain hurt by the loss of Nora despite their anticipation that a version of her might be born in their future. Keeping her promise to Nora, Iris vows to support her yet-to-be born daughter to become XS in Nora's memory. She also struggles of keeping her company running, and has hired photographer Kamilla Hwang and metahuman reporter intern Allegra Garcia. Iris was later dragged into the Mirrorverse by Eva McCulloch who creates a mirror clone of Iris to do her bidding. Iris later finds out about Eva's plot and starts to suffer from neuro dissonance. After learning of Eva's plot as she made her way back to the real world, Iris is told that the real Kamilla and David Singh are in the Mirrorverse. Iris manages to find Kamilla as the neuro dissonance starts to worsen on her. She states that they need to find the real Singh. When she does find where Singh is, Iris suddenly disappears in front of Kamilla.
Caitlin Snow / Killer Frost / Frost

Dr. Caitlin Snow (portrayed by Danielle Panabaker; season 1–present) is a bioengineer who works at S.T.A.R. Labs and is the daughter of scientists Thomas Snow and Carla Tannhauser. She is based on the DC Comics character of the same name.
In season one, she provides the medical support for Barry Allen's team. Caitlin grieves her fiancé Ronnie Raymond,[5] who she lost in the particle accelerator explosion. After embracing her loss, she becomes more compassionate and kind. She discovers that Ronnie survived and merged with Professor Martin Stein into the metahuman Firestorm. Caitlin convinces Stein to let her team help separate the two, which is successful. Ronnie and Stein leave Central City following an encounter with General Wade Eiling. After Dr. Harrison Wells is exposed as the Reverse-Flash, Caitlin is skeptical until Cisco and Joe find the real Harrison's corpse and discover their mentor's true identity. Ronnie and Caitlin marry when her fiancé returns to help Barry and Oliver Queen against the Reverse-Flash.
In season two, Caitlin is widowed following Ronnie's sacrifice to stop the singularity. She works at Mercury Labs before returning to S.T.A.R. Labs to aid Barry against Zoom. She is not skeptical of Dr. Harrison "Harry" Wells of Earth-2 and begins a romantic relationship with Jay Garrick, the Flash of Earth-2. Caitlin and Harry develop "Velocity-6" to grant temporary speed, once she learns Jay is dying. It is perfected to Velocity-9, which repairs Jay's damaged cells and restores her love interest's speed. Caitlin is devastated when the team discovers Jay is actually Hunter Zolomon a.k.a. Zoom. Hunter abducts Caitlin to bring her to Earth-2. After meeting her doppelgänger Killer Frost and almost getting murdered, Hunter brings Caitlin to Earth-1 to watch Zoom conquer it. Hunter tries to manipulate her into turning evil, believing Caitlin has darkness inside her. Caitlin returns to S.T.A.R. Labs unharmed to aid Team Flash, though afterward she suffers acute stress disorder, seeing visions of Zoom.
In season three, she is a pediatric ophthalmologist in the Flashpoint timeline. In the reset timeline, Caitlin has developed cryokinetic abilities, which she has very little control over. Her lips turn blue and her hair becomes white, which prompts Caitlin to use power cuffs to dampen her powers. Cisco vibes her future as Killer Frost, and Caitlin reveals her powers to the team in which Barry blames himself for her condition afterward. Caitlin uses her powers to rescue Barry from Savitar, which worsens her condition. Her developing powers have psychological effects, which cause her to develop a form of dissociative identity disorder. Despite Julian Albert's efforts, Killer Frost's personality takes over and aligns herself with Savitar after unmasking himself as a time remnant of Barry. Savitar has Killer Frost kill the Black Flash with her powers. However, Caitlin regains control over herself and helps Team Flash against Savitar. Despite Julian and her mother developing a cure for her condition, Caitlin leaves to 'find herself'. In an alternate 2024, Killer Frost is a metahuman prisoner.
In season four, Caitlin helped Cisco bring Barry back from the Speed Force. She has better control of her powers which she can suppress at will. She struggles for control with her Killer Frost personality as a result of taking the cure, which partially worked. Caitlin also has problems with the city's criminal element after working for metahuman criminal Amunet Black when Barry was in the Speed Force. Iris helps both of Caitlin's personalities accept each other. However, Caitlin loses her powers after a fight with Clifford DeVoe who tells her to thaw. Following a fight with Siren-X, Caitlin sees in an analysis that Killer Frost is still in her and works to find a way to bring her out again. In the meantime, she makes use of a cryonic weaponry from Cisco which simulates the use of her lost powers. Amunet theorizes that Caitlin was unable to access Killer Frost due to the placebo effect. Following the defeat of Norvak, Caitlin tells Joe West of this theory and plans to test it out. Later on, Caitlin gets Cisco to help with a memory where it recapped to her that she first turned into Killer Frost at a young age, therefore she has been already a metahuman long before the particle accelerator explosion and Barry's time traveling actions are possibly not responsible for her condition as previously believed.
In season five, as Caitlin works to restore her Killer Frost persona, she discovers that Thomas may still be alive. In addition, Caitlin suspects that her parents secretly are aware of the developments of her cryokinetic powers. Caitlin becomes Killer Frost again during the fight with her father's Icicle form, therefore Caitlin inherited her powers from Thomas; she would be Killer Frost anyway even if Barry resisted temptation of manipulating the timeline. Caitlin received her powers after her father tries to cure her ALS with cryogenic treatments, and his alter-ego named her metahuman persona 'Khione', after a nymph from Greek mythology. After Icicle escapes, Caitlin is shown an analysis where it was revealed that DeVoe used Brain Storm's power and not Melting Pot's power to suppress Killer Frost. She also discovers that, despite being a metahuman, her powers are not originated from the dark matter, and this gives her immunity to Cicada's power dampening dagger due to it can only nullify dark matter-powered metahumans' powers. Using a mental device on her forehead, Caitlin hears Killer Frost's voice as she states that they got a lot of catching up to do. Killer Frost later assists in the fight against the different Cicadas with the second one killing her father.
During the sixth season, Caitlin works to give Killer Frost (who shortens her name to Frost)[6] a chance to explore her own life rather than just bringing her out during moments of crisis, letting Frost control their shared body so that she can explore her own interests. Caitlin is also troubled by her colleague, Ramsey Russo, whose attempts to cure himself of a rare disease causes him to mutate into a dark-matter-empowered monster who nearly takes control of Central City before Barry manages to defeat him. After the Crisis concludes with Barry surviving despite predictions of his death, Caitlin assists him in attempts to find a way to sustain his speed after it is revealed that the events of the Crisis essentially infected the Speed Force with Spectre's energies. Cisco and Ralph find Caitlin suffering from a hypothermic reaction while recuperating from a battle with Sunshine. Once she counters it, Caitlin decides to visit her mother. Frost was unable to go along with this plan, by Ralph was able to persuade her to visit Caitlin's mother. Carla shows up to run a short test on Frost before they leave for the arctic.
- Panabaker also portrays her character's Earth-2 metahuman villainess, known as Killer Frost, the wife of Deathstorm (Ronnie Raymond of Earth-2) and works for Zoom along with Reverb.[3] She did not finish medical school and became a criminal. After the particle accelerator explosion on Earth-2, she develops the powers of cryokinesis as Killer Frost. Her powers turned her hair white and her lips and eyes blue; she is unable to touch anyone without exposing them to absolute sub-zero temperatures and killing them. The only person immune to this is Deathstorm. Initially betraying Zoom's Earth-1 enemies, Caitlin helps them escape from Earth-2. After Zoom murders Deathstorm, Caitlin tries to murder her doppelgänger out of revenge; Zoom kills her for this.
Eddie Thawne

Edward "Eddie" Thawne (portrayed by Rick Cosnett; main season 1; guest seasons 2–3) is a CCPD detective who transferred from Keystone City.
In season one, Eddie is Joe West's partner and Iris West's boyfriend. He is initially jealous because of Barry Allen's childhood bond with Iris. Eddie is suspicious of Barry's true feelings for Iris despite denials, though Barry and Eddie do eventually end up good friends. Eddie teaches Barry how to box, which (in addition to Oliver Queen's trainings) helps Barry be a capable combatant. Eddie initially sees the Flash as a menace and is head of a task force dedicated to the Flash's capture. He changes his perception of the Flash after a near-death experience with the Reverse-Flash. He later learns of Barry's secret identity and helps in an investigation of Harrison Wells as the Reverse-Flash. Eddie also discovers that he's a forefather of Eobard Thawne and that Iris may eventually marry Barry. But after a conversation with Martin Stein, Eddie realizes that the future is not set and chooses to stop the Reverse-Flash by killing himself, dying in Iris's arms while erasing his sociopathic descendant from existence. His body is sucked into a wormhole caused by Eobard's manipulations.
In season two, Eddie briefly appears in a vision as a result of Barry's guilt towards his death, and a memorial is set up in the precinct in his honor. Eddie later appears again when Barry travels back in time to season one's time. Barry makes a video message with Eddie so that Iris can have closure from his death and move on.
In season three, the Speed Force uses Eddie's form to help Barry realize the true meaning of sacrifice.[7]
The character's name is referred on Earth-2 from a list of contacts on a phone at Barry's and Iris's home, implying his Earth-2 doppelgänger's existence.[3]
Cosnett was originally slated to portray Jay Garrick in the pilot before the character was changed to Eddie Thawne.[8]
Cisco Ramon / Vibe

Francisco Baracus "Cisco" Ramon (portrayed by Carlos Valdes; season 1–present) is a mechanical engineering genius who works at S.T.A.R. Labs, also known by the superhero codename Vibe. He is based on the DC Comics character of the same name.
In season one, Cisco is a scientist at S.T.A.R. Labs who has a very relaxed comedic wit as he regularly quotes or alludes to science fiction films and thrillers. He likes to nickname the metahuman villains they face and comes to consider this his own personal privilege. He develops equipment and an arsenal for Barry and his vigilante allies. Cisco forms a friendly bond with Ray Palmer (the Atom) because of their genius intellects, and is an admirer of Dinah Laurel Lance (Black Canary). Cisco is on bad terms with his brother Dante. Despite his close friendship with Barry, Cisco is afraid of the metahumans and fears that his friend may go rogue like his enemies. He develops various measures, including cryonic and heat guns, to counter the Flash's powers, but they are stolen by criminals Leonard Snart and Mick Rory for that very purpose. Although Wells considers him a surrogate son, Wells kills Cisco for discovering Wells' true identity. Barry later resets the timeline. but Cisco retains the memory of his murder and the knowledge of the Reverse-Flash's true identity within his subconscious. Cisco later learns that this is because he was also affected by the particle accelerator's explosion, becoming a metahuman with the ability to see into alternate timelines and realities.
In season two, Cisco is a technical advisor and metahuman task force armorer for the CCPD, building means to counter super-criminals. He frequently works with Joe West. Cisco's metahuman abilities develop further, allowing him to see visions (or vibes) including precognition. He uses his abilities to locate Earth-2 metahumans through touch, though he is not yet in full control of them. Martin Stein is the first to discover his secret. Cisco is forced to reveal his powers to the team because of Harry Wells of Earth-2. Cisco adopts the codename "Vibe" and receives a retrofitted visor that can help him control his powers. He initially struggles to trust Harry due to his experience with Eobard, but he realizes that Harry is not like Eobard. He still cannot get along with Harry due to contrasting personalities, and admits that Eobard was a nicer guy. He briefly dates Kendra Saunders. After encountering his Earth-2 doppelgänger, Reverb, Cisco fears that he, too, is on the path to becoming a villain. However, Cisco works to harness his powers for heroic purposes. Cisco also meets his brother's Earth-2 doppelgänger, Rupture, after Zoom frames him for Reverb's death. After this, Cisco and Dante reconcile. During an encounter with the Black Canary's Earth-2 doppelgänger, Black Siren, Cisco briefly uses a powerful sonic attack against her. He also develops the ability to open portals to parallel universes.
In season three, Cisco is a billionaire tech magnate in the Flashpoint timeline, profiting by his inventions but also secretly helping Flash (Wally West) and Iris. In the reset timeline, Cisco is coming to terms with his brother's death, but his grief worsens when Cisco learns that Barry was inadvertently responsible for Dante's death: Their friendship is strained for a while. However, Cisco and Barry reconcile after Cisco inadvertently alters history for the worse during the Dominators invasion. Cisco starts to use his powers more, but he refuses to utilize their destructive potential as Reverb did. He gains confidence that he is not on the same path as his Earth-2 doppelgänger and builds a prototype suit prior to Dante's death. Cisco's refusal to fully use his powers against Killer Frost gives her a psychological advantage over him. His rejection of his dark side eventually inspires Caitlin to do the same. Cisco shares a budding romance with Cynthia Reynolds (Gypsy), a metahuman bounty hunter from Earth-19. Cisco also struggles to build a friendship with Harrison "H.R." Wells from Earth-19, not because of his experience with Eobard Thawne but because both he and Harry see him as a nuisance. In an alternative version of 2024, Cisco lost his hands, and thus the use of his powers, after the fight with Killer Frost. He replaced them with cybernetic prostheses and became dejected after Savitar's attacks leave Central City without a sense of hope.
In season four, Cisco succeeds in bringing Barry back from the Speed Force, after six months of building a device that mirrors Barry's essence—with help from Felicity, Harry, Caitlin, Tracy, Christina "Tina" McGee, and Curtis Holt. After Barry is sentenced to prison because the DeVoes framed him for murder, Cisco works with Ralph Dibny, who substitutes for the Flash as the Elongated Man. Cisco and Gypsy break up when they realize their careers and lives are keeping them apart.
In season five, Cisco fakes his superhero alter-ego's death after Cicada's attack. He is forced to take a leave from heroics and is temporarily unable to use his powers because traces of energy from Cicada's dagger have nullified them. In time, before his powers are restored, Cisco enjoys being an ordinary individual who relies on his intellect. With Ralph's help, Cisco begins to move on from his break up with Gypsy and sees other people. At the end of the season, Cisco takes the metahuman cure he developed to get rid of his powers so he can have a normal relationship with his new girlfriend Kamilla.
In season six, Cisco has adjusted to civilian life and continues working as a tech expert for S.T.A.R. Labs and Central City Police Department. When Barry looks into the future, he sees Cisco as Vibe; which would later come true during the Crisis, when the Monitor restores his powers so he can help avert it. Following the universe undergoing significant changes as a result of the Crisis, Cisco's depowered state is restored and temporarily leaves Team Flash to catalogue said changes. He was able to find that some of the people they knew are alive and Atlantis is on Earth-Prime. Cisco works with Barry and Nash to find a way to create a new Speed Force. When it comes to finding a component for a perpetual motion machine that can free Iris, Kamilla, and Singh from the Mirrorverse, Cisco states that he saw one like it in Atlantis and departs to obtain it.
- Valdes also portrays his character's Earth-2 doppelgänger, the metahuman villain Reverb, an enforcer for Zoom and wrangler of Killer Frost and Deathstorm. Reverb has more experience and control of his powers than his Earth-1 self; he has been aware of Vibe's existence and powers even before Vibe appears on Earth-2. He can manipulate sonic vibrations to create powerful shock waves of considerable strength, and it is implied that Reverb's power level surpasses both Killer Frost and Deathstorm, because they are intimidated by him. He is killed by Zoom.[3] Reverb's visor technology is obtained by his Earth-1 counterpart following his death, and Harry later uses its components to modify Vibe's own visor.
- Valdes also portrays his character's Earth-19 doppelgänger Echo, a hacker who is responsible for murdering Gypsy. Breacher and his fellow Collectors thought that Cisco was responsible as he and Echo share the same face, but Cisco's able to distract Echo long enough for the Collectors to find out who the real culprit is and trap his villainous doppelgänger so they can arrest him and send him to prison on Earth-19.
Harrison Wells

Harrison Wells (portrayed by Tom Cavanagh; season 1–present) is, on most earths in the Multiverse, the mind and money behind the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator in Central City.
In season one, Eobard Thawne kills Harrison Wells and assumes his identity. He then creates a particle accelerator that releases dark matter energy in Central City, killing several civilians and granting various individuals metahuman abilities, including Barry Allen. Nine months later, Wells, along with Cisco Ramon and Caitlin Snow, helps develop Barry's powers as the Flash and mentors him in pushing his speed to the limit to come up with novel solutions to take down metahuman criminals. Eventually, Thawne is exposed and his plans are foiled when he is erased from existence after his ancestor Eddie Thawne commits suicide, though the Reverse-Flash's existence lingers to preserve the timeline. In season two, Eobard's last will as Harrison Wells contains a recorded confession for Barry that clears Henry of all charges. Thawne reappears in later seasons, still wearing Wells' face.
Season two features the Earth-2 version of Dr. Harrison "Harry" Wells, the father of Jesse Wells. He, like Eobard, used an exploding particle accelerator to create metahumans, including the psychopathic serial killer Hunter Zolomon as the rogue speedster Zoom. Harry refused to take responsibility while making a profit by developing metahuman detector technology. But when Zoom kidnaps Jesse, Harry travels to Earth-1 to assist Barry in the fight against Zoom's metahumans and to locate Jesse. Team Flash, specifically Cisco and Joe, distrust him because of the prior betrayal by Eobard, and Harry himself is mistaken by people, unaware that Eobard's actions ruined his Earth-1 doppelgänger's name and legacy. Harry meets the Reverse-Flash's younger self, suspecting that the encounter between them is what caused Eobard's future actions towards his Earth-1 self and lead Harry to hate Thawne. Harry is extorted by Zoom into developing a device to steal the Flash's speed for Zoom in exchange for his daughter's life, a feat that even the Reverse-Flash had failed to achieve. But Harry confesses to his collaboration with Zoom and gains Barry and Cisco's help rescuing Jesse from Earth-2; Harry and Jesse then seek refuge on Earth-1. After Barry's speed is sacrificed to Zoom to save Wally West, Harry recreates a miniature particle accelerator to help Barry regain these powers. Although the accelerator explosion causes Barry to disappear, and its dark matter affects both Wally and Jesse, Harry eventually locates Barry at the Speed Force; with Cisco and Iris' help, Harry brings Barry back and Barry wakes Jesse from the coma. After Zoom's defeat, Harry and Jesse return to Earth-2 with Jay Garrick, promising to help the Flash of Earth-3 return to his own Earth. Harry returns early in season three after Jesse is revealed to have developed super-speed as a result of the accelerator, but Harry asks the team talk his daughter out of pursuing heroics. After Barry and Jesse are forced to team up, Harry becomes more supportive of it. Harry helps Joe protect Iris after they arrive on Earth-2 to hide from Savitar, but they fail to stop her kidnapping. Harry despises his Earth-19 doppelgänger, H.R. Wells, who he considers a moron, but comes to respect H.R. after learning of his sacrifice for Iris. In season four's season premiere, it is revealed that Harry was one of the scientists who helped Cisco develop a device to take Barry's place in the Speed Force. Harry visits Earth-1 again after an argument with Jesse, and helps the team fight Clifford DeVoe, augmenting his intelligence with dark matter to oppose DeVoe before it is revealed that the use of dark matter damaged his brain. He returns to Earth-2 after DeVoe's defeat, his intelligence restored to a normal human level after further exposure to dark matter.
Season three introduces his Earth-19 counterpart, Harrison "H.R." Wells. H.R. is one of several versions of Harrison Wells that finds the cryptogram sent by Harry through the multiverse and expresses interest in aiding Team Flash. Cisco determines that H.R. is not a scientist; H.R.'s scientist partner at S.T.A.R. Labs, Randolph Morgan, was the one who solved Harry's cryptogram for him. Barry suggests letting H.R. stay a few weeks and he proves his worth by helping form plans and locating super-criminals; like Harry and Eobard, H.R. is a skilled organizer, businessman, and entrepreneur. He trains Wally to be a hero and, after discovering how many criminals breached the facility, strives to transform S.T.A.R. Labs into a museum to maintain Team Flash's cover. Gypsy, an enforcer from Earth-19, arrives to retrieve H.R. on charges of crossing dimensions, but is defeated by Cisco. In the battle against Savitar, H.R. sacrifices himself by disguising himself as Iris and taking her place to be killed by Savitar. In the alternate 2024, H.R. was a successful novelist.
Season five introduces the Earth-221 version in the form of Harrison Sherloque Wells, a detective who has solved cases across the multiverse. He is 'hired' by Team Flash to investigate the mystery of the metahuman serial killer, Cicada, staying on Earth-1 after his initial deductions prove incorrect as Earth-1 Cicada has a different secret identity compared to the other versions Sherloque had previously captured. During his stay, he becomes suspicious of Nora West-Allen, and secretly investigates the young speedster; discovering her allegiance with his Earth-1 doppelgänger's impostor and killer Eobard Thawne in the process. Sherloque has married the Renee Adlers of various Earths in the multiverse and eventually starts dating the Earth-1 version of her. He sends the Earth-1 Renee to his Earth to keep her safe from Cicada. After Cicada is defeated, Sherloque returns to his Earth to seek out Renee.
Season six introduces Harrison Nash Wells, a tech-wielding adventurer and "myth buster" from an unspecified Earth who's come to Earth-1 to find a substance called "eternium" as well as track the Monitor so he can expose him as a false god. He doesn't seem to enjoy company as he sees the Council of Wells as "jerks", initially refused to work with Team Flash, and believes putting faith in others is too dangerous. Despite this, he was willing to offer his services to them in exchange for a device he claims only Cisco can build before quickly going off on his own once more. He would later begrudgingly work with Team Flash after they offer to help him, and claim he can save Barry from his prophesied death in the upcoming Crisis. Through their help, he's uncovered a wall that he says protects a portal the Monitor uses to hide out that Barry can't phase through due to it being laced with traces of eternium. Moments before Crisis takes place, Nash uncovers a wall covered in symbols before a voice offers him unlimited knowledge and power in exchange for worshiping it. Though he initially refuses, Nash ultimately relents after the voice appears to save him and is pulled into the second wall. When the Crisis begins, Nash reveals he was manipulated by the Anti-Monitor, who used him in his plot to destroy the multiverse. As a result of freeing the malevolent being, Nash was enslaved by him and transformed into a "Pariah"; cursed to bear witness to the multiverse's destruction as penance. Despite this, he was able to ensure the safety of seven heroes capable of stopping the Anti-Monitor before the god-like being succeeded. Once the Anti-Monitor is defeated and the multiverse is restored, Nash is restored to his pre-Crisis self, though he is later given his memories as Pariah so he'll never forget what he did.
Other versions of Wells appear in the episode "The New Rogues": a gunslinger variant named "Hell's Wells", a steampunk-styled scientist from Earth-17, and a French mime.
During the fourth-season episode, "When Harry Met Harry...", Harry creates the "Council of Wells", which consists of the smartest versions of himself from across the multiverse: Harrison Wolfgang Wells, a German author and scientist from Earth-12; H. Lothario Wells, a billionaire playboy from Earth-47; and Wells 2.0., a cyborg from Earth-22. Also shown is a wizard variant named "Wells the Grey" from Earth-13.
During a later fourth-season episode, "Harry and the Harrisons", Cisco creates the "Council of Harrisons" (consisting of the most empathetic versions of Wells from across the multiverse) to comfort Harry while he was losing his intelligence: Lothario Wells (who had been expelled from the Council of Wells), the Italian Sonny Wells of Earth-24, and the French poet H.P. Wells of Earth-25.
Harrison Wells is an original character created for the series while Eobard Thawne is based on the DC Comics character of the same name.[9]
Joe West

Joseph "Joe" West (portrayed by Jesse L. Martin; season 1–present) is a CCPD detective, father of Iris and Wally West, and legal guardian to Barry Allen following Nora Allen's death and Henry Allen's incarceration.[10]
In season one, he is one of the few who knows Barry's secret; reluctantly becoming his partner against metahuman criminals. Joe also gives Barry advice on his feelings for Iris. He also assists in Barry's attempts to prove Henry innocent and secretly investigate Wells after becoming suspicious of his intentions. Joe and the team ultimately discover Wells' true identity and defeat him.
In season two, Joe becomes head of CCPD's metahuman task-force along with Cisco and Patty Spivot. He relies on Cisco's inventions to deal with the super criminals and becomes a father figure to them both. Joe also struggles with the relationship he has with his estranged wife Francine who, unbeknownst to him, gave birth to their son Wally after she left the family. He is initially distraught and unsure of how to be a father to Wally, but later becomes close to him.
In the beginning of season three, Joe became an alcoholic who's uncommitted to his job and estranged from his children in the Flashpoint timeline. Barry undoes it, Joe and Iris clash over him never telling her her mother was alive. However, they reconcile after Barry reveals the timeline changes. Joe fears for Wally's life after discovering his son has dreams of being Kid Flash. After Wally becomes a speedster, however, Joe eventually accepts his son's destiny. He begins to move on from his widowhood by dating district attorney Cecile Horton.
In season four, Joe learns that Cecile is pregnant with his child. While this causes them to experience a midlife crisis, they eventually overcome it together. When Barry is incarcerated at Iron Heights, Joe does everything he can to help prove his innocence. By the end of the season, Cecile successfully delivers their daughter, whom they name Jenna.
Prior to the shooting of season five's premiere, Martin suffered a back injury during the summer hiatus. After shooting scenes for a few episodes involving his character sitting or lying down, he took a medical leave of absence from the show,[11] during which the character was explained as taking a leave of absence from police work to visit family members, including Wally in Cambodia, or simply to spend quality time with Jenna. Martin eventually recovered and returned to the show before the season finale.[12] In the season five finale, Joe takes over as the new Captain of CCPD when David Singh is promoted to the Chief of Police.
In season six, Joe starts to investigate Joseph Carver. Following the different attacks by Rag Doll where one had Sunshine sprung from police custody and another had Cecile's life threatened, Joe enters the witness protection program until further notice. Barry visited Joe and informed him about what Eva did to Iris. Following the death of Joseph Carver, Joe is released from the witness protection program.
Wally West / Kid Flash

Wallace "Wally" West (portrayed by Keiynan Lonsdale; main seasons 2–4; guest season 5–present) is Iris' unknown brother and Joe's son,[14][15] described as "a bit of a wayward kid who has some attitude problems and some authority issues and is quick with a sassy remark".[16] Based on the DC Comics character of the same name, the character is an amalgamation of his original interpretation and the interpretation that was introduced during DC's The New 52 relaunch.
Wally was born after his mother's abandonment of her family, leading Joe and Iris to be unaware of his existence for eighteen years. Wally first meets his father and sister during a Christmas party shortly before his mother dies, and he struggles to bond with Joe and Iris. He also forms a brotherly bond with Barry Allen, although he is suspicious of Barry's weird behavior. Formerly a drag racer, Wally is enrolled at the same university Iris attended, majoring in mechanical engineering. After repeatedly being rescued by the Flash, Wally becomes fascinated with the superhero and discovers that his father has a connection with him, but is unaware that he is Barry. He is inspired by both his father and the Flash to help people, and as a result becomes closer to Joe. Later, when Wally and Jesse Wells are locked in the Time Vault at S.T.A.R. Labs, they work together to escape but are accidentally affected by the dark matter released from the attempt to restore Barry's powers; his father and Barry suspect that Wally is turning into a metahuman after the incident. Eventually Wally discovers Barry's secrets when Zoom abducts and kills Barry's father, and fully accepts Barry after he rescues Joe from Zoom.
In the Flashpoint timeline, Wally is the Flash,[17] until he is badly injured by the rogue speedster Rival and Barry and Eobard Thawne reset the timeline. In the post-Flashpoint timeline, Wally struggles to become a speedster after witnessing Jesse becoming one. After Alchemy seeks Wally out, Wally learns of his alternate life and uses the villain's device to gain his speed. Wally then becomes a speedster after Caitlin stabilizes his metamorphosis, and he is eager to join Barry as his partner, Kid Flash, to both his father and sister's concerns. Wally also assists Cisco due to his background in mechanical engineering. Barry gradually appreciates Wally's supports and asking Wally's help to save Iris from Savitar. Though H.R. saves Iris instead after he sacrifices himself, Wally and Jay Garrick join Barry in the final battle to defeat Savitar. After Barry chooses to take Savitar's place in the Speed Force to stabilize it, he appoints Wally to be his successor as the Flash. In the alternate 2024, Wally sought revenge against Savitar shortly after Iris' murder but was rendered paraplegic and catatonic after the fight.
In season four, Wally leaves Central City for Blue Valley on a mission of self-discovery after Jesse breaks up with him.[18] He later returned for his sister's wedding. He resumes his journey though, reaching China before being recruited by Rip Hunter to join the Legends in their fight against Mallus. Following the fight with the Thinker, Wally attends the party that follows the birth of his father's new daughter with Cecile Horton, and is delighted of having a younger sibling. He tells his father about his battle to save the universe from Mallus and how he is working not to be in Barry's shadow, showing Joe his confidence as a hero.
In season five, Wally briefly helps Team Flash with keeping Nora in the present and taking down Gridlock. After some encouragement from his father and the rest of the team. He leaves Central City to continue his mission of self-discovery.
In season six, Wally is revealed to have joined the peace corps, he also warns Barry about the Speed Force dying.
Lonsdale decides that he will not be returning full-time on season five, due to his desire to seek other acting opportunities.[19]
It was always intended for Wally to be the son of Joe and brother of Iris, which differs from the character's comic history, as the producers felt it "weird" for second seasons of television series to introduce previously unmentioned cousins of established characters.[15] Keiynan Lonsdale originally auditioned for Legends of Tomorrow to portray Jefferson "Jax" Jackson.[20]
Clifford DeVoe / Thinker
Clifford DeVoe (portrayed by Neil Sandilands; season 4) is a metahuman with superhuman intelligence, who seeks to fix all that he deems wrong with humanity as the Thinker and season four's main antagonist.[21] Prior to his appearance, he was alluded to in season three by Abra Kadabra and Savitar as a powerful future adversary. Originally a mild-mannered professor who dreamed of expanding the way people think, Clifford DeVoe used the "thinking cap" his engineer wife Marlize DeVoe built on his specifications and powered it with the dark matter wave from the S.T.A.R. Labs explosion to boost his intelligence. It eventually rendered him paraplegic and with an advanced form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Marlize developing a hoverchair to delay the affliction as he developed a god complex. Having deduced Barry's imprisonment in the Speed Force, the Thinker orchestrated events that to force the Flash's return while arranging the creation of twelve new metahumans on the bus directly exposed to the resulting dark matter wave. He then hunted them to acquire their powers for his own, being steps ahead of Team Flash as he used them to capture Kilg%re and Becky Sharpe and induct Ralph Dibny into their group while he personally captures the Weeper. Barry soon learns of DeVoe's existence, the villain accepting the "Thinker" moniker Vibe invented while continuing to be steps ahead of the group.
Using Amunet Black to acquire Dominic Lanse, DeVoe transfers his consciousness into the metahuman's body (Kendrick Sampson) to acquire his telepathy while using his lifeless original body to frame Barry for murder. This ultimately plays to his plan in causing an Iron Heights Prison breakout, acquiring Becky's body (Sugar Lyn Beard) and luck manipulation along with the powers of Kilg%re, Black Bison, and Dwarfstar while killing Warden Wolfe to Marlize's horror. This is the start of his personality changing for the worst as, showing indifference upon learning that Barry is exonerated, DeVoe places an extract of Weeper's tears in his wife's drink to make her more obedient. He later transfers his mind into the body of Izzy Bowin (Miranda MacDougall) to acquire her powers, leaving only Ralph and four more metahumans to capture. After proceeding to take the powers of Edwin Gauss (Arturo Del Puerto) as well as Melting Point and Null, DeVoe manipulates events that lead to him taking Elongated Man's body and thawing Caitlin Snow's Killer Frost form. He then uses Elongated Man's powers to shape his body into his own so that his wife can now love all of him. After raiding an A.R.G.U.S. facility, DeVoe begins to put his Enlightenment Satellite plan into action. With help from Marlize, his plot is thwarted while his host regains control of his body when Barry's conscience enters the Thinker's mind to help fight off, during which DeVoe's good side manifests as a corpse, showing that he was truly beyond redemption. With his original body dead and Marlize having destroyed every known means he has to sustain his survival, DeVoe no longer exists.
However, the Thinker's Enlightenment satellite plays a part in the origin of Cicada and the Meta-Tech which causes any item to grant anyone metahuman abilities.
Cecile Horton
Cecile Horton (portrayed by Danielle Nicolet; main season 5–present; guest season 1; recurring seasons 3–4) is the Central City district attorney and a close friend of Joe West. She would give occasional legal advice to Joe in season one.
Cecile and Joe begin a romantic relationship in season three and expect a child in season four. When Barry is framed for the murder of Clifford DeVoe, Cecile acts as his defense attorney and tries to prove his innocence. After Barry is sentenced to life at Iron Heights without possibility of parole, Cecile helps Iris work on an appeal which works when Elongated Man poses as DeVoe, claiming that he woke up in the morgue. During her pregnancy, she becomes a metahuman with telepathic and empathetic powers.
In season five, Nicolet is promoted to series regular.[22] She and Singh later discover that Officer Jones sold out some metahumans to Cicada and have him fired and arrested.
In season six, after Cecile witnesses the discrimination metahumans face from the city's infrastructure because of their powers and realizes the political restrictions as district attorney, she decides to resign from her position to become a defense attorney for metas in order to work more closely with them.
Cecile is loosely based upon the comic book character of the same name, the attorney that defended the Silver Age Flash during his trial for the murder of Professor Zoom. She first appeared in The Flash #332 (Apr 1984).[23]
Ralph Dibny / Elongated Man
Ralph Dibny (portrayed by Hartley Sawyer; main season 5–6;[24] recurring season 4) is a metahuman with the ability to stretch his body to superhuman lengths and sizes.[25][26]
In season one, Ralph's name was referred by Eobard Thawne of him being one of the victims killed by the particle accelerator explosion prior to the timeline change in season three. Dibny was a CCPD detective until Barry testified against him for tampering with evidence.
It is later revealed in season four that Dibny committed perjury out of a misguided sense of justice rather than a desire for personal gain: he feared a suspect would get away with murder, and thus planted fake evidence. Dibny then became a shady private detective specializing in infidelity cases. He was on the bus that was exposed to dark matter energy and became a metahuman and ally to Team Flash. After Barry is framed by Clifford DeVoe for murder and sentenced to life at Iron Heights without possibility of parole, Ralph substitutes Barry as Central City's new superhero Elongated Man, to continue Team Flash's fight against DeVoe and other criminals while working to free Barry. Posing as Clifford DeVoe, he appears before Judge Hankerson during Cecile and Iris' appeal, claiming that someone knocked him out and made him look dead. This statement convinces Judge Hankerson to exonerate Barry. Elongated Man's body is later taken over by the Thinker who stretches it into his own image. During the final battle with the Thinker, Elongated Man regains control of his body and helps defeat him.
In season five, Ralph begins an investigation into Caitlin's childhood past, and helps Team Flash against the serial killer Cicada. Ralph is the first to figure out Eobard Thawne's master plan, which earns him the praise of detective Sherloque Wells, who dubs him Team Flash's new master detective upon leaving Earth-1.
In season six, Ralph is hired to find a woman named Susan Dearbon by her parents, resulting in him traveling around the world to find her. In his encounters with her, Ralph learned from her that Black Hole is extoring her parents as she gives him a diamond that contains the information that he needs. While partially talking Sue out of taking revenge on Joseph Carver after the Black Hole storehouse was incinerated by David Singh's mirror duplicate, she does help Elongated Man, Allegra Garcia, and Nash Wells fight Doctor Light, Sunshine, and Ultraviolet until Eva calls them off upon Carver's death. Ralph later visits Sue at where she's been hiding out and shows her an article where Eva pinned the blame of Carver's death on her.
Nora West-Allen / XS

Nora West-Allen (portrayed by Jessica Parker Kennedy; main season 5; recurring season 4) is introduced as a mysterious girl with super-speed.[27] She is first seen at the wedding of Barry Allen and Iris West and later interacts with each member of Team Flash throughout the fourth season, secretly helping Barry stop the Thinker's falling satellite at the end of the season. Afterwards, she appears at the party welcoming the daughter of Joe West and Cecile Horton, revealing herself as Barry and Iris' daughter from the future and stating that she has made a big mistake. While using her super-speed, she initially has both yellow lightning similar to Barry and purple lightning similar to Iris when she was briefly a speedster.[28]
Nora grew up without her father, while also not knowing that he was the Flash. She eventually begins working as a CSI like her father. After being struck by the villain Godspeed's lightning, Nora discovers she had a power dampening chip implanted into her in her infancy, which hid her speedster powers. This revelation, combined with Nora finding out the truth about her father, drives a wedge between her and her mother with Nora believing that she robbed her of the choice to pursue heroics. Nora seeks out Eobard Thawne at Iron Heights' death row, not knowing that he killed her paternal grandmother, and he eventually agrees to begin training her in her newfound powers. Becoming a superhero, she chooses the codename XS from her mother's nickname for her, owing to her tendency to do things in excess, and takes her mother's old purple jacket from Iris's short tenure as a speedster as a part of her costume. Thawne teaches Nora how to travel back in time so she could meet her father before his disappearance. In the present, Nora begins working alongside her parents, hunting Cicada as part of Team Flash. She bonds with both of her parents, while also secretly reporting back to Thawne at regular intervals. When she finds out the truth about Thawne, she briefly questions her partnership with him but chooses to continue. Though Nora spends months in the past, all of her interactions with Thawne take place within the same day in 2049.
Eventually, Sherloque Wells, who has been suspicious about Nora from the start, uncovers the truth about Nora and Thawne and forces her to come clean to her parents. Barry is particularly hurt by the revelation and sends Nora back to her time, warning her not to time travel again. However, Nora wants to finish the hunt for Cicada and asks Thawne to teach her how to tap into the Negative Speed Force to time travel without being detected by her father. Nora succeeds in tapping into the Negative Speed Force, which turns her lightning red, and returns to 2019. She teams up with the criminals Brie Larvan, Rag Doll and Weather Witch to steal a gun capable of destroying Cicada's dagger. After the others turn on Nora, she is saved by Barry, Iris, and Joe. Nora makes amends with her parents with Barry agreeing to use her and Thawne's plan to destroy the dagger, especially with Iris since remaining angry with her would be hypocritical as she also kept secrets. After the dagger is destroyed, Team Flash fights the released Thawne. Nora, corrupted by the Negative Speed Force, is about to kill Thawne but is stopped by her parents. A new timeline begins to push itself through, threatening to erase Nora. She refuses to return to the Negative Speed Force to save herself as it would corrupt her even further and is erased from existence. They find a video in Nora's diary where she thanks them for helping her see what it is like to be a superhero.
Later, in season six, Nora's message to her parents is destroyed by the Monitor in an attempt to dissuade Barry from fighting his predestined fate. Her parents, while anticipating that a version of her would be born one day, have difficulty coping with the realization that it would not be the same Nora. The two honor their daughter by recovering her speedster jacket.
Orlin Dwyer / Cicada

Cicada (portrayed by Chris Klein; main season 5) is the main antagonist of season five.[29][30]
Orlin Dwyer gets his abilities after being struck by a fragment of the Thinker's satellite, with the same incident leaving his niece Grace in a coma. Dwyer turns the fragment into a dagger that is capable of nullifying metahuman powers and which he has telekinetic control of. Having lost his sister (Grace's mother) in an earlier metahuman incident, combined with the Thinker's worldwide assault, leads to Dwyer developing anti-metahuman sentiment and he vows to exterminate all metahumans, including himself once he is finished. Dwyer appears throughout the fifth season, attacking and killing metahumans, with Team Flash dubbing him "Cicada". Secretly, Dwyer is aided by Dr. Ambres, who looks after not only him, but also Grace.
When it is discovered that Grace has also become a metahuman, Dwyer agrees to take the metahuman cure developed by S.T.A.R. Labs as it could also be used to cure Grace. After Dwyer has lost his powers, a new Cicada attacks S.T.A.R. Labs and abducts him; later revealing herself as an adult Grace, who has traveled back in time to finish her uncle's mission. Having had a change of heart, Dwyer tries to get Grace to abandon her plan, which leads to her killing him. While dying in Flash's arms, Dwyer tells him to save Grace. When Nora West-Allen enters Grace's mind in the season finale to convince her to take the metahuman cure, she is met by two Orlins; one that tries to kill her and another who supports her. Eventually the good side of Orlin and Nora manage to convince Grace to abandon her anti-metahuman feelings and take the cure, resulting in a new timeline upon the destruction of Cicada's dagger that erases adult Grace and Nora.
Mar Novu / Monitor
Monitor (portrayed by LaMonica Garrett; main season 6; guest season 5) is a Multiversal being who uses the Book of Destiny to test Earths to see if they are capable of facing an upcoming crisis. Notably, he destroys Earth-90 and gives the Book of Destiny to John Deegan to test Earth-1's heroes. Based on the DC Comics character Monitor.
In season six, Monitor appears before Barry Allen and Iris West-Allen stating that Flash will make the "ultimate sacrifice" in the upcoming "crisis", adding that in order for billions to survive, the Flash must die. He is finally killed during the Crisis by Lyla Michaels possessed by Mobius / The Anti-Monitor. He is restored to life with the reboot of the Multiverse at the end of the Crisis, shown alive in the year 2040.
Mobius / Anti-Monitor
The Anti-Monitor (portrayed by LaMonica Garrett; main season 6) is a Multiversal Being who plots to destroy all the Earths in the multiverse with his anti-matter powers so that only the anti-matter universe remains.
Eva McCulloch

Eva McCulloch (portrayed by Efrat Dor; main season 6) is a quantum engineer, co-founder of McCulloch Technologies, and the wife of its CEO Joseph Carver. She is based on the DC Comics character Evan McCulloch / Mirror Master and is the main antagonist of the second half of season six.[31]
When the particle accelerator exploded, Eva was knocked into her mirror by its energy and trapped in the "Mirrorverse". After she discovered Carver had used her technology to create the criminal organization, Black Hole, she sought revenge. Over the course of six years, she developed and honed the ability to manipulate mirror shards and travel through reflective surfaces. During her final year in the Mirrorverse, she brought Iris, Kamilla, and Chief Singh in with her and created mirror duplicates of them to help her secure the means to escape safely. Once she escaped, Eva weakened the Flash and coerced Carver's metahumans into joining her before using her abilities to destroy Black Hole's resources, kill Carver, and retake her company. Following this, she went public, claiming that Sue Dearbon had killed Carver after saving her from a crime syndicate that had held her hostage for six years.
Recurring characters
This is a list of recurring actors and the characters they portrayed in multiple episodes, which were significant roles, sometimes across multiple seasons. The characters are listed, in alphabetical order by actor, by the season in which they first appeared.
Ronnie Raymond / Firestorm
Ronnie Raymond / Firestorm (portrayed by Robbie Amell) is an engineer at S.T.A.R. Labs and Caitlin Snow's fiancé, based on the DC Comics character of the same name who is half of the character Firestorm.[5] He is thought to be dead in the particle accelerator explosion, saving the lives of his co-workers. He survived the accident, which merged him with Martin Stein and the F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. transmutation matrix, transforming both of them into one pyrokinetic entity. Though Firestorm is Ronnie's body, it is Stein who remains in control for most of their existence, with Ronnie occasionally taking control for brief moments. They eventually learn to control their shared powers, including an ability to separate themselves at will. Like Caitlin, Cisco, and Stein, Ronnie also becomes good friends with Barry Allen; he and Barry ultimately join forces with Oliver Queen to subdue the Reverse-Flash. Ronnie marries Caitlin. In season two Ronnie dies and sacrifices himself to stop the singularity above Central City. In season three the Speed Force uses Ronnie's form to help Barry realize the true meaning of sacrifice.
Oliver Queen / Green Arrow
Oliver Queen / Green Arrow (portrayed by Stephen Amell[33]) is a former-playboy billionaire and politician who operates as a vigilante in Star City and is a friend of Barry Allen's. He helps Barry in hand-to-hand combat and other skills to turn Barry into a capable combatant with or without powers. Amell stars as the character on Arrow.
- The Earth-2 version of his character died while his father Robert Queen became the Arrow instead.[34] In the Arrow episode "Starling City", Adrian Chase has become the new Green Arrow.
- Amell also portrays Dark Arrow, the Earth-X version of the character.
General Wade Eiling
General Wade Eiling (portrayed by Clancy Brown[35]) is a general with an interest in metahumans, who wants to use them for the U.S. Army, and has a history with S.T.A.R. Labs. Eiling learns of Barry Allen's identity as the Flash, however, Eobard Thawne gives the general to Grodd to be placed under the gorilla's control. After being freed by the Flash, he and Barry form a grudging respect despite their enmity.
Martin Stein
Martin Stein (portrayed by Victor Garber) is a nuclear physicist focused on transmutation, based on the DC Comics character of the same name and is also half of the character Firestorm.[36] He remains in control of Firestorm during the initial merging, though Ronnie Raymond occasionally takes control for brief moments. They learn to control their shared powers, including an ability to separate themselves at will. Professor Stein also subsequently gives Barry Allen and Eddie Thawne some insight on the possibility of time travel and their respective destinies. In season two, Stein becomes a member of Team Flash and the group's scientific advisor following Eobard Thawne's demise. He also discovers Cisco Ramon's secret as a metahuman and encourages him to accept his powers. When it turns out that his body is unstable as a consequence of the combination of the dark matter with Stein's own matrix, Stein gains a new partner in Jefferson "Jax" Jackson. In season three, Stein discovers that he now has a daughter, Lily Stein, due to both Barry's and his own respective time-traveling actions; he never had a child due to his fear of being as neglectful as his father and his past commitments to his work prior to the timeline's reset. In season four, Stein is killed when he tries to escape from Earth-X with Barry and other heroes.
- The Earth-2 version of the character is one-half of the conjoined metahuman criminal Deathstorm. Ronnie does not release Stein or listen to him and he eventually stops talking altogether. He is killed by Zoom alongside Deathstorm.[3]
Nora Allen
Nora Allen (portrayed by Michelle Harrison) is Barry Allen's mother.[37] Although the Reverse-Flash was actually trying to kill the young Barry during the fight with the Flash's future self, Nora became Reverse-Flash's target after young Barry was taken to safety, as he thought such a tragedy would prevent Barry from becoming Flash. Nora also appears as one of the Speed Force manifestations that helps Barry get to terms with her death.
- Harrison voices the Earth-2 version of the character. On this Earth, she remains alive and happy.[3]
- Harrison also portrays the character's Earth-3 counterpart Joan Williams, a scientist married to Jay Garrick. She is based on the DC comics character Joan Garrick.
- Harrison, during seasons 2, 3 and 6, also plays the Speed Force when it takes the form of Nora.
Gregory Wolfe
Gregory Wolfe (portrayed by Anthony Harrison in season one, Richard Brooks in season four)[38] is the corrupt warden of Iron Heights Prison who has connections to Amunet Black.
In season one, Warden Wolfe is first seen taking Barry Allen and Joe West to Jesse James' cell.
In season four, Warden Wolfe oversees the incarceration of Kilgore. When Barry is framed for Clifford DeVoe's "murder" and sentenced to life at Iron Heights without possibility of parole, Warden Wolfe incarcerates him in Henry Allen's former cell. After his hidden camera enables him to figure out that Barry is the Flash, Wolfe has Barry transferred to Iron Heights' metahuman wing. Wolfe is killed by Clifford DeVoe while stealing the abilities of the metahumans that Wolfe was going to sell to Amunet. Mayor Van Buren believes that Wolfe died a hero until Iris' blog exposes his illegal activities. Wolfe is later succeeded by Del Toro.
Mason Bridge
Mason Bridge (portrayed by Roger Howarth) is a reporter at the Central City Picture News who mentors Iris West. He becomes suspicious of Eobard Thawne and finds evidence of Simon Stagg's murder. Mason is killed by the Reverse-Flash and all evidence erased, but his disappearance leads Barry and Joe to discover he was murdered for learning about Thawne. When Iris begins looking into Mason's disappearance, Eddie Thawne covers with a story, but Iris eventually learns the truth.[39]
Linda Park
Linda Park (portrayed by Malese Jow) is a journalist for the Central City Picture News who befriends Iris West and Barry Allen.[40] She briefly dates Barry in season one. The character was originally portrayed by Olivia Cheng in a cameo appearance on the series Arrow.[41]
- Jow also portrays Doctor Light, the Earth-2 version of the character, based on the Kimiyo Hoshi version of the character. She is a thief who is very easily startled and paranoid and willing to do anything to stay out of Zoom's sights, include attempting to murder so that she can takeover her doppelgänger's life.[42][43]
Eobard Thawne / Reverse-Flash
Eobard Thawne / Reverse-Flash (portrayed by Matt Letscher; Tom Cavanagh in Harrison Wells's form) is the time-traveling archenemy of Barry Allen and a future descendant of Eddie Thawne, based on the DC Comics character of the same name and is the main antagonist of season one.[44] In the 22nd century, Eobard was an amoral scientist obsessed with the Flash and desired to "become" his idol. Eobard duplicated the reaction and be a speedster, only to learn that he was destined to become the Flash's greatest enemy and grew to despise his idol. Eobard became the "reverse" of everything the Flash was and the two enemies encountered each other over years, neither strong enough to defeat the other. At one point, Reverse-Flash (who had traveled to 2024) vanishes with the Flash in the midst of a "crisis". Discovering the Flash's identity, Eobard murders Nora Allen after a failed attempt to kill Barry as a child, but loses his connection to the Speed Force and gets stranded in the past.
Flashbacks from season one reveal he takes on Dr. Harrison Wells's appearance and manipulates events in an attempt to return to his time period; Eddie sacrifices himself in the first-season finale, causing Eobard to be erased from existence. However, Eobard's existence survives this erasure. Eobard's first chronological appearance occurs during season two; the Reverse-Flash travels back in time to 2016, encountering the Flash for the first time (from Eobard's perspective). In the midst of using Tina McGee's "speed machine" construction to return to his time period, he suffers a severe beating from the Flash. While being briefly imprisoned at S.T.A.R. Labs, he comes to know about some of his own future actions after interactions with the Flash, Cisco Ramon and Harry Wells, but is sent back home to prevent a time paradox. In the second-season finale, the Flash travels back to prevent the Reverse-Flash from murdering Nora, altering significant events.
In season three's premiere, Eobard is imprisoned by Barry while they're both in the Flashpoint timeline. Trying to convince his nemesis to restore the reality they both know, Barry gives in after realizing the new timeline's dangers. The Reverse-Flash is released to murder Nora, which supposedly "fixes" the timeline. Eobard then brings Barry back to a slightly different timeline and leaves but not before taunting his nemesis, implying his awareness that the timeline is not reset exactly. It is later revealed that this iteration is a temporal duplicate of the original (who subsequently appears on Legends of Tomorrow to rewrite reality to stabilize his existence but is erased from existence again by the Black Flash).
In season four, Eobard miraculously returns during the "Crisis on Earth-X" crossover, once again wearing Wells' face. Having allied himself with Nazi-ruled Earth-X's Dark Arrow (Oliver Queen's doppelgänger) and Overgirl (Kara Danvers' doppelgänger), he returns to Earth-1 in an attempt to take it over, but disappears after his accomplices are killed.
In season five, it's revealed Eobard's powers are from his own version of the Speed Force (the Negative Speed Force) which Barry cannot detect when he time travels and is immune to timeline changes, thus how he survived his erasures. Now on death row at Iron Heights in 2049 where he has been for 15 years, he is the secret mentor of Nora West-Allen / XS with their relationship having begun when he helped defeat Godspeed. He guides Nora throughout XS' and Team Flash's struggle against the two Cicadas, eventually teaching Nora how to tap into the Negative Speed Force. After learning of Eobard's involvement and returning Nora to 2049, Barry confronts Eobard at his cell, stating that he is about to get what he deserves. Throughout their interactions, Eobard seems to have developed some feelings for Nora and Iris West-Allen comes to believe that he is trying to redeem himself with Barry eventually accepting his plan of how to destroy Cicada's power-dampening dagger. It is then revealed that the same dagger is being used in 2049 to dampen Eobard's powers. When Cicada's dagger is destroyed, Eobard is released. He is subdued by Team Flash, but manages to escape after the group is preoccupied trying to save Nora from being erased by a new timeline.
In season six, due to the Crisis however, he was fused with Nash Wells. In the months following the event, he slowly asserted control over Nash's body and regained his connection to the Negative Speed Force. However, Team Flash caught on to him before the latter, and built a device to "exorcise" him from Nash. Despite his best efforts, Thawne was defeated once more and left without a body to possess.
He is based on the DC Comics character of the same name.
Lisa Snart / Golden Glider
Lisa Snart / Golden Glider (portrayed by Peyton List) is an aspiring criminal and Leonard Snart's younger sister. In season one, she shares a mutual attraction with Cisco Ramon who she initially kidnapped for her brother and coerced into creating a gun that turns things into gold, but later becomes genuinely fond of Cisco. Lisa later helped her brother free the metahuman criminals in the Pipeline. In season two, Lisa sought Team Flash's help when her brother was found to be working for their abusive father Lewis Snart (later revealed to be due to her father threatening her life).
Mark Mardon / Weather Wizard
Mark Mardon / Weather Wizard (portrayed by Liam McIntyre) is a criminal with the ability to control the weather of his surroundings. Having similar powers to his sibling Clyde, Mark returns to Central City seeking revenge on Joe West for killing his brother.[45] He was being held in the S.T.A.R. Labs prison before being set free by Leonard Snart and offered a place in his crew the "Rogues". Mark murdered Patty Spivot's father during a bank robbery with his brother months prior to the particle accelerator's explosion. He remains nursing his grudge against both Joe West and the Flash. In season five, Mardon's estranged daughter Joslyn Jackam / Weather Witch tries to kill him in prison, but he is saved by the Flash.
Leonard Snart / Captain Cold
Leonard Snart / Captain Cold (portrayed by Wentworth Miller) is the son of a police officer and Lisa Snart's brother who turns to crime.[46] Snart is a cunning and intelligent bank robber who seeks to eliminate the Flash and steals a cryonic gun from S.T.A.R. Labs, a weapon Cisco created as a failsafe to stop the Flash. Snart and Mick Rory attempt to kill The Flash but fail, though the Flash is revealed to the world. He extorts Flash's identity from Cisco and later becomes leader of his crew which Barry dubs the "Rogues". Barry later asks Snart to assist the transport of metahumans from Central City to Lian Yu, for which Snart wants his criminal record erased. He double-crosses Barry by sabotaging the truck containing Mark Mardon, Kyle Nimbus, Roy Bivolo, Jake Simmons and Shawna Baez. Snart kills Simmons who he claims owed him money. Leonard is later extorted into working for his father, Lewis Snart, when he plants a bomb inside Lisa's head. After Team Flash successfully remove it, Leonard kills Lewis out of spite and is arrested for his father's murder. He is later broken out by Mardon to get revenge on Barry but declines and warns Barry of Mardon's plans. Snart had a part in turning Sam Scudder and Rosa Dillon into metahumans. When they come to seek revenge, Barry reveals that Snart is traveling with friends of theirs called the Legends. During the alien attack, the Legends appear, prompting Barry to ask Snart's whereabouts; it is said that Snart sacrificed himself to save the team, proving to be a hero. Months later, Barry recruits Snart from a point in time where he was traveling with the Legends in an attempt to steal Dominator technology from A.R.G.U.S. The two succeed and Snart is returned to the Legends.
- The Earth-2 version of the character is the mayor of Central City.[3]
- Miller also portrays Leo Snart, the Earth-X version of the character during "Crisis on Earth-X" crossover who operates as Citizen Cold. Leo is a vigilante and a member of the Freedom Fighters, a resistance movement against the New Reich in a Nazi-governed world; he is also the lover of Ray Terrill / The Ray. Leo later appears on Earth-1 where he helps Flash deal with Siren-X, a remnant of the New Reich who plans to detonate Fallout at the CCPD in order to avenge Dark Arrow's death. During this time, Leo helps Flash cope with what the Thinker did with Elongated Man. After Siren-X is defeated and Fallout is in A.R.G.U.S. custody, Leo returns to Earth-X to marry Ray.
- Miller also voices the Leonard A.I. on Earth-74's Waverider.
Tina McGee
Tina McGee (portrayed by Amanda Pays[47]) is a friend of Harrison Wells (Earth-1 version), she is the director of Mercury Labs and the designer of the tachyon devices which allows any object to move at the speed of light. During seasons one and two, McGee has run-ins with Eobard Thawne involving her tachyon equipment and is aware of Barry Allen's secret. In season four (off screen), she is a member of Cisco Ramon's team to bring the Flash back from the Speed Force. Pays reprises the character from the 1990s TV series.
- Pays also makes an uncredited cameo appearance in "Crisis on Infinite Earths" via archival footage of the 1990s incarnation of Tina McGee, which are seen as memories that Earth-90's Flash looked back on before he sacrificed himself to save the multiverse. It was also stated that she and Earth-90 Barry got married sometime after the series then passed away before "Elseworlds".
Mick Rory / Heat Wave
Mick Rory / Heat Wave (portrayed by Dominic Purcell[48]) is an arsonist and accomplice of Leonard Snart who uses a heat gun developed by Cisco capable of burning almost anything. However, Mick's obsession for maximum destruction and failure to think causes tensions with Snart tempted to kill him.[48]
- According to Leo Snart, the Earth-X version of the character died saving people.
John Diggle / Spartan
John Diggle / Spartan (portrayed by David Ramsey) is Oliver Queen's best friend and teammate. Ramsey stars as the character on Arrow.[49]
Kendra Saunders / Chay-Ara / Hawkgirl
Kendra Saunders / Chay-Ara / Hawkgirl (portrayed by Ciara Renée) is a young woman who has been repeatedly reincarnated over the centuries. When provoked, her ancient warrior persona manifests itself, along with wings that grow out of her back.[50][51] She is a potential love interest for Cisco Ramon.
Felicity Smoak
Felicity Smoak (portrayed by Emily Bett Rickards[52]) is an information-technology genius and a member of Oliver Queen's team; later his wife. Also a good friend of Barry Allen. Rickards stars as the character on Arrow.
- Rickards also portrays the unnamed Earth-X version of the character, who is interned in a concentration camp under the Nazi regime.
David Singh
David Singh (portrayed by Patrick Sabongui) is introduced as the captain of the CCPD.[53] In the season five finale, Singh gets promoted to Chief of Police by the Mayor and promotes Joe to his previous position. He reveals that by being a detective, he has figured out that Barry is the Flash.
In season six, Singh advises Joe to go into the witness protection program after the latter is attacked by the supervillain Rag Doll. After Joe does so, Singh is shown to have been replaced with a mirror clone being controlled by Eva McCulloch. To prepare for Eva's release, Mirror Singh leads Mirror Iris and Mirror Kamilla to where Bloodwork is held to get a blood sample from him. After Mirror Kamilla sacrifices herself to open Bloodwork's cell, Mirror Iris gets the blood through the most unlikely way as Mirror Singh works to cover up the power failure. Eva mentioned to Iris that the real Kamilla and Singh are in the Mirrorverse. When Iris finds the real Kamilla, she states that they need to find the real Singh before they can work on a way to get out of the Mirrorverse. Mirror Singh was sent to destroy a Black Hole storehouse. After Mirror Singh attempts to get Barry to give up Carver, Eva later sacrifices him during the raid on McCulloch Technologies. Iris manages to locate the real Singh at the Mirrorverse's version of Central City Hospital.
- Sabongui also portrays the Earth-2 version of the character, who is a criminal.[3]
Henry Allen
Henry Allen (portrayed by John Wesley Shipp) is Barry Allen's father. Shipp previously portrayed Barry Allen in the 1990 television series.[54] Henry was a respectable doctor before he was wrongfully convicted of murdering his wife Nora Allen and incarcerated in Iron Heights Prison after Eobard Thawne framed him. Only his son Barry and later Joe West believe his innocence. Throughout season one, he learns that Barry is the Flash and is proud of his son. Henry serves as Barry's moral conscience in using these powers wisely, thus keeping Barry from being tempted by personal gains. In season two, Henry is released from prison due to Eobard's confession to Nora's murder. However, he leaves Central City to seek a reclusive life as he believes that his presence could hold back Barry's duties as the Flash. He returns to counsel Barry and offer encouragement after his son's disastrous fight with Hunter Zolomon, then returns to seclusion. When Barry is de-powered, Henry joins S.T.A.R. Labs to help in Barry's fight to save the world from Zoom. Henry is killed by Zolomon in order for Barry to relive the same tragedy went through when Nora was killed by the Reverse-Flash. Following his death, Henry's Earth-3 doppelgänger, Jay Garrick, takes over in mentoring Barry on power and responsibility.
- It is implied that the Earth-2 version of the character has a happy life.[3]
Grodd (voiced by David Sobolov[55]) is a hyper-intelligent gorilla with telepathic powers as a result of being experimented on by General Eiling under the watch of Eobard Thawne.
He is sent to the Gorilla City on Earth-2 by Flash and later plans an attack to Central City with an army of the gorillas like him. However, he is defeated by Flash, Kid Flash, Jesse Quick and Solovar, and imprisoned at A.R.G.U.S.
Grodd later returns and mind-controls Cisco Ramon and Caitlin Snow into stealing Tanya Lamden's telepathy crown in his plot to take control of the minds of Central City. Sacrificing his restored humanity, Shay Lamden of Earth-2 becomes King Shark again and fights Grodd. With help from Flash and XS, King Shark defeats Grodd and removes the telepathy crown from him. It is later mentioned by Lyla that Grodd has been placed in a medically-induced coma in a special cell that would adapt to his growing mental powers.
In season six, Grodd is still an induced coma when Barry is accidentally placed in his mind. While voicing his knowledge of the Crisis, Grodd states that he found out that Gorilla City is now on Earth-Prime and wants to return to it. In order to get past the gatekeeper, represented as a mental copy of Solovar, Grodd and Flash had to work together. Once that was done and Barry is back in his mind, Caitlin arranges for Grodd to be released on probation as Lyla places a tracking chip in him so that Team Flash will know where to find him if he returns to villainy.
Jesse Wells / Jesse Quick
Jesse Chambers Wells[56] / Jesse Quick (portrayed by Violett Beane) is the daughter of Harry Wells from Earth-2.[57] Like her father Jesse is a science prodigy, having five majors in college, including biochemistry. Zoom holds Jesse captive to extort Harry's cooperation until she is rescued by her father, Barry, Cisco, and Earth-2's Barry and Iris. With her father, Jesse seeks refuge on Earth-1 and she leaves for Opal City after discovering the lengths Harry will take to keep her safe. Jesse returns after her father is kidnapped and works with the S.T.A.R. Labs team. Jesse and Wally are affected by dark matter when Harry attempts to restore Barry's speed; Barry later brings her out of her coma. Following Zoom's defeat, Jesse returns to Earth-2 with her father. Months later Jesse exhibits speedster abilities and aspires to help people, though her father disapproves. After she helps Barry stop Magenta, Harry becomes more encouraging and has Cisco make her a speedster suit. Jesse and Harry return to Earth-2, where Jesse becomes Earth-2's speedster superhero under the name Jesse Quick. Jesse and Wally admit their feelings, and have a long-distance relationship until she breaks up with Wally.
Hunter Zolomon / Zoom
Hunter Zolomon / Zoom (portrayed by Teddy Sears,[58] initially portrayed by Ryan Handley,[59][60] voiced by Tony Todd[61]) is a speedster from Earth-2 who is obsessed with becoming the only speedster in the multiverse and the main antagonist of season two. Executive producer Andrew Kreisberg said, in season one "with the Reverse-Flash, we just modulated Tom Cavanagh's voice, and this year we wanted to do something a little bit different [for Zoom]. Part of the mystery of the season is who or what is underneath the Zoom outfit, and so we wanted to do something like James Earl Jones as Darth Vader — this iconic voice coming out of this mask."[61] Hunter was a traumatized child (portrayed by Octavian Kaul[62]) that witnessed his mother's murder at his father's hands which triggered his bloodlust as a serial killer before he gained his powers from the particle-accelerator explosion on Earth-2. Dissatisfied, he sought to increase his speed with the Velocity serum but soon discovered it carried a fatal illness. Searching for a cure, he traveled the multiverse and captured Jay Garrick. Unsuccessful in stealing Jay's speed to cure himself, Hunter kept Jay imprisoned with a speed-dampening mask. Inspired to be both hero and villain, he used Jay's name as the fraudulent Flash of Earth-2 to instill false hope which he would take away as Zoom. Discovering Earth-1, he plotted to increase Barry's speed and then steal it, sending various metahumans from Earth-2 to fight the Flash while also infiltrating the team as Jay. Zoom extorts Harry Wells into physically stealing Barry's speed by kidnapping Jesse Wells. He also becomes Caitlin Snow's love interest. After succeeding in stealing Barry's speed, Zoom brings his army of Earth-2 metahumans to conquer Earth-1 and construct a device capable of destroying the other Earths in the multiverse, to ensure he remains the only speedster. Hunter seeks to corrupt Caitlin's mind into being like Earth-2 Killer Frost and then Barry's by killing Henry in the same spot Eobard killed Nora, convinced that they are similar because of their childhood traumas. However, Barry ultimately bests Hunter in their final fight and summons two Time Wraiths to punish him for his crimes against the timeline; they transform him into the corpse-like Black Flash enslaved to the Speed Force. Subjugated to the Time Wraiths, the Black Flash made occasional appearances in season three, such as to hurt Savitar before being killed by Earth-1 Killer Frost.
Jay Garrick / Flash
Jay Garrick (portrayed by John Wesley Shipp) is the Earth-3 version of Barry's father Henry Allen. Hunter Zolomon held Jay captive in a failed attempt to harness his speed before becoming inspired to take up his persona and falsely operate as the Flash of Earth-2; even going so far as to use Jay's name. To keep him from escaping, Zolomon forced Jay to wear a mask that suppressed his speed and prevented him from talking. After Zoom's defeat, Barry rescues Jay, who soon returns to his Earth. Jay adopts Hunter's Flash helmet as a symbol of hope, taking satisfaction in taking something from Zoom as the villainous speedster had done to him.[65] Jay later learned from Harry Wells that Henry Allen is his doppelgänger and Barry is Henry's son. Knowing this, Jay watches over Barry as a sympathetic yet stern mentor, and a friendship develops. After undoing Flashpoint and trying to fix the mistakes left in its wake, he explains to Barry that time travel can have adverse consequences and that Barry must live with these mistakes. Jay also helps Barry come to terms with Henry's death and in battling Savitar. While they do banish Savitar to the Speed Force, Savitar later escapes, with Jay taking Savitar's place. After being freed, Jay joins Team Flash in the final battle to defeat Savitar. Jay later returns to help Barry use Flashtime, and reveals that he plans to retire and is training a protégée to become his successor as the Flash. By season six, Jay has retired and settled down with his wife, Joan. Based on the DC Comics character of the same name.
- Regarding the difference in his portrayal of Garrick over Allen, Shipp "figured Jay is my version of Barry" from the 1990 series, adding, "I went back and I watched a couple of episodes of the 1990–91 version to kind of remind myself what I did. [Jay] is much more reminiscent of my Barry Allen from 25 years ago than my Henry Allen. I went back and I was amazed how much attitude my Barry Allen had in some situations. I went back and I picked up that thread and I brought it forward 25 years, and tried to weave it in."[66]
- Shipp later reprises his role of Barry Allen from the 1990 television series in the crossover "Elseworlds". It is also revealed that the series is situated on Earth-90 and therefore like Garrick, this Flash is also Henry Allen's doppelgänger and he refers himself as Barry instead of Henry. Later, in the crossover "Crisis on Infinite Earths", he sacrificed himself destroying the Anti-Monitor's anti-matter cannon; taking Earth-1 Barry's place after the Monitor specified a Flash must die during Crisis.
Patty Spivot
Patty Spivot (portrayed by Shantel VanSanten) is Joe West's new protégée and partner, a member of the metahuman task force at CCPD along with Cisco, and a love interest of Barry Allen.[67] Her father was murdered by Mark Mardon during a bank robbery prior to the particle accelerator's explosion, leaving Patty determined to stop metahuman criminals. She believes that having superhuman power brings out the best or the worst in people, and acknowledges the Flash's heroism. Her hatred for Mark stems from survivor's guilt; when she was a teenager, she was supposed to make the deposit at the bank where her father died. When Patty gets her chance at revenge on Mark, the Flash persuades her to choose justice over vengeance. She leaves Central City to pursue her studies in the Forensic Science program at Midway City University. She also deduces Barry's secret identity and offers to stay if Barry confirms his feelings for her, but Barry admits nothing, not wanting to stop Patty from pursuing her studies. Patty surreptitiously does get Barry to reveal the Flash persona to her as she departs Central City, thus ending their relationship on good terms.
- The Earth-2 version of the character is stated to be a scientist in the Criminal and Forensic Science Division in the Central City Police Department.
Francine West
Francine West (portrayed by Vanessa A. Williams[68]) is Iris West's and Wally West's mother and Joe West's estranged wife.[69] Francine abandoned her family years prior to Joe taking Barry Allen in, out of guilt of endangering Iris through her drug abuse. After settling in Keystone City and following Wally's birth, Francine becomes sober from her addiction and a good mother to her son. After being diagnosed with MacGregor's syndrome (a terminal illness related to substance abuse), she tries to reconcile with her family and to entrust Wally to them before she dies. Joe and Iris forgive Francine on her deathbed and accept Wally as part of the family. Savitar later uses Francine's likeness to agitate Wally.
Kara Zor-El / Kara Danvers / Supergirl
Kara Zor-El / Kara Danvers / Supergirl (portrayed by Melissa Benoist[70]) is Barry Allen's friend and ally from Earth-38 who is an extraterrestrial superhero from the doomed planet Krypton. They met after Barry accidentally breached the dimensional barrier separating his and Kara's universes when testing a tachyon device (see "Worlds Finest"). Supergirl proves herself as a trusted ally after she travels to Earth-1 to help its heroes resist an alien invasion, and Oliver Queen and Barry entrusted her with a device that enables her to travel and communicate between her universe and theirs. She and her allies occasionally join Barry and other Earth-1 heroes on missions. Benoist reprises the role from Supergirl.
- Benoist also portrays Overgirl, the Earth-X version of the character.
Cynthia / Gypsy
Cynthia / Gypsy (portrayed by Jessica Camacho) is a bounty hunter from Earth-19 who has similar powers to Vibe.[71][72]
In season 6, Gypsy is murdered by Echo, Cisco's Earth-19 doppelganger. She was later avenged when Cisco defeated Echo and had him arrested by the Collectors.
Tracy Brand
Tracy Brand (portrayed by Anne Dudek) is an eccentric doctoral student who studies speedsters with "a smorgasbord of quirky idiosyncrasies".[73] Introduced in season three, she is targeted by Savitar due to her future self aiding Savitar's defeat in 2021. Tracy later aligns herself with Team Flash to fulfill her destiny against Savitar and becomes a love interest of H.R. Wells in the process. She later witnesses H.R. being killed by Savitar and hates the rogue time-remnant. In season four, Tracy is state to be one of the scientists who helped Cisco Ramon bring Barry Allen back from the Speed Force. It is also implied she received her PhD and is now working as a scientist.
Julian Albert / Alchemy
Julian Albert Desmond / Alchemy (portrayed by Tom Felton; Season 3) is a scientist and fellow CSI at the CCPD, who came from a prosperous old English family.[74][75] The character was originally known as Julian Dorn.[74] In season three, he works with Barry Allen though they did not initially get along. As Alchemy, he is an acolyte of Savitar who unlocks the potential in metahumans from the Flashpoint timeline in preparation for a future event. Julian is not aware he is Alchemy, and that he only assumes the guise while being unconsciously possessed by Savitar.[76] Tobin Bell voices Doctor Alchemy.[77] In order to fix what he made as Alchemy, Julian decides to join the team to help against Savitar and other metahumans. Julian and Caitlin Snow develop a romantic relationship.
In season four, it is revealed that Julian returned to the United Kingdom.
Carla Tannhauser
Dr. Carla Tannhauser (portrayed by Susan Walters) is Caitlin's estranged mother, a biomedical engineer, and CEO of a major research company.[78]
Marlize DeVoe
Marlize DeVoe (portrayed by Kim Engelbrecht) is a highly intelligent engineer who designs devices for her husband Clifford DeVoe.[21] Initially, she was loyal and would join the Thinker in harassing and mocking Team Flash every time they score a victory, but as Clifford's original personality begins to be replaced by increasing cruelty and arrogance, she comes to realize that the husband she loved was gone and helps Team Flash defeat DeVoe in the final battle.
Sharon Finkel
Sharon Finkel (portrayed by Donna Pescow) is a therapist who Barry Allen and Iris West visit, as do Team Flash's other members.[79]
Amunet Black
Amunet Black (portrayed by Katee Sackhoff) is a metahuman crime lord who operates an underground black market for metahuman supervillains and the ex-lover of Goldface.[80] Originally an air hostess named Leslie Jocoy,[81] she has the power to manipulate metal, but prefers using special metal shards when in combat. Amunet convinced Caitlin Snow to work with her, promising her a cure. Caitlin later leaves her employ, but Amunet repeatedly tries to coerce Caitlin back to her side. Team Flash later forms a truce with Amunet when her henchman Norvok plots to sell her metal shards. During this time, she theorizes that Caitlin could not access Killer Frost due to a placebo effect. After making a device for Team Flash to use against the Thinker's Enlightenment device, Amunet escapes in a metallic tornado.
In season 6, largely unaffected by the Crisis, Amunet returns when she engages Goldface in a turf war as both of them were after the Rappaccini's Daughter flower. The Flash stops them by releasing pollen from said flower, causing the two crime lords to hear what they really think about each other.
Matthew Norvock
Matthew Norvock (portrayed by Mark Sweatman) is a metahuman henchman of Amunet Black, whose prosthetic right eye hides a tentacle-like appendage that he uses as a weapon.[82] He tried to sell some of Amunet Black's metal to other crime lords in an act of betrayal, but she defeats him after she cuts off the snake-like creature and he is arrested by Joe West. He later appears in season 5 as one of the metahumans Cicada is hunting and in season 6 helping Killer Frost track down Bloodwork.
Officer Jones
"Jonesy" (portrayed by Klarc Wilson) is a member of the Central City Police Department. After being controlled by Spin in season 5, Jones leaks the names of several meta-humans to Cicada. When Cecile Horton figures it out, Singh has an angered Jones arrested.
Vanessa Ambres
Dr. Vanessa Ambres (portrayed by Lossen Chambers) is an ER doctor at Central City Hospital who shares Cicada's anti-metahuman sentiment, having treated many victims of metahuman attacks and losing her fiancé Darius during Zoom's rampage. She watches over Grace Gibbons and reluctantly protects Orlin Dwyer, even stealing drugs from the ER to help him deal with the injury in his chest. After helping Team Flash cure him, Dr. Ambres is killed by an adult Grace dressed as Cicada.
Thomas Snow / Icicle
Thomas Snow / Icicle (portrayed by Kyle Secor) is Caitlin Snow's father and Carla Tannhauser's husband.[83]
Though he was believed to have died of ALS, Thomas is found in an arctic lab by Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco after Ralph discover that Snow's death certificate was faked. They later learn that in his attempt to cure his ALS, he became a cryogenic metahuman with an evil personality like Caitlin. When most of Team Flash start to freeze, Caitlin proves to be immune just before Killer Frost reemerges. Father and daughter engage in an ice battle. After Thomas's personality briefly surfaces, Icicle knocks Killer Frost back and gets away.
Icicle later returns with a plan to eliminate Caitlin and her mother Carla's human sides. He is about to kill Caitlin, when Thomas Snow suddenly finds the strength to return to his human form. When Caitlin is attacked by Cicada, Thomas sacrifices himself to save his daughter's life.
Grace Gibbons / Cicada II
Grace Gibbons (portrayed by Islie Hirvonen as a pre-teen, Sarah Carter as an adult) is the orphaned niece of Orlin Dwyer who lost her parents in a metahuman incident. She was placed in a coma after being caught in the Enlightenment Satellite's falling debris, which also affected her uncle. Later, when Nora West-Allen (XS) enters Grace's mind, it is revealed that she is consciously aware of what's happening despite her comatose state because a tiny shard from the satellite affected her brain; turning her into a metahuman and forming a mental barrier to prevent further invasions. Trapped in her painful memories and negative emotions, Grace now shares her uncle's hatred of all metahumans despite being one and is implied to be even more powerful than him. Now she declares war against the Flash and XS, vowing to make them pay by any means necessary. When Orlin is cured of his metahuman abilities, an adult Grace attacks S.T.A.R. Labs, kills Dr. Ambres, and abducts him. The adult Grace comes from a future where metahumans thrive, so she has taken up the mantle of Cicada upon awaking from her coma to complete her uncle's mission of killing them all. She first targets Vickie Bolen, a metahuman who accidentally caused her parents' death. During her fight with the Flash, Grace is confronted by her uncle, who tries to reason with her, which leads to her killing him before fleeing. As Orlin dies in Flash's arms, he tells him to save Grace.
Grace later kidnaps her younger self from the hospital. She then crashes the battle between Team Flash and Icicle, stealing the cryo-atomizer Icicle had stolen earlier. She then steals prototype versions of S.T.A.R. Labs' metahuman cure, which she can weaponize into a lethal version with the cryo-atomizer. Nora re-enters Grace's mind and with a version of Orlin successfully convinces her to abandon her anti-metahuman feelings. Meanwhile, the adult Grace ceases to exist after the Flash destroys her dagger with a Mirror Gun. Present day Grace is mentioned to have been placed in a foster home.
Trevor Shinick
Trevor Shinick (portrayed by Everick Golding) is a prison guard at Iron Heights Prison in 2049. He is in charge of Eobard Thawne's cell in the meta-human wing.
Kamilla Hwang
Kamilla Hwang (portrayed by Victoria Park) is a bartender and aspiring photographer that Cisco starts dating after breaking up with Gypsy. Following this, she gets a job as a photographer for the Central City Citizen under Iris West-Allen and provides occasional assistance at S.T.A.R. Labs. After Cisco took a leave of absence from Team Flash, Kamilla took a more active role by filling in for him in certain areas until he returned. While working late at the Citizen however, she discovered evidence that Iris had been replaced by a mirror clone. Before she could alert the rest of Team Flash, the clone shot her with McCulloch Technologies' mirror gun while Eva McCulloch created a mirror clone of her so their enemies wouldn't get suspicious. Mirror Kamilla sacrifices herself to briefly open Bloodwork's cell. Eva mentions to Iris that the real Kamilla and Singh are in the Mirrorverse somewhere. Iris manages to find Kamilla. Before they can work on a way to get out of the Mirrorverse, Kamilla is told by Iris that they need to find Singh first. When Iris manages to locate the real Singh at the Mirrorverse's version of Central City Hospital, Kamilla witnesses her vanishing.
Jenna West
Jenna West is the daughter of Joe West and Cecile Horton, the younger half sister of Iris West-Allen and Wally West born on screen in season 4 finale.
Ramsey Rosso / Bloodwork
Ramsey Rosso (portrayed by Sendhil Ramamurthy) is a physician with a genius intellect, the world's leading expert on hematological oncology and a former colleague of Caitlin Snow, who is turned into the villain Bloodwork by his desire to defy the laws of nature and the main antagonist of the first half of season six.[84] After his mother dies of HLH, Rosso developed a cure for the disorder using dark matter; even in spite of Caitlin's warnings. Though he ran numerous simulations that showed otherwise, he was turned into a metahuman after testing the cure on himself as he was also dying of HLH. In his pursuit to cure himself, he discovered he could use his abilities to transform people into zombie-like monsters by draining their blood and manipulate them. After learning adrenaline-filled blood worked best, he killed dozens of people to increase his strength before eventually attacking the Flash. With the speedster under his control, he attempted to convert all of Central City into his "Blood Brothers and Sisters", only to be foiled by Team Flash's teamwork. Though he transformed into a blood monster and nearly killed the Flash in retaliation, the speedster was able to trap him in a special machine previously used to contain Chester Runk's black hole-based powers before remanding him to A.R.G.U.S.'s custody. Months later, Eva McCulloch sent her mirror clones to get a sample of Rosso's blood and break him out, but he only agreed to the former; choosing to stay imprisoned to work on his own plan.
Chester P. Runk
Chester P. Runk (portrayed by Brandon McKnight) is a scientist who accidentally opened a black hole that fused with his consciousness, leaving him in a catatonic state while the black hole appeared in places that held an emotional attachment for him. Eventually, the Flash rescued his consciousness from the black hole and placed it back into his body, closing it for good. After stabilizing for several weeks, Chester is able to start putting his life back together with Cecile Horton's help as well as provide assistance to Team Flash.
McKnight was promoted to the main cast for season 7.[85]
Allegra Garcia
Allegra Garcia (portrayed by Kayla Compton) is a young metahuman with abilities based on the electromagnetic spectrum who wants to become a reporter ever since she saw Iris' article on the "Streak" (the latter's original name for the Flash). Despite coming from a criminal background and having been previously incarcerated in Iron Heights, Cecile was able to help Allegra turn her life around. After an attack by her metahuman cousin, Esperanza, whose attacks Allegra had been framed for, she got a job interning at the Central City Citizen. Allegra would later go on to investigate the mysterious organization that turned Esperanza into a killer and help Team Flash stop Bloodwork from turning Central City into his zombie-like minions. Following the Crisis, Allegra assists in the investigation of the criminal organization, Black Hole. She later discovers that she had a counterpart that used to work for Nash Wells and became wary around him, though she eventually bonded with him over time.
- Compton also portrays Maya, Allegra's Earth-719 counterpart who was adopted by Nash and became his partner. While on an adventure with him on Earth-13 a year prior, she was killed in an accident that Nash struggled to come to terms with before Team Flash helped him. As a child, she is portrayed by Briana Tedesco.
Compton was promoted to the main cast for season 7.[86]
Esperanza Garcia / Ultraviolet
Esperanza Garcia / Ultraviolet (portrayed by Alexa Barajas) is a metahuman assassin and cousin of Allegra who also has abilities based on the electromagnetic spectrum. She was believed to have been killed during the original particle accelerator explosion, but was taken in, revived, and trained to become an assassin by Black Hole. After attacking CCPD to kill Allegra, she was defeated by the Flash and sent to Iron Heights. Following this, she made minor reappearances during a criminal gala held by Remington Meister, attacking Sue Dearbon for stealing a diamond with information on Black Hole, and being swayed to Eva McCulloch's side.
Guest stars
The following is a supplementary list of guest stars, some recurring, who appear in lesser roles. The characters are listed, in alphabetical order by actor, by the season in which they first appeared.
Introduced in season one
- Roy Bivolo / Prism / Rainbow Raider (portrayed by Paul Anthony[87]) – A metahuman with the ability to induce an uncontrollable rage in others. Bivolo infects and sends Barry Allen on a rage fit throughout the city which is only calmed by the Arrow, his team and S.T.A.R. Labs. After they defeat Bivolo, he was held in the particle accelerator prison before being set free by Leonard Snart.
- Java (portrayed by Michasha Armstrong) – The head of security for Stagg Enterprises. Danton Black bribed him to gain access to Simon Stagg's house, but Java refused. In retaliation, Danton used his powers to kill him.
- Gideon (voiced by Morena Baccarin[88]) – An A.I. assistant created by Barry Allen in the original future timeline which somehow came to be used in Eobard Thawne's own plans. It is programmed to be loyal to both Barry and Eobard. Gideon is also shown to be loyal to Harry Wells, Clifford DeVoe, and Nora West-Allen.
- Another version of the character (voiced by Amy Pemberton) is the on-board navigational assistant of the Waverider. Pemberton stars as the character on Legends of Tomorrow.
- Quentin Lance (portrayed by Paul Blackthorne[89]) – A police captain in the Starling City Police Department. He helps Joe West and Cisco Ramon discover Earth-1 Harrison Wells's corpse, and Quentin and Joe become friends in the process due to their similarities as police detectives and fathers. Blackthorne stars as the character on Arrow.
- The Earth-2 version of the character (who is deceased) is mentioned by Black Siren in Arrow.
- Blackthorne also played the Earth-X version of the character in the "Crisis on Earth-X" crossover, a SS Sturmbannführer under Dark Arrow.
- Tess Morgan (portrayed by Bre Blair) - The wife of Earth-1 Harrison Wells and another victim of Eobard Thawne.[90]
- The Earth-2 version of the character (who is also deceased) is mentioned as the wife of Harry Wells and the mother of Jesse Quick.
- Kyle Nimbus / Mist (portrayed by Anthony Carrigan[91]) – A metahuman who can turn himself into a poisonous mist and is an enemy of Joe West. He was held in the S.T.A.R. Labs prison before being set free by Leonard Snart.
- Laurel Lance / Black Canary (portrayed by Katie Cassidy[89]) – A Starling City assistant district attorney and vigilante. Cisco Ramon provides Laurel with an ultrasonic collar using components from both Sara Lance (Canary) and Hartley Rathaway's sonic weapons, improving Laurel's tactics with sonic weaponry. Cassidy stars as the character on Arrow.
- Cassidy also portrays the Earth-2 version of the character named Black Siren, a villainous metahuman and one of Zoom's lieutenants.[92][93]
- Cassidy also portrays the Earth-X version of the character named Siren-X, the unrequited lover of Dark Arrow and a remnant of the Earth-X regime who comes to Earth-1 to avenge Dark Arrow. She kidnaps Fallout from an A.R.G.U.S. transport in order to cause him to explode. With Leo Snart's help, the Flash defeats Siren-X and prevents her victim's explosion.
- Anthony Bellows (portrayed by Vito D'Ambrosio) – A former police officer who became Mayor of Central City. His corruption was later exposed by the Flash and Elongated Man and he was arrested by Joe West. Bellows is succeeded as mayor by Van Buren. While incarcerated at Iron Heights, he became a powerful figure where he gained lackeys and threatened David Ratchet. When Barry Allen is incarcerated at Iron Heights, he plays cards with Bellows and secretly uses speedster abilities to beat him in a card game.
- Tony Woodward / Girder (portrayed by Greg Finley[94]) – A metahuman with the ability to turn his skin into steel. He bullied Barry Allen and Iris West when they were children. In season one, he kidnapped Iris to make himself famous, only to be defeated by the Flash and remanded to the S.T.A.R. Labs pipeline. He was later killed by Farooq during Barry's temporary power loss. In season two, when Harry Wells' used the particle accelerator to restore Barry's speed, Woodward was turned into a reanimated corpse before being defeated the Flash once more.
- Bette Sans Souci / Plastique (portrayed by Kelly Frye[95]) – A former war veteran and metahuman with the ability to explode anything she touches. She is shot by General Wade Eiling and dies but her body turns into a bomb so Barry is forced to throw it into the ocean where it detonates safely away from the city.
- Dante Ramon (portrayed by Nicholas Gonzalez) – Cisco Ramon's older unambitious brother.[96] Though they originally have a strained relationship due to their respective jealousies, they later try to reconcile their relationship. Barry resets the timeline to undo the Flashpoint timeline, resulting in Dante being killed by a drunk driver which threatened Cisco and Barry's relationship.
- Gonzalez also portrays the Earth-2 version of the character, Rupture, who wants revenge on Team Flash for killing Reverb, misled by Zoom to the circumstances of his brother's death.[97] Rupture is ultimately killed by Zoom.
- Axel Walker / Trickster (portrayed by Devon Graye) – A young copycat of the original Trickster (James Jesse) who is his father.[98]
- James Jesse / Trickster (portrayed by Mark Hamill) – A terrorist serving a life sentence in Iron Heights. Barry and Joe seek his aid to stop Axel Walker, a new Trickster emulating him. After his first defeat by the Flash, Jesse becomes obsessed with the speedster. Hamill reprises the role from the 1990 television series,[98][99] later retroactively established that the James Jesse of Earth-90 and Earth-1 led near identical lives during that era. Based on the DC Comics character of the same name.
- Hamill also portrays the Earth-3 version of the character who is Jay Garrick's enemy.[100]
- Clarissa Stein (portrayed by Isabella Hofmann) – Martin Stein's wife.[101]
- Samantha Clayton (portrayed by Anna Hopkins) – The mother of Oliver Queen's unknown son William.[102][103] She lives in Central City with her son after she lied to Oliver that she miscarried. Hopkins appears as the character on Arrow.
- Jake Simmons / Deathbolt (portrayed by Doug Jones[104]) – A metahuman with the ability to harness and weaponize plasma energy, reprising his role from Arrow.[105] As Simmons was not in Central City when the particle accelerator exploded, he gained his powers through other means. He is killed by Leonard Snart in "Rogue Air" because Snart claimed "he owed me money."
- Brie Larvan (portrayed by Emily Kinney) – A female version of DC Comics character Bug-Eyed Bandit. She is a narcissistic technical genius and killer who becomes a rival to Felicity Smoak.[106] She later appears as a member of the Young Rogues alongside Weather Witch and Rag Doll, with the three captured by Team Flash during a heist on McCulloch Technologies.
- William Tockman / Clock King (portrayed by Robert Knepper)[107]) – A master criminal. In season one of The Flash, Tockman took several civilians at CCPD hostage. Knepper reprises the role from Arrow.
- Hartley Rathaway / Pied Piper (portrayed by Andy Mientus[108]) – In season one, he is depicted as Eobard Thawne's former protégé, Cisco's rival, and an embittered genius who used to work at S.T.A.R. Labs. The particle accelerator explosion gave him superhuman hearing, but he needs custom-made hearing aids to help control his new power. He was also estranged from his parents after he came out. Following these, he developed sonic gloves and became a criminal; calling himself the "Pied Piper". As a result of timeline changes during season two, Hartley became an ally to Team Flash and reconciled with his parents.[109] During season six, in the post-Crisis timeline however, Hartley became a metahuman with full sonic powers on top of his gloves as well as an enemy to Team Flash once more as the Flash had destabilized his henchman/boyfriend, Roderick's, molecules during an altered version of one of their original fights. After combining their powers to defeat Godspeed, Team Flash was able to save Roderick while Hartley forgave Barry.
- Hannibal Bates / Everyman (portrayed by Martin Novotny) – A metahuman with the ability to shapeshift, changing his appearance to resemble others. Due to his powers, several other actors portrayed the character's various disguises (Chris Webb, Barbara Wallace, Laiken Laverock and Maxine Miller), including various series regulars.[110] When Earth-Prime was formed, Barry listed Everyman as a suspect to Cecile about the imposter Iris when Vibe mentions that he is alive on Earth-Prime before having dismissed that theory.
- Shawna Baez / Peek-a-Boo (portrayed by Britne Oldford) – A metahuman with the ability to teleport.[111] She was being held in the S.T.A.R. Labs prison before being set free by Leonard Snart. She briefly reappears in season four's premiere, where she is recaptured by Kid Flash and Vibe. Based on the DC Comics character Peek-a-Boo.
- Farooq Gibran / Blackout (portrayed by Michael Reventar) – A metahuman with the power to harness electricity. Farooq blamed Eobard Thawne for his friends' deaths after he accidentally killed them with his uncontrollable powers. He overloaded himself while trying to absorb the Flash's powers and died, with his body held in the S.T.A.R. Labs pipeline.[112]
- Jason Rusch (portrayed by Luc Roderique) – A Hudson University graduate student and member of Martin Stein's research team on the F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. project.[113]
- Clyde Mardon (portrayed by Chad Rook[114]) – A bank robber and murderer who was turned into a metahuman with the ability to control the weather of his surroundings. He is shot and killed by Joe West in the pilot episode.
- Ray Palmer / Atom (portrayed by Brandon Routh) – A scientist, inventor and businessman who is the CEO of Palmer Technologies.[115] He becomes friends with Cisco due to their shared fondness for advanced technologies. Routh recurs as the character on Arrow and is a regular on Legends of Tomorrow.
- Routh also portrays the Superman of Earth-96, reprising the role from Superman Returns with elements of the Kingdom Come incarnation of the character.
- Simon Stagg (portrayed by William Sadler[116]) – An industrialist and philanthropist who is fascinated with the Flash (Barry Allen) to the point of exploitation. He is killed by Eobard Thawne.
- Danton Black / Multiplex (portrayed by Michael Christopher Smith[117]) – A scientist-turned-metahuman with an ability to duplicate himself. He falls out a window trying to attack the Flash after being defeated, but when the Flash tries to pull him up, Multiplex lets himself fall to his death.
Introduced in season two
- Lyla Michaels (portrayed by Audrey Marie Anderson) – An A.R.G.U.S. agent and John Diggle's wife. In season two, she travels to Central City to help Barry Allen track down King Shark after he escaped from A.R.G.U.S. custody. In season three, Lyla initially distrusted Barry after learning he altered her life while undoing the Flashpoint timeline, though she would later forgive him. After becoming the head of A.R.G.U.S. on Arrow, Lyla later assisted Team Flash by containing enemies S.T.A.R. Labs could not, such as Grodd, King Shark, and Bloodwork. Anderson portrays the character on Arrow.[118]
- During "Crisis on Infinite Earths," Lyla was turned into Harbinger after the Monitor recruited her to help him avert an impending crisis.
- Henry Hewitt (portrayed by Demore Barnes) – A scientist who was affected by the particle accelerator explosion and a potential candidate to become Firestorm after Ronnie sacrificed himself. After being deemed unsuitable however, he acquired powers from the attempted merge and tried to kill Caitlin Snow and Jefferson Jackson, only to be defeated by the Flash and the new Firestorm before being remanded to the S.T.A.R. Labs pipeline.[119]
- Barnes also portrays the Earth-2 version of Hewitt, a kindly human scientist at S.T.A.R. Labs who works under Harry Wells.[3]
- Malcolm Merlyn / Dark Archer (portrayed by John Barrowman) – The leader of the League of Assassins, archenemy of Oliver Queen, and the biological father of Thea Queen. Barrowman stars as the character on Arrow.[120]
- Tanya Lamden (portrayed by Haley Beauchamp in season two, Zibby Allen in season five) - A marine biologist and wife of the late Earth-1 Shay Lamden who Cisco and Caitlin ask about while locating his Earth-2 counterpart, King Shark. She was later brought in by A.R.G.U.S. to work on the aforementioned metahuman. As of season five, she invented a telepathy crown to communicate with him. When Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco visited her to test their metahuman cure on him, the telepathy crown was stolen by Grodd. After Shay sacrificed his humanity to help defeat Grodd, Tanya continued to care for him.
- Scott Evans (portrayed by Tone Bell) – The editor of Central City Picture News following Eric Larkin's death and a love interest for Iris West.[121]
- Albert Rothstein / Atom Smasher (portrayed by Adam Copeland) – A metahuman from Earth-2 with incredible strength and the ability to grow to an enormous size.[122] He died of radiation poisoning after battling the Flash, though not before he revealed he was sent by Zoom.
- Copeland also portrays the Earth-1 version of the character, a nuclear plant worker who was preemptively killed by Atom Smasher.[123]
- Vandal Savage / Hath-Set (portrayed by Casper Crump) – A 6,000-year-old immortal who had manipulated leaders throughout history in an attempt to gain dominion over the entire world.[124]
- Russell Glosson / Turtle (portrayed by Aaron Douglas) – A metahuman who can slow down his surroundings by absorbing kinetic energy. Following his defeat by the Flash, he is killed by Harry Wells.[125]
- Jefferson "Jax" Jackson / Firestorm (portrayed by Franz Drameh) – A former athlete who became injured and worked as an auto mechanic. He was chosen to replace Ronnie Raymond as Firestorm's other half with Martin Stein.[126][127]
- Joey Monteleone / Tar Pit (portrayed by Marco Grazzini) – A metahuman with the ability to transform into molten asphalt.[128]
- Shay Lamden / King Shark (portrayed by Dan Payne as a human, voiced by David Hayter as King Shark[129]) – A metahuman, anthropomorphic shark from Earth-2 sent by Zoom to kill The Flash. He was formerly a marine biologist who was mutated in an accident. The Earth-1 version of his wife, marine biologist Tanya Lamden, was brought in by A.R.G.U.S. to work on her late husband's counterpart; inventing a telepathy crown to communicate with him. King Shark was briefly restored to normal when the Flash used a metahuman cure on him. When Grodd escaped A.R.G.U.S., he stole the telepathy crown to attack Central City. However, Shay sacrificed his restored humanity to become King Shark once more and fight Grodd; with help from Flash and XS. He was quickly sent back to A.R.G.U.S.'s custody, under Tanya's care. Showrunner Andrew Kreisberg has stated that the character was originally introduced in The Flash: Season Zero comic because they would not have been able to create him for the series. He also added that in his initial appearance, that it "was a very expensive 30 seconds of the show", and the producers did not think they could afford to do a whole episode with him, "so the idea was that he was one of Zoom's minions".[15]
- Carter Hall / Khufu / Hawkman (portrayed by Falk Hentschel) – The latest reincarnation of an Egyptian prince who is fated to reincarnate throughout time along with his soulmate, Hawkgirl. He is based on the DC Comics character of the same name[130]
- Thea Queen (portrayed by Willa Holland) – Oliver Queen's half-sister who began to operate as a vigilante, replacing Roy Harper as "Speedy". Holland stars as the character on Arrow.[120]
- Lewis Snart (portrayed by Michael Ironside) – A former police officer, career criminal, and the estranged abusive father of Leonard and Lisa Snart. He was killed by Leonard out of revenge.[131]
- Damien Darhk (portrayed by Neal McDonough) – A former member of the League of Assassins and leader of his own clandestine group, H.I.V.E. McDonough appears as the character on Arrow.[132]
- Eliza Harmon / Trajectory (portrayed by Allison Paige[133]) – An "exceptionally bright scientist with a split personality a la Jekyll and Hyde" from Mercury Labs.[134] She helped Caitlin Snow with the Velocity 9 formula to try and restore Jay Garrick's lost speed. Even though Caitlin never gave her the full formula, Eliza managed to reverse engineer the drug and became addicted to it; manifesting an "evil" personality to justify her actions. Taking the name "Trajectory", she soon became a criminal speedster and causing havoc in Central City. After the Flash defeated her, she took a second dose despite already being on one and disintegrated. Her costume was subsequently recovered, modified, and given to Jesse Quick while her death caused Barry to realize "Jay Garrick" was actually Zoom.
- Floyd Lawton (portrayed by Michael Rowe) – A CCPD detective and partner of Iris West-Allen on Earth-2. He is not very adept at aiming and handling a gun, earning him the derogatory nickname, "Deadshot". Rowe previously appeared as the Earth-1 version of Lawton on Arrow.[3]
- Adam Fells / Geomancer (portrayed by Adam Stafford) – A metahuman with the ability to create earthquakes.[135]
- Griffin Grey (portrayed by Haig Sutherland) – A metahuman who gained super-strength as well as terminal Progeria as a side effect. He demanded a cure from Harry Wells, mistaking him for the Earth-1 Harrison Wells. During his fight with the Flash, Griffin died from the final stages of his metahuman side-effect, and regressed back to his original age.[136]
- Eddie Slick / Sand Demon (portrayed by Kett Turton) – A metahuman from Earth-2 with the ability to transform his body into sand. He has had encounters with "The Flash" (Hunter Zolomon) on Earth-2 and was killed by the Flash (Barry Allen) on Earth-1. He is based on the DC Comics character of the same name.[137]
- Turton also portrays the Earth-1 version of Slick, a career criminal and arsonist who never became a metahuman.[138]
Introduced in season three
- Clive Yorkin (portrayed by Matthew Kevin Anderson) – A metahuman who can disintegrate anything he touches. He originally had these powers in the Flashpoint timeline before Alchemy restored them in the new timeline.
- Joanie (portrayed by Riley Jade Berglund) – The eldest daughter of Cecile Horton.[139]
- Eve Teschmacher (portrayed by Andrea Brooks) – James Olsen's assistant at CatCo Media on Earth-38. Brooks reprises her role from Supergirl.[140]
- Lily Stein (portrayed by Christina Brucato) – The scientist daughter of Martin Stein.[141]
- Judge Hankerson (portrayed by Ken Camroux-Taylor) – A Central City judge who has overseen trials for Heat Monger, Barry Allen, Weather Witch, and Allegra Garcia.
- Music Meister (portrayed by Darren Criss[142]) – An extra-dimensional being with the ability to hypnotize people and send them into a self-created dream world. If his victim is a metahuman, he can also siphon their abilities.
- Sam Scudder / Mirror Master (portrayed by Grey Damon) – A metahuman with the ability to travel through reflective surface, boyfriend of Rosa Dillon, and former member of Leonard Snart's gang before the particle accelerator explosion.[143]
- Abra Kadabra (portrayed by David Dastmalchian) – A time-traveling criminal from a distant future whose advanced technological powers seem like magic.[144]
- Solovar (voiced by Keith David) – A sentient albino gorilla and leader of Gorilla City on Earth-2.[145] In season six, a mental manifestation of Solovar appeared as a gatekeeper preventing Barry and Grodd's minds from separating, forcing them to work together to defeat him. As of yet, the real Solovar's fate is unknown.
- Julio Mendez (portrayed by Alex Désert) – A CCPD captain in the Flashpoint timeline and a musician in the regular timeline.[146] Désert reprises his role from the 1990 series of the same name.
- Tom Patterson (portrayed by Greg Grunberg) – A detective based in Central City.[147]
- J'onn J'onzz / Martian Manhunter (portrayed by David Harewood[148]) – An extraterrestrial superhero, the last Green Martian, and director of the Department of Extranormal Operations (DEO) who resides on Earth-38. Harewood reprises his role from Supergirl.
- Jared Morillo / Plunder (portrayed by Stephen Huszar) – A jewel thief who uses futuristic technology.
- Winslow "Winn" Schott, Jr. (portrayed by Jeremy Jordan[148]) A friend of Supergirl and son of the criminal Toyman who works as a DEO desk agent on Earth-38. Jordan reprises his role from Supergirl.
- Jordan also portrays the Earth-X version, General Schott, leader of the resistance against the New Reich during the "Crisis on Earth-X" crossover.
- Frances "Frankie" Kane / Magenta (portrayed by Joey King) – A metahuman with magnetic abilities.[149] She originally had powers in the Flashpoint timeline before Alchemy restored them in the regular timeline. She is based on the DC Comics character of the same name.
- Edward Clariss / Rival (portrayed by Todd Lasance) – A black-suited speedster who was the archenemy of Kid Flash in the Flashpoint timeline.[150] In the restored timeline, Alchemy restored Clariss' powers. As the Rival, he tried to kill Barry, but to be defeated by him and later murdered by Savitar.
- Sara Lance / White Canary (portrayed by Caity Lotz) – The younger sister of Laurel Lance, Star City vigilante, former League of Assassins member, acting captain of the timeship Waverider, and leader of the Legends. The character is partially based on the Black Canary and was first introduced on Arrow. Lotz recurs as the character on Arrow and is a regular on Legends of Tomorrow.[151]
- In "Crisis on Earth-X", Sara's Earth-X counterpart is said to have been killed by Sturmbannführer Quentin Lance after he discovered she was bisexual.
- Shade (portrayed by Mike McLeod) – A metahuman who can vibrate his molecules to appear as a shadow.
- Accelerated Man (portrayed by Sean Poague) – A Speed Force conduit and Earth-19's version of the Flash.[152]
- Rosalind "Rosa" Dillon / Top (portrayed by Ashley Rickards) – A metahuman with the ability to induce crippling vertigo via eye contact. She is based on the DC Comics character, Top.[153]
- Mon-El (portrayed by Chris Wood[148]) – An extraterrestrial prince from the planet Daxam with similar powers as Supergirl and her romantic partner from Earth-38. Wood reprises his role from Supergirl.
- Lucious Coolidge / Heat Monger (portrayed by Richard Zeman) – An arsonist who operated in Central City while Heat Wave was "off the grid".
Introduced in season four
- Jaco Birch / Hotness (portrayed by Max Adler) – A formerly ordinary man who received pyrokinetic powers when Matthew Kim accidentally transferred them to him from Eric Frye.
- Weeper (portrayed by Matt Afonso) – A metahuman created by DeVoe whose tears induce psycho-active drug-like effects when ingested. He was originally Amunet Black's prisoner before he was captured by DeVoe and killed for his tears.[154]
- Rebecca "Becky" Sharpe / Hazard (portrayed by Sugar Lyn Beard) – A metahuman created by DeVoe with the power to manipulate luck, giving herself good luck while jinxing everyone around her, before DeVoe stole her body and powers.[155]
- Zoey Clark / Prank (portrayed by Corinne Bohrer) – James Jesse's partner-in-crime and mother of their son, Axel Walker. Bohrer reprises her role from the 1990 television series of the same name.[156]
- Janet Petty / Null (portrayed by Bethany Brown) – A petty criminal who gained the ability to manipulate gravity after DeVoe turned her into a metahuman. She is later killed by DeVoe for her powers.
- Ramsey Deacon / Kilg%re (portrayed by Dominic Burgess) – A former computer programmer turned technopath after DeVoe turned him into a metahuman. DeVoe later killed him and stole his powers.[157]
- Van Buren (portrayed by Kendall Cross) – The Mayor of Central City who succeeded Anthony Bellows. She resigned in season five following Spencer Young's arrest.
- David "Big Sir" Ratchet (portrayed by Bill Goldberg) – An inmate at Iron Heights Prison who Sylbert Rundine framed for the death of a Mercury Labs security guard. After Barry learns Rundine will not confess to the crime, Barry used his abilities to relocate David to Jaiju, China.
- Dinah Drake / Black Canary (portrayed by Juliana Harkavy) - A metahuman and former CCPD detective who joined Team Arrow as the new Black Canary. Harkavy reprises her role from Arrow.
- Mina Chaytan (portrayed by Chelsea Kurtz) – A cultural anthropology professor who gained the ability to bring effigies to life after DeVoe turned her into a metahuman. DeVoe later killed her for her powers. She is inspired by the DC Comics villain, Black Bison.[158]
- Alex Danvers (portrayed by Chyler Leigh) – The adoptive sister of Kara Danvers and second-in-command of the DEO. Leigh reprises her role from Supergirl.[159]
- Izzy Bowin (portrayed by Miranda MacDougall) – A female country and western fiddler who gained the ability to fire concussive soundwaves from her body after DeVoe turned her into a metahuman. She was later killed by DeVoe for her body and powers. She is inspired by the DC Comics villain Fiddler.
- Neil Borman / Fallout (portrayed by Ryan Alexander McDonald) – A truck driver gained radioactive abilities after DeVoe turned him into a metahuman. Despite being transferred to an A.R.G.U.S. facility, Borman was captured by DeVoe and used as a battery for his Enlightenment satellites; killing Borman in the process.
- Earl Cox (portrayed by Paul McGillion) – A friend of Ralph Dibny.
- Sylbert Rundine / Dwarfstar (portrayed by Derek Mears) – A metahuman who can shrink or enlarge any object after DeVoe gave him powers. He was later killed by DeVoe for his powers.
- Matthew Kim / Melting Point (portrayed by Leonardo Nam) – A metahuman who gained the ability to transfer other metahumans' abilities to another person from DeVoe. He was later killed by DeVoe for his powers.
- Edwin Gauss / Folded Man (portrayed by Arturo Del Puerto) – A metahuman who gained the ability to create portals to pocket dimensions, or "folds", from DeVoe. He was later killed by DeVoe for his body and powers.
- Eric Frye (portrayed by Oliver Rice) – A formerly pyrokinetic metahuman who lost his powers when Matthew Kim accidentally transferred them to Jaco Birch.
- Dominic Lanse / Brainstorm (portrayed by Kendrick Sampson) – A metahuman who gained telepathic powers from DeVoe. He was originally in Amunet Black's custody before he was transferred to DeVoe, who killed him for his body and powers.
- Ray Terrill / The Ray (portrayed by Russell Tovey[160]) – A displaced hero from Earth-1 who chose to stay on Earth-X to fight the New Reich.
- Josh / Breacher (portrayed by Danny Trejo) – A bounty hunter from Earth-19 and the father of Gypsy who possesses similar powers as his daughter and Cisco.[21][72]
- Anton Slater (portrayed by Mark Valley) – Central City's district attorney who prosecuted Barry during his trial.
Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith cameo as Central City Museum security guards named Jay and Bob.
Introduced in season five
- A.M.A.Z.O. – An android created by Ivo Laboratories on behalf of A.R.G.U.S. capable of mimicking the powers of every metahuman it scans. It was defeated by Superman, Supergirl, Oliver Queen as the Flash, and Barry Allen as Green Arrow.
- Alice Bolen (portrayed by Malia Baker) - The daughter of Vickie and John Bolen.
- August Heart / Godspeed (portrayed by Kindall Charters, voiced by BD Wong) - A Mercury Labs intern who became a speedster in 2049 after replicating Zoom's Velocity-9 drug. He sought to create a new version of the drug that would make his powers permanent, but was thwarted by Nora West-Allen and incarcerated. In season six, Heart mysteriously turned up in 2019 and sent out a series of imposter drones to attack Central City and steal Barry's speed. Initially, despite catching his proxies, Team Flash has yet to locate Heart himself, though they learned that he had aligned himself with a group who wants infinite velocity.
- Del Toro (portrayed by Julianne Christie) - The warden of Iron Heights and successor of Gregory Wolfe who worked to undo the infamy surrounding Iron Heights.
- William Lang / Gridlock (portrayed by Daniel Cudmore) – A kinetic energy-absorbing metahuman. After being defeated by Flash, Kid Flash, and XS, he was intercepted by Cicada, who used a meta-tech dagger to kill him.
- Vanessa Jansen / Block (portrayed by Erin Cummings) – A criminal who was betrayed by the East Street Skulls. After developing the ability to create box-shaped force-fields, she tried to take revenge on Bobby Moretti, one of the leaders before Flash and XS intervened and stopped them. Before she could be incarcerated, she was killed by Cicada.
- John Deegan (portrayed by Jeremy Davies) – A psychologist from Gotham City who was given the Book of Destiny by the Monitor to rewrite reality according to his whims.
- Raelene Sharp (portrayed by Cassandra Ebner) – A metahuman with the ability to form blades from her arms. She was killed by Cicada as part of his vendetta.
- Bruno Moretti (portrayed by Matty Finochio) – One of the leaders of the East Street Skulls street gang.
- Philip Master / Acid Master (portrayed by John Gillich) - An acid-generating metahuman who fought Killer Frost before being sent to the S.T.A.R. Labs pipeline.
- Vickie Bolen (portrayed by Catherine Lough Haggquist) - An explosive metahuman who accidentally killed Grace Gibbons' parents. She was targeted by an older Grace as Cicada II before XS got her to safety.
- Joslyn "Joss" Jackam / Weather Witch (portrayed by Reina Hardesty) – The estranged daughter of Mark Mardon and niece of Clyde Mardon was fired from her meteorologist job after her weather experiments become too dangerous. A part of her van was struck with a fragment from DeVoe's Enlightenment satellite, which she turned into a staff that enabled her to control the weather like the Mardons. She attempted to exact revenge against her father, only to be defeated by the Flash using Mardon's weather control wand. She later escaped police custody with Silver Ghost's help before abandoning her in Bolivia and joining Nora West-Allen's Young Rogues, only to be captured by Team Flash during a heist on McCulloch Technologies.
- Clark Kent / Superman (portrayed by Tyler Hoechlin) – A reporter at the Daily Planet, defender of Metropolis, and cousin of Supergirl from Earth-38. Hoechlin reprises the role from Supergirl.
- Peter Merkel / Rag Doll (portrayed by Troy James,[161] voiced by Phil LaMarr) – A criminal who was crushed by shrapnel from DeVoe's Enlightenment satellite, which gave him the ability to stretch and contort himself in a nightmarish manner. He stole or destroyed other peoples' most treasured items and kidnapped Barry Allen before being defeated by the Elongated Man and remanded to Iron Heights. He was later recruited by Nora West-Allen as part of her Young Rogues and by the criminal organization Black Hole to kill Joe West on two separate occasions, though he was defeated in both cases.
- Spencer Young (portrayed by Kiana Madeira) – A former journalist at Central City Picture News turned blogger and creator of the "Spyn Zone" app. Her smartphone was exposed to a fragment of DeVoe's Enlightenment satellite, which gave it the ability to control people's minds. She used her phone to endanger peoples' lives to increase her app popularity as well as brainwash XS before the Flash disarmed her and sent her to Iron Heights. She is inspired by the DC Comics villain Spin.
- Goldface (portrayed by Damion Poitier) - A metahuman criminal in the black market business who can turn his skin to gold and manipulate golden items.
- John Bolen (portrayed by Chris Shields) - The husband of Vickie Bolen who was targeted by Cicada II before Flash rescued him.
- Carl Bork (portrayed by Andre Tricoteux) - A metahuman criminal with super-strength and associate of Norvok's who was killed by Cicada.
- Lois Lane (portrayed by Elizabeth Tulloch) – A reporter at the Daily Planet on Earth-38 and Superman's love interest.
- Raya Van Zandt / Silver Ghost (portrayed by Gabrielle Walsh) - A skilled ex-pilot with the call sign "Silver Ghost" and expert in vehicles who mysteriously obtained a meta-tech key fob that allows her to control vehicles. She helped Joss Jackam escape CCPD custody and persuaded her to help steal a WayneTech car in A.R.G.U.S.' possession. After XS tried to persuade her to change, Joss secretly thwarted Zandt's plans and escaped with her. She was later abandoned in Bolivia.
- Renee Adler (portrayed by Kimberly Williams-Paisley) - A librarian with telekinetic abilities who Sherloque falls in love with as part of Thawne's plan to take the detective off his and Nora's scent. She is also the Earth-1 version of his many ex-wives.
- Williams-Paisley also portrays four of Sherloque's five ex-wives, Adler's doppelgängers from four separate Earths. Though she is not seen, it is implied that the remaining one is another version of Adler from Earth-38.
Introduced in season six
- Black Hole - A secret organization specializing in unique tech and assassins with light-based abilities.
- Dr. Kimiyo Hoshi / Doctor Light (portrayed by Emmie Nagata) – A Black Hole assassin armed with a UV gun. Carver tasked her with killing Iris West when she interfered with Black Hole's operations before being calling her off. She was later swayed to Eva's side and became her bodyguard.
- Joseph Carver (portrayed by Eric Nenninger) – The CEO of McCulloch Technologies and husband of Eva McCulloch who used his wife's technology for criminal means out of a belief that he was saving the world. Though he encountered resistance from Team Flash and CCPD, he was eventually killed by Eva.
- Millie Rawlins / Sunshine (portrayed by Natalie Sharp) - A ex-military special ops operative with the Department of Defense's covert division who went by the call sign "Sunshine". After she gained heliokinetic (light-bending) abilities from the particle accelerator, she became an operative of Black Hole. She was charged her with stealing the prismatic refractor from Mercury Labs, only to defeated by Barry Allen and CCPD, who exploited her weakness of being solar powered. She was later freed from police custody by Rag Doll and swayed to Eva's side.
- Richard Dearbon (portrayed by Mark Brandon) - The father of Sue Dearbon.
- Ryan Choi (portrayed by Osric Chau) – An Ivy Town University scientist, fan of Ray Palmer, and miniaturization expert who was recruited to help avert a multiverse-destroying Crisis. Before making his first physical appearance, Choi was previously mentioned in season 5 when Nora West-Allen states he was the one who developed Barry's Flash Ring suit.
- Lex Luthor (portrayed by Jon Cryer) – An enemy of Superman and Supergirl's from Earth-38 that the Monitor recruited to avert the Crisis. Cryer reprises his role from Supergirl.
- Sue Dearbon (portrayed by Natalie Dreyfuss) – A missing person that Ralph Dibny had been attempting to find ever since the season five finale before appearing in season six as a thief with connections to Black Hole. When Ralph first found her, Sue manipulated him into helping her get a diamond from a low level criminal before making off with it. At her hideout, Sue discovered information on Black Hole embedded in the diamond. She later robbed several banks used by the organization, only to encounter Ralph and Cisco. She gave them the diamond and explained Black Hole was extorting her parents before departing once more. During a third encounter, Ralph discovers Sue joined Black Hole to kill its leader, Joseph Carver. Despite some difficulty, he was able to talk her out of it. After Carver's wife, Eva McCulloch, killed him, Sue believed she could return to her family until she learned Eva framed her for the murder.
- "January Galore" (portrayed by Rebecca Roberts) - An alias and disguise Dearbon used in her crimes.
- Lucifer Morningstar (portrayed by Tom Ellis) – The Lord of Hell who retired to become a nightclub owner and consultant to the LAPD on Earth-666. Ellis reprises his role from Lucifer.
- Maurice (portrayed by Andrew J. Hampton) - Joseph Carver's personal assistant.
- Godspeed Drone (portrayed by Ryan Handley) – The fourth in a series of Godspeed drones that Flash defeated in the four-month gap between seasons 5 and 6 and can only speak "modem." He and the other drones were drained of their speed by a fifth drone.
- Penelope Dearbon (portrayed by Nancy Hillis) - The mother of Sue Dearbon.
- John Loring (portrayed by Silver Kim) - A criminal that Sue Dearbon targeted for a diamond that she wanted. He is named after DC Comics character Jean Loring.
- Jim Corrigan (portrayed by Stephen Lobo) – A police officer from an unspecified Earth who housed the Spectre before passing its power onto Oliver Queen so he could save the multiverse.
- Gene Huskk (portrayed by William MacDonald) – An informant for Iris with information on Black Hole. He formerly worked for McCulloch Technologies before he was fired and later killed by Doctor Light.
- Mia Smoak / Green Arrow (portrayed by Katherine McNamara) – The daughter of Green Arrow who the Monitor brought from the year 2040 to help avert the Crisis. McNamara reprises her role from Arrow.
- Kate Kane / Batwoman (portrayed by Ruby Rose) – The cousin of Bruce Wayne who took over Wayne Enterprises and his crime-fighting duties after he mysteriously disappeared. Rose reprises her role from Batwoman.
- Remington Meister (portrayed by Carlo Rota) – A German crime lord who held an auction for a weaponized satellite in Midway City before he was foiled and arrested by Barry Allen and Ralph Dibny.
- John Constantine (portrayed by Matt Ryan) – An enigmatic and irreverent former con man turned reluctant supernatural detective and Legends member. Ryan reprises his role from Constantine and Legends of Tomorrow.
- Helena Kyle / Huntress (portrayed by Ashley Scott) – A half-metahuman superheroine from Earth-203 and the daughter of her world's Batman and Catwoman. Scott reprises her role from Birds of Prey.
- Rachel Rosso (portrayed by Meera Simhan) – A doctor and the mother of Ramsey Rosso who helped Caitlin Snow become a doctor herself. When she came down with HLH, she chose to accept her fate. However, her son saw this as a betrayal and grew angry with her; believing she was giving up when she should have been fighting back.
- Roderick Smith (portrayed by Joel Semande) - Hartley Rathaway's right-hand man and boyfriend in the post-Crisis timeline.
- Mitch Romero (portrayed by Shawn Stuart) – An arms dealer who Ramsey Rosso tries to buy a dark matter-based gun from, only to be killed by the doctor's powers. While Rosso tries to examine what happened to him, Romero becomes a zombie-like creature and attacks him. Following said attack, he attacks and kills his own crew to steal dark matter and strengthen himself before attacking S.T.A.R. Labs. Barry and Killer Frost overdose him on dark matter and destroy him.
- Frida Novikov / Turtle II (portrayed by Vanessa Walsh) - A chronokinetic metahuman who can create time bubbles. While planning her revenge for a failed crime spree, she is defeated by Flash, Kid Flash, and Joe West using a Velocity-X formula to negate her powers before Joe arrested her.
- Jefferson Pierce / Black Lightning (portrayed by Cress Williams) – A teacher with electrical powers from an unspecified Earth that Barry and his allies recruited to help them avert the crisis. Williams reprises his role from Black Lightning.
Dina Meyer makes an uncredited vocal cameo in "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Three"; reprising her role as Barbara Gordon / Oracle from Birds of Prey.
See also
- List of Arrow characters
- List of Legends of Tomorrow characters
- List of Arrowverse actors
- List of Supergirl characters
- Gustin also portrays Hannibal Bates / Everyman disguised as the Earth-1 version in season one, and Barry Allen's Earth-2 doppelgänger in season two.
- Patton also portrays Hannibal Bates / Everyman disguised as the Earth-1 version in season one, and Iris West-Allen's Earth-2 doppelgänger in season two.
- Panabaker also portrays Hannibal Bates / Everyman disguised as the Earth-1 version in season one, and Killer Frost's Earth-2 doppelgänger in season two.
- Cosnett also portrays Hannibal Bates / Everyman disguised as his character in season one.
- Valdes also portrays his character's Earth-2 doppelgänger Reverb in season two, and Echo of Earth-19 in season six.
- Matt Letscher portrays Eobard Thawne in guest capacity in the first, second and third seasons.
- Cavanagh also portrays Hannibal Bates / Everyman disguised as his character.
- Although credited as a main character, Cavanagh appears as Eobard Thawne only in two episodes.
- Cavanagh has portrayed various depictions of his character: the Earth-1 version in season one, Harry Wells of Earth-2 from season two to season six, H.R. Wells of Earth-19 in season three, Sherloque Wells of Earth-221 in seasons five and six, Nash Wells / Pariah in season six, and additional doppelgängers in seasons three, four and five.
- Martin also portrays Joseph West's Earth-2 doppelgänger in season two, and Ralph Dibny disguised as the Earth-1 version in season four.
- Lonsdale is credited in the main cast from "Running to Stand Still" to "Don't Run" and as a special guest star on "We Are the Flash".
- Sawyer also portrays Clifford DeVoe in his character's body in season four in a main capacity.
- In season one's "Tricksters", Anthony Harrison portrays Gregory Wolfe.
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