List of Turing Award laureates by university affiliation

This list of Turing Award laureates by university affiliation shows the university affiliations of Turing Award winners since 1966 (as of 2020, 72 winners in total).[1] The Turing Award is awarded every year by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) to winners of the previous year, and this list considers Turing Award winners as equal individuals, regardless of the total number of laureates who received the award each time.[1][2] In this list, universities are presented in descending order starting from those affiliated with most Turing Award winners.

The university affiliations in this list are all official academic affiliations such as degree programs and official academic employment. Non-academic affiliations such as advisory committee and administrative staff are generally excluded. The official academic affiliations fall into three categories: 1) Alumni (graduates and attendees), 2) Long-term academic staff, and 3) Short-term academic staff. Graduates are defined as those who hold Bachelor's, Master's, Doctorate, or equivalent degrees from a university, while attendees are those who formally enrolled in degree programs at a university but did not complete the programs; thus, honorary degrees, summer attendees, exchange students and auditing students are excluded. The category of "Long-term academic staff" consists of tenure/tenure-track and equivalent academic positions, while that of "Short-term academic staff" consists of lecturers (without tenure), postdoctoral researchers, visiting professors/scholars (visitors), and equivalent academic positions. At any university, the specific academic title solely determines the type of affiliation, regardless of the actual time the position was held by a laureate.

Further explanations on "visitors" under "Short-term academic staff" are now presented. 1) All informal or personal visits are excluded from the list; 2) all employment-based visiting positions, which carry teaching/research duties, are included as affiliations in the list; 3) as for award-based visiting positions, to minimize controversy this list takes a conservative view and includes the positions as affiliations only if the awardees were required to assume employment-level duty (teaching/research) or the awardees specifically classified the visiting positions as "appointment" or similar in reliable sources such as their curriculum vitae. In particular, attending meetings and giving public lectures, talks or non-curricular seminars are employment-level duties. Finally, summer visitors are generally excluded from the list unless summer work yielded significant end products such as research publications and components of Turing-winning work, since summer terms are not part of formal academic years; the same rule applies to extension schools of universities.

The number following a person's name is the year he/she received the Turing Award; in particular, a number with asterisk (*) means the person received the award while he/she was working at the institution (including emeritus staff) containing that asterisk. A name underlined implies that this person has been listed for a same institution previously (i.e., multiple affiliations). If a person had multiple positions under one category, only the position with highest rank is considered.

This list, together with the List of Nobel laureates by university affiliation and List of Fields Medal winners by university affiliation, presents the university affiliations of people who have won highest honors in fundamental academic disciplines.

Summary of results

Top 15 universities worldwide since 1966

According to Wikipedia policies on no original research and objectivity/neutrality, it is impossible in Wikipedia to assign various weights to different types of affiliations. Hence, all types of affiliations count equally in the following table and throughout the whole page.

Rank University Total Alumni Long-term academic staff Short-term academic staff Overlap[Note 1]
1 Stanford University 28 9 16 12 -9
2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 26 6 16 11 -7
3 University of California, Berkeley 25 11 12 11 -9
4 Harvard University 14 9 5 4 -4
Princeton University 14 8 5 2 -1
6 Carnegie Mellon University 13 5 9 1 -2
7 New York University 8 3 2 3 0
8 University of Cambridge 7 5 2 3 -3
9 California Institute of Technology 6 6 2 0 -2
University of Michigan 6 4 0 2 0
University of Oxford 6 3 3 2 -2
12 University of California, Los Angeles 5 2 1 1 0
University of Toronto 5 1 3 2 -1
14 Cornell University 4 1 3 0 0
University of Chicago 4 3 0 1 0

Top 10 universities worldwide since 2000

According to Wikipedia policies on no original research and objectivity/neutrality, it is impossible in Wikipedia to assign various weights to different types of affiliations. Hence, all types of affiliations count equally in the following table and throughout the whole page.

Rank University Total Alumni Long-term academic staff Short-term academic staff Overlap
1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 15 2 11 4 -2
2 Stanford University 11 5 6 4 -4
3 University of California, Berkeley 9 5 4 2 -2
4 Princeton University 5 2 2 1 0
5 Carnegie Mellon University 4 1 2 1 0
Harvard University 4 2 2 0 0
New York University 4 2 1 1 0
University of California, Los Angeles 4 2 1 1 0
University of Cambridge 4 2 0 2 0
10 University of Toronto 3 0 1 2 0

Stanford University (1st)

Affiliates Alumni Long-term academic staff Short-term academic staff
Stanford University, United States
Notes: 1) Affiliates of Stanford Research Institute (SRI) before Jan 13th, 1970, are included in this list.[3] On May 16, 1977, the institute was renamed SRI International.[3]
  1. Martin Hellman[4][5] (M.S, PhD)  2015
  2. Whitfield Diffie[6] (Graduate Attendee)  2015
  3. Barbara Liskov[7][8] (M.S, PhD)  2008
  4. Vinton Cerf[9] (B.S)  2004
  5. Ronald Rivest[10][11] (PhD)  2002
  6. John Hopcroft[12][13] (M.S, PhD)  1986
  7. Robert Tarjan[14][15] (M.S, PhD)  1986
  8. Allen Newell[16] (B.S)  1975
  9. Raj Reddy[17] (PhD)  1994
  1. Pat Hanrahan[18] (Professor) - 2019*
  2. John L. Hennessy[19][20] (Professor) – 2017*
  3. Martin Hellman[4][5] (Professor)  2015*
  4. Whitfield Diffie[6] (Professor)  2015*
  5. Vinton Cerf[9] (Assistant Professor)  2004
  6. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao[21][22] (Professor)  2000
  7. Douglas Engelbart[23][24] (SRI Director)  1997
  8. Edward Feigenbaum[25] (Professor)  1994*
  9. Raj Reddy[17] (Assistant Professor)  1994
  10. Robert Tarjan[14][15] (Associate Professor)  1986
  11. Niklaus Wirth[26] (Assistant Professor)  1984
  12. Robert W. Floyd[27] (Professor)  1978*
  13. Dana Scott[28][29] (Professor)  1976
  14. Donald E. Knuth[30][31] (Professor)  1974*
  15. John McCarthy[32][33] (Professor)  1971*
  16. James H. Wilkinson[34] (Professor) – 1970
  1. Whitfield Diffie[6] (Visiting Scholar)  2015
  2. Alan Kay[35] (Researcher)  2003
  3. Kristen Nygaard[36] (Visiting Professor) – 2001
  4. Ole-Johan Dahl[37][38][39] (Visiting Professor) – 2001
  5. Jim Gray[40][41] (Visitor)  1998
  6. Douglas Engelbart[23] (Visiting Scholar)  1997
  7. Amir Pnueli[42][43] (Postdoctoral Researcher)  1996
  8. Robin Milner[44][45] (Research Associate)  1991
  9. William Kahan[46][47] (Visiting Professor) – 1989
  10. John Hopcroft[13] (Visiting Associate Professor)  1986
  11. James H. Wilkinson[34] (Visiting Professor) – 1970
  12. Richard Hamming[48][49][50] (Visiting Professor) – 1969

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2nd)

Affiliates Alumni Long-term academic staff Short-term academic staff
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States
Notes: 1) Dennis M. Ritchie, while a graduate student at Harvard University, worked part-time in MIT Project MAC (Multics project), a joint venture of MIT, General Electric and Bell Labs.[51][52] He is not included in this list since he did not form any academic affiliation with MIT.
  1. Whitfield Diffie[6] (B.S)  2015
  2. Leslie Lamport[53][54] (B.S)  2013
  3. Manuel Blum[55][56] (B.S, M.S, PhD)  1995
  4. Fernando Corbato[57][58] (PhD)  1990
  5. Ivan Sutherland[59] (PhD)  1988
  6. Alan Perlis[60] (M.S, PhD)  1966
  1. Tim Berners-Lee[61] (Professor) – 2016*
  2. Martin Hellman[4][5] (Assistant Professor)  2015
  3. Michael Stonebraker[62][63] (Adjunct Professor)  2014*
  4. Shafi Goldwasser[64][65] (Professor)  2012*
  5. Silvio Micali[66][67] (Professor)  2012*
  6. Barbara Liskov[7][8] (Professor)  2008*
  7. Bob Kahn[68] (Assistant Professor)  2004
  8. Adi Shamir[69] (Assistant Professor)  2002
  9. Leonard Adleman[70] (Associate Professor)  2002
  10. Ronald Rivest[10][11] (Professor)  2002*
  11. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao[21][22] (Assistant Professor)  2000
  12. Manuel Blum[55][56] (Assistant Professor)  1995*
  13. Butler Lampson[71][72] (Adjunct Professor)  1992*
  14. Fernando Corbato[57][58] (Professor)  1990*
  15. John McCarthy[33] (Assistant Professor)  1971
  16. Marvin Minsky[73] (Professor)  1969*
  1. Yoshua Bengio[74] (Postdoc) - 2018
  2. Shafi Goldwasser[64][65] (Postdoc)  2012
  3. Alan Kay[35][75] (Adjunct Professor)  2003
  4. Adi Shamir[69] (Instructor)  2002
  5. Manuel Blum[55][56] (Research Associate)  1995
  6. Ivan Sutherland[59] (Researcher)  1988
  7. Robert E. Tarjan[14][15] (Visiting Scientist) – 1986
  8. Robert W. Floyd[76][77] (Visiting Professor)  1978
  9. Michael O. Rabin[78][79] (Visiting Professor)  1976
  10. Maurice Wilkes[80] (Adjunct Professor) – 1967
  11. Alan Perlis[60] (Researcher)  1966

University of California, Berkeley (3rd)

Affiliates Alumni Long-term academic staff Short-term academic staff
University of California, Berkeley, United States
Notes: 1) The Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) at Berkeley is an independent research institute from the University. Juris Hartmanis[81][82] (Fall 1985 Visitor) and Richard E. Stearns (Fall 1985 Visitor)[83][84] are thus excluded from the list.

2) Whitfield Diffie was a summer school attendee at Berkeley in 1962.[85][86] He is thus excluded from the list.

  1. Shafi Goldwasser[64][65] (M.S, PhD)  2012
  2. Silvio Micali[66][67] (PhD)  2012
  3. Charles P. Thacker[87] (B.S)  2009
  4. Barbara Liskov[7][8] (B.S)  2008
  5. Leonard Adleman[70] (B.A, PhD)  2002
  6. Jim Gray[40][41] (B.S, PhD)  1998
  7. Douglas Engelbart[23][24] (M.S, PhD)  1997
  8. Butler Lampson[71][88] (PhD)  1992
  9. Niklaus Wirth[26] (PhD)  1984
  10. Ken Thompson[89] (B.S, M.S)  1983
  11. Dana Scott[28][29] (B.A)  1976
  1. David Patterson[90][91] (Professor) – 2017*
  2. Michael Stonebraker[62] (Professor)  2014*
  3. Shafi Goldwasser[92][93] (Professor)  2012
  4. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao[21][22] (Professor)  2000
  5. Douglas Engelbart[23][24] (Assistant Professor)  1997
  6. Manuel Blum[55][56] (Professor)  1995*
  7. Edward Feigenbaum[25] (Associate Professor)  1994
  8. Butler Lampson[71][88] (Associate Professor)  1992
  9. William Kahan[46] (Professor)  1989*
  10. Richard Karp[94] (Professor)  1985*
  11. Stephen Cook[95] (Assistant Professor)  1982
  12. Dana Scott[28][29] (Associate Professor)  1976
  1. Leslie Valiant[96][97] (Visiting Scientist) – 2010
  2. Charles P. Thacker[87] (Researcher)  2009
  3. Jim Gray[40][41] (Postdoc & McKay Fellow)  1998
  4. Manuel Blum[56][98] (Visiting Scientist)  1995
  5. Edward Feigenbaum[25] (Researcher)  1994
  6. Ivan Sutherland[59] (Visiting Scholar)  1988
  7. Robert Tarjan[14][15] (Miller Research Fellow)  1986
  8. Ken Thompson[89][99] (Visiting Professor)  1983
  9. John Backus[100] (Visiting Professor)  1977
  10. Michael O. Rabin[78] (Visiting Associate Professor)  1976
  11. Herbert A. Simon[101] (Research Director)  1975

Harvard University (4th, Tie)

Affiliates Alumni Long-term academic staff Short-term academic staff
Harvard University, United States
Notes: 1) Barbara Liskov worked as a computer programmer (non-academic position) at Harvard during 1962–63.[7][8] She is not included in the list.
  1. E. Allen Emerson[102] (PhD)  2007
  2. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao[21][22] (M.A, PhD)  2000
  3. Frederick P. Brooks[103][104] (M.S, PhD)  1999
  4. Butler Lampson[71][88] (B.A)  1992
  5. Richard Karp[94] (B.A, M.S, PhD)  1985
  6. Dennis M. Ritchie[105] (B.S, PhD)  1983
  7. Stephen A. Cook[95] (M.S, PhD)  1982
  8. Kenneth E. Iverson[106] (M.A, PhD)  1979
  9. Marvin Minsky[73] (B.A)  1969
  1. Leslie G. Valiant[97][107] (Professor)  2010*
  2. Edmund M. Clarke[108][109] (Assistant Professor)  2007
  3. Ivan Sutherland[59] (Associate Professor)  1988
  4. Kenneth E. Iverson[106] (Assistant Professor)  1979
  5. Michael O. Rabin[78][79] (Professor)  1976
  1. Amir Pnueli[42] (Visiting Professor)  1996
  2. Kenneth E. Iverson[106] (Instructor)  1979
  3. Michael O. Rabin[78] (Visiting Professor)  1976
  4. Marvin Minsky[73][110] (Junior Fellow)  1969

Princeton University (4th, Tie)

Affiliates Alumni Long-term academic staff Short-term academic staff
Princeton University, United States
Note: 1) Herbert A. Simon had an unclear visiting position and is not included for now.[111][112]
  1. Michael Stonebraker[62] (B.Eng)  2014
  2. Robert Kahn[68] (M.A, PhD)  2004
  3. Richard E. Stearns[83][84] (PhD)  1993
  4. Dana Scott[28][29] (PhD)  1976
  5. Michael O. Rabin[78][79] (PhD)  1976
  6. Allen Newell[16] (Graduate Attendee)  1975
  7. John McCarthy[32][33] (PhD)  1971
  8. Marvin Minsky[73][110] (PhD)  1969
  1. Pat Hanrahan[18] (Professor) - 2019
  2. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao[21][22] (Professor)  2000*
  3. John Hopcroft[12][13] (Assistant Professor)  1986
  4. Robert Tarjan[14][15] (Professor)  1986*
  5. Dana Scott[28][29] (Professor)  1976
  1. Shafi Goldwasser[64] (Visiting Professor) – 2012
  2. Richard Hamming[48] (Adjunct Professor) – 1969

Carnegie Mellon University (6th)

Affiliates Alumni Long-term academic staff Short-term academic staff
Carnegie Mellon University, United States
  1. Shafi Goldwasser[64][65] (B.S)  2012
  2. Edward Feigenbaum[25] (B.S, PhD)  1994
  3. Ivan E. Sutherland[59] (B.S)  1988
  4. Allen Newell[16] (PhD)  1975
  5. Alan J. Perlis[60] (B.S)  1966
  1. Geoffrey Hinton[113] (Associate Professor) – 2018
  2. Edmund M. Clarke[109][114] (Professor)  2007*
  3. Manuel Blum[55][56] (Professor)  1995
  4. Raj Reddy[115][17] (Professor)  1994*
  5. Robert W. Floyd[27] (Assistant Professor)  1978
  6. Dana Scott[28][29] (Professor)  1976
  7. Allen Newell[16] (Professor)  1975*
  8. Herbert A. Simon[101] (Professor)  1975*
  9. Alan J. Perlis[60] (Professor)  1966*
  1. Leslie Valiant[97][107] (Visiting Assistant Professor) – 2010

New York University (7th)

Affiliates Alumni Long-term academic staff Short-term academic staff
New York University, United States
  1. Martin Hellman[5] (B.Eng) – 2015
  2. Judea Pearl[116] (PhD) – 2011
  3. Jim Gray[40][41] (Graduate Attendee)  1998
  1. Yann LeCun[117] (Professor) – 2018*
  2. Amir Pnueli[42] (Professor) – 1996
  1. Frances E. Allen[118] (Visiting Professor) – 2006
  2. Robert Tarjan[14][15] (Adjunct Professor) – 1986
  3. Michael O. Rabin[78] (Visiting Professor)  1976

University of Cambridge (8th)

Affiliates Alumni Long-term academic staff Short-term academic staff
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
  1. Geoffrey Hinton[113] (B.A) – 2018
  2. Leslie Valiant[97][107] (B.A) – 2010
  3. Robin Milner[44][45] (B.A) – 1991
  4. James H. Wilkinson[34][119] (B.A, M.A) – 1970
  5. Maurice Wilkes[80][120] (B.A, M.A, PhD) – 1967
  1. Robin Milner[44][45] (Professor) – 1991
  2. Maurice Wilkes[80][120] (Professor) – 1967*
  1. Leslie Valiant[97] (Visiting Fellow) – 2010
  2. Peter Naur[121] (Research Student) – 2005
  3. William Kahan[46] (Postdoctoral Researcher) – 1989

California Institute of Technology (9th, Tie)

Affiliates Alumni Long-term academic staff Short-term academic staff
California Institute of Technology, United States
  1. Juris Hartmanis[81][82] (PhD)  1993
  2. Fernando Corbato[57][58] (B.S)  1990
  3. Ivan Sutherland[59] (M.S)  1988
  4. Robert Tarjan[14][15] (B.S)  1986
  5. Donald E. Knuth[30][31] (PhD)  1974
  6. John McCarthy[32][33] (B.S)  1971
  1. Ivan Sutherland[59] (Professor)  1988
  2. Donald E. Knuth[30][31] (Associate Professor)  1974

    University of Michigan (9th, Tie)

    Affiliates Alumni Long-term academic staff Short-term academic staff
    University of Michigan, United States
    1. Michael Stonebraker[62] (M.S, PhD) – 2014
    2. Frances E. Allen[118] (M.A) – 2006
    3. Stephen A. Cook[95] (B.S) – 1982
    4. Edgar F. Codd[122] (M.S, PhD) – 1981
    1. Richard Karp[94] (Visiting Associate Professor)  1985
    2. James H. Wilkinson[34] (Visiting Professor) – 1970

    University of Oxford (9th, Tie)

    Affiliates Alumni Long-term academic staff Short-term academic staff
    University of Oxford, United Kingdom
    1. Tim Berners-Lee[61] (B.A)  2016
    2. Edgar F. Codd[122] (B.A, M.A)  1981
    3. C. Anthony R. Hoare[123] (B.A)  1980
    1. Tim Berners-Lee[61] (Professor)  2016
    2. C. Anthony R. Hoare[123] (Professor)  1980*
    3. Dana Scott[28][29] (Professor)  1976
    1. Leslie Valiant[97] (Visiting Research Fellow) – 2010
    2. Donald E. Knuth[31][124] (Visiting Professor)  1974

    University of California, Los Angeles (12th, Tie)

    Affiliates Alumni Long-term academic staff Short-term academic staff
    University of California, Los Angeles, United States
    1. David Patterson[90][91] (B.A, M.S, PhD) – 2017
    2. Vinton Cerf[9](M.S, PhD) – 2004
    3. Fernando Corbato[57][58] (Undergrad Attendee)  1990
    1. Judea Pearl[116][125] (Professor) – 2011*
    1. Alan Kay[35][126](Adjunct Professor) – 2003

    University of Toronto (12th, Tie)

    Affiliates Alumni Long-term academic staff Short-term academic staff
    University of Toronto, Canada
    1. William Kahan[46] (B.S, M.S, PhD) – 1989
    1. Geoffrey Hinton[113] (Professor) – 2018*
    2. William Kahan[46] (Associate Professor) – 1989
    3. Stephen A. Cook[95] (Professor) – 1982*
    1. Yann LeCun[117] (Postdoctoral Researcher) - 2018
    2. Silvio Micali[66][67] (Postdoctoral Researcher)  2012

    Cornell University (14th, Tie)

    Affiliates Alumni Long-term academic staff Short-term academic staff
    Cornell University, United States
    1. Edmund M. Clarke[109][114] (PhD) – 2007
    1. Juris Hartmanis[81][82] (Professor) – 1993*
    2. John Hopcroft[12][13] (Professor) – 1986*
    3. Robert Tarjan[14][15] (Assistant Professor) – 1986

    University of Chicago (14th, Tie)

    Affiliates Alumni Long-term academic staff Short-term academic staff
    University of Chicago, United States
    1. Robert W. Floyd[27] (B.A, B.S) – 1978
    2. Herbert A. Simon[101] (B.S, PhD) – 1975
    3. Richard Hamming[48] (B.S) – 1968
    1. Dana Scott[28][29] (Instructor) – 1976

    Columbia University (16th, Tie)

    Affiliates Alumni Long-term academic staff Short-term academic staff
    Columbia University, United States
    Notes: 1) Frances E. Allen was a summer school attendee.[118] She is excluded from the list.
    1. John Backus[100] (B.S, M.A) – 1977
    1. Frederick Brooks[104] (Adjunct Assistant Professor) – 1999
    2. Michael O. Rabin[78] (Visiting Professor)  1976

    Duke University (16th, Tie)

    AffiliatesAlumni Long-term academic staff Short-term academic staff
    Duke University, United States
    1. Edmund M. Clarke[109][114] (M.A) – 2007
    2. Frederick Brooks[103][104] (B.A) – 1999
    3. John Cocke[127] (B.S, PhD) – 1987
      1. Edmund M. Clarke[109][114] (Lecturer) – 2007

      Hebrew University (16th, Tie)

      Affiliates Alumni Long-term academic staff Short-term academic staff
      Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
      1. Michael O. Rabin[78][79] (M.S) – 1976
      1. Michael O. Rabin[78][79] (Professor) – 1976
      1. Shafi Goldwasser[64][65] (Visiting Professor) – 2012
      2. Richard E. Stearns[83][84] (Visiting Professor) – 1993

      University of Edinburgh (16th, Tie)

      Affiliates Alumni Long-term academic staff Short-term academic staff
      University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
      1. Geoffrey Hinton[113] (PhD) – 2018
      1. Leslie Valiant[97][107] (Reader) – 2010
      2. Robin Milner[45][44] (Professor) – 1991*

      University of Utah (16th, Tie)

      Affiliates Alumni Long-term academic staff Short-term academic staff
      University of Utah, United States
      1. Edwin Catmull[18] (B.S, PhD) - 2019
      2. Alan Kay[35] (M.S, PhD) – 2003
      1. Ivan Sutherland[59] (Professor) – 1988

      Weizmann Institute of Science (16th, Tie)

      Affiliates Alumni Long-term academic staff Short-term academic staff
      Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
      1. Adi Shamir[69] (M.S, PhD) – 2002
      2. Amir Pnueli[42][43] (PhD) – 1996
      1. Shafi Goldwasser[64][65] (Professor) – 2012*
      2. Amir Pnueli[42][43] (Professor) – 1996
      1. Shafi Goldwasser[64][65] (Visiting Professor) – 2012
      2. Amir Pnueli[42][43] (Senior Research Fellow) – 1996

      Yale University (16th, Tie)

      Affiliates Alumni Long-term academic staff Short-term academic staff
      Yale University, United States
      1. Ronald Rivest[10][11] (B.A) – 2002
      1. Alan Perlis[60] (Professor) – 1966
      1. Michael O. Rabin[78][79] (Visiting Professor of Mathematics)  1976

      Other universities (23nd–37th)

      23nd (2 Affiliates)

      Affiliates Alumni Long-term academic staff Short-term academic staff
      City College of New York, United States
      1. Robert Kahn[68] (B.E.E) – 2004
      1. Richard Hamming[48] (Adjunct Professor) – 1969
      Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
      1. Amir Pnueli[42][43] (B.S) – 1996
      2. Judea Pearl[116] (B.S) – 2011
        Tel Aviv University, Israel
        1. Adi Shamir[69] (B.S) – 2002
        1. Amir Pnueli[42][43] (Associate Professor) – 1996
        University of Aarhus, Denmark
        1. Kristen Nygaard[36] (Visiting Professor) – 2001
        2. Robin Milner[44][45] (Visiting Professor)  1991
        University at Albany, SUNY, United States
        1. Frances E. Allen[118] (B.A) – 2006
        1. Richard E. Stearns[83][84] (Professor) – 1993*
        University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
        1. Edsger W. Dijkstra[128] (PhD) – 1972
        1. Dana Scott[28][29] (Visiting Professor) – 1976
        University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, United States
        1. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao[21][22] (PhD) – 2000
        2. Richard Hamming[48] (PhD) – 1969
          1. Richard Hamming[48] (Instructor) – 1969
          University of Oslo, Norway
          1. Kristen Nygaard[36] (M.S) – 2001
          2. Ole-Johan Dahl[129] (M.S) – 2001
          1. Kristen Nygaard[36] (Professor) – 2001
          2. Ole-Johan Dahl[129] (Professor) – 2001
          University of Paris, France
          1. Yann LeCun[117] (PhD) – 2018
          1. Michael O. Rabin[78][79] (Visiting Lecturer) – 1976
          University of Pennsylvania, United States
          1. Charles Bachman[130] (M.S) – 1973
            1. Amir Pnueli[42][43] (Visiting Associate Professor) – 1996
            University of Texas at Austin, United States
            1. E. Allen Emerson[102] (B.S) – 2007
            1. E. Allen Emerson[102] (Professor) – 2007*
            2. Edsger W. Dijkstra[128] (Professor) – 1972
            University of Virginia, United States
            1. Edmund M. Clarke[109][114] (B.A) – 2007
            2. John Backus[100] (Undergrad Attendee) – 1977
            University of Warwick, United Kingdom
            1. Leslie Valiant[97][107] (PhD) – 2010
            1. Adi Shamir[69] (Postdoctoral Researcher) – 2002

            38th (1 Affiliate)

            Affiliates Alumni Long-term academic staff Short-term academic staff
            Brandeis University, United States
            1. Leslie Lamport[53][54] (M.A, PhD) – 2013
            Carleton College, United States
            1. Richard E. Stearns[83][84] (B.A) – 1993
            Case Western Reserve University, United States
            1. Donald E. Knuth[30][31] (B.S, M.S) – 1974
            Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
            1. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao[21][22] (Professor-at-large) – 2000
              City University of Hong Kong, China
              1. Manuel Blum[55][56] (Visiting Professor) – 1995
              City, University of London, United Kingdom
              1. Robin Milner[44][45] (Lecturer) – 1991
              Dartmouth College, United States
              1. John McCarthy[33][131] (Assistant Professor) – 1971
                École Normale Supérieure, France
                1. Adi Shamir[69] (Invited Professor) – 2002
                Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
                1. Edsger W. Dijkstra[128] (Professor) – 1972*
                ESIEE Paris, France
                1. Yann LeCun[117] (M.S) – 2018
                Haverford College, United States
                1. John Backus[100] (Undergrad Attendee) – 1977
                Illinois Institute of Technology, United States
                1. Herbert A. Simon[101] (Professor) – 1975
                Imperial College London, United Kingdom
                1. Leslie Valiant[97][107] (M.S) – 2010
                King's College, London, United Kingdom
                1. Michael O. Rabin[78] (Visiting Professor) – 1976
                Kyoto University, Japan
                1. Alan Kay[35][75] (Visiting Professor) – 2003
                Leiden University, Netherlands
                1. Edsger W. Dijkstra[128] (B.S) – 1972
                Marlboro College, United States
                1. Leslie Lamport[53][132] (Professor) – 2013
                McGill University, Canada
                1. Yoshua Bengio[74] (BEng, M.S, PhD) - 2018
                Michigan State University, United States
                1. Charles Bachman[130] (B.S) – 1973
                Moscow State University, Russia
                1. Tony Hoare[123] (Graduate Attendee) – 1980
                National Taiwan University, Taiwan
                1. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao[21][22] (B.S) – 2000
                National Technical University of Athens, Greece
                1. Joseph Sifakis[133][134] (BEng) – 2007
                New Jersey Institute of Technology, United States
                1. Judea Pearl[116] (M.S) – 2011
                New York Institute of Technology, United States
                1. Edwin Catmull[18] (Computer Graphics Lab) - 2019
                Ohio State University, United States
                1. Juris Hartmanis[81][82] (Assistant Professor) – 1993
                Oregon State University, United States
                1. Douglas Engelbart[23][24] (B.S) – 1997
                Portland State University, United States
                1. Ivan Sutherland[59][135] (Visiting Scientist) – 1988
                Purdue University, United States
                1. Alan J. Perlis[60] (Researcher) – 1966
                Queen's University, Canada
                1. Kenneth E. Iverson[106] (B.A) – 1979
                Queen's University of Belfast, United Kingdom
                1. Tony Hoare[123] (Professor) – 1980
                Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, United States
                1. Richard E. Stearns[83][84] (Adjunct Professor) – 1993
                Rutgers University, United States
                1. Judea Pearl[116] (M.S) – 2011
                Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
                1. Silvio Micali[66][67] (B.S) – 2012
                Seattle University, United States
                1. John Hopcroft[12][13] (B.S) – 1986
                Stony Brook University, United States
                1. John L. Hennessy[19][20] (M.S, PhD) – 2017
                Swansea University, United Kingdom
                1. Robin Milner[44][45] (Senior Research Assistant) – 1991
                Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland
                1. Joseph Sifakis[133][134] (Professor) – 2007
                Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (ETH Zurich), Switzerland
                1. Niklaus Wirth[26] (B.S) – 1984
                1. Niklaus Wirth[26] (Professor) – 1984*
                Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
                1. Peter Naur[136][137] (Lecturer) – 2005
                Tsinghua University, China
                1. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao[21][22] (Professor) – 2000
                Université Laval, Canada
                1. Niklaus Wirth[26] (M.S) – 1984
                University College London, United Kingdom
                1. Geoffrey Hinton[113] (Research Director) – 2018
                University of California, Irvine, United States
                1. Richard Hamming[48] (Adjunct Professor) – 1969
                University of California, San Diego, United States
                1. Geoffrey Hinton[113] (Visiting Assistant Professor) – 2018
                University of California, Santa Cruz, United States
                1. John Backus[100] (Adjunct Professor) – 1977
                University of Colorado at Boulder, United States
                1. Alan Kay[35] (B.S) – 2003
                University of Copenhagen, Denmark
                1. Peter Naur[121] (B.A, PhD) -2005
                1. Peter Naur[121] (Professor) – 2005*
                University of Grenoble, France
                1. Joseph Sifakis[133][134] (M.S, PhD) – 2007
                University of Leeds, United Kingdom
                1. Leslie Valiant[97][107] (Lecturer) – 2010
                University of Linz, Austria
                1. Dana Scott[28][29] (Professor) – 1976
                University of Louisville, United States
                1. Richard Hamming[48] (Assistant Professor) – 1968
                University of Madras, India
                1. Raj Reddy[17] (BEng) – 1994
                University of Marburg, Germany
                1. Juris Hartmanis[81][82] (Undergrad Attendee) – 1993
                University of Missouri-Kansas City, United States
                1. Juris Hartmanis[81][82] (M.A) – 1993
                Université de Montréal, Canada
                1. Yoshua Bengio[74] (Professor) - 2018*
                University of Nebraska–Lincoln, United States
                1. Richard Hamming[48] (M.A) – 1968
                University of New South Wales, Australia
                1. Raj Reddy[17] (MTech) – 1994
                University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States
                1. Frederick Brooks[103][104] (Professor) – 1999*
                University of Oslo, Norway
                1. Donald E. Knuth[31] (Guest Professor) – 1974
                University of Pittsburgh, United States
                1. John Backus[100][138] (Undergrad Attendee) – 1977
                University of Southampton, United Kingdom
                1. Tim Berners-Lee[61] (Professor) – 2016
                University of Southern California, United States
                1. Leonard Adleman[70] (Professor) – 2002
                University of Sussex, United Kingdom
                1. Geoffrey Hinton[113] (Research Fellow) – 2018
                University of Sydney, Australia
                1. Ken Thompson[99][139] (Visiting Professor) – 1983
                University of Tennessee, United States
                1. Edgar F. Codd[122] (Lecturer) – 1981
                University of Washington, United States
                1. Richard Karp[94][140] (Professor) – 1985
                University of Wisconsin—Madison, United States
                1. Pat Hanrahan[18][141] (B.S, PhD) - 2019
                University of Zurich, Switzerland
                1. Niklaus Wirth[26] (Assistant Professor)   1984
                Vassar College, United States
                1. Frederick Brooks[103][104] (Visiting Instructor) – 1999
                Villanova University, United States
                1. John L. Hennessy[19][20] (BEng) – 2017

                See also


                1. Overlap of affiliates among the three columns.


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                2. "A.M. Turing Award". Retrieved 2019-07-12.
                3. "Corporate History | SRI International". Retrieved 2018-03-17.
                4. "Martin E. Hellman Home Page". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
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                6. "Whitfield Diffie – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
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                8. "Barbara Liskov – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-23.
                9. "Vinton Cerf – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-23.
                10. "Ronald L. Rivest : Biographical Information". Retrieved 2018-03-17.
                11. "Ronald L Rivest – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-23.
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                14. "Robert E Tarjan – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-23.
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                21. "Andrew C Yao – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
                22. "Andrew Chi-Chih Yao". (in Chinese). Retrieved 2018-03-17.
                23. Administrator. "Curriculum Vitae – Doug Engelbart Institute". Retrieved 2018-03-17.
                24. "Douglas Engelbart – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
                25. "Edward A Feigenbaum – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-23.
                26. "Niklaus E. Wirth – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
                27. "Robert W. Floyd – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-23.
                28. "Dana S Scott – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-23.
                29. "Dana Scott's Career Highlights". Retrieved 2018-03-16.
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                36. "Kristen Nygaard – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2018-03-15.
                37. Owe, Olaf; Krogdahl, Stein; Lyche, Tom (2004). A Biography of Ole-Johan Dahl (PDF). University of Oslo. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2635. pp. 1–7. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-39993-3_1. ISBN 978-3-540-21366-6. S2CID 40996890.
                38. Knuth, Donald E; Ruskey, Frank (2004). "Efficient coroutine generation of constrained Gray sequences". Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2635: 183–204. arXiv:cs/0404058. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-39993-3_11. ISBN 978-3-540-21366-6. S2CID 17787805.
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                42. "Amir Pnueli – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-23.
                43. "Short biography of Amir Pnueli Harel". Retrieved 2018-03-17.
                44. "CV (Robin Milner)" (PDF).
                45. "A J Milner – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
                46. "William Kahan – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
                47. "An Interview with the Old Man of Floating-Point".
                48. "Richard W. Hamming – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2018-03-16.
                49. Kaiser, J.F. "Richard Hamming You and Your Research" (PDF). University of Virginia.
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                51. "Dennis M. Ritchie". Retrieved 2018-03-16.
                52. "Dennis Ritchie Bio". Retrieved 2018-03-16.
                53. "The Writings of Leslie Lamport". Retrieved 2018-03-17.
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                55. "Manuel Blum – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
                56. "CV (Manuel Blum)" (PDF).
                57. "Fernando J Corbato – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
                58. "Oral History of Fernando Corbató" (PDF). Computer History Museum.
                59. "Ivan Sutherland – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Archived from the original on 2017-09-19. Retrieved 2016-04-24.
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                61. "Sir Tim Berners-Lee – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2018-03-16.
                62. "Michael Stonebraker – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
                63. "Michael Stonebraker | MIT CSAIL". Retrieved 2018-03-15.
                64. "CV (Shafi Goldwasser)" (PDF).
                65. "Shafi Goldwasser – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
                66. "CV (Silvio Micali)" (PDF).
                67. "Silvio Micali – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
                68. "Robert E Kahn – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
                69. "Adi Shamir – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
                70. "Leonard M. Adleman – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
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                73. "Marvin Minsky – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
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                83. "Richard E Stearns – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
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                87. "Charles P. Thacker – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
                88. "Butler W Lampson – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
                89. "Kenneth Lane Thompson – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
                90. "David A. Patterson Biography". Retrieved 2018-03-21.
                91. "David Patterson – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2018-03-21.
                92. "Shafi Goldwasser | EECS at UC Berkeley". Retrieved 2018-03-15.
                93. "Shafi Goldwasser | Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing". Retrieved 2018-03-15.
                94. "Richard Karp – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
                95. "Stephen A Cook – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
                96. "Leslie Valiant | Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing". Retrieved 2018-03-17.
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                98. "Manuel Blum | Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing". Retrieved 2018-03-17.
                99. "The Creation of the UNIX Operating System: Ken Thompson Biography". Retrieved 2018-03-16.
                100. "John Backus – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
                101. "Herbert A. Simon – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2018-03-16.
                102. "E. Allen Emerson – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
                103. "Frederick Brooks – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
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                105. "Dennis M. Ritchie – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
                106. "Kenneth E. Iverson – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
                107. "Leslie G Valiant – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2018-03-15.
                108. "Prof. Edmund M. Clarke". Retrieved 2018-04-02.
                109. "Edmund Clarke – A.M. Turing Award Winner". Retrieved 2016-04-24.
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                117. "Yann LeCun's Biography". Retrieved 2019-03-27.
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                This article is issued from Wikipedia. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.