List of churches in Nidaros

This list of churches in Nidaros is a list of the Church of Norway churches in the Diocese of Nidaros which covers all of Trøndelag county in Norway. The list is divided into several sections, one for each deanery (prosti) in the diocese.

Map of the Church of Norway deaneries in the Diocese of Nidaros. Each municipality belongs to a deanery except for Trondheim municipality is divided over three deaneries due to its large population.

Administratively within each deanery, the churches are divided by municipalities which have their own church council (fellesråd) and then into parishes (sokn) which have their own councils (soknerådet). Each parish may have one or more congregations in it. The municipality of Trondheim includes several deaneries within the municipality due to its large population.[1]

Historically, the diocese has had many deaneries, but the number of deaneries has been reduced in recent years. In 1995, the old Sør-Fosen prosti was merged with Orkdal prosti and on the same date the old Nord-Fosen prosti was renamed simply Fosen prosti. On 1 July 2015, the Nærøy prosti, which included the municipalities of Leka, Vikna, and Nærøy, was merged with the Namdal prosti. On 1 January 2020, the old Nord-Innherad prosti and Sør-Innherad prosti were merged to form the new Stiklestad prosti.

Nidaros domprosti

The Nidaros arch-deanery covers the urban city centre of the city of Trondheim, along the Trondheimsfjorden in Trondheim Municipality. The Nidaros Cathedral is the seat of the Bishop of the Diocese of Nidaros as well as the Dean of the deanery. This arch-deanery is divided into three parishes with a total of five churches.

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Trondheim Nidaros Domkirke
og Vår Frue
Nidaros CathedralTrondheim1070–1300
Vår Frue ChurchTrondheim1200
Bakklandet og LademoenBakke ChurchTrondheim1715
Lademoen ChurchLademoen1905
LadeLade ChurchLade1190

Fosen prosti

This deanery covers the Fosen peninsula in Trøndelag county. The area lies between the Norwegian Sea and Trondheim Fjord. It includes the municipalities of Osen, Åfjord, Ørland, and Indre Fosen. The deanery is divided up into 14 parishes. The deanery is headquartered at Stadsbygd Church in the village of Stadsbygd in Indre Fosen Municipality.

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Indre Fosen HasselvikaHasselvika ChurchHasselvika1951
LeksvikLeksvik ChurchLeksvik1670
RissaRissa ChurchLeira1888
Rein ChurchReinsgrenda1932
StadsbygdStadsbygd ChurchStadsbygd1842
StrandaStranda ChurchVanvikan1897
Sør-StjørnaFrengen ChurchFrengen1972
Ramsvik ChurchRåkvåg1909
Osen OsenOsen ChurchSteinsdalen1877
Seter ChapelSeter1969
Ørland BjugnBjugn ChurchBjugn1956
Heggvik ChurchHøybakken1858
JøssundJøssund ChurchJøssund1875
NesNes ChurchNes1878
Tarva ChapelTarva1972
ØrlandØrland ChurchBrekstad1342
Storfosna ChurchStorfosna1915
Åfjord RoanRoan ChurchRoan1702
ÅfjordÅfjord ChurchÅrnes1879
StoksundStoksund ChurchRevsnes1825

Gauldal prosti

This deanery covers the Gauldalen valley and surrounding areas in southern Trøndelag county. It includes the municipalities of Holtålen, Melhus, Midtre Gauldal, Oppdal, Rennebu, and Røros. The deanery is headquartered at Støren Church in the village of Støren in Midtre Gauldal municipality.

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Holtålen HaltdalenHaltdalen ChurchHaltdalen1881
Haltdalen Stave ChurchHaltdalen
**Moved to a museum in Trondheim
Aunegrenda ChapelAunegrenda1952
HessdalenHessdalen ChurchHessdalen1940
ÅlenÅlen ChurchRenbygda1881
Melhus FlåFlå ChurchLer1794
HorgHorg ChurchLundamo1892
HølondaHølonda ChurchGåsbakken1848
MelhusMelhus ChurchStorsand1892
Midtre Gauldal BudalBudal ChurchEnodden1754
SingsåsSingsås ChurchSingsås1884
SoknedalSoknedal ChurchSoknedal1933
StørenStøren ChurchStøren1817
Oppdal FagerhaugFagerhaug ChurchFagerhaug1921
LønsetLønset ChurchLønset1863
OppdalOppdal ChurchOppdal1651
St. Mikael's ChapelDrivdalen2012
Rennebu BerkåkBerkåk ChurchBerkåk1878
InnsetInnset ChurchInnset2000
RennebuRennebu ChurchVoll1669
Nerskogen ChapelNerskogen1962
Røros RørosRøros ChurchRøros1784
Røros ChapelRøros1962
BrekkenBrekken ChurchBrekken1878
GlåmosGlåmos ChurchGlåmos1926
HitterdalenHitterdal ChapelHitterdalen1959

Heimdal og Byåsen prosti

This deanery covers the southern and western areas of Trondheim Municipality. The deanery is divided up into eight parishes. The deanery is headquartered at Heimdal Church in the village of Heimdal in Trondheim Municipality. The deanery was established on 1 October 2017 when the old Byåsen deanery was merged with the Heimdal deanery.[2] The deanery includes nine parishes.

The old Byåsen deanery covered the western part of the city centre of Trondheim. The Dean of the old deanery of Byåsen was headquartered at the Byåsen Church in the Byåsen area of Trondheim. Byåsen deanery was created in 2004 when the Byåsen and Sverresborg parishes from the Heimdal prosti and the Ilen parish from Nidaros domprosti were moved to the new deanery.[3]

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Trondheim Byneset og LeinstrandByneset ChurchByneset1180
Leinstrand ChurchLeinstrand1673
ByåsenByåsen ChurchByåsen1974
HeimdalHeimdal ChurchHeimdal1960
IlenIlen ChurchIla1889
KlæbuKlæbu ChurchKlæbu1790
Vassfjell ChapelVassfjellet1974
KolstadKolstad ChurchKolstad1986
SverresborgHavstein ChurchSverresborg1857
Sverresborg ChurchSverresborg2014
TillerTiller ChurchTiller1901

Namdal prosti

This deanery covers the vast northern part of Trøndelag county, covering the municipalities of Lierne, Røyrvik, Namsskogan, Grong, Høylandet, Overhalla, Namsos, Flatanger, Nærøysund, and Leka. Those municipalities are further divided up into 17 parishes. The deanery is headquartered at Namsos Church in the town of Namsos in Namsos Municipality.

On 1 July 2015, the old Nærøy prosti (which included all the churches in Nærøy, Leka, and Vikna municipalities) was merged into Namdal prosti.[4] On 1 January 2020, the churches in the old municipality of Namdalseid were moved to Namdal deanery when the municipality merged into Namsos.

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Flatanger FlatangerLøvøy ChurchLøvøya1871
Vik ChurchVik1873
Grong GrongGrong ChurchMedjå1877
HarranGløshaug ChurchGartland1689
Harran ChurchHarran1874
Høylandet HøylandetDrageid ChurchVassbotna1976
Høylandet ChurchHøylandet1860
Kongsmo ChapelKongsmoen1937
Leka LekaLeka ChurchLeknes1867
Lierne NordliNordli ChurchSandvika1873
Tunnsjø ChapelTunnsjø senter1873
SørliSørli ChurchMebygda1876
Namsos FosnesDun ChurchDun1949
Fosnes ChapelFosnes1926
Lund ChapelLund1965
Salen ChapelSalsnes1953
KlingaKlinga ChurchKlinga1866
NamdalseidNamdalseid ChurchNamdalseid1858
NamsosNamsos ChurchNamsos1960
OtterøyOtterøy ChurchOtterøya1858
StatlandStatland ChurchStatland1992
VemundvikVemundvik ChurchVemundvik1875
Namsskogan NamsskoganTrones ChurchTrones1832
Bjørhusdal ChurchNamsskogan1970
Skorovatn ChapelSkorovatn1965
Nærøysund NærøyFoldereid ChurchFoldereid1863
Gravvik ChurchGravvik1875
Kolvereid ChurchKolvereid1874
Lundring ChurchNærøy1885
Salsbruket ChapelSalsbruket1950
Steine ChapelSteine1911
Torstad ChapelTorstad1936
ViknaGarstad ChurchGarstad1856
Rørvik ChurchRørvik1896
Valøy ChapelValøya1972
Overhalla OverhallaRanem ChurchRanemsletta1187
Skage ChurchSkage1903
Røyrvik RøyrvikRøyrvik ChurchRøyrvik1828

Orkdal prosti

This deanery covers the southwestern coastal part of Trøndelag county. The deanery covers the municipalities of Frøya, Heim, Hitra, Orkland, Skaun, and Rindal. The deanery is headquartered at Orkdal Church in the village of Fannrem in Orkland Municipality. In 2020, Rindal Municipality was moved to this deanery from the Diocese of Møre after the municipality changed counties in 2019.

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Frøya FrøyaHallaren ChurchStorhallaren1881
Sletta ChurchNord-Frøya1990
Froan ChapelFroan1904
Måøy ChapelMausund1939
Sula ChapelSula1925
Titran ChapelTitran1873
Heim HalsaHalsa ChurchHalsanaustan1734
Valsøyfjord ChurchValsøyfjord1864
HeimHeim ChurchHeim1883
HemneHemne ChurchKyrksæterøra1817
VinjeVinje ChurchVinjeøra1824
Hitra Hitra og FillanHitra ChurchMelandsjøen1927
Dolm ChurchDolmøya1188
Fillan ChurchFillan1789
Nordbotn ChurchNordbotn1900
Kvenvær og SandstadKvenvær ChurchKvenvær1909
Forsnes ChapelForsnes1935
Sandstad ChurchSandstad1888
Orkland AgdenesAgdenes ChurchVernes1857
Lensvik ChurchLensvik1863
Ingdalen ChapelIngdalen1960
GeitastrandGeitastrand ChurchGeitastrand1859
LøkkenLøkken ChurchBjørnli1929
OrkangerOrkanger ChurchOrkanger1892
OrkdalOrkdal ChurchFannrem1893
Søvasskjølen ChurchSvorksjødalen1981
OrklandMoe ChurchVormstad1867
MeldalMeldal ChurchMeldal1988
SnillfjordSnillfjord ChurchKrokstadøra1898
Rindal RindalRindal ChurchRindal1874
Øvre Rindal ChapelTiset1911
Skaun SkaunSkaun ChurchSkaun1183
BuvikBuvik ChurchBuvika1819
BørsaBørsa ChurchBørsa1857

Stiklestad prosti

This deanery covers the Innherad district in central Trøndelag county. The deanery includes the municipalities of Snåsa, Steinkjer, Inderøy, Verdal, Levanger, and Frosta. The deanery is headquartered at Stiklestad Church in the village of Stiklestad in Verdal Municipality. The deanery was established on 1 January 2020 when the old Nord-Innherad and Sør-Innherad deaneries were merged.

The old Sør-Innherad deanery included Verdal, Levanger, and Frosta municipalities and Nord-Innherad deanery included Snåsa, Steinkjer, and Inderøy, Verran (now part of Steinkjer), and Namdalseid municipalities. Namdalseid was merged into Namsos and so it joined the Namdal prosti in 2020. Sør-Innherad deanery was based at Stiklestad, just like the new Stiklestad deanery. The old Nord-Innherad deanery was headquartered at Steinkjer Church in the town of Steinkjer in Steinkjer Municipality.

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Inderøy InderøySakshaug ChurchStraumen1871
Old Sakshaug ChurchSakshaugc. 1150
RøraSalberg ChurchRøra1715
SandvollanHeggstad ChurchSandvollan1887
Hustad ChurchGangstad1150
MosvikMosvik ChurchMosvik1884
Vestvik ChurchFramverran1905
Snåsa SnåsaSnåsa ChurchSnåsa1200
Steinkjer BeitstadBeitstad ChurchBeitstad1869
Bartnes ChurchBartnes1960
EggeEgge ChurchEgge in Steinkjer1767
FøllingFølling ChurchFølling1726
HenningHenning ChurchVekre1872
KvamKvam ChurchKvam1878
MalmMalm ChurchMalm1885
Sela ChurchSela1997
MæreMære ChurchMærec. 1150
OgndalSkei ChurchOgndal1664
Bodom ChurchBodom1905
SteinkjerSteinkjer ChurchSteinkjer1965
StodFor ChurchStod1846
VerranFines ChurchVerrabotn1913
Follafoss ChurchFollafoss1954
Frosta FrostaFrosta ChurchFrosta1866
Logtun Church
(Historic church)
Levanger AlstadhaugAlstadhaug ChurchAlstadhaug1180
EkneEkne ChurchEkne1893
LevangerLevanger ChurchLevanger1902
Bamberg ChurchLevanger1998
MarkabygdMarkabygda ChurchMarkabygd1887
OkkenhaugOkkenhaug ChapelOkkenhaug1893
YtterøyYtterøy ChurchYtterøy1890
ÅsenÅsen ChurchÅsen1904
Verdal StiklestadStiklestad ChurchStiklestad1180
Verdalsøra ChapelVerdalsøra1969
Vera og VukuVera ChurchVera1899
Vuku ChurchVuku1655
VinneVinne ChurchVinne1817

Stjørdal prosti

This deanery covers the traditional district of Stjørdalen in eastern Trøndelag county. The deanery includes the municipalities of Stjørdal, Meråker, Malvik, Selbu, and Tydal. The deanery is headquartered at Værnes Church in the village of Prestmoen, just south of Stjørdalshalsen in Stjørdal municipality.

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Malvik HommelvikHommelvik ChurchHommelvik1886
Mostadmark ChapelSneisen1986
MalvikMalvik ChurchMalvik1846
Meråker MeråkerMeråker ChurchMeråker1874
Kopperå ChapelKopperå1936
Stordalen ChapelStordalen1863
Selbu SelbuSelbu ChurchMebonden1150
Selbustrand ChurchSelbustrand1901
Flora ChapelFlora1936
Stjørdal HegraHegra ChurchHegra1783
Flora ChapelFlornes1902
Okkelberg ChapelSkjelstadmarka1905
LånkeLånke ChurchLånke1899
Elvran ChurchElvran1893
SkatvalSkatval ChurchSkatval1901
StjørdalVærnes ChurchPrestmoen1100
Tydal TydalTydal ChurchAunet1696
Stugudal ChapelStugudalen1957

Strinda prosti

This deanery covers the eastern part of the municipality of Trondheim; containing a total of five parishes. The deanery is headquartered at Strinda Church in the village of Strinda.

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Trondheim BergBerg ChurchBerg1972
NidelvenBratsberg ChurchBratsberg1850
Hoeggen ChurchLerkendal1997
Tempe ChurchLerkendal1960
Ranheim og CharlottenlundRanheim ChurchRanheim1933
Charlottenlund ChurchCharlottenlund1973
StrindaStrinda ChurchStrinda1900
StrindheimStrindheim ChurchStrindheim1979


  1. "Nidaros bispedøme" (in Norwegian). Den Norske Kirke. Retrieved 2011-02-05.
  2. "51/17 Sammenslåing av Heimdal og Byåsen prostier". Møteprotokoll: Nidaros Bispedømmeråd 2016-2019 (PDF). Nidaros bispedømmeråd. Retrieved 2018-03-14.
  3. "Byåsen prosti" (in Norwegian). StrindaHistorielag. Retrieved 2018-01-14.
  4. "Nærøy og Namdal blir ett prosti" (in Norwegian). 2015-03-25. Retrieved 2016-08-07.
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