List of free and open-source Android applications

This is a list of notable applications (apps) that run on the Android platform which meet guidelines for free software and open-source software.

Android phones, like this Nexus S running Replicant, allow installation of apps from the Play Store, F-Droid store or directly via APK files.
Application nameDescription AvailabilityLicenseAPI[lower-alpha 1]Note
Google PlayF-Droid
AdAwayAd blockerNoYesGNU GPLv3L16 / 4.1+
Adblock PlusAd blockerNoNo
GNU GPLv3L7 / 2.1+No longer maintained nor supported by Eyeo GmbH
  1. The API column is used to describe which versions of Android each individual application is compatible with. If API column shows "5.1" then the application is compatible with Android version 5.1 or higher; "L7" or "L14" mean specific Android API versions.

Web browsers

Application nameDescription AvailabilityLicenseAPI[lower-alpha 1]Note
Google PlayF-Droid
BraveChromium-based web browser with emphasis on tracking prevention, and reforming ad-blocking[1]YesNo[2]MPL4.1+Has in-built ad blocker
ChromiumPrimary code-base of Chrome; uses Blink and V8 enginesNoNoBSD 4.4+
DuckDuckGoChromium-based; focuses on privacy & tracking protectionYesYesApache 2.05.0+[3]
Fennec F-DroidRebadged fork of Firefox; aims to remove proprietary componentsNoYes MPL4.1+Same with Firefox for Android, but some proprietary code removed.
Firefox for AndroidCustomizable with add-ons; uses Gecko engineYes
No[4]MPL4.1+Removed from F-Droid
Firefox Focus/KlarPrivacy centered browser; uses Gecko engine (GeckoView)YesYes MPL5.0+
GNU IceCatGNU Project version of FirefoxNoYes MPL contains features not found in mainline Firefox release and eschews all usage of proprietary components.
Tor BrowserMozilla-based browser enhanced for use on Tor anonymity networkYesYes[5]MPL4.0.3+Available in F-Droid by activating the extra Guardian Project repository[6]


Application nameDescription AvailabilityLicenseAPI[lower-alpha 1]Note
Google PlayF-Droid
ConnectBotSSH, telnet, and terminal emulatorYesYes Apache 2.01.5+
CSipSimpleSIP & VoIP clientYes
JitsiVideoconferencing and instant messengerYesYesLGPLv2.1?
K-9 MailAdvanced email clientYes
Apache 2.02.2+Supports OpenPGP integration with OpenKeychain
LinphoneVideo SIP/VoIP clientYes
Yes GPLv22.2+
ElementFederated instant messaging and group chat client using the Matrix protocol.YesYes Apache 2.04.1+
SipdroidSIP/VoIP clientYes
Yes GPLv32.0+works on 1.5
WordPressOfficial WordPress clientYesNoGPLv22.3+
Zulipgroupware and chatYesNoApache 2.0[7]5.0+Also available for iOS

Privacy/security focused

Application nameDescription AvailabilityLicenseAPI[lower-alpha 1]Note
Google PlayF-Droid
APGOpenPGP and key managementYes
Apache 2.01.5+OpenKeychain available as more up-to-date alternative
BriarPeer-to-peer encrypted messaging and forumsYesYes[8]GPLv34.0+
ConversationsFederated encrypted instant messaging and group chatYesYes GPLv34.0+Interoperable with any Jabber/XMPP clients. End-to-end encryption using OMEMO, OpenPGP (and OTR for versions under 2.0 and the legacy version).
Element (formerly Riot)Decentralised, encrypted chat & collaboration powered by Matrix??Apache 2.05.0+
I2PAnonymizing network layerYesYes Apache 2.02.3+I2P also maintain their own F-Droid repo.[9]
IVPNPrivacy-focused VPN serviceYesYes GPLv3?Open source apps on all platforms (Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS) and undergo an independent security audit.[10][11]
JamiSoftphone and messenger utilizing DHT and strong cryptographyYes[12]Yes[13]GPLv3?
LanternPeer-to-peer internet censorship circumventionYesNoApache 2.0
MullvadPrivacy-focused VPN serviceYesNoGPLv3?Open source apps on all platforms (Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS).
OpenKeychainOpenPGP and key managementYes
Yes GPLv3Integrates with K-9 Mail.
OrbotClient and proxy for Tor anonymity networkYesYes
PsiphonClient for internet censorship circumvention systemYesNoGPLv3?
ProtonMailClient end-to-end encrypted email serviceYesNoGPLv3?Open source apps on WEB app, Android, IOS, Bridge app.
ProtonVPNPrivacy-focused VPN serviceYesYes GPLv3?Open source apps on all platforms (Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS) and undergo an independent security audit.[14]
SignalEncrypted instant messaging, voice and video callingYesNoGPLv32.3+Also available for iOS. The Android client is a merger of the former TextSecure and RedPhone apps.[15]
SurespotEncrypted instant messagingYesYes GPLv3+Also available for iOS. F-Droid build is based on forked repo.
TelegramClient for cloud-based messaging platformYesYes GPLv22.2+Also available for iOS. F-Droid build is based on forked repo.[16] Server uses closed source software.
Toxpeer-to-peer instant-messagingYesYes GPLv3+4.0+Alpha release
TutanotaClient for end-to-end encrypted email serviceYesYes GPLv3[17]?
WireEncrypted instant messaging, voice and video callingYesNoGPLv3Also available for iOS, Windows and OS X. Server uses closed source software.


Application nameDescription AvailabilityLicenseAPI[lower-alpha 1]Note
Google PlayF-Droid
DolphinNintendo GameCube and WiiYes
GPLv2+5.0+Requires device with support for arm64-v8a ABI and OpenGL ES 3 or above
Mupen64PlusNintendo 64 emulatorYesYesGPLv32.0+Unofficial port as Mupen64 Plus AE.
PPSSPPPlayStation PortableYes
RetroArchEmulates multiple platformsYesRemovedGPLv3[18]2.3+
ScummVMEmulates multiple gaming enginesYes
VICECommodore hardwareYes
Citra Nintendo 3DS Yes No GPLv2


Application nameDescription AvailabilityLicenseAPI[lower-alpha 1]Note
Google PlayF-Droid
2048Mathematics sliding block puzzleYes YesMIT2.2+ Port of 2048
AngbandText-based roguelikeYesYesGPLv2?
Battle for WesnothTurn-based strategy in a fantasy settingPartialYes GPLv22.3+Ported to Android with SDL
BrogueRoguelikeYesYes GPLv3?
Dungeon Crawl Stone SoupRoguelikeYes
NoGPLv2+?Text-based version also available
Fish Fillets NGUnderwater puzzle game.YesNoGPLv21.6+Port of Fish Fillets NG
FreecivTurn-based strategy game similar to Sid Meier's CivilizationYesNoGPLv22.0+
Frozen BubbleTile-matching puzzle gameYes
GPLv21.6+Port of Frozen Bubble
GLtronLightcycle racing gameYes
GPLv22.2+Port of GLtron
H-Craft ChampionshipSciFi 3D racing gameYesNo
zlib3.2+Media is proprietary, but free for personal use.
OpenArenaFirst person shooter similar to Quake 3 (see: id Tech 3)YesNoGPLv21.6+Unofficial port by "pelya" using SDL 1.2[19]
OpenTTDBusiness simulation game similar to Transport Tycoon DeluxeYesNoGPLv21.6+pelya SDL port[19]
Pixel Dungeon[20]Roguelike with pixel art graphicsYes?GPLv3?Also available for Linux, iOS, Windows 10, Mac OS X
OpenTyrianVertical shoot 'em upYesNoGPLv21.6+pelya SDL port[19]
robotfindskittenA "Zen Simulation"Yes
Simon Tatham's Puzzle CollectionCollection of puzzle gamesYes
Ur-Quan MastersSource-port of 3DO version of Star Control II?NoGPLv2+,
CC by 2.0,
CC by-nc-sa 2.5[21]
?Game engine is free, but Star Control art assets are released under a Creative Commons non-commercial license.[22][21] pelya SDL port[19]


Application nameDescription AvailabilityLicenseAPI[lower-alpha 1]Note
Google PlayF-Droid
DasherAccessible text-input methodYesYesGPLv3?Also available for iOS
FetLifeSocial network catering to the BDSM, fetish, and kink communitiesNoNoMIT [23]5.0Also available for iOS [24]
Google IOApp for Google IO conferenceYesYesApache 2.04.0
OpenLPWorship presentation softwareYesYes GPLv3?
ownCloudClient for synchronization serverYesYes GPLv24.0+
NextcloudClient for synchronization serverYesYes GPLv24.0+
The White HouseThe official White House appYesYesMIT2.2+


Application nameDescription AvailabilityLicenseAPI[lower-alpha 1]Note
Google PlayF-Droid
COVID AlertCanadian digital contact tracing appYesNoApache 2.0?Also available for iOS [25]
DP-3TProtocol and reference implementation of decentralized European contact tracing app?NoMPL 2.0[26]?Also available for iOS
PEPP-PTProtocol and reference implementation of centralized European digital contact tracing app?NoMPL 2.0[27]?
TraceTogetherSingaporean contact tracing app?NoGPLv3?Available for iOS[28] Data collected is available to police, and may be used in criminal or other types of investigations[29]


Application nameDescription AvailabilityLicenseAPI[lower-alpha 1]Note
Google PlayF-Droid
AntennaPodPodcatcherYesYes MIT2.3.3+
Butter ProjectMedia player utilising the BitTorrent protocol??AGPLv3?
Kodi (formerly XBMC)Media player and centerYesYes GPLv2+Multi
NewPipeYouTube and SoundCloud ClientNoYes GPLv3+?
Popcorn TimeMedia player utilizing BitTorrent protocolNoNoGPLv3+
(AGPL exception)[30]
?In Nov. of 2015 ceased operations after court order from the MPAA issued in Canada.[31]
RingdroidRingtone makerYes
Apache 2.04.1+
RockboxMedia player??GPLv2+?
TriblerDecentralized video sharingYesYesLGPL v2.1+3.0+
Tux PaintSimple drawing program for childrenNon-freeYesGPLv2?Version on Google Play is published by a 3rd-party & contains proprietary ad libraries in violation of upstream developers' license
VLCMedia playerYes
Yes GPLv2+4.2+
Wikimedia CommonsClient for free media repositoryYesYes Apache 2.04.4+Old CommonsLab app no longer maintained. Current app is community-developed.[32]
Application nameDescription AvailabilityLicenseAPI[lower-alpha 1]Note
Google PlayF-Droid
AvareGPS aviation applicationYes
YesApache 2.02.2+
MAPS.MEOffline mapping using OpenStreetMap dataYesYes Apache 2.0?F-Droid version is an unofficial fork, with extra features and removed proprietary binaries.
Mozilla StumblerData gathering for Mozilla Location ServiceYesYesMPL22.3.3+
OsmAndOffline mapping using OpenStreetMap dataYesYes GPLv32.3+Only parts of the software are available at no cost, this cause the software to get a few arbitrary limitation as limited portion maps of openstreetmap may be loaded. There is an unlimited paid version. The unlimited version is also available for free on F-Droid,


Application nameDescription AvailabilityLicenseAPI[lower-alpha 1]Note
Google PlayF-Droid
FBReadere-book readerYes
iFixitOfficial iFixit readerYesYesGPLv32.2+
KiwixOffline Wikipedia readerYesYesGPLv34.0+
MuPDFPDF and XPS viewerYesYesAGPL2.2+
WikipediaAccess to WikipediaYesYes GPLv22.2+
WiktionaryClient for crowd-sourced dictionaryYesYesGPLv22.2+
XOWAOffline Wikipedia readerYesYesAGPLv34.4+

Science and education

Application nameDescription AvailabilityLicenseAPI[lower-alpha 1]Note
Google PlayF-Droid
BOINCParticipate in distributed grid computing initiativesYesNoLGPL/GPLv3+[33]2.3+
Galaxy ZooClassify galaxies in crowdsourced astronomy projectYesYesGPLv33.0+
GComprisEducational activity suite for children aged 2–10YesYesGPLv3?Member project of KDE
GNU OctaveScientific programming language syntax with built-in plotting and visualization tools?NoGPLv3?[34][35]
micro:bitInteract with a micro:bit device via BluetoothYes[36]No[37]Apache 2.0[38]?Developed by Samsung.[39] Depends on proprietary Google frameworks.[37]
PressureNETCrowd-sourced barometer networkDiscontinuedDiscontinuedGPLv3MultiService and software discontinued
SageMathClient for mathematical softwareYesYesGPLv32.0+
Sky MapPlanetarium software developed by Google, and Carnegie MellonYes?Apache 2.0?Tracks user telemetry data via Google Analytics[40]
StellariumPlanetarium softwareYes?GPLv2?
Sugar environmentOne Laptop per Child learning platformYesYesApache as Sugarizer.
AnkiDroid Flashcard spaced repetition for memorizationYesYes GPLv3?


Application nameDescription AvailabilityLicenseAPI[lower-alpha 1]Note
Google PlayF-Droid
BitwardenPassword managerYes
HavenMonitoring system to protect against evil maid attacksYesYes[41]GPLv34.1+Developed by Edward Snowden under the auspices of The Guardian Project, and Freedom of the Press Foundation[42]
Kali NetHunter Digital forensics and mobile penetration testing platform ROM overlay No No Various 5.1+ Developed by Offensive Security
KeePassDroidPassword managerYesYes GPLv31.5+Port of KeePass
PasswdSafePassword managerYes
Artistic License 2.01.6+
PreyAnti-theft and monitoringYesYesGPLv34.0+

System and utilities

Application nameDescription AvailabilityLicenseAPI[lower-alpha 1]Note
Google PlayF-Droid
Barcode ScannerBarcode and QR Code readerYesYes Apache
F-DroidGraphical package manager for app repositoriesNoYesGPLv3+4.0+F-Droid team also maintain an application repository
Impress RemotePresentation remote control for LibreOfficeYes YesMPL2[43]2.3+
IntraExperimental DNS over HTTPS clientYes?Apache 2.0[44]4.0.3+
microGReplacement for proprietary Google Play ServicesNo?Apache 2.0?
MycroftVoice assistant companion??GPLv3[45]?
TWRPCustom recovery image and boot manager??GPLv3[46]?
TalkBackAccessibility services for blind and low-vision usersdiscontinuedYesApache 2.0?Integrated into Android and provided by other proprietary Google components
UserLAndCompatibility layerYesYesGPLv35.0+


  1. The API column is used to describe which versions of Android each individual application is compatible with. If API column shows "5.1" then the application is compatible with Android version 5.1 or higher; "L7" or "L14" mean specific Android API versions.

See also


  1. "Learn About Brave and Our Team - Brave Browser".
  2. "Add Brave to F-Droid". GitHub.
  4. "Firefox". F-Droid. Retrieved 7 November 2016.
  5. "Guardian Project Fdroid repo". Retrieved 18 July 2018.
  6. "Is Tor Browser available on F-droid?". Retrieved 4 December 2019.
  8. "Briar on F-droid".
  9. "I2P Official App Repository".
  10. Yen, Andy (2020-02-10). "IVPN applications are now open source". IVPN. Retrieved 2020-05-16.
  11. Pestel, Nick (2020-01-23). "Independent security audit concluded". IVPN. Retrieved 2020-05-16.
  12. "Ring - Apps on Google Play".
  13. "Ring - F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository".
  14. Yen, Andy (2020-01-21). "All ProtonVPN apps are now open source and audited". ProtonVPN Technologies AG. Retrieved 2020-05-16.
  15. Greenberg, Andy (2 November 2015). "Signal, the Snowden-Approved Crypto App, Comes to Android". Wired. Condé Nast. Retrieved 27 March 2016.
  16. "Telegram-FOSS-Team/Telegram-FOSS". GitHub.
  17. mpfau (12 August 2014). "tutanota/LICENSE.txt". Tutao GmbH. Retrieved 13 October 2018.
  18. RetroArch / COPYING. Retrieved 19 August 2015.
  19. "pelya/commandergenius". GitHub.
  20. Linux Magazine Issue #220 / Mar 2019 FOSS Picks

  21. "COPYING". The Ur-Quan Masters Git Repository. Retrieved 13 October 2018.
  22. The Ur-Quan Masters licensing
  23. fetlife/android/ GitHub.
  29. Andreas Illmer (5 January 2021). Singapore reveals Covid privacy data available to police. BBC News, Singapore.
  30. Popcorn Time Foundation. android / Retrieved 19 August 2015. Archived September 7, 2015, at the Wayback Machine
  31. Gardner, Eriq (3 November 2015). "MPAA Touts Big Legal Success Against Popcorn Time". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved 23 November 2015.
  32. "Commons mobile app". Archived from the original on 16 September 2015. Retrieved 23 November 2015.
  33. Anderson, David Pope (8 August 2008). "boinc / COPYING". Retrieved 25 November 2015.
    Walton, Rom (7 November 2015). "boinc /". Retrieved 25 November 2015.
  34. Champion, Corbin. "corbinlc/octave4android". Retrieved 5 February 2019.
  35. Treichl, Thomas (21 October 2013). "Octave on Android". Octave Maintainers mailinglist. Retrieved 5 February 2019.
  36. "micro:bit application page on Google Play".
  37. "Request for adding the official BBC micro:bit application". 2018-07-26. Retrieved 2018-07-28.
  38. "License text in source code repository". Retrieved 2018-07-27.
  39. "Samsung Launches the Official BBC micro:bit App". 2016-02-17. Retrieved 2018-07-29.
  41. "Guardian Project Official App Repository".
  43. F-Droid - Impress Remote. Retrieved 3 September 2015.

There are a number of third-party maintained lists of open-source Android applications, including:

  • Droid-Break – curated list of general purpose open-source alternatives. Inspired by PRISM-break.
This article is issued from Wikipedia. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.