List of political parties in Lebanon
Lebanon has numerous political parties, usually with sectarian character. Since 2005, and after the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafic Hariri, the political scene has become very polarized, with most major political parties and movements becoming part of one of two big rival alliances, the March 8 Alliance and the March 14 Alliance. Since the election of Michel Aoun as President in 2016 and the formation of a new Government headed by Prime Minister Saad Hariri, the 14th of March movement has lost momentum and the political scene has evolved into a coalition of Governing Parties under the control of Hezbollah and the Free Patriotic Movement, the Lebanese Forces, the Amal Movement and the Future Movement. Opposition, namely sides that were against the election of Michel Aoun as president in the 2016 elections, consisted of traditional parties such as the Kataeb party, the National Liberal Party, and Achraf Rifi’s movement. Since then, the political scene has been witnessing the emergence of new non-sectarian political groups such as Lihaqqi and Citizens in a State, in addition to many civil society groups who were loosely allied during the last parliamentary elections. They share a common goal to replace what they consider a failed political model that was introduced following the end of the civil war leading to the 2020 economic crisis.
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This article is part of a series on the politics and government of Lebanon |
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Lebanon’s unique experiment of a Sectarian Democracy trying to blend democratic principles and religious allocation of roles and functions together with 18 religious laws being applied to citizens’ personal status, in contradiction with the fundamental principles of democracy, the sovereignty of the people and equality of rights between the citizens has led to the sectarian division of the Lebanese people by law, to politically weak institutions, a divided nation and the chain of historical events such as the 1958 crisis and the 1975 civil war, Palestinian militant attacks against Israel from Lebanese territory, occupation of Lebanon by Syrian forces in 1976 and by Israeli forces in 1982 and the actual presence of weapons in the hands of Hezbollah outside the control of the Lebanese Government. Article 24 of the Constitution assigns half the seats in the national's legislature, the Chamber of Deputies, to Christians and the other half to Muslims.[1]
However after the 2018 parliamentary elections, the political power in Lebanon shifted dramatically, with the Free Patriotic Movement leading in the number of seats in the Parliament and the Future Movement losing almost half of its seats. The Lebanese Forces almost doubled their seats in the Parliament.
Although most parties maintain that they are secular, the major political parties in Lebanon are loosely representative of a certain faith community. In 2005, the political scene became strongly polarized with most active political parties belonging to either the 8th and 14 March alliances. Since then, this division has become less and less significant as coalition governments became the norm. The following list places political parties within the two alliances.
Name (English) | Name (Arabic) | Acronym | Leader or Chairman | Number of MPs in October 2019 | Political position | Sect or ethnic group |
March 8 Alliance | ||||||
Free Patriotic Movement | At-Tayyar al-Watani al-
Horr |
FPM | Gebran Bassil | 24 | Centrist Liberal democracy |
Officially secular Traditionally Christian |
Amal Movement | Harakat Amal Full name: Afwaj al-Muqāwama al-Lubnāniyya حركة أمل [أفواج المقاومة اللبنانية] |
Amal أمل | Nabih Berri | 16 | Conservatism | Shiite Muslim |
Hezbollah | Hizbullah حزب الله |
HA | al Sayed Hassan Nasrallah | 13 | Shia Islamist | Shiite Muslim |
Marada Movement | Tayyar Al-Marada تيار المردة |
MM | Suleiman Frangieh, Jr. | 3 | Liberalism | Mainly Maronite Christian |
Syrian Social Nationalist Party | Al-Hizb al-Suri al-Qawmi al-Ijtima'i الحزب السوري القومي الإجتماعي |
SSNP | Ali Qanso | 3 | Syrian nationalism Left-wing nationalism |
Secular |
Armenian Revolutionary Federation | Tashnag حزب الطاشناق الإتحاد الثوري الأرمني (طاشناكتسوتيون) |
ARF Հայ Յեղափոխական Դաշնակցութիւն (ՀՅԴ) |
Hagop Pakradounian | 3 | Social democracy Armenian nationalism |
Secular, mainly Armenian |
Dignity Movement | Tayar al-Karama تيار الكرامة |
DM | Faisal Karami | 2 | Feudalism | Sunni Muslim |
Lebanese Democratic Party | Al-Hizb al-Dimoqrati al-Lubnāni الحزب الديمقراطي اللبناني |
LDP | Prince Talal Arslan | 1 | Conservatism | Officially Secular, mainly Druze |
Union Party حزب الإتحاد |
Hizb al-Ittihad حزب الإتحاد |
UP | Abdelrahim Mrad | 1 | Nasserism | Officially Secular, Mainly Sunni Muslim |
Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party | Hizb Al-Ba'ath Al-Arabi Al-Ishtiraki fi Lubnan
حزب البعث العربي الاشتراكي في لبنان |
Assem Qanso | 1 | Socialism Arab Nationalism |
Secular | |
Popular Nasserite Organization | Al-Tanzim al-Shaabi al-Nassiri التنظيم الشعبي الناصري |
NPO | Ossama Saad | 1 | Nasserism Socialism Arab nationalism |
Sunni Muslim |
Islamic Charitable Projects Association | Jam'iyat al-Mashari' al-Khayriya al-Islamiya Al-Ahbash الأحباش |
ICPA | Abdallah al-Harari | 1 | Sunni Muslim | |
Arab Democratic Party | Al-Hizb al-Arabi al-Dimoqraty الحزب العربي الدمقراطي |
ADP | Ali Eid | None | Arab Nationalism Arab Socialism |
Alawite Muslim |
Movement of Independent Nasserites - al-Murabitoun | Harakat an-Nassiriyin al-Mustakilleen - Al Mourabitoon حركة الناصريين المستقلين - المرابطون |
INM | Ibrahim Kulaylat | None | Nasserism Arab Nationalism |
Mainly Sunni Muslim Some Shiite and Druze support |
Worker's League | Rabitat Al-Shaghila رابطة الشغيلة |
WL | Zaher Khatib | None | Communist Arab Nationalism |
Secular |
Solidarity Party | Hizb at-Tadamon حزب التضامن |
Tadamon | Emile Rahme | None | - | Christian |
Popular Bloc or Skaff Bloc | At-Takattol al-Shaa'bi التكتّل الشعبي |
- | Elias Skaff | None | Feudalism | Greek Catholic Christian |
People's Movement | Harakat Al-Shaab حركة الشعب |
SHAAB | Najah Wakim (Founder)
Ibrahim al-Halabi |
None | Nasserism Socialism Arab Nationalism |
Secular |
Lebanese Republican Party | Al-Hizb al-Jumhury al-lubnāni الحزب الجمهوري اللبناني |
PRL حجل | Imad Jaara (Geara) | None | Liberal | Secular anti-confessionalist |
Christian Democratic Party | Al-Hizb al-Massihi al-Dimoqrati الحزب المسيحي الدمقراطي |
CDP | Neemtallah Abi Nasr | None | - | Christian |
Nasserite Unification movement | Al-Haraka al-Tawhidiyya an-Nassiriyya الحركة التوحيدية الناصرية |
NUM | - | None | Nasserism | Secular |
Islamic Labor Front | Jebhat al-Aamal al-Islamy جبهة العمل الإسلامي |
- | Fathi Yakan | None | Islamism | Sunni Muslim |
Lebanese Unification Movement | Tayyar at-Tawhid al-Lubnany تيار النوحيد اللبناني |
UC | Wiam Wahhab | None | Arab Nationalism | Officially Secular Druze support |
Lebanese Popular Congress | Al-Mo'tamar al-Shaabi al-Lubnany المؤتمر الشعبي اللبناني |
LPC | Kamal Chatilla | None | Nasserism | Sunni Muslim |
Promise Party or National Secular Democratic Party |
Hizb Al-Waad حزب الوعد |
NSDP | Gina Hobeika | None | Secularism | Officially secular Mainly Maronite Christian support |
Federation of Popular Leagues and Committees | Tajamo' Al-Lijan wal Rawabit al-Shaabiya تجمع اللجان والروابط الشعبية |
FPLC | Maan Bashour | None | Nasserism Arabic Nationalism |
Officially Secular Mainly Sunni Muslim support |
Socialist Arab Union | Al-Ittihad al-Ishtiraki al-Arabi الإتحاد الإشتراكي العربي |
SAU | Omar Harb | None | Socialist | Secular |
Union of Muslim Ulama | Tajamo' al-Ulamaa' al-Muslimin تجمع العلماء المسلمين | UMU | - | None | Islamist
(Party status disputed) |
All Muslim sects |
Democratic Nasserite Movement | Harakat al-Nassiriyin al-Dimocratiyoon حركة الناصريين الدمقراطيون |
DNM | - | None | Nasserism | Sunni Muslim |
Lebanese Arab Struggle Movement | Harakat an-Nidal al-Arabi al-Lubnani حركة النضال العربي اللبناني |
LASM | Faysal Dawood | None | Arabism | Officially Secular Mainly Druze support |
Alawite Youth Movement | Harakat Al-Shabab Al-Alawi حركة الشباب العلوي |
AYM | Rifaat Eid | None | Extension of the Arab Democratic Party | Alawite Muslim |
Lebanese Democratic Youth Union | Ittihad al-Shabab al-Dimoqraty al-Lubnany إتحاد الشباب الدمقراطي اللبناني |
UJDL | - | None, affiliated to the Lebanese Communist Party | Communist | Secular |
Islamic Unification Movement | Harakat Al-Tawhid Al-Islamy حركة التوحيد الإسلامي |
IUM | Said Shaaban | None | Islamism | Sunni Muslim |
Akkar Popular Assembly | At-Tajamo' al-Shaabi al-Aakari التجمّع الشعبي العكاري |
- | Wajih Baarini | None | Feudalism | Sunni Muslim |
National Youth Party | Hizb al-Shabab al-Watani حزب الشباب الوطني |
- | Ahmad Karami | None | - | Secular |
March 14 Alliance | ||||||
Future Movement | Tayyar Al Mustaqbal تيار المستقبل |
FM | Saad Hariri | 20 | Conservative liberalism, Lebanese nationalism, Economic liberalism |
Officially secular Mainly Sunni support |
Lebanese Forces | al-Quwat al-Lubnāniyya القوات اللبنانية |
LF | Samir Geagea | 15 | Lebanese Christian nationalism | Officially secular Mainly Christians support |
Progressive Socialist Party | Hizb al-Taqadummi al-Ishtiraki الحزب التقدمي الإشتراكي |
PSP | Walid Jumblatt | 7 | Democratic socialism Social democracy |
Officially secular Mainly Druze support |
Kataeb Party (Lebanese Phalange Party) |
al-Kataeb al-Lubnāniyya حزب الكتائب اللبنانية |
Kataeb | Samy Gemayel | 3 | Lebanese nationalism, Christian democracy, Social conservatism, Decentralization, Phoenicianism |
Officially secular Mainly Maronite Christian support |
Independence Movement | Harakat Al-Istiklal حركة الإسنقلال |
Al Haraka | Nayla Moawad, Michel Moawad, Jawad Boulos and Youssef El Douaihy | 1, part of Qornet Shehwan Gathering | Lebanese nationalism | Officially secular Mainly Maronite Christian support |
National Liberal Party | Hizb al-Wataniyyin al-Ahrar حزب الوطنيين الأحرار |
NLP | Dory Chamoun | None, part of Qornet Shehwan Gathering | Liberalism | Maronite Christian |
Social Democrat Hunchakian Party | Hizb al-Henchag حزب الهنشاق (حزب الهنشاق الديمقراطي الإجتماعي) |
Henchag (SDHP) Սոցիալ Դեմոկրատ Հնչակեան Կուսակցութիւն (ՍԴՀԿ) |
- | None | Democratic socialism Social democracy |
Armenian Secular |
Islamic Group | Al-Jamaa Al-Islamiya الجماعة الإسلامية |
JI | Azzam Al-Ayoubi | None | Islamist | Sunni Muslim |
Democratic Left | Harakat Al-Yassar ll-Dimoqrati حركة اليسار الديمقراطي |
DL | Elias Attallah | None | Left-wing | Secular |
Democratic Renewal | Harakat al-Tajaddod al-Dimoqrati حركة التجدد الدمقراطي |
DRM | Nassib Lahoud (Founder)
Farouk Jabre |
None | Reformism | Secular |
Armenian Democratic Liberal Party - Ramgavar | Hizb al-Ramgavar حزب الرمغفار (الحزب الديمقراطي الليبرالي الأرمني) |
Ramgavar (ADL) Ռամկավար Ազատական Կուսակցութիւն (ՌԱԿ) |
Hagop Kassardjian | None | Liberalism | Armenian Secular |
Free Lebanese Armenian Movement | Harakit Al-Lubnaniyin Al-Arman Al-Ahrar حركة اللبنانيين الأرمن الأحرار |
FLAM | - | None | Liberalism | Armenian-Secular |
Free Shiite Movement | Tayyar el-Shi'i el-Horr التيار الشيعي الحرّ |
TSH | Mohammad Al Hajj Hassan | None | Islamism | Shiite Muslim |
Lebanese Peace Party | Hizb as-Salām al-Lubnāny حزب السلام اللبناني |
LPP | Roger Edde | None | Centrism | Secular |
Muahedeen Group | Jamaat AL-Muahedeen جماعة الموحدين |
JM | Khaled Alhassanieh | None | Tawhid | Mainly Druze |
Syriac Union Party | Hizb al Ittihad al Siryāni حزب الاتحاد السرياني |
SUP | Ibrahim Mrad | None | Syriac Christian interests | Mainly Syriac Christian support |
Shuraya Party | Hizb Al-Shurāya شــورايـا |
None | Assyrianism | Assyrian | ||
Other parties in Lebanon | ||||||
Lihaqqi | Lihaqqi لِ حقي |
LIHAQQI | Collective Leadership | None | Left-libertarianism
Grassroots Democracy Direct Democracy Economic Democracy Radical Democracy |
Secular |
Azm Movement | Tayar al-Azm تيار العزم |
TA | Najib Mikati | 4 | Centrist | Mainly Sunni Muslim support |
National Dialogue Party | Hizb Al-Hiwar Al-Watani حزب الحوار الوطني |
NDP | Fouad Makhzoumi | 1 | Liberalism | Officially Secular Mainly Sunni Muslim support |
Lebanese National Bloc | Hizb al-Kitla al-Wataniya حزب الكتلة الوطنية |
NB | Salam Yamout | None | Centrist; | Secular Historically Maronite Christian |
Lebanese Communist Party | Al-Hizb al-Shooyoo'i al-Lubnāny الحزب الشيوعي اللبناني |
LCP | Hanna Gharib | None | Communism | Secular |
Citizens in a State | Mouwatinoun wa Mouwatinat fi Dawla مواطنون ومواطنات في دولة |
MMFD | Charbel Nahas | None | Leftist | Secular |
Sabaa Party | Hezb Sabaa
حزب سبعة |
V | Ghada Eid | None | Centrist | Secular |
Green Party of Lebanon | Hezb al Khodor al-Lubnani حزب الخضر اللبناني |
GPL | Philip Skaf | None | Green politics Nationalism Conservatism, |
Secular |
Party of Lebanon |
Hezb Loubnan حزب لبنان |
POL | Jacques Machaalani | None | For a true secular democracy and full equality of rights of the citizens | Secular |
KAFEH! Movement | حركة كافح! (كوادر أناركية فاعلة حرة) | None | Anarchism | Secular | ||
Taghyir Movement | Haraket El Taghyir | Elie Mahfoud Mahfoud | None | Nationalism | Officially Secular Mainly representing Lebanese abroad | |
Hizb ut-Tahrir | Hizb ut-Tahrir حزب التحرير |
HT | Ata Abu Rashta | None | Officially Islamism | Officially Islamic Mainly Sunni support |
Socialist Arab Lebanon Vanguard Party | Hizb Al-Taliyeh Lubnan Al-'Arabi Al-Ishtiraki حزب طليعة لبنان العربي الاشتراكي |
Abd al-Majid Rafei | None | Ba'athism, Lebanese branch of the Iraqi Ba'ath party | Secular | |
The Phoenician Party
(Lebanese Phoenician Party) |
The Phoenician Party |
PP |
Antonios Abidaoud | None | Phoenicianism | Secular Mainly Maronite support |
United Lebanese League | Itihad al-Rabitat al-Lubnanyieh اتحاد الرابطات اللبنانية |
ULL | Rabih Chafi | None | Nationalism | Secular Mainly representing Lebanese abroad |
Movement of Lebanese Nationalism; also known as Guardians of the Cedars | Xaraqit L Cawmiyye L Lebnaaniyye حركة القومية اللبنانية |
XCL ( | Elie Hawi | None | Nationalism | Secular Traditionally Christian |
Aramean Democratic Organisation | At-Tanzim al-Arami al-Dimoqraty التنظيم الآرامي الديمقراطي |
ArDO | Gabi Gallo | None | Nationalism Conservatism Right-wing politics |
Aramean Christians |
Democratic Socialist Party | Hizb Al-Ishtiraki Al-Dimoqraty الحزب الإشتراكي الديمقراطي | DSPL | Kamel Asaad | None | Socialism | Secular Mainly Shiite Muslim support |
Phoenician Party | Phoenician Party |
PHP | Wael Assaf | None | Phoenician Secular | Secular Mainly Maronite support |
Islamic Gathering Movement | Harakat at-Tajammo' al-Islamy حركة التجمّع الإسلامي |
- | - | None | Islamic | Sunni Muslim |
Lebanese Democratic Movement | Tayyar Lubnan al-Dimoqraty تيار لبنان الديمقراطي |
- | Jack Tamer | None | Social democracy | Secular |
Lebanese Movement | Harakat Lubnan حركة لبنان |
- | Nabil Mshantaf | None | - | - |
Lebanese Option Gathering | Tayyar al-Intimaa' al-Lubnani تيار الإنتماء اللبناني |
LOG | Ahmad al-Asaad | None | Liberalism | Secular Mainly Shiite Muslim support |
Lebanese People's Front | Jabhat al-Shaab al-Lubnany جبهة الشعب اللبناني |
- | Joseph Haddad | None | - | - |
Liberty Front
(also Lebanese Forces Resistance; Lebanese Christian Resistance) |
Jabhat al Horriya جبهة الحرية |
- | Fouad Abou Nader | None | Center-right politics | secular; Traditionally Christian support |
Al-Hizb al-Jumhury al-Mustakel | Independent Republican Party الحزب الجمهوري المستقل |
Founder Khaled Al-Hassanieh | None | Center right | Mainly Druze support | |
Najjadeh Party | Hizb Al-Nejjadeh حزب النجادة |
Mustapha Hakim | None | Arab Nationalism | Sunni Muslim | |
National Progressive Movement | Harakat al-Taqaddom al-Watani حركة التقدّم الوطني |
- | -
(Founder was Jamil Lahoud, Émile Lahoud's father) |
None | - | Secular |
The United Phoenician Party
(also International Lebanese United Phoenician Party) |
United Phoenician Party |
Cadmus Hanna | None | Phoenician Nationalism | Secular, primarily Maronites |
National Labor Movement | Hizb al-Aamal al-Watani حزب العمل اللبناني |
- | - | None | Communism | Secular |
Islamic Jihad Movement (Lebanon) | Harakat al-Jihad al-Islamy حركة الجهاد الإسلامي |
- | - | None | Islamism | Sunni Muslim |
New Lebanese Movement | Harakat al-Lubnaniyin al-Jodod حركة اللبنانيين الجدد |
Danny Abdel Khalek | None | Secularism | Secular | |
The Independents | Al-Mustakiloon المستقلون |
- | - | None | - | Secular |
Republican Reform Party | Al-Hizb al-Islahi al-Jumhuri الحزب الإصلاحي الجمهوري |
- | Charles Chidiac | None | Liberalism | Secular |
Arab Socialist Party | Al-Hizb al-Arabi al-Ishtiraki الحزب العربي الإشتراكي |
- | - | None | Socialism | Secular |
Lebanese Labor Party | Hizb al-Aamal al-Lubnany حزب العمل اللبناني |
- | - | None | communism | Secular |
Democratic Labor Party | Al-Hizb al-'Ommali al-Dimoqraty الحزب العمّالي الديمقراطي |
- | Elias Abu Rizk | None | socialism | Secular |
Democratic Secular Party | Al-Hizb al-'Ilmani al-Dimoqraty الحزب العلماني الديمقراطي |
- | - | None | secularism | Secular |
Lebanese Ecology Party | Hizb al-Bi'a al-Lubnany حزب البيئة اللبناني |
- | Habib Maalouf | None | ecology | Secular |
Popular Democratic Party | Al-Hizb al-Shaabi al-Dimoqraty الحزب الشعبي الديمقراطي |
- | - | None | - | Secular |
Party of Socialist Revolution | Hizb al-Thawra al-Ishtirakiyya حزب الثورة الإشتراكية |
- | - | None | Maoist Communism | Secular |
Free Alternative | Al Badil Al Taharouri البديل التحرّري |
- | - | None | Anarchism | Secular |
National Party | Al-Hizb al-Watani الحزب الوطني |
- | - | None | - | Secular |
Lebanese Arab Movement | Harakat Lubnan al-Arabi حركة لبنان العربي |
- | - | None | Nasserism | Sunni Muslim |
Lebanese National League | Al-Rabita al-Wataniya al-Lubnaniyya الرابطة الوطنية اللبنانية |
- | Wajeb Kanso | None | Left-wing | Secular |
Lebanese Resistance Brigades | Saraya al-Moqawama al-Lubnaniyya سرايا المقاومة اللبنانية |
- | - | None
(extension of Hezbollah) |
- | Secular |
Nasserite Nationalist Organisation | At-Tanzim al-Qawmi an-Nassiri التنظيم القومي الناصري |
- | - | None | Nasserism; Arab Nationalism | Secular |
Justice and Development movement | Tayyar el 'Adel wal Tanmiya تيار العدل والتنمية |
- | - | None | - | Secular |
Cedars Movement | Tayyar al-Arz تيار الأرز |
- | - | None | - | Secular |
Organization of Communist Action | Moonazzamat al-'Amal al-Shuyoo'i منظمة العمل الشيوعي |
Ibrahim Muhsen | Ibrahim Muhsen | None | Communism; Arab Nationalism | Secular |
Revolutionary Communist Group | At-Tajamo' Al-Shuyoo'i Al-Thawri التجمّع الشيوعي الثوري |
- | Camil Dagher | None | Communism; Trotskyism | Secular |
Leftist Assembly for Change | At-Tajamo' Al-Yasari Min Ajli Al Taghyeer التجمّع اليساري من اجل التغيير |
TYMAT | - | None | Revolutionary Socialism; Trotskyism; Leninism | Secular |
Civil society Movement | Tayyar al-Mojtama' al-Madani تيار المجتمع المدني |
- | Gregoire Haddad | None | Secularism | Secular |
Southern Christian Assembly | At-Tajamo' al-Massihi al-Janoubi التجمع المسيحي الجنوبي |
- | JeanPaul El Hage | None | Christian conservatism | Christian |
Kurdish Democratic Party | Al-Hizb Al-Kurdi Al-Dimoqraty الحزب الكردي الديمقراطي |
- | Riyad Mihhu | None | - | Kurdish |
Razkari Party | Hizb Razkari حزب رزكاري |
- | Mahmoud Khodr Fattah Ahmad | None | - | Kurdish |
Lebanese secular movement | Al-haraka Al-3oulmaniyya Al-loubnaniyya الحركة العلمانية اللبنانية |
LSM | Jad Moukarzel | None | Secularism | Secular |
Guardians of the Cedars | Hizb Horras al-Arz حزب حرّاس الأرز |
- | Etienne Sakr | None | Phoenician Nationalism, conservatism, far-right | Multiconfessional, but mainly Maronite Christian |
Regressive Isolationist Party | Al-Hizb Al-Raj'i Al-I'tizali الحزب الرجعي الإعتزالي |
- | - | None | - | - |
Islamic Amal Movement | Harakat Amal Al-Islamiya حركة أمل الإسلامية |
- | Sobhi Toufaily | None | Islamism | Shi'a Muslim |
Defunct parties | ||||||
Lebanese Resistance Movement (Tanzim) | Harakat al-Moqawama al-Lubnaniya (Tanzim) حركة المقاومة اللبنانية - التنظيم |
- | - | The Party disappeared after its militias disbanding | Christian Conservatism | Maronite Christian |
Lebanese Youth Movement (MKG) | Harakat al-Shabab al-Lubnaniya حركة الشباب اللبنانية |
- | Bachir Maroun | - | Christian Conservatism | Maronite Christian |
Constitutional Bloc Party | Hizb al-Kutla al-Doostooriya حزب الكتلة الدستورية |
- | Khalil El-Khoury | Mainly created by Pr. Bechara El Khoury to oppose Emile Edde's National Bloc during the post-independence period | Feudalism | Secular |
The Great Lebanese Labor Party | Al-Hizb al-'Ommali al-Lubnany al-Kabir الحزب العمالي اللبناني الكبير |
- | - | This party existed during the French Mandate of Lebanon | Communism | Secular |
Deprived Movement | Harakat al-Mahroomin حركة المحرومين |
- | Musa al-Sadr | Ancestor of Amal | - | Secular |
Arab Nationalists Movement | Harakat al-Qawmiyyin al-'Arab حركة القوميين العرب |
- | - | Split, most merged into the Arab Socialist Action Party – Lebanon | Arab nationalism | - |
Social Democratic Youth | Al-Shabab al-Ijtimai al-Dimoqraty الشباب الإجتماعي الديمقراطي |
- | Committee of 21 members | Non-official party founded in 2002 by activist Claude F. for a non hereditary sectarian Lebanon and socialist approach | Social, Democratic | Secular, mainly Shiite |
- Nash, Matt (2017-09-13). "The anti-establishment - Executive Magazine". Executive. Retrieved 2019-10-30.
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