Liberal Party

Liberal Party is a name for political parties around the world. The meaning of liberal varies across the world, ranging from liberal conservatism on the right to social liberalism on the left.

Active liberal parties

This is a list of existing and active Liberal Parties worldwide with a name similar to "Liberal party".

Nation Party Affiliation
 Åland Liberals of Åland ALDE
 Andorra Liberal Party of Andorra LI, ALDE
 Argentina Liberal Party of Corrientes
 Australia Liberal Party of Australia IDU
 Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Liberal Party
 Bangladesh Liberal Party Bangladesh
 Brazil Liberal Party
 Burundi Liberal Party
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
Liberal Party of Canada (federal)
Alberta Liberal Party
British Columbia Liberal Party
Manitoba Liberal Party
New Brunswick Liberal Association
Liberal Party of Newfoundland and Labrador
Nova Scotia Liberal Party
Ontario Liberal Party
Prince Edward Island Liberal Party
Quebec Liberal Party
Saskatchewan Liberal Party
Yukon Liberal Party
 Chile Liberal Party LI
 Colombia Colombian Liberal Party SI, COPPPAL
 Denmark Liberal Party LI, ALDE
 Egypt Liberal Party
 Germany Free Democratic Party (Germany) LI, ALDE
 Gibraltar Liberal Party of Gibraltar LI, ALDE
 Greece Liberal Party
 Honduras Liberal Party of Honduras LI, RELIAL, COPPPAL
 Hong Kong Liberal Party
 Hungary Hungarian Liberal Party ALDE
 Iraq Liberal Party
 Isle of Man Liberal Vannin Party LI
 Italy Italian Liberal Party
 Kosovo Liberal Party of Kosovo
 Moldova Liberal Party ALDE
 Montenegro Liberal Party of Montenegro LI, ALDE
 Morocco Moroccan Liberal Party
 North Macedonia Liberal Party of Macedonia
 Norway Liberal Party of Norway LI, ALDE
 Paraguay Authentic Radical Liberal Party
 Philippines Liberal Party LI, CALD
 Portugal Iniciativa Liberal ALDE
 Romania National Liberal Party EPP
 Romania Save Romania Union ALDE, Renew Europe
 Rwanda Liberal Party
 Solomon Islands Solomon Islands Liberal Party
 Sri Lanka Liberal Party of Sri Lanka LI, CALD
 Sudan Liberal Party of Sudan ALN
 Sweden Liberals
Liberala partiet
  Switzerland Liberals LI, ALDE
 Thailand Thai Liberal Party
 East Timor Liberal Party
 Ukraine Liberal Party of Ukraine
 United Kingdom Liberal Democrats
Liberal Party (UK, 1989)
 United States Liberal Party of New York
 Uruguay Liberal Party

Defunct liberal parties

Nation Party
Argentina Liberal Party
Armenia Liberal Party
Australia Commonwealth Liberal Party
Liberal Party (Queensland, 1908)
Belgium Liberal Party
Bolivia Liberal Party
Brazil Liberal Party
Bulgaria Liberal Party
Liberal Party (Radoslavists)
Cambodia Liberal Party
Canada Northwest Territories Liberal Party
Chile Liberal Party (Chile, 1849) (1849–1966)

Liberal Party (Chile, 1983) (1983–1987)
Liberal Party (Chile, 1988) (1988–1993)
Liberal Party (Chile, 1998) (1998–2002)

Croatia Dalmatian Liberal Party
Liberal Party
Cuba Liberal Party of Cuba
Finland Liberals
Greece Liberal Party
Guatemala Liberal Party
Hungary Liberal Party
Iceland Liberal Party (1926–1929)
Liberal Party (1998–2012)
Isle of Man Manx Liberal Party
Israel Israeli Liberal Party
Italy Italian Liberal Party
Liberal Party
Japan Liberal Party of Japan (1881)
Liberal Party (Japan, 1890)
Liberal Party (Japan, 1945)
Liberal Party (Japan, 1950)
Liberal Party (1998–2003)
Liberal Party (2016-2019)
Luxembourg Liberal Party
Mexico Liberal Party
Mexican Liberal Party
Netherlands Liberal Party
New Zealand Liberal Party
Liberal Party (1962)
Liberal Party (1992)
Mandatory Palestine Liberal Party
Paraguay Liberal Party
Puerto Rico Liberal Party
Rhodesia Southern Rhodesia Liberal Party
Serbia Liberal Party (1883–1895)
Liberals of Serbia (1990–2010)
Serbian Liberal Party (1991–2010)
South Africa Liberal Party of South Africa
South Korea Liberal Party
Spain Liberal Party (1976–1989)
Liberal Party (1880–1931)
Liberal Union (1858–1874)
Sweden Liberal Party of Sweden
Switzerland Liberal Party of Geneva
Liberal Party of Switzerland
Thailand Liberal Party
Trinidad and Tobago Liberal Party
United Kingdom Liberal Party
Ulster Liberal Party
Uruguay Liberal Party
United States Liberal Party of Hawaii
Liberal Party of New Jersey
Liberal Party of Utah
Liberal Republican Party
Zambia Northern Rhodesian Liberal Party

See also

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