National Intangible Cultural Heritage of Indonesia
Intangible Cultural Heritage of Indonesia is a "living culture" that contains philosophical elements from the traditions of society and is still handed down from generation to generation. Edi Sedyawati (in the introduction to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Seminar, 2002) added an important element in the notion of intangible cultural heritage is the nature of culture that cannot be held (abstract), such as concepts and technology, its nature can pass and disappear in time with the times such as language, music, dance, ceremony, and various other structured behaviors. Thus, cultural heritage is shared by a community or community and experiences development from generation to generation, in the flow of a tradition. [1]
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Referring to the 2003 UNESCO convention on safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage called Intangible Cultural Heritage divided into five domains, each domain and its explanation, among others: [3]
1. Traditions and Oral Expressions
Cultural works included in Traditions and Oral Expressions are:
- Language: alphabet, dialect, grammar, speech act, language level
- Ancient Manuscripts: in the form of books, chronicles, written on material (stone, copper, palm-leaf, bark-daluwang, bamboo), scripts, archives (charter, chronicles, post-service memory, ROC-OV, KV), language and writing that is not used anymore, and images in the manuscript. Ancient manuscripts can be in the form of books, letters of agreement, family letters, personal letters, scriptures, primbons, collection of songs
- Traditional Games and Sports: functions (entertainment and leisure use, religious games, fitness); form of play (sparring and non-sparring); type of game (such as: takraw -aga, kite, kite); rules of the game (number of players, moves, win-lose, order); player characteristics (male, female, small child, adult, old, young, married, not yet); clothing when playing (sarong, headband); play time (afternoon, evening, night, big day, full moon); game materials (earthenware, bamboo, wood, leaf); and the location of the game (like on the beach, on the field, on an open yard)
- Pantun: the contents of the poem, the rhymes of the poem, the grammar spoken, when it is read, the rules of reading it, the location, who is reciting, the purpose of being recited in the form of gurindam, poetry, song, poetry, poetry, pojian (religious praise), syi'ir (syllabic ( religious songs), hymns.
- Folk Story: the contents of the story, grammar, moral and meaning of the story contained, in the form of fairy tales, myth, legend, folklore, fable, epic;
- Mantra (influence of local culture): language spoken, when it was read, rules for reading it, location, who read it, taboos and suggestions, goals;
- Prayer (influence of religion): language spoken, when it was read, rules for reading it, location, who read it, taboos and suggestions, goals;
- Folk song: playing, when, who (gender, stratum), location, song lyrics, accompaniment and accapella music, order of presentation. taksu, bissu.
2. Performing Arts
Performing arts consist of:
- Dance: movement patterns (concentric, spreading); dancer (sex), location (palace, sacred building, field); accompaniment music (gamelan / gambelan, gendrang, a cappella); costumes (clothing colors, accessories, clothing motifs); lighting (blencong, torch, oncor, etc.); composition (group, individual, mix, etc.); purpose (sacred, profane); type; and dance forms;
- Sound Art: singer, poetry, song lyrics, tone system, instruments, location, time, clothing, genre (type);
- Art of Music: musical instruments, types of music, tone systems, goals, players, rules of playing musical instruments, assemblies (a combination of all musical components);
- Theater Arts: stage, performers, plays, costumes, time, location, musical instruments, lighting. 3
3. Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations, consisting of:
- Traditional ceremony: individual life cycle (birth, initiation, marriage, death) and collective life cycle (cleansing the village, nyadran); purpose (sacred, reject); location (mountain, beach / coast, river, spring); participants (individuals, families, communities); time (religious calendar, harvest time, sea time); rules (restrictions and recommendations), the order of the ceremony (the stages of the implementation of ceremonial activities); completeness (offerings, accessories, equipment);
- Customary law: Content (who issues, who is regulated, what is regulated, the form of the rules and adat sanctions)
- Social Organization System: leadership (adat, village, religion, government); structure (hierarchy); customary rules (restrictions and recommendations); social organization area (subak, banjar, wanua, banua)
- Traditional Kinship System: Types of kinship, hierarchy, relationships between hierarchies, rules of kinship
- Traditional Economic System: market based on the market (pound, kliwon, legi, wage); market based on days (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday); barter (exchanging catches and crops, renting houses with agricultural produce), bargaining, method of payment (cash, installments, auction, bonded labor, slash);
- Traditional Festival: destination (sacred, reject); location (mountain, beach / coast, river, spring); participants (individuals, families, communities); time (religious calendar, harvest time, sea time); rules (restrictions and recommendations), the order of the festival (the stages of the implementation of festival activities); completeness (offerings, accessories, equipment), organizer / committee;
4. Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe, consisting of:
- Knowledge about nature, (microcosm, macrocosm, adaptation, natural processing); Cosmology (astrology; date; navigation);
- Local Wisdom: disaster mitigation (cultural-based disaster risk reduction), ecological conservation, harmony of life, tolerance;
- Traditional Medicine: healing options, treatment techniques, treatment materials, healers (sanro, herbalists, sekerei, suwanggi, belian, psychics, orang pintar, physicians, sinshes); etiology of the disease (factors causing disease).
5. Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency, consisting of
- Traditional Technology (manufacturing process, design and construction, how tools work, objectives, importance of technology for the surrounding community)
- Traditional Architecture (building design guidance, anthropometrics - building sizes based on the human body - fathoms, inch, yelp, rare); anthropomorphic (building forms based on the human body); building based on decorative motifs; maker (pandrita lopi, pande); the direction of the building (kaja-kelod, luan-teben); division of page functions (jaba; jaba-middle; jero); division of function space; buildings are determined by status (jahe -julu).
- Traditional Clothing: (philosophy of form, material, decoration, color, type of accessories); user status; time and procedure for use; function (sacred, profane); user gender
- Traditional Accessories: (philosophy of shape, material, design, color); user status; the location of usage; user gender; time and procedure for use; function (sacred, profane);
- Traditional Crafts: materials (clay, wood, fabric, iron, stone, rattan, sticks, bamboo); tooling; craftsmen (pande sikek, gozali); handiwork (crafts, embroidery, plaiting, pottery, weaving); workmanship techniques (knitting, forging, woven, carving, weaving)
- Traditional cuisine: recipes (randang, porridge tinutuan, warm, cone); food ingredients (animal, plant); process (barapen - burnt stone -, boiled, fumigated, fermented, cooked with sand, roasted, burned, steamed, steamed, combustion with mud media); cook (male or female; old or young), time of presentation (morning, afternoon, evening, transitional ceremony, religious ceremony, state / royal ceremony), location of presentation (religious buildings, palaces, sacred areas, government buildings, mountains , sea, forest), presentation procedures (appetizers, core food, desserts), destinations (sacred, profane), serving media (shell, ongke, earthenware, leaves, plaits, shells, metal / brass containers); the meaning of food (restoring enthusiasm, success, purity), cooking utensils (steaming, frying pan, stove, brazier, sutil, scoop, irus), how to eat (using hands or using tools).
- Media of Transportation: knowledge about animals that can be used for transportation (horses: have origins - salasila horses -); knowledge of making modes of transportation (dokar, cart, colic, pinisi, sope-sope, padewakang)
- Traditional Weapons: philosophy of making weapons (legitimacy of origin); materials (metal, iron, wood, leather, bamboo, rattan), functions and roles (security, preaching, authority, supernatural powers, substitution of masculine identities, symbols of war, surrender, humiliation); makers (masters, undagi, pande), weapons users, procedures for use (abstinence / prohibition on the use of weapons and recommendations), time (holidays, religious celebrations, when there is a disaster - jamasan -), the manufacturing process (forged, granting prestige and warangan , granting warangka, making upstream / holding arms / bees' buttocks, complementing weapons (holsters), ornaments (stones and carvings).
List by Province
Number Of Registration | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300001 | 2013 | Rencong | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201300074 | 2013 | Tari Saman | Performing Arts |
201400078 | 2014 | Didong | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201400079 | 2014 | Kerawang Gayo | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201400080 | 2014 | Tari Seudati | Performing Arts |
201400081 | 2014 | Rumoh Aceh | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201400082 | 2014 | Kopiah Riman | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500174 | 2015 | Tari Rapa'i Geleng | Performing Arts |
201500175 | 2015 | Tari Dampeng | Performing Arts |
201500176 | 2015 | Tari Bines | Performing Arts |
201500177 | 2015 | Pinto Aceh | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500178 | 2015 | Tari Rabbani Wahid | Performing Arts |
201600295 | 2016 | Mak Meugang | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600296 | 2016 | Nandong | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201600297 | 2016 | Guel | Performing Arts |
201600298 | 2016 | Likok Pulo | Performing Arts |
201600299 | 2016 | Pacu Kude | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600300 | 2016 | Menatakhken Hinei | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600301 | 2016 | Canang Kayu | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600302 | 2016 | Maracu | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700445 | 2017 | Landok Sampot | Performing Arts |
201700446 | 2017 | Rapa'i Pase | Performing Arts |
201700447 | 2017 | Payung Mesikhat | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700448 | 2017 | Pasenatken | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700449 | 2017 | Grimpheng | Performing Arts |
201800595 | 2018 | Keumamah | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800596 | 2018 | Laweut | Performing Arts |
201800597 | 2018 | Likee | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800598 | 2018 | Panglima Laot | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800599 | 2018 | Kuah Beulangong | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800600 | 2018 | Keni Gayo | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800601 | 2018 | Pemamanan | Traditional Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900820 | 2019 | Memek | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900821 | 2019 | Gutel | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900822 | 2019 | Sining | Performing Arts |
201900823 | 2019 | Silat Pelintau | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
North Sumatra
Number Of Registration | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300002 | 2013 | Tor-Tor | Performing Arts |
201300003 | 2013 | Gordang Sambilan | Performing Arts |
201300004 | 2013 | Rumah Adat Karo | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201400083 | 2014 | Huda-huda | Performing Arts |
201400084 | 2014 | Omo Hada | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201400085 | 2014 | Bola Nafo | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201400086 | 2014 | Serampang Duabelas | Performing Arts |
201400087 | 2014 | Berahoi | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201400088 | 2014 | Merdang-Merdem | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201400089 | 2014 | Ulos Batak Toba | Performing Arts |
201500179 | 2015 | Pustaha Lak-Lak | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201600303 | 2016 | Erpangir Ku Lau | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600304 | 2016 | Sipaha Lima (Ugamo Malim) | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600305 | 2016 | Ni 'Oworu | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600306 | 2016 | Dayok Binatur | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700450 | 2017 | Genderang Sisibah | Performing Arts |
201700451 | 2017 | Holat | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700452 | 2017 | Toge Panyabungan | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700453 | 2017 | Tari Gubang | Performing Arts |
201700454 | 2017 | Babae | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800602 | 2018 | Tari Dulang | Performing Arts |
201800603 | 2018 | Sinandong Asahan | Performing Arts |
201800604 | 2018 | Guro-Guro Aron | Performing Arts |
201800605 | 2018 | Pelleng | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800606 | 2018 | Gotong | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800607 | 2018 | Itak Poul Poul | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800608 | 2018 | Kala Bubu | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800609 | 2018 | Mangarontas | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201900824 | 2019 | Tortor Sombah | Performing Arts |
West Sumatra
Number of Registration | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300005 | 2013 | Randang | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201300006 | 2013 | Rumah Gadang | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201300007 | 2013 | Sistem Garis Keturunan Ibu di Masyarakat Minangkabau | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201400090 | 2014 | Kaba Cindua Mato | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201400091 | 2014 | Tari Toga | Performing Arts |
201400092 | 2014 | Songket Pandai Sikek | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201400093 | 2014 | Rongeng Pasaman | Performing Arts |
201400094 | 2014 | Indang Piaman | Performing Arts |
201400095 | 2014 | Tato Mentawai | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201400096 | 2014 | Silek Minang | Performing Arts |
201500201 | 2015 | Ulu Ambek | Performing Arts |
201500202 | 2015 | Rabab | Performing Arts |
201500203 | 2015 | Salawat Dulang | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201500204 | 2015 | Pasambahan | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201500205 | 2015 | Batombe | Performing Arts |
201600328 | 2016 | Tari Tanduak (Tari Tanduk) | Performing Arts |
201600329 | 2016 | Tari Piriang (Tari Piring) | Performing Arts |
201700455 | 2017 | Randai | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800610 | 2018 | Bahasa Tansi Sawahlunto | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900825 | 2019 | Babiola | Performing Arts |
201900826 | 2019 | Talempong Unggan | Performing Arts |
201900827 | 2019 | Tari Benten | Performing Arts |
201900828 | 2019 | Sikerei | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900829 | 2019 | Botatah | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900830 | 2019 | Arak Bako | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900831 | 2019 | Songket Silungkang | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900832 | 2019 | Sikambang Manih | Performing Arts |
201900833 | 2019 | Tari Kain | Performing Arts |
201900834 | 2019 | Anak Balam | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900835 | 2019 | Diki Pano | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900836 | 2019 | Patang Balimau | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900837 | 2019 | Badampiang | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
Number of Registration | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201500208 | 2015 | Kain Besurek | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500209 | 2015 | Kain Lantung | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500210 | 2015 | Uemak Potong Jang | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700456 | 2017 | Bekejai (upacara perkawinan Suku Rejang) | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700457 | 2017 | Tari Kejai | Performing Arts |
201800611 | 2018 | Tari Gandai | Performing Arts |
201800612 | 2018 | Guritan Kaur Bengkulu | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900874 | 2019 | Ringit | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900875 | 2019 | Serunai Bengkulu | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900876 | 2019 | Tadutan Bengkulu | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900877 | 2019 | Tradisi Melemang Adat Perkawinan Bengkulu | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
Number Registration | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300013 | 2013 | Tenun Siak | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500183 | 2015 | Koba | Performing Arts |
201500184 | 2015 | Pacu Jalur | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201500185 | 2015 | Menumbai di Pelalawan | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201600309 | 2016 | Randai Kuantan | Performing Arts |
201600310 | 2016 | Nyanyi Panjang | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201600311 | 2016 | Bedewo Bonai | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201600312 | 2016 | Debus Indragiri Hulu | Performing Arts |
201600313 | 2016 | Calempong Oguong | Performing Arts |
201600314 | 2016 | Joget Sonde | Performing Arts |
201700473 | 2017 | Tunjuk Ajar Melayu | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201700474 | 2017 | Sijobang | Performing Arts |
201700475 | 2017 | Silat Perisai | Performing Arts |
201700476 | 2017 | Zapin Api | Performing Arts |
201700477 | 2017 | Zapin Meskom | Performing Arts |
201700478 | 2017 | Manongkah | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201700479 | 2017 | Perahu Beganduang | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700480 | 2017 | Batobo | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201700481 | 2017 | Rumah Lontiok | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700482 | 2017 | Selembayung Riau | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700483 | 2017 | Onduo Rokan | Performing Arts |
201800633 | 2018 | Silek Tigo Bulan | Performing Arts |
201800634 | 2018 | Syair Siak Sri Indrapura | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800635 | 2018 | Ratik Bosa/ Ratik Tagak | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800636 | 2018 | Ghatib Beghanyut | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800637 | 2018 | Lukah Gilo Riau | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800638 | 2018 | Basiacuong | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800639 | 2018 | Belian Riau | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800640 | 2018 | Silat Pangean | Performing Arts |
201800641 | 2018 | Kotik Adat Kampar | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800642 | 2018 | Badondong | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800643 | 2018 | Nandung Indragiri Hulu | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800644 | 2018 | Kayat Kuansing/Kayat Rantau Kuantan | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800645 | 2018 | Pantun Atui | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800646 | 2018 | Tari Gendong | Performing Arts |
201900838 | 2019 | Burung Kwayang | Performing Arts |
201900839 | 2019 | Tari Cegak | Performing Arts |
201900840 | 2019 | Zapin Siak Sri Inderapura | Performing Arts |
201900841 | 2019 | Syair Surat Kapal | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900842 | 2019 | Tepuk Tepung Tawar Riau | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900843 | 2019 | Dikei Sakai | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
Riau Islands
Number of Registration | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300014 | 2013 | Makyong | Performing Arts |
201300015 | 2013 | Gurindam Dua Belas | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201300016 | 2013 | Gazal | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201400111 | 2014 | Pantun Melayu | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201400112 | 2014 | Gendang Siantan | Performing Arts |
201400113 | 2014 | Gubang | Performing Artsn |
201500180 | 2015 | Teater Bangsawan | Performing Arts |
201500181 | 2015 | Joget Dangkong | Performing Arts |
201500182 | 2015 | Tudung Manto | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600307 | 2016 | Gasing Kepri | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600308 | 2016 | Langlang Buana | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201700484 | 2017 | Bejenjang | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201700485 | 2017 | Tari Inai | Performing Arts |
201800647 | 2018 | Tepuk Tepung Tawar Kepulauan Riau | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800648 | 2018 | Bubur Lambok Lingga | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800649 | 2018 | Mandi Syafar Kepulauan Riau | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800650 | 2018 | Ratib Saman Lingga | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800651 | 2018 | Silat Pengantin Kepulauan Riau | Performing Arts |
201800652 | 2018 | Syariful Anam Karimun | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900844 | 2019 | Tradisi Basuh Lantai | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900845 | 2019 | Tujuh Likur dan Pintu Gerbang Lingga | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900846 | 2019 | Berkhatam Al-Qur'an Lingga | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900847 | 2019 | Sunat Mudim | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900848 | 2019 | Bersih Tembuni Lingga | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900849 | 2019 | Bela Kampong | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900850 | 2019 | Kue Mueh Pengantin Lingga | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900851 | 2019 | Kepurun Lingga | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900852 | 2019 | Tudung Saji Pandan Lingga | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900853 | 2019 | Permainan Ambong Gile | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900854 | 2019 | Gasing Lingga | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900855 | 2019 | Permainan Tangkap Ayam | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900856 | 2019 | Tam-Tam Buku Lingga | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900857 | 2019 | Layang-Layang Lingga | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900858 | 2019 | Kain Lipat 44 | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900859 | 2019 | Tuturan Asal Mula Nama Kampung Nerekeh | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
Number of Registratiom | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300012 | 2013 | Krinok | Performing Arts |
201400103 | 2014 | Aksara Kaganga (Aksara Incung) | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201400104 | 2014 | Seloko Melayu Jambi | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201400105 | 2014 | Senandung Jolo | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201500193 | 2015 | Kompangan/ Hadrah | Performing Arts |
201500194 | 2015 | Kuaw | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201500195 | 2015 | Tari Anggut | Performing Arts |
201500196 | 2015 | Tari Besayak | Performing Arts |
201500197 | 2015 | Tari Piring Tujuh | Performing Arts |
201500198 | 2015 | Tari Pisang | Performing Arts |
201500199 | 2015 | Tupai Jenjang | Performing Arts |
201500200 | 2015 | Upacara Besale | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600322 | 2016 | Tale Nek Jei (Tale Keberangkatan Haji) | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201600323 | 2016 | Upacara Asyeik | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201600324 | 2016 | Tauh (Betauh) | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600325 | 2016 | Tari Kain Kromong | Performing Arts |
201600326 | 2016 | Musik Kromong Mandiangin | Performing Arts |
201600327 | 2016 | Musik Kalinong | Performing Arts |
201700461 | 2017 | Tari Elang | Performing Arts |
201700462 | 2017 | Tomboi Sialong/Tomboi Ngambek Rapa | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201700463 | 2017 | Sebelik Sumpah | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700464 | 2017 | Ambung Orang Rimbo | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700465 | 2017 | Cawot | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700466 | 2017 | Ubat Ramuon Orang Rimbo | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201700467 | 2017 | Belangun Orang Rimbo | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700468 | 2017 | Hompongon | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201700469 | 2017 | Musik Gambang Dano Lamo | Performing Arts |
201700470 | 2017 | Tari Kadam | Performing Arts |
201800620 | 2018 | Rangguk Kumun | Performing Arts |
201800621 | 2018 | Lapaek Koto Dian Rawang | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800622 | 2018 | Kenduri Sko | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800623 | 2018 | Tauh Lempur | Performing Arts |
201800624 | 2018 | Ntak Awo | Performing Arts |
201800625 | 2018 | Ampek Gonjie Limo Gonop | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800626 | 2018 | Perkampungan Tradisional Rumah Tuo Rantau Panjang | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201800627 | 2018 | Tari Iyo-Iyo | Performing Arts |
201800628 | 2018 | Ngagoah Imo Pulau Tengah | Performing Arts |
201900860 | 2019 | Betauh Perentak | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900861 | 2019 | Sungku | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900862 | 2019 | Tkud | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201900863 | 2019 | Lubuk Larangan | Kowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201900864 | 2019 | Dideng | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900865 | 2019 | Malam Tari Inai | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900866 | 2019 | Nek Pung | Performing Arts |
201900867 | 2019 | Tapa Menggala | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900868 | 2019 | Dzikir Berdah Muaro Jambi | Performing Arts |
201900869 | 2019 | Tari Ayam Biring | Performing Arts |
South Sumatra
Number of Registration | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300008 | 2013 | Dulmuluk | Performing Arts |
201300009 | 2013 | Songket Palembang | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201400097 | 2014 | Tari Gending Sriwijaya | Performing Arts |
201400098 | 2014 | Tembang Batanghari Sembilan | Performing Arts |
201400099 | 2014 | Pempek | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201400100 | 2014 | Guritan Besemah | Performing Arts |
201400101 | 2014 | Rumah Ulu | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201400102 | 2014 | Limas Palembang | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500206 | 2015 | Kue Lapan Jam | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500207 | 2015 | Senjang | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201600330 | 2016 | Ande-Ande | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201600331 | 2016 | Rejung Sumatera Selatan | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201600332 | 2016 | Warahan Sumatera Selatan | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201600333 | 2016 | Bidar | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700458 | 2017 | Rumah Besemah | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700459 | 2017 | Lak | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700460 | 2017 | Tari Penguton | Performing Arts |
201800613 | 2018 | Adat Timbang Kepala Kebo | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800614 | 2018 | Ngobeng | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800615 | 2018 | Tari Kebagh | Performing Arts |
201800616 | 2018 | Tari Silampari Kahyangan Tinggi | Performing Arts |
201800617 | 2018 | Pindang Palembang | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800618 | 2018 | Tikar Purun Pedamaran | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800619 | 2018 | Surat Ulu | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900878 | 2019 | Midang | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900879 | 2019 | Tanjak Palembang | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900880 | 2019 | Cak Ingkling | Performing Arts |
201900881 | 2019 | Kelentangan Banyuasin | Performing Arts |
201900882 | 2019 | Tempoyak Palembang | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900883 | 2019 | Benteng-Bentengan Musi Rawas | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900884 | 2019 | Tam-Tam Duku Musi Rawas | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900885 | 2019 | Tari Sambut Muara Enim | Performing Arts |
Number of Registrastion | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300019 | 2013 | Tapis | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201400114 | 2014 | Lamban Pesagi | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201400115 | 2014 | Tari Melinting | Performing Arts |
201400116 | 2014 | Gamolan Pekhing | Performing Arts |
201400117 | 2014 | Muayak | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201400118 | 2014 | Sigeh Penguten | Performing Arts |
201500211 | 2015 | Gulai Taboh | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500212 | 2015 | Sekura Cakak Buah | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201500213 | 2015 | Sulam Usus | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500214 | 2015 | Seruit | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500215 | 2015 | Cakak Pepadun | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600334 | 2016 | Warahan Lampung | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201600335 | 2016 | Kakiceran | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600336 | 2016 | Maduaro | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600337 | 2016 | Tenun Ikat Inuh | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600338 | 2016 | Tuping | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700486 | 2017 | Nyambai | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700487 | 2017 | Bediom | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700488 | 2017 | Tari Bedayou Tulang Bawang | Performing Arts |
201800653 | 2018 | Dadi | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800654 | 2018 | Siger Lampung | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800655 | 2018 | Ketaro Adat Lappung | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800656 | 2018 | Nyuncun Pahakh | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201800657 | 2018 | Tari Bedana Lampung | Performing Arts |
201800658 | 2018 | Sebambangan | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800659 | 2018 | Nyubuk Majeu | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800660 | 2018 | Cangget Agung Lampung | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800661 | 2018 | Kias | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800662 | 2018 | Tari Kiamat | Performing Arts |
201800663 | 2018 | Piil Pesinggiri | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201800664 | 2018 | Badik Lampung | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201800665 | 2018 | Mekhatin | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900886 | 2019 | Muwaghei | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900887 | 2019 | Hadra Ugan | Performing Arts |
201900888 | 2019 | Ngunduh Damakh | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201900889 | 2019 | Ngejalang | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900890 | 2019 | Tari Dibingi | Performing Arts |
201900891 | 2019 | Tari Ittar Muli | Performing Arts |
201900892 | 2019 | Ringget | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900893 | 2019 | Panggeh | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900894 | 2019 | Mukew Sahur | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900895 | 2019 | Ngakuk Maju | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900896 | 2019 | Adok | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900897 | 2019 | Blangiran | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900898 | 2019 | Bedikekh | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900899 | 2019 | Hahiwang | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900900 | 2019 | Pincak Khakot | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900901 | 2019 | Pengangkonan Anak | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900902 | 2019 | Tari Selapanan | Performing Arts |
Bangka Belitung Islands
Number Registration | Year | Cultural works | Domain |
201300017 | 2013 | Dambus | Performing Arts |
201300018 | 2013 | Muang Jong | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201400106 | 2014 | Adat Nganggung | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201400107 | 2014 | Campak Dalung | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201400108 | 2014 | Adat Taber Kampung | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201400109 | 2014 | Perang Ketupat | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201400110 | 2014 | Tari Kedidi | Performing Arts |
201500186 | 2015 | Adu Kerito Surong | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201500187 | 2015 | Kain Cual | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500188 | 2015 | Upacara Adat Nujuh Jerami | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201500189 | 2015 | Maras Taun | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201500190 | 2015 | Kopiah Resam | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500191 | 2015 | Lempah Kuning | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500192 | 2015 | Tradisi Ruwah Kubur | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600315 | 2016 | Telo' Seroja | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600316 | 2016 | Besaoh Dalam Beume | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201600317 | 2016 | Memarung, Panggung | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201600318 | 2016 | Tari Gajah Menunggang | Performing Arts |
201600319 | 2016 | Sepen Penyok | Performing Arts |
201600320 | 2016 | Rudat Bangka Belitung | Performing Arts |
201600321 | 2016 | Pakaian Pengantin Paksian | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700471 | 2017 | Gangan (food)|lt=Gangan|id|Gangan}} | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700472 | 2017 | Antu Bubu | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800629 | 2018 | Serimbang | Performing Arts |
201800630 | 2018 | Hadrah Gendang Empat Belitong | Performing Arts |
201800631 | 2018 | Emping Beras | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800632 | 2018 | Sepen Buding | Performing Arts |
201900870 | 2019 | Gangan Buntal Darat | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900871 | 2019 | Lesong Ketintong | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900872 | 2019 | Nirok Nangok | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900873 | 2019 | Pentiaw Ubi | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
Number of Registration | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300021 | 2013 | Ondel-ondel | Performing Arts |
201300022 | 2013 | Topeng Betawi dan Lenong | Performing Arts |
201400121 | 2014 | Upacara Babarit | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201400122 | 2014 | Nasi Uduk | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201400123 | 2014 | Sayur Besan | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201400124 | 2014 | Kerak Telor | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201400125 | 2014 | Gabus Pucung | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201400126 | 2014 | Roti Buaya | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201400127 | 2014 | Bir Pletok | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201400128 | 2014 | Blenggo | Performing Arts |
201500221 | 2015 | Tanjidor | Performing Arts |
201500222 | 2015 | (Buka) Palang Pintu | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201500223 | 2015 | Sohibul Hikayat | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201500224 | 2015 | Gambang Kromong | Performing Arts |
201500225 | 2015 | Silat Beksi | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201600341 | 2016 | Samrah Betawi | Performing Arts |
201600342 | 2016 | Gambang Rancag | Performing Arts |
201600343 | 2016 | Topeng Jantuk | Performing Arts |
201600344 | 2016 | Keroncong Tugu | Performing Arts |
201600345 | 2016 | Topeng Blantek | Performing Arts |
201600346 | 2016 | Soto Betawi | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600347 | 2016 | Gado-gado Betawi | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600348 | 2016 | Rias Besar | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700494 | 2017 | Kebaya Kerancang | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700495 | 2017 | Batik Betawi | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700496 | 2017 | Topeng Tunggal | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201700497 | 2017 | Penganten Sunat | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700498 | 2017 | Rebana Biang | Performing Arts |
201700499 | 2017 | Hadroh Betawi | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201700500 | 2017 | Dodol Betawi | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700501 | 2017 | Silat Cingkrik | Performing Arts |
201800669 | 2018 | Bahasa Betawi | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800670 | 2018 | Caca Gulali | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800671 | 2018 | Cici Putri | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800672 | 2018 | Kembang Kelape | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800673 | 2018 | Uncul | Performing Arts |
201800674 | 2018 | Nasi Ulam Betawi | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800675 | 2018 | Silat Tiga Berantai | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800676 | 2018 | Zapin Betawi | Performing Arts |
201800677 | 2018 | Wayang Kulit Betawi | Performing Arts |
201900903 | 2019 | Arsitektur Rumah Betawi | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900904 | 2019 | Silat Mustika Kwitang | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900905 | 2019 | Silat Pusaka Djakarta | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900906 | 2019 | Silat Troktok | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900907 | 2019 | Rabo-Rabo | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900908 | 2019 | Mandi-Mandi | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900909 | 2019 | Sate Lembut | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900910 | 2019 | Pindang Bandeng Betawi | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900911 | 2019 | Ketupat Sayur Babanci | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900912 | 2019 | Bubur Ase | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900913 | 2019 | Laksa Betawi | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900914 | 2019 | Kue Akar Kelape | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900915 | 2019 | Kue Sengkulun | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900916 | 2019 | Selendang Mayang | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900917 | 2019 | Wak-Wak Gung | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900918 | 2019 | Galasin Betawi | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900919 | 2019 | Petak Umpet Betawi | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900920 | 2019 | Bentengan Betawi | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900921 | 2019 | Nujuh Bulanin Betawi | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900922 | 2019 | Ketupat Lepas Betawi | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900923 | 2019 | Dukun Beranak Betawi | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201900924 | 2019 | Congklak Betawi | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900925 | 2019 | Silat Sabeni Tenabang | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
West Java
Number of Registration | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300024 | 2013 | Kujang | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201300025 | 2013 | Ronggeng Gunung | Performing Arts |
201300026 | 2013 | Sisingaan | Performing Arts |
201300073 | 2013 | Angklung | Performing Arts |
201400129 | 2014 | Tari Topeng Cirebon | Performing Arts |
201400130 | 2014 | Kuda Renggong | Performing Arts |
201400131 | 2014 | Jaipong | Performing Arts |
201400167 | 2014 | Kertas Daluang | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500226 | 2015 | Sintren | Performing Arts |
201500227 | 2015 | Upacara Ngarot | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201500228 | 2015 | Mamaos Cianjuran | Performing Arts |
201600349 | 2016 | Mapag Tamba (Nibaaken Tamba) | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600350 | 2016 | Ngalungsur Geni (Ngalungsur Pusaka) | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201600351 | 2016 | Rahengan | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600352 | 2016 | Penca (Penca Silat Jawa Barat) | Performing Arts |
201600353 | 2016 | Badeng | Performing Arts |
201600354 | 2016 | Lais Garut | Performing Arts |
201600355 | 2016 | Kelom Geulis | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600356 | 2016 | Lukis kaca Cirebon | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700502 | 2017 | Gembyung | Performing Arts |
201700503 | 2017 | Iket Sunda | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700504 | 2017 | Kolecer Jawa Barat | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700505 | 2017 | Leuit | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700506 | 2017 | Nyangku | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800678 | 2018 | Angklung Buncis | Performing Arts |
201800679 | 2018 | Badud | Performing Arts |
201800680 | 2018 | Bebegig | Performing Arts |
201800681 | 2018 | Gaok | Performing Arts |
201800682 | 2018 | Gondang Buhun | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800683 | 2018 | Hajat Laut | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800684 | 2018 | Kuda Kosong | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800685 | 2018 | Ngabungbang Batulawang | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800686 | 2018 | Ngalaksa | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800687 | 2018 | Reog Dongkol | Performing Arts |
201800688 | 2018 | Sate Maranggi | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800689 | 2018 | Tarawangsa | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800690 | 2018 | Tari Kedempling | Performing Arts |
201800691 | 2018 | Tari Umbul | Performing Arts |
201800692 | 2018 | Tarling | Performing Arts |
201800693 | 2018 | Uyeg | Performing Arts |
201900926 | 2019 | Badawang | Performing Arts |
201900927 | 2019 | Bajidoran | Performing Arts |
201900928 | 2019 | Belenderan | Performing Arts |
201900929 | 2019 | Benjang | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900930 | 2019 | Cingcowong | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900931 | 2019 | Domyak | Performing Arts |
201900932 | 2019 | Kawin Cai | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900933 | 2019 | Panjang Jimat Kasepuhan Cirebon | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900934 | 2019 | Reak Dogdog | Performing Arts |
201900935 | 2019 | Seren Taun Cigugur | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900936 | 2019 | Seren Taun Kasupuhan Banten Kidul, Kabupaten Sukabumi | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900937 | 2019 | Tari Randu Kentir | Performing Arts |
201900938 | 2019 | Topeng Banjet | Performing Arts |
Number of Registration | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300020 | 2013 | Debus Banten | Performing Arts |
201400119 | 2014 | Pencak Silat Bandrong | Performing Arts |
201400120 | 2014 | Ubrug | Performing Arts |
201500216 | 2015 | Tari Cokek | Performing Arts |
201500217 | 2015 | Angklung Buhun | Performing Arts |
201500218 | 2015 | Seni Rampak Bedug | Performing Arts |
201500219 | 2015 | Sate Bandeng | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500220 | 2015 | Seba Baduy | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600339 | 2016 | Seren Taun Banten kidul | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600340 | 2016 | Angeun Lada | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700489 | 2017 | Golok Sulangkar | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700490 | 2017 | Golok Ciomas | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700491 | 2017 | Zikir Saman Banten | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201700492 | 2017 | Patingtung | Performing Arts |
201700493 | 2017 | Wayang Garing Serang | Performing Arts |
201800666 | 2018 | Rudat Banten | Performing Arts |
201800667 | 2018 | Koja | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800668 | 2018 | Maca Syekh | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
Central Java
Number of Registration | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300072 | 2013 | Keris | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201400132 | 2014 | Lumpia Semarang | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500229 | 2015 | Ukir Jepara | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600357 | 2016 | Jolenan Somongari | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600358 | 2016 | Upacara Adat Apeman Yaqowiyu | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600359 | 2016 | Ruwatan Rambut Gimbal | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600360 | 2016 | Meron Pati | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600361 | 2016 | Turonggo Seto Boyolali | Performing Arts |
201600362 | 2016 | Tari Gambyong | Performing Arts |
201600363 | 2016 | Joglo Pencu (Rumah Adat Kudus) | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700525 | 2017 | Tempe Jawa Tengah | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700526 | 2017 | Barongan Blora | Performing Arts |
201700527 | 2017 | Gethuk Goreng Sokaraja | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800721 | 2018 | Manten Kaji | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800722 | 2018 | Tari Topeng Endel Tegal | Performing Arts |
201800723 | 2018 | Kalang Obong Kendal | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800724 | 2018 | Grebeg Besar Demak | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800725 | 2018 | Hak-Hakan | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800726 | 2018 | Gambang Semarang | Performing Arts |
201800727 | 2018 | Begalan Banyumas | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800728 | 2018 | Kethek Ogleng Wonogiri | Performing Arts |
201800729 | 2018 | Sedulur Sikep Blora | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201900939 | 2019 | Dolalak | Performing Arts |
201900940 | 2019 | Suran Tutup Ngisor Kabupaten Magelang | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900941 | 2019 | Lengger Banyumas | Performing Arts |
201900942 | 2019 | Jaranan Margowati | Performing Arts |
201900943 | 2019 | Sintren Kabupaten Pekalongan | Performing Arts |
201900944 | 2019 | Tari Prajuritan Kabupaten Semarang | Performing Arts |
201900945 | 2019 | Ngasa Kabupaten Brebes | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900946 | 2019 | Jamu Jawa Tengah | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900947 | 2019 | Dakon Jawa Tengah | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
Number of Registration | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300033 | 2013 | Gerabah Kasongan | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201400141 | 2014 | Bedhaya Semang | Performing Arts |
201500230 | 2015 | Rumah Joglo Yogyakarta | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500231 | 2015 | Upacara Mubeng Beteng | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201500232 | 2015 | Gudeg | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500233 | 2015 | Upacara Saparan Gamping (Bekakak) | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600364 | 2016 | Suran Mbah Demang | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600365 | 2016 | Upacara Tawur Kesanga Yogyakarta | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600366 | 2016 | Labuhan Keraton Yogyakarta | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600367 | 2016 | Langendriya Yogyakarta | Performing Arts |
201600368 | 2016 | Tari Angguk | Performing Arts |
201600369 | 2016 | Langen Mandra Wanara | Performing Arts |
201600370 | 2016 | Jathilan Yogyakarta | Performing Arts |
201600371 | 2016 | Lurik Yogyakarta | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600372 | 2016 | Bakpia Yogyakarta | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700507 | 2017 | Beksan Lawung Ageng Keraton Yogyakarta | Performing Arts |
201700508 | 2017 | Beksan Bandabaya Pura Pakualaman | Performing Arts |
201700509 | 2017 | Badui | Performing Arts |
201700510 | 2017 | Khuntulan Yogyakarta | Performing Arts |
201700511 | 2017 | Montro | Performing Arts |
201700512 | 2017 | Rinding Gumbreng Gunung Kidul | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700513 | 2017 | Srandul | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700514 | 2017 | Panjidur Yogyakarta | Performing Arts |
201700515 | 2017 | Wayang Topeng Pedalangan | Performing Arts |
201700516 | 2017 | Bancakan Bayi Yogyakarta | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700517 | 2017 | Tata Cara Palakrama Yogyakarta | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700518 | 2017 | Beksan Golek Menak | Performing Arts |
201700519 | 2017 | Srimpi Rangga Janur | Performing Arts |
201700520 | 2017 | Dadung Awuk | Performing Arts |
201700521 | 2017 | Blangkon Yogyakarta | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700522 | 2017 | Krumpyung Kulon Progo | Performing Arts |
201700523 | 2017 | Wedang Uwuh Imogiri | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700524 | 2017 | Tenun Serat Gamplong | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800694 | 2018 | Wayang Beber Remeng Mangunjoyo | Performing Arts |
201800695 | 2018 | Wayang Wong Gaya Yogyakarta | Performing Arts |
201800696 | 2018 | Wayang Kancil Yogyakarta | Performing Arts |
201800697 | 2018 | Beksan Jebeng | Performing Arts |
201800698 | 2018 | Beksan Floret | Performing Arts |
201800699 | 2018 | Bedhaya Tejanata Pakualaman | Performing Arts |
201800700 | 2018 | Bedhaya Kuwung-Kuwung | Performing Arts |
201800701 | 2018 | Beksan Guntur Segara | Performing Arts |
201800702 | 2018 | Bedhaya Angron Sekar | Performing Arts |
201800703 | 2018 | Beksan Bugis Gaya Yogyakarta | Performing Arts |
201800704 | 2018 | Kethek Ogleng Gunung Kidul | Performing Arts |
201800705 | 2018 | Gejog Lesung Yogyakarta | Performing Arts |
201800706 | 2018 | Macapatan Yogyakarta | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800707 | 2018 | Benthik Yogyakarta | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800708 | 2018 | Peksi Moi | Performing Arts |
201800709 | 2018 | Saparan Wonolelo | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800710 | 2018 | Rebo Pungkasan | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800711 | 2018 | Geplak Bantul | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800712 | 2018 | Geblek Kulonprogo | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800713 | 2018 | Dandan Kali | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800714 | 2018 | Tayub Yogyakarta | Performing Arts |
201800715 | 2018 | Brongkos Yogyakarta | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800716 | 2018 | Beksan Etheng | Performing Arts |
201800717 | 2018 | Golek Lambangsari Yogyakarta | Performing Arts |
201800718 | 2018 | Batik Nitik Yogyakarta | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800719 | 2018 | Beksan Golek Pucung Kethoprak | Performing Arts |
201800720 | 2018 | Nini Thowong Yogyakarta | Performing Arts |
201900948 | 2019 | Sate Klathak Jejeran | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900949 | 2019 | Gerobak Sapi Yogyakarta | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900950 | 2019 | Andong Yogyakarta | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900951 | 2019 | Mie Lethek | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900952 | 2019 | Topeng Panji Yogyakarta | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900953 | 2019 | Kerajinan Kulit Tatah Sungging Yogyakarta | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900954 | 2019 | Kipo | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900955 | 2019 | Dawet Camcau Yogyakarta | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900956 | 2019 | Growol | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900957 | 2019 | Dawet Sambal | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900958 | 2019 | Pewarna Alami Yogyakarta | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201900959 | 2019 | Sawah Surjan | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201900960 | 2019 | Jamasan Pusaka Suroloyo | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900961 | 2019 | Cembengan Yogyakarta | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900962 | 2019 | Kampung Pitu | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900963 | 2019 | Sadranan Logantung Gunungkidul | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900964 | 2019 | Sadranan Alas Wonosadi Gunungkidul | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900965 | 2019 | Sadranan Gunung Genthong Gunungkidul | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900966 | 2019 | Kembul Sewu Dulur Saparan Bendung Khayangan | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900967 | 2019 | Nguras Enceh | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900968 | 2019 | Upacara Adat Tunggul Wulung | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900969 | 2019 | Upacara Buka Cupu Kyai Panjala | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900970 | 2019 | Jabar Juwes | Performing Arts |
201900971 | 2019 | Lengger Tapeng | Performing Arts |
201900972 | 2019 | Dagelan Mataram | Performing Arts |
201900973 | 2019 | Srimpi Renggawati | Performing Arts |
201900974 | 2019 | Srimpi Teja | Performing Arts |
201900975 | 2019 | Oglek | Performing Arts |
201900976 | 2019 | Dhakon Yogyakarta | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900977 | 2019 | Sholawat Maulud Jawi | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
East Java
Number of Registration | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300028 | 2013 | Reog Ponorogo | Performing Arts |
201300029 | 2013 | Keraben Sape (Karapan Sapi) | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201300030 | 2013 | Sapi Sonok | Performing Arts |
201300031 | 2013 | Gandrung Banyuwangi | Performing Arts |
201300032 | 2013 | Kentrung | Performing Arts |
201400133 | 2014 | Tari Seblang | Performing Arts |
201400134 | 2014 | Wayang Topeng Malang | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201400135 | 2014 | Tumpeng Sewu | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201400136 | 2014 | Syiir Madura | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201400137 | 2014 | Kasada | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201400138 | 2014 | Ludruk | Performing Arts |
201400139 | 2014 | Jaran Bodhag | Performing Arts |
201400140 | 2014 | Dongkrek | Performing Arts |
201500234 | 2015 | Larung Sembonyo | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201500235 | 2015 | Singo Ulung | Performing Arts |
201500236 | 2015 | Wayang Beber | Performing Arts |
201500237 | 2015 | Tanean lanjang | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600373 | 2016 | Entas-Entas Tengger | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600374 | 2016 | Keboan-Aliyan Osing | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600375 | 2016 | Mecak-Tengger | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600376 | 2016 | Jaran Kecak | Performing Arts |
201600377 | 2016 | Wayang Krucil Malangan | Performing Arts |
201600378 | 2016 | Lodho | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700528 | 2017 | Sandhur Manduro | Performing Arts |
201700529 | 2017 | Nyadar | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700530 | 2017 | Ceprotan | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700531 | 2017 | Jamasan Gong Kyai Pradah | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700532 | 2017 | Damar Kurung | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800730 | 2018 | Celurit Madura | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800731 | 2018 | Janger Banyuwangi | Performing Arts |
201800732 | 2018 | Manten Kucing Tulungagung | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800733 | 2018 | Rawon Nguling Prrobolinggo | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800734 | 2018 | Reog Cemandi Sidoarjo | Performing Arts |
201800735 | 2018 | Sandur Bojonegoro dan Tuban | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800736 | 2018 | Wayang Thengul | Performing Arts |
201800737 | 2018 | Topeng Jatiduwur Jombang | Performing Arts |
201900978 | 2019 | Mocoan Lontar Yusup Banyuwangi | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900979 | 2019 | Jaran Kepang Jawa Timur | Performing Arts |
201900980 | 2019 | Bantengan Jawa Timur | Performing Arts |
201900981 | 2019 | Reog Bulkiyo | Performing Arts |
201900982 | 2019 | Larung Sesaji Pantai Tambakrejo | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900983 | 2019 | Ajaran Samin Surosentiko Bojonegoro | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201900984 | 2019 | Sanggring Gumeno | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900985 | 2019 | Besutan Jombang | Performing Arts |
201900986 | 2019 | Riyaya Undhuh-Undhuh Mojowarno | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900987 | 2019 | Kedhuk Beji | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900988 | 2019 | Kethek Ogleng Pacitan | Performing Arts |
201900989 | 2019 | Kiprah Glipang | Performing Arts |
201900990 | 2019 | Kerapan Sapi Brujul | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201900991 | 2019 | Hodo | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900992 | 2019 | Ojhung | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900993 | 2019 | Mamaca Situbondo | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201900994 | 2019 | Pengantin Putri Jenggolo | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900995 | 2019 | Saronen | Performing Arts |
201900996 | 2019 | Jamasan Pusaka Kanjeng Kyai Upas | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900997 | 2019 | Gemblak Tuban | Performing Arts |
West Kalimantan
Number Registration | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300035 | 2013 | Bidai (Bide') | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201300036 | 2013 | Songket Sambas | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201400148 | 2014 | Nyobekng | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201500254 | 2015 | Kledik | Performing Arts |
201500255 | 2015 | Kana/ bekana | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201500256 | 2015 | Tenun Ikat Dayak/ Sintang | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500257 | 2015 | Bubur Paddas | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600393 | 2016 | Meriam Karbit | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600394 | 2016 | Upacara Robo-robo | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700533 | 2017 | Nyangahatn | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201700534 | 2017 | Jonggan | Performing Arts |
201700535 | 2017 | Sape Kalimantan Barat | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700536 | 2017 | Tumpang Negeri | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700537 | 2017 | Tari Pinggan Sekadau | Performing Arts |
201700538 | 2017 | Gawai Dayak Kalimantan Barat | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700539 | 2017 | Tenun Corak Insang Kota Pontianak | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700540 | 2017 | Arakan Pengantin Kota Pontianak | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700541 | 2017 | Saprahan Melayu Kota Pontianak | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800758 | 2018 | Panganten Dayak Kanayatn | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800759 | 2018 | Faradje' | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800760 | 2018 | Naik Dango Dayak Kanayatn | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800761 | 2018 | Sayo' Keladi Pontianak | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800762 | 2018 | Pacri Nenas Pontianak | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800763 | 2018 | Silotong | Performing Arts |
201800764 | 2018 | Mani' Bunga Setaman Melawi | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201901034 | 2019 | Ikan Asam Pedas Pontianak | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201901035 | 2019 | Tandak Sambas | Performing Arts |
201901036 | 2019 | Saprahan Sambas | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201901037 | 2019 | Senggayong Sukadana | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201901038 | 2019 | Ratip Saman Sambas | Performing Arts |
201901039 | 2019 | Tari Lesong Mualang | Performing Arts |
201901040 | 2019 | Temet | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201901041 | 2019 | Pengerih | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201901042 | 2019 | Kawen Adat Samagat Dayak Tamambaloh | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
Central Kalimantan
Number Registration | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201400149 | 2014 | Handep | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201400150 | 2014 | Tiwah | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201500258 | 2015 | Sapundu | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500259 | 2015 | Sansana Bandar | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201500260 | 2015 | Mamapus Lewu | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700547 | 2017 | Nahunan | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700548 | 2017 | Wadian Dadas | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
South Kalimantan
Number Registration | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300039 | 2013 | Sasirangan | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201400146 | 2014 | Madihin | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201400147 | 2014 | Aruh Baharin | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201500261 | 2015 | Pasar Terapung | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201500262 | 2015 | Lamut | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201500263 | 2015 | Kuriding/ Guriding | Performing Arts |
201500264 | 2015 | Bubungan Tinggi | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500265 | 2015 | Ba'ayun Mulud/Maulid | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600395 | 2016 | Batatamba | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201600396 | 2016 | Mamanda | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201600397 | 2016 | Tari Baksa Kambang | Performing Arts |
201600398 | 2016 | Wayang Kulit Banjar | Performing Arts |
201600399 | 2016 | Air Guci | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700542 | 2017 | Tari Topeng Banjar | Performing Arts |
201700543 | 2017 | Kuda Gipang | Performing Arts |
201700544 | 2017 | Sinoman Hadrah | Performing Arts |
201700545 | 2017 | Wayang Gung | Performing Arts |
201700546 | 2017 | Balogo | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800765 | 2018 | Mappanretasi Pagatan | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800766 | 2018 | Tenun Pagatan | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800767 | 2018 | Damarulan/Damarwulan Banjarmasin | Performing Arts |
201901043 | 2019 | Nasi Astakona | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201901044 | 2019 | Arsitektur Rumah Lanting | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201901045 | 2019 | Bagasing Kalimantan Selatan | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201901046 | 2019 | Anyaman Purun Kalimantan Selatan | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201901047 | 2019 | Kurung-kurung | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201901048 | 2019 | Bawanang | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201901049 | 2019 | Itatamba Banua | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201901050 | 2019 | Ma'iwuu | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201901051 | 2019 | Nimbuk | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
East Kalimantan
Number of Registration | Yeat | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300040 | 2013 | Ulap Doyo | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201300041 | 2013 | Belian Bawo | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201300042 | 2013 | Hudoq | Performing Arts |
201500266 | 2015 | Upacara Adat Kwangkay | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201500267 | 2015 | Undang-Undang Kerajaan Kutai (UU Panju Selaten) | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201500268 | 2015 | Lom Plai | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201500269 | 2015 | Mandau | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500270 | 2015 | Blontang | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600400 | 2016 | Erau Kartanegara | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600401 | 2016 | Sarung Tenun Samarinda | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600402 | 2016 | Petis Udang Paser | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700549 | 2017 | Ronggeng Paser | Performing Arts |
201901024 | 2019 | Genikng | Performing Arts |
201901025 | 2019 | Ganjur | Performing Arts |
201901026 | 2019 | Tari Gong | Performing Arts |
201901027 | 2019 | Kelentangan Kutai Barat | Performing Arts |
201901028 | 2019 | Tari Perang Dayak Bahau Saq | Performing Arts |
201901029 | 2019 | Suliikng Dewa | Performing Arts |
201901030 | 2019 | Tari Dewa Memanah | Performing Arts |
201901031 | 2019 | Ngerangkau | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201901032 | 2019 | Sapeq Kalimantan Timur | Performing Arts |
201901033 | 2019 | Ngarang | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
North Kalimantan
Number of Registratiom | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201500271 | 2015 | Upacara Nata Umo Maipunsubon Sawat Dangan | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201500272 | 2015 | Niva bi'o Mepung Tukung | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201500273 | 2015 | Incaut | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201500274 | 2015 | Bepadaw | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600403 | 2016 | Na' Ngadan Amai Bio (Upacara Adat Kenyah) | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600404 | 2016 | Ngukab Fulung, Ngripak Ulung (Upacara Adat Dayak Lundayeh) | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201600405 | 2016 | Jugit Demaring (Tari Klasik Kesultanan Bulungan) | Performing Arts |
201600406 | 2016 | Bening dayak kenyah kalimantan utara (Gendongan Bayi) | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700550 | 2017 | Jatung Utang | Performing Arts |
201700551 | 2017 | Lalatip | Performing Arts |
201700552 | 2017 | Penurunan Padaw Tuju Dulung | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800768 | 2018 | Biduk Bebandung | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800769 | 2018 | Bebelen/ Bebalong/ Babili | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800770 | 2018 | Melah dan Lakin Ngayau | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800771 | 2018 | Inter Kesuma | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800772 | 2018 | Betik Dayak Kenyah Uma' Lung | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201901021 | 2019 | Dolop | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201901022 | 2019 | Mamat | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201901023 | 2019 | Pekiban | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
Number of Registration | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300034 | 2013 | Makepung | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201400142 | 2014 | Performing Arts Tektekan Bali | Performing Arts |
201500238 | 2015 | Gringsing Tenganan | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500239 | 2015 | Endek | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500240 | 2015 | Sangging Kamasan Bali | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500241 | 2015 | Barong Ket | Performing Arts |
201500242 | 2015 | Joged | Performing Arts |
201500243 | 2015 | Tari Legong Kraton | Performing Arts |
201500244 | 2015 | Dramatari Wayang Wong | Performing Arts |
201500245 | 2015 | Dramatari Gambuh | Performing Arts |
201500246 | 2015 | Topeng Sidakarya | Performing Arts |
201500247 | 2015 | Baris Upacara | Performing Arts |
201500248 | 2015 | Tari Sanghyang | Performing Arts |
201500249 | 2015 | Rejang | Performing Arts |
201600379 | 2016 | Ngrebeg Mekotek | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600380 | 2016 | Ter-teran | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600381 | 2016 | Gebug Ende | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700553 | 2017 | Betutu | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700554 | 2017 | Kare-kare Tenganan Pegringsingan | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700555 | 2017 | Gamelan Selonding | Performing Arts |
201700556 | 2017 | Usaba Dangsil | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700557 | 2017 | Usaba Sumbu | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700558 | 2017 | Siat Tipat Bantal | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700559 | 2017 | Leko | Performing Arts |
201800738 | 2018 | Siat Geni Desa Adat Tuban | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800739 | 2018 | Jegog Jembrana | Performing Arts |
201800740 | 2018 | Terompong Beruk | Performing Arts |
201800741 | 2018 | Megibung | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800742 | 2018 | Mesabat-Sabatan Biu | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800743 | 2018 | Songket Beratan | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800744 | 2018 | Tari Baris Wayang Lumintang | Performing Arts |
201800745 | 2018 | Tari Baris Cina Renon dan Sanur | Performing Arts |
201800746 | 2018 | Basmerah (Nyambleh Sasih Kanem) Desa Taman Pohmanis | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800747 | 2018 | Ngarebong Kesiman | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800748 | 2018 | Seni Lukis Batuan | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800749 | 2018 | Tari Taruna Jaya | Performing Arts |
201800750 | 2018 | Nyakan Diwang | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201900998 | 2019 | Kerajinan Perak Celuk | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201900999 | 2019 | Asta Kosala Kosali | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201901000 | 2019 | Baris Sumbu Desa Adat Semanik | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201901001 | 2019 | Gerabah Banjar Basang Tamiang | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201901002 | 2019 | Mabuug Buugan Desa Adat Kedonganan | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201901003 | 2019 | Ngaro Banjar Medura Intaran Sanur | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201901004 | 2019 | Legong Binoh | Performing Arts |
201901005 | 2019 | Janger Kedaton Sumerta dan Pegok Sesetan | Performing Arts |
201901006 | 2019 | Sate Renteng | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201901007 | 2019 | Usaba Dimel Desa Adat Selat | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201901008 | 2019 | Cakepung Budhakeling | Performing Arts |
201901009 | 2019 | Penting | Performing Arts |
201901010 | 2019 | Ngrebeg Keris Ki Baru Gajah | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201901011 | 2019 | Pengalantaka | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201901012 | 2019 | Baris Jangkang | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201901013 | 2019 | Gambuh Desa Adat Tumbakbayuh | Performing Arts |
West Nusa Tenggara
Number of Registration | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300057 | 2013 | Gendang Beleq | Performing Arts |
201300058 | 2013 | Wayang Kulit Sasak | Performing Arts |
201400143 | 2014 | Perisean | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201500250 | 2015 | Ayam Taliwang | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600382 | 2016 | Pacoa Jara, Pacu Mbojo | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600383 | 2016 | Gegerok Tandak | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700560 | 2017 | Kareku Kandei | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800751 | 2018 | Bau Nyale | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800752 | 2018 | Tenun Pringgasela | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201901014 | 2019 | Kayaq Sandongan | Performing Arts |
201901015 | 2019 | Tari Sireh | Performing Arts |
East Nusa Tenggara
Number of Registration | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300059 | 2013 | Sasandu (Sasando) | Performing Arts |
201300060 | 2013 | Caci | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201300061 | 2013 | Rumah Bale (Arsitektur Sumba) | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201300075 | 2013 | Tenun Ikat Sumba | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201400144 | 2014 | Lodok | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201400145 | 2014 | Penti Weki Peso Beo Reca Rangga Wali Ntaung | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201500251 | 2015 | Mbaru Niang Wae Rebo | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201500252 | 2015 | Pasola | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201500253 | 2015 | Etu | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201600384 | 2016 | Repit | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600385 | 2016 | Kure | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600386 | 2016 | Wulla Podu | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600387 | 2016 | Leru Weru (Upacara Pesta Kacang) | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600388 | 2016 | Matekio | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600389 | 2016 | Reba | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600390 | 2016 | Tarian Likurai | Performing Arts |
201600391 | 2016 | Tarian Pado'a | Performing Arts |
201600392 | 2016 | Se'i | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700561 | 2017 | Bonet | Performing Arts |
201800753 | 2018 | Leva Nuang | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800754 | 2018 | Ela Ma | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800755 | 2018 | Hole | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800756 | 2018 | Lego-Lego | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800757 | 2018 | Vera | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201901016 | 2019 | Ikat Tenun Sikka | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201901017 | 2019 | Mangenjing | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201901018 | 2019 | Ala Baloe | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201901019 | 2019 | Kebalai | Performing Arts |
201901020 | 2019 | Gawi | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
West Sulawesi
Nomor Registration | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300046 | 2013 | Saiyyang Pattu'du | Performing Arts |
201400156 | 2014 | Passayang-sayang | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201400157 | 2014 | Sandeq | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201500278 | 2015 | Loka Sattai/Loka Ro'do/Loka Anjoroi | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500279 | 2015 | Kain Tenun Sukomandi | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600413 | 2016 | Mangaro | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600414 | 2016 | Perkawinan adat Mandar | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600415 | 2016 | Keke/pakeke | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600416 | 2016 | Calong | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600417 | 2016 | Masossor Manurung/Manossor Manurung | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700568 | 2017 | Lipa Saqbe Mandar | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800794 | 2018 | Mappatammaq Al-Quran | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800795 | 2018 | Maulidan Salabose | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800796 | 2018 | Pupu | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201901066 | 2019 | Kaliandaqdaq | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201901067 | 2019 | Sibaliparri | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201901068 | 2019 | Pande Bassi | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201901069 | 2019 | Pakacaping Tommuane | Performing Arts |
201901070 | 2019 | Pannette | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
South Sulawesi
Number of Registration | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300052 | 2013 | Pinisi | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201300053 | 2013 | Pa'gellu | Performing Arts |
201300054 | 2013 | Sinriliq | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201300055 | 2013 | Pakkarena | Performing Arts |
201400161 | 2014 | Pepepepeka Ri Makka | Performing Arts |
201400162 | 2014 | Tongkonan | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201400163 | 2014 | Badik | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500275 | 2015 | Ma'badong | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201500276 | 2015 | Ganrang | Performing Arts |
201500277 | 2015 | Coto Makassar | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600407 | 2016 | A'raga/Ma'raga | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600408 | 2016 | Mappadendang | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600409 | 2016 | Tudang Sipulung | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600410 | 2016 | Mappalili Sigeri | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600411 | 2016 | Maudu Lompoa | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600412 | 2016 | Lipa Sabbe | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700562 | 2017 | Maccera Manurung Kaluppini (Enrekang) | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700563 | 2017 | Tari Salonreng | Performing Arts |
201700564 | 2017 | Barongko | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700565 | 2017 | Balla To Kajang (Rumah Kajang) | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700566 | 2017 | Kelong Pakkiyo Bunting | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201700567 | 2017 | Passura' | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800773 | 2018 | Rumah Adat Karampuang | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800774 | 2018 | Kapurung | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800775 | 2018 | Pajjaga Bone Balla | Performing Arts |
201800776 | 2018 | Kajangki | Performing Arts |
201800777 | 2018 | Gambus Ogi | Performing Arts |
201800778 | 2018 | Songkabala Accera Kalompoang | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800779 | 2018 | Parade Pasukan A'jaga Tubarani | Performing Arts |
201800780 | 2018 | Sirawu' Sulo/ Sirempek Api | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800781 | 2018 | Mattopang Arajang | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800782 | 2018 | Rambu Solo' | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800783 | 2018 | Annyorong Lopi | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800784 | 2018 | Mangrara Banua | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800785 | 2018 | Mappogau Hanua Sinjai | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800786 | 2018 | Marrimpa Salo Sinjai | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800787 | 2018 | Kelong Batti'-Batti' | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800788 | 2018 | Maccera Arajang | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800789 | 2018 | Songko To Bone/ Songko Recca | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800790 | 2018 | Mappacci | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800791 | 2018 | Passureq | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800792 | 2018 | Mangaru' | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800793 | 2018 | Mallangi Arajang Ri Goarie | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201901052 | 2019 | Kondobuleng | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201901053 | 2019 | Massulo Beppa | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201901054 | 2019 | Maccera Tasi | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201901055 | 2019 | Didek | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201901056 | 2019 | Salokoa | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
Central Sulawesi
Numberb of Registration | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201500282 | 2015 | Kain Tenun Donggala | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500283 | 2015 | Upacara Melabot Tumpe | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600421 | 2016 | Padungku | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700574 | 2017 | Kaledo | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700575 | 2017 | Kakula | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800798 | 2018 | Dade Ndate | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800799 | 2018 | Modulu-Dulu | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201901057 | 2019 | Nobalia | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201901058 | 2019 | Guma Sulawesi Tengah | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201901059 | 2019 | Lalove | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201901060 | 2019 | Torompio | Performing Arts |
201901061 | 2019 | Vaino | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
Southeast Sulawesi
Number Registration | Year | Cultural | Domain |
201300047 | 2013 | Tari Raigo | Performing Arts |
201300048 | 2013 | Kalosara | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201300049 | 2013 | Kabanti | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201300050 | 2013 | Lariangi | Performing Arts |
201300051 | 2013 | Kaghati | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201400158 | 2014 | Mosehe | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201400159 | 2014 | Lulo | Performing Arts |
201400160 | 2014 | Karia | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201500280 | 2015 | Tari Linda | Performing Arts |
201700569 | 2017 | Kantola | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201700570 | 2017 | Istana Malige Buton | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700571 | 2017 | Kaago-Ago | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
North Sulawesi
Nomor Registrasi | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300043 | 2013 | Tari Maengket | Performing Arts |
201300044 | 2013 | Mane'e | Pengetahuan dan kebiasaan perilaku mengenai alam dan semesta |
201300045 | 2013 | Kolintang | Performing Arts |
201400151 | 2014 | Tulude | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201400152 | 2014 | Kain Koffo | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201400153 | 2014 | Kabela | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500281 | 2015 | Musik Bia | Performing Arts |
201600418 | 2016 | Tagonggong | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600419 | 2016 | Mogama | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600420 | 2016 | Monibi | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700572 | 2017 | Masamper | Performing Arts |
201700573 | 2017 | Tinutuan | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800797 | 2018 | Figura | Performing Arts |
201901062 | 2019 | Gunde | Performing Arts |
201901063 | 2019 | Cakalang Fufu Sulawesi Utara | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201901064 | 2019 | Wale Wangko | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201901065 | 2019 | Sopulut | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
Number of Registration | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300056 | 2013 | Molapi Saronde | Performing Arts |
201400154 | 2014 | Tumbilotohe | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201400155 | 2014 | Karawo | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500284 | 2015 | Permainan Polo Palo | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201500285 | 2015 | Tradisi Lisan Tanggomo | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201600422 | 2016 | Lohidu | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201600423 | 2016 | Tahuli | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201600424 | 2016 | Dayango/Wumbungo | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600425 | 2016 | Langga | Performing Arts |
201600426 | 2016 | Binthe Biluhuta | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700576 | 2017 | Paiya Lohungo Lopoli | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201700577 | 2017 | Tuja'i | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201700578 | 2017 | Wunungo | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201700579 | 2017 | Tidi Lopolopalo | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201700580 | 2017 | Palebohu | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800800 | 2018 | Dikili | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800801 | 2018 | Me'eraji | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800802 | 2018 | Pulanga | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800803 | 2018 | Momeati | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800804 | 2018 | Molalunga | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800805 | 2018 | Momuhuto | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800806 | 2018 | Tolobalango | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800807 | 2018 | Bantayo Poboide | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201901071 | 2019 | Upiya Karanji | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201901072 | 2019 | Molontalo | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201901073 | 2019 | Mohuntingo | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201901074 | 2019 | Tidi Lo o'ayabu | Performing Arts |
201901075 | 2019 | Ilabulo | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201901076 | 2019 | Tiliaya | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201901077 | 2019 | Tepa Tonggo | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
Number of Registration | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300062 | 2013 | Ehe Lawn | Performing Arts |
201300063 | 2013 | Tais Pet | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201300064 | 2013 | Maku-maku | Performing Arts |
201400164 | 2014 | Rofaer War (Cuci Parigi) | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201400165 | 2014 | Tyarka | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201400166 | 2014 | Poya | Performing Arts |
201500286 | 2015 | Cuci Negeri Soya | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201500287 | 2015 | Inasua | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500288 | 2015 | Obor Pattimura | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201500289 | 2015 | Pela | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201600427 | 2016 | Sasi Maluku | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201600428 | 2016 | Pukul Sapu | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600429 | 2016 | Belang Banda | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600430 | 2016 | Sopi | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600431 | 2016 | Baileo | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700581 | 2017 | Minyak Kayu Putih | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201700582 | 2017 | Dansa Tali | Performing Arts |
201700583 | 2017 | Enbal | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201700584 | 2017 | Tahuri | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800808 | 2018 | Pataheri/Matahena | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800809 | 2018 | Gula Saparua | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800810 | 2018 | Tari Lenso | Performing Arts |
201901078 | 2019 | Bameti | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
North Maluku
Number of Registration | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300065 | 2013 | Bambu Gila | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201300066 | 2013 | Soya-soya | Performing Arts |
201500290 | 2015 | Hibualamo | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500291 | 2015 | Tari Legu Sahu | Performing Arts |
201600432 | 2016 | Seri Godoba | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600433 | 2016 | Tide-Tide | Performing Arts |
201600434 | 2016 | Kukuhana | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700585 | 2017 | Sasadu | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800811 | 2018 | Yangere/Tali Dua Halmahera Utara | Performing Arts |
201800812 | 2018 | Rion-Rion | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201901079 | 2019 | Adat Pia Bakai | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201901080 | 2019 | Halua Kanari Maluku Utara | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201901081 | 2019 | Laka Baka | Performing Arts |
201901082 | 2019 | Bela Yai | Performing Arts |
West Papua
Number of Registration | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201500292 | 2015 | Papeda | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600441 | 2016 | Banondit (Rumput Kebar) | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201600442 | 2016 | Bihim (Tari Tumbutana) | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600443 | 2016 | Mod Aki Aksa Igkojei | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600444 | 2016 | Igya Ser Hanjop | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201700589 | 2017 | Fararior | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700590 | 2017 | Farbakbuk | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700591 | 2017 | Kuk Kir Kna | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700592 | 2017 | Mansorandak | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700593 | 2017 | Mbaham- Matta / Ko On Kno Mi Mombi Du Qpona | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700594 | 2017 | Anu Beta Tubat | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201901084 | 2019 | Wala | Performing Arts |
201901085 | 2019 | Srar | Performing Arts |
201901086 | 2019 | Orok | Performing Arts |
Number of Registrastion | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300067 | 2013 | Yosim Pancar | Performing Arts |
201300068 | 2013 | Ukiran Asmat | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201300077 | 2013 | Noken | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500293 | 2015 | Tomako Batu | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201500294 | 2015 | Koteka | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600435 | 2016 | Wor Biak | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201600436 | 2016 | Elha | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201600437 | 2016 | Aker | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201600438 | 2016 | Honai | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600439 | 2016 | Khombow | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201600440 | 2016 | Terfo | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201700586 | 2017 | Ndambu | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700587 | 2017 | Yu | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201700588 | 2017 | Pokem | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800813 | 2018 | Aimaro Hena Taje | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201800814 | 2018 | Bhukere | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201800815 | 2018 | Sireuw | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201800816 | 2018 | Snap Mor | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201800817 | 2018 | Akonipuk | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201800818 | 2018 | Helaehili | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201800819 | 2018 | Karamo | Performing Arts |
201901083 | 2019 | Mbitoro | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
Joint Heritage
Number of Registration | Year | Cultural Works | Domain |
201300010 | 2013 | Aksara dan Naskah Ka Ga Nga | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201300011 | 2013 | Tabot atau Tabuik | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201300023 | 2013 | Pantun Betawi | Traditions and Oral Expressions |
201300027 | 2013 | Calung Banyumas dan Jawa Barat | Performing Arts |
201300037 | 2013 | Rumah Panjang Dayak | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201300038 | 2013 | Karungut | Performing Arts |
201300069 | 2013 | Barappen | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201300070 | 2013 | Tifa | Performing Arts |
201300071 | 2013 | Batik Indonesia | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201300076 | 2013 | Wayang | Performing Arts |
201400168 | 2014 | Gamelan Jawa Gaya Surakarta dan Yogyakarta | Performing Arts |
201400169 | 2014 | Sekaten | Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations |
201400170 | 2014 | Pawukon | Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe |
201400171 | 2014 | Mendu | Performing Arts |
201400172 | 2014 | Pakaian Kulit Kayu | Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency |
201400173 | 2014 | Tari Cakalele | Performing Arts |
External links
- "Warisan Budaya Takbenda Indonesia". Direktorat Warisan dan Diplomasi Budaya Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Indonesia.