Södermanland Runic Inscription 16
The Södermanland Runic Inscription 16 is a Viking Age runestone engraved in Old Norse with the Younger Futhark runic alphabet. It is in sandstone and located in the cemetery of Kattnäs Church in Gnesta Municipality.[1]

Sö 16
Transliteration of the runes into Latin characters
Old Norse transcription:
- §A .. [A]uðin/[L]uðin. Hann vaʀ dauðr i Hæiðaby. Hialpi Guð and.[1]
- §B <aʀ>
English translation:
- §A "... Auðin/Loðin. He died in Hedeby. May God help (his) spirit."[1]
- §B "<aʀ>"
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