Uppland Runic Inscription 948
The Uppland Runic Inscription 948 is a Viking Age runestone engraved in Old Norse with the Younger Futhark runic alphabet. It is in reddish grey granite and is located at the Fålebro bridge, sunk into the ground,[1] near Danmark Church in Uppsala Municipality.[2] The style is Pr4.[2]

U 948
Transliteration of the runes into Latin characters
- ' stʀþinkr × lit resa stin × iftʀ × arna × sun × sen × han × fyr × hayrt × lant × þelfi ' auk ' aurikia ' iuku ' runar ' iftʀ ' bruþur ' sin[2]
Old Norse transcription:
- Styðingʀ/Støðingʀ let ræisa stæin æftiʀ Arna, sun sinn. Hann for hvart(?) land(?) Þialfi ok Orøkia hioggu runaʀ æftiʀ broður sinn.[2]
English translation:
- "Styðingr/Stœðingr had the stone raised in memory of Árni, his son. He travelled to every land (?) Þjalfi and Órœkja cut the runes in memory of their brother. "[2]
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