Time in Kazakhstan
Standard time in Kazakhstan is either UTC+05:00 or UTC+06:00. These times apply throughout the year as Kazakhstan does not observe Daylight saving time.
IANA time zone database
The tz database identifies seven zones for Kazakhstan. Data in columns marked * are from the file zone.tab of the database.
coordinates* | tzid* | comments* | UTC offset |
+4315+07657 | Asia/Almaty | most areas | UTC+06:00 |
+4448+06528 | Asia/Qyzylorda | Qyzylorda (Kyzylorda, Kzyl-Orda) | UTC+05:00 |
+5312+06337 | Asia/Qostanay | Qostanay/Kostanay/Kustanay | UTC+06:00 |
+5017+05710 | Asia/Aqtobe | Aqtobe (Aktobe) | UTC+05:00 |
+4431+05016 | Asia/Aqtau | Mangghystau (Mankistau) | UTC+05:00 |
+4707+05156 | Asia/Atyrau | Atyrau (Atirau, Gur'yev) | UTC+05:00 |
+5113+05121 | Asia/Oral | West Kazakhstan | UTC+05:00 |
According to an email on the tz mailing list, Kostanay Region could be part of Asia/Qyzylorda .
Time by region
Region | Type | tzid | UTC offset |
Akmola | region | Asia/Almaty | UTC+06:00 |
Aktobe | region | Asia/Aqtobe | UTC+05:00 |
Almaty | city(1) | Asia/Almaty | UTC+06:00 |
Almaty Region | region | Asia/Almaty | UTC+06:00 |
Nur-Sultan | city(1) | Asia/Almaty | UTC+06:00 |
Atyrau | region | Asia/Atyrau | UTC+05:00 |
Baikonur[1] | city(2) | Asia/Almaty | UTC+05:00 |
East Kazakhstan | region | Asia/Almaty | UTC+06:00 |
Karagandy | region | Asia/Almaty | UTC+06:00 |
Kostanay | region | Asia/Qostanay | UTC+06:00 |
Kyzylorda | region | Asia/Qyzylorda | UTC+05:00 |
Mangystau | region | Asia/Aqtau | UTC+05:00 |
North Kazakhstan | region | Asia/Almaty | UTC+06:00 |
Pavlodar | region | Asia/Almaty | UTC+06:00 |
Shymkent | city(1) | Asia/Almaty | UTC+06:00 |
Turkistan | region | Asia/Almaty | UTC+06:00 |
West Kazakhstan | region | Asia/Oral | UTC+05:00 |
Jambyl | region | Asia/Almaty | UTC+06:00 |
- (1) Almaty, Nur-Sultan and Shymkent cities have the status of State importance and do not relate to any region.
- (2) Baikonur city has a special status because it is currently being leased to Russia with Baikonur cosmodrome until 2050.
See also
- On the time change in the city of Baikonur and Kyzylorda region, Administration of the city of Baikonur, 13 December 2018 (in Russian).
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