List of generating stations in Alberta

This is a list of electrical generating stations in Alberta, Canada.

Alberta produces a large share of its electricity through natural gas and a decreasing share of its electricity through coal (the latter to be phased out by 2023, seven years ahead of the provincial and federal phase-out).[1] Over the last few years, a booming economy and the deregulation of the electricity market has led to the construction of dozens of new facilitiesprimarily[2] alternatives (cogeneration, waste heat recovery) and renewables (wind, solar, biomass, biogas)and the retirement of a dozen older coal and gas fired units.[2]

Fossil fuel

  Facilities under construction
  Planned facilities
  Decommissioned facilities (year)


List of all coal power plants in Alberta.

Name Location Capacity (MW) Date Owner Ref
Genesee Generating Station 1&253°20′35″N 114°18′11″W8201989–1994Capital Power[3]
Genesee Generating Station 353°20′35″N 114°18′11″W4662005Capital Power, TransAlta[4][5]
Keephills Generating Station 1&2Duffield7661983–1984TransAlta[4]
Keephills Generating Station 3Duffield4502011Capital Power, TransAlta[4]
Sheerness Generating StationHanna7801986–1990Heartland Generation, TransAlta[4][6]
Sundance Power Station53°30′27″N 114°33′26″W2,1411970–1980TransAlta[7]
Battle River Generating Station Units 1&2Forestburg(56)(1998)Heartland Generation[2][8]
H. R. Milner Generating StationGrande Cache(158)(2019)Milner Power[9]
Wabamun Generating Station Units 1–4Wabamun(570)(2003–2010)TransAlta[10]

Natural gas

List of all natural gas power plants in Alberta.

Name Location Capacity (MW) Date Owner Ref
Alberta Power Project – BurdettBurdett72001Maxim Power[11]
Alberta Power Project – CoaldaleCoaldale62001Maxim Power[11]
Alberta Power Project – Fort MacleodFort Macleod42001Maxim Power[11]
Alberta Power Project – TaberTaber82001Maxim Power[11]
Aurora Generating StationAurora851999Syncrude[2][12]
Balzac Power StationBalzac1202001Nexen[13]
Bear Creek Gas TurbineGrande Prairie502002TransCanada[2][14]
Bellshill Power CentreGalahad5.62015Genalta Power[15]
Buck LakeBuck Lake62001Penn West[2]
Cadotte Power CentrePeace River42012Genalta Power[16]
Calgary Energy CentreCalgary3202002Enmax[17]
Carseland Power PlantCarseland802001TransCanada[14]
Carson Creek Power CentreWhitecourt152014Genalta Power[18]
Cavalier Gas PlantStrathmore1202001Enmax[12]
Clover Bar Energy Centre53°35′14″N 113°21′56″W2432008–2009Capital Power[19]
Cold LakeCold Lake1682002Imperial Oil[2]
Crossfield Energy CentreRocky View1202009Enmax[2][20]
CascadeYellowhead County9002023Kineticor Resource Corp[21]
DevonDevon122000Devon Canada[2]
Fort Saskatchewan Cogeneration PlantFort Saskatchewan1181999Strongwater Energy, TransAlta[4]
Foster Creek CogenerationBonnyville802003Cenovus[2]
Milner 2Grande Cache2042020Milner Power[22]
Joffre Cogeneration PlantRed Deer4802000Capital Power Corporation, NOVA Chemicals, Heartland Generation[23]
Judy Creek Power CentreWhitecourt152014Genalta Power[24]
KaybobGreenview County402021TransAlta, SemCAMS[25]
MacKay River Power PlantFort McMurray1652003TransCanada[14]
Medicine Hat Cogeneration PlantMedicine Hat522007–2009City of Medicine Hat[2]
Mezzepa Gas PlantMezzepa17MFC Resource Partnership
Muskeg River Mine Cogeneration Station57°18′0″N 111°30′0″W1722002Heartland Generation[26][27]
Northern Prairie Power ProjectGrande Prairie852008Constellation Energy[28]
Peace River Power CentrePeace River202015Genalta Power[29][30]
Poplar Creek Cogeneration PlantFort McMurray3562001TransAlta[4]
Poplar Hill Generating Plant[[Grande Prairie 55°20′20″N 119°13′07″W]]451999Heartland Generation[31]
Primrose Cogeneration PlantPrimrose851998Canadian Natural resources, Heartland Generation[32]
Rainbow Lake Generating StationRainbow Lake1781968–2001Heartland Generation, Husky Oil[33][34]
Redwater CogenerationRedwater402001TransCanada[14]
Scotford Air LiquideFort Saskatchewan802000Air Liquide Canada[12]
Scotford Cogeneration PlantFort Saskatchewan1702003Heartland Generation[35]
Shepard Energy CentreCalgary8602015ENMAX, Capital Power[36]
Sturgeon Generating PlantValleyview181957–1961ATCO Power[37]
University of Alberta Heating PlantUniversity of Alberta39.71994–2000University of Alberta[38][39]
University of Calgary Central Heating and Cooling PlantUniversity of Calgary122011University of Calgary[40] [41]
Valleyview 1 and 2 Generating PlantsValleyview902001–2008Heartland Generation[42]
Clover Bar Generating Station Units 1-4Edmonton(660)(2005)Capital Power[2][38][43]
Medicine Hat Gas Power Units 5&8Medicine Hat(37)(2009)City of Medicine Hat[2]
Rossdale Generating Station Units 8–10Edmonton(209)(2009)Capital Power[2]

Dual fuel

List of all dual fuel (coal/natural gas) power plants in Alberta.

Name Location Capacity (MW) Date Owner Ref
Battle River Generating Station Units 3-5Forestburg 52°28′08″N112°08′02″W6891969–1981Heartland Generation[44]
Milner 1Grande Cache1502019Milner Power[45]


Biomass, biogas and waste heat recovery

List of all biomass, biogas and waste heat recovery power plants in Alberta.

Name Location Capacity (MW) Date Owner Type Ref
Alberta Pacific ForestAthabasca1311993–2012Alberta Pacific ForestBiomass[2][46]
Bear Creek Steam TurbineGrande Prairie302002TransCanadaBiomass[2][14]
Cancarb Waste Heat Recovery PlantMedicine Hat282000Tokai Carbon Co. Ltd.Waste heat[47]
Caroline Gas ComplexCaroline202008Shell CanadaWaste heat[2]
Clover Bar Landfill GasEdmonton52005Capital PowerBiogas[2][48]
Dapp Biomass ProjectDapp161999Verdant EnergyBiomass[49]
Gold Creek Generation Facility54°49′59″N 118°39′10″W6.51999Maxim PowerWaste heat[50]
Grande Prairie Generating StationGrande Prairie252005TransAltaBiomass[4]
Hinton Pulp Units 1&2Hinton501985–2011West Fraser TimberBiomass[2][51]
Judy Creek ORCSwan Hills2.22012Genalta PowerWaste Heat[2][52]
Peace River Pulp MillPeace River521990–2012Daishowa-Marubeni InternationalBiomass[2][53]
Valley PowerDrayton Valley121996Algonquin PowerBiomass[54]
Grande Prairie Pulp MillGrande Prairie(33)(2011)Weyerhaeuser CanadaBiomass[2]
Grande Prairie Pulp MillGrande Prairie482011Weyerhaeuser CanadaBiomass[2]
WhitecourtWhitecourt251994Macquarie Power & InfrastructureBiomass[55]


Name Location Capacity (MW) Date Owner Ref
Greenview Geothermal Power Plant (Alberta No. 1) Municipal District of Greenview No. 16 5 2023 Terrapin Geothermics [56]


List of all hydroelectric power stations power plants in Alberta.

Name Location Capacity (MW) Date Owner Ref
Amisk Hydroelectric Project Dunvegan 370 2020s Concord Green Energy [57][58]
Barrier Hydroelectric DamSeebe131947TransAlta[4]
Bearspaw Hydroelectric DamCalgary171954TransAlta[4]
Belly River Hydroelectric DamGlenwood31991TransAlta[4]
Bighorn Dam52°18′32″N 116°19′45″W1201972TransAlta[4]
Brazeau Hydroelectric Dam52°57′59″N 115°34′44″W3551965TransAlta[4]
Cascade Hydroelectric DamBanff361942TransAlta[4]
Chin Reservoir StationChin11.41994Irrican Power[59]
Dickson Dam52°03′06″N 114°13′07″W151992Algonquin Power[60]
Drop 4, 5 and 6 Hydroelectric PlantRaymond6.92004Irrican Power[59]
Ghost Hydroelectric DamCochrane511929TransAlta[4]
Horseshoe Hydroelectric DamSeebe141911TransAlta[4]
Interlakes Hydroelectric DamKananaskis51955TransAlta[4]
Kananaskis Hydroelectric DamSeebe191913TransAlta[4]
Oldman River Hydroelectric PlantPincher Creek322003ATCO Power[61]
Pocaterra Hydroelectric DamKananaskis151955TransAlta[4]
Raymond Reservoir Generating StationRaymond20.51994Irrican Power[59]
Rundle Hydroelectric DamCanmore501951TransAlta[4]
Spray Hydroelectric DamCanmore1031951TransAlta[4]
St. Mary Hydroelectric DamMagrath21992TransAlta[4]
Taylor Hydroelectric DamMagrath132000TransAlta[4]
Three Sisters Hydroelectric DamCanmore31951TransAlta[4]
Waterton Hydroelectric DamGlenwood31992TransAlta[4]


List of all wind farms power stations in Alberta.

Name Location Capacity (MW) Date Owner Ref
Ardenville Wind FarmFort Macleod662010TransAlta[2][62]
Blackspring RidgeVulcan County3002014EDF Renewables, Enbridge[63][64]
Blue TrailFort Macleod662009TransAlta[65]
Bull CreekProvost292015BluEarth Renewables[66]
Castle RiverPincher Creek442000–2001TransAlta[67]
Castle Rock Wind FarmDrumheller772012Enel[2]
Castle Rock Ridge 2Pincher Creek292020Enel Green Power[68]
Chin ChuteTaber302006Acciona, Enbridge, Suncor Energy[69][70]
Cowley NorthCowley202001TransAlta[71]
Cowley RidgePincher Creek212000TransAlta[72]
Ghost Pine Wind Energy CentreDrumheller822010NextEra[73]
HalkirkHalkirk1502012Capital Power[74]
Kettles HillPincher Creek632006–2007Enmax[75]
Macleod FlatsFort Macleod32004TransAlta[76]
MagrathMagrath302004Acciona, Enbridge, Suncor Energy[69][70]
McBride LakeFort Macleod752003Enmax, TransAlta[77][78]
Oldman River Wind ProjectPincher Creek3.62007Alberta Wind Energy Corporation[79]
Oldman 2Pincher Creek462014Mainstream Renewable Power[80]
RiverviewPincher Creek1052020Enel Green Power[81]
SoderglenFort Macleod70.52006Nexen, TransAlta[83]
Summerview 1Pincher Creek702004TransAlta[84]
Summerview 2Pincher Creek662010TransAlta[85]
Taber Wind FarmTaber802007Enmax[86]
WhitlaForty Mile2022019Capital Power[88]
Wintering Hills Wind FarmDrumheller882011Suncor[89]
Forty Mile Wind ProjectForty Mile202.52022Suncor[90]
Sharp HillsSpecial Area 33002022EDP Renewables[91]
Whitla Wind 2Forty Mile972021Capital Power[92]
WindriseFort Macleod2062021TransAlta[93]
CypressForty Mile2022022EDF Renewables[94]
Rattlesnake RidgeWhitla117.62022Berkshire Hathaway Energy Canada[95]
WheatlandWheatland County122.42022Greengate Power Corporation[96]
Whitla Wind 3Forty Mile542021Capital Power[97]
Wild Rose 1Cypress County2172021NaturEner[98]
Wild Rose 2Cypress County1922021NaturEner[99]
Buffalo Plains Wind Farm Lomond 514.6 2023 ABO Wind [100]
Bull Trail WindCypress County2502023EDF Renewables[101]


List of all solar power stations in Alberta.

Name Location Capacity (MW) Date Owner Ref
Brooks SolarBrooks172017Elemental Energy[102]
Prairie Sunlight IIVauxhall24.52020Solar Krafte Utilities[103]
Innisfail SolarInnisfail252020Elemental Energy[104]
Prairie Sunlight IIITaber222020Solar Krafte Utilities[105]
Three Nations Energy Solar FarmFort Chipewyan (off-grid)2.22020Three Nations Energy (joint venture)[106]
Suffield SolarSuffield232020Suffield Solar GP Inc.[107]
Burdett SolarBurdett202021BluEarth Renewables[108]
Spring Coulee SolarSpring Coulee29.52021Solar Krafte[109]
Claresholm 1 Claresholm 58 2021 Claresholm Solar LP [110]
Claresholm 2 Claresholm 75 2021 Claresholm Solar LP [110]
Wrentham SolarWrentham41.12021Solar Krafte[111]
Yellow Lake SolarForty Mile192021BluEarth Renewables[112]
Jenner SolarJenner232021Canadian Solar[113]
Hays SolarHays232021Canadian Solar[114]
Airport City SolarLeduc1202022Alpin Sun[115]
Brooks Solar IIBrooks26.52021Elemental Energy[116]
E.L. Smith Solar FarmEdmonton122022Epcor[117]
Enterprise Solar Vulcan 94 2021 Renewable Energy Systems [118]
Prairie Sunlight ITaber74.22021Solar Krafte[119]
Barlow Solar ParkCalgary272021DP Energy[120]
Deerfoot Solar ParkCalgary352021DP Energy[121]
Strathmore SolarStrathmore40.52021Solar Krafte[122]
Chappice Lake Solar Near Chappice Lake 15 2022 Elemental Energy [123]
Travers Solar ProjectVulcan County4652022Greengate Power[124]
Vauxhall SolarTaber1502022Solar Krafte[125]
Vulcan SolarVulcan County772023EDF Renewable Energy[126]
Joffre SolarJoffre472021PACE Canada LP[127]
Hanna Sheerness SolarHanna132022PACE Canada LP[128]
Caroline SolarCaroline92022PACE Canada LP[129]
Wheatcrest SolarTaber602022BluEarth Renewables[130]



List of all lithium-ion battery storage plants in Alberta.

Name Location Power Capacity (MW) Energy Capacity (MWh) Date Owner Ref
WindChargerPincher Creek10202020TransAlta[131]
eReserve1Spirit River20202020Teric Power Ltd[132]
eReserve2Wainwright20202021Teric Power Ltd[133]
eReserve3Grande Prairie20202021Teric Power Ltd[134]

Pumped hydroelectric

List of all pumped hydroelectric storage plants in Alberta.

Name Location Power Capacity (MW) Energy Capacity (MWh) Date Owner Ref
Canyon CreekYellowhead County75–400~2775202xTurning Point Generation, TC Energy[135][136]

See also



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    This article is issued from Wikipedia. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.