List of irregularly spelled English names
This is a set of lists of English personal and place names having pronunciations that are counterintuitive to their spelling because the pronunciation does not accord with conventional spelling/pronunciation associations, or because a better known namesake with the same spelling has a markedly different pronunciation. The latter types are known as heterophonic names or heterophones (unlike heterographs, which are written differently but pronounced the same).
Excluded are the numerous spellings which fail to make the pronunciation obvious without actually being at odds with convention: for example, the pronunciation /skəˈnɛktədi/[1][2] of Schenectady is not immediately obvious, but neither is it counterintuitive.
See Help:IPA/English for guides to the IPA symbols used, and variations depending on dialect.[n 1]
Place names
Boldened names indicate place names where only one part is pronounced irregularly, italicized pronunciations are uncommon.
Name element | Pronunciation | Notes | |
Respelling | IPA | ||
-ane | ahn | /ɑːn/ | In Irish names |
-borough | b(ə)rə | /b(ə)rə/ | |
-burgh | b(ə)rə | /b(ə)rə/ | |
-bury | b(ə)r-ee | /b(ə)ri/ | |
-cambe | kəm | /kəm/ | |
-cester | stər | /stər/ | |
-c(o)omb(e) | kəm | /kəm/ | |
-ford | fərd | /fərd/ | |
-ham | əm | /əm/ | |
-holm(e) | like home | /hoʊm/ | |
-mouth | məth | /məθ/ | |
-quay | kee | /kiː/ | |
-shire | shər | /ʃər/ | |
-wich | ich, ij | /ɪdʒ/, /ɪtʃ/ | |
-wick | ik | /ɪk/ | |
Innis- | IN-ish | /ˈɪnɪʃ/ |
This list does not include place names in the United Kingdom or the United States; or places following spelling conventions of non-English languages.
Country | Place | Pronunciation | Notes | |
Respelling | IPA | |||
Canada | Agassiz | AG-ə-see | /ˈæɡəsi/[3] | |
Ireland | Aghabullogue | a-HAB-ul-ug | /æˈhæbʌlʌɡ/ | |
Australia | Albany | AL-bə-nee | /ˈælbəni/[n 2] | |
Ireland | Athy | ath-EYE | /æˈθaɪ/ | |
Canada | Baie d'Espoir[n 3] | like "Bay Despair" | /ˌbeɪdɪsˈpɛər/ | |
Australia | Barcaldine | BAR-kawl-din | /bɑːrˈkɔːldɪn/ | |
New Zealand | Blenheim | BLEN-əm | /ˈblɛnəm/ | |
Australia | Boroondara | bohr-ən-DA-rə | /ˌbɔːrənˈdærə/ | |
boor-ən-DA-rə | /ˌbʊrənˈdærə/ | |||
Ireland | Boyounagh | BWEE-nəkh | /ˈbwiːnəx/ | |
Ireland | Breaffy | BRAY-fee | /ˈbreɪfiː/ | |
Australia | Brisbane | BRIZ-bən | /ˈbrɪzbən/ | |
New Zealand | Bryndwr | BRIND-wər | /ˈbrɪndwər/ | |
Ireland | Cahir | like care | /ˈkɛər/ | |
Australia | Cairns | like cans | /ˈkænz/ | |
Australia | Canberra | KAN-bə-rə | /ˈkænbərə/[n 4] | |
Australia | Canowindra | kə-NOWN-drə | /kəˈnaʊndrə/ | |
New Zealand | Charleston | CHAR-ləs-tən | /ˈtʃɑːrləstən/ | |
Ireland | Cloghore | kly-HOHR | /klaɪˈhɔːr/ | place in County Donegal |
Australia | Cockburn | like Coburn | /ˈkoʊbɜːrn/[n 5] | |
Ireland | Connacht | KON-aw(kh)t | /kɒnɔː(x)t/ | also rarely spelled "Connaught" |
Australia | Darebin | DA-rə-bin | /ˈdærəbɪn/ | |
Canada | Delhi | DEL-hy | /ˈdɛlhaɪ/ | |
Ireland | Donegal | dun-i-GAWL | /dʌnɪgɔːl/ | |
New Zealand | Dunedin | də-NEE-dən | /dəˈniːdən/ | |
Australia | Dunedoo | dun-ee-DOO | /ˌdʌniˈduː/ | |
Canada | Etobicoke | i-toh-bi-koh | /ɪˈtoʊbɪkoʊ/ | |
Australia | Fairbairn | FAYR-burn | /ˈfɛərbɜːrn/ | |
Australia | Forster | like Foster | /ˈfɒstər/ | |
Canada | Gaultois | GAWL-təs | /ˈɡɔːltəs/ | |
New Zealand | Gisborne | GIZ-bərn | /ˈɡɪzbərn/ | |
Australia | Gladstone | GLAD-stən | /ˈɡlædstən/ | |
Australia | Goondiwindi | gun-də-WIN-dee | /ˌɡʌndəˈwɪndi/ | |
Canada | Grand Bruit | GRAND-brit | /ˈɡrændbrɪt/ | |
Australia | Greenough | GREN-uf | /ˈgrɛnʌf/ | |
New Zealand | Greymouth | GRAY-mouth, not GRAY-məth | /ˈɡreɪmaʊθ/, not /ˈɡreɪməθ/ | |
Australia | Gumeracha | gum-ə-RAK-ə | /ˌɡʌməˈrækə/ | |
Australia | Indooroopilly | in-drə-PIH-lee | /ˌɪndrəˈpɪli/ | |
Ireland | Inistioge | in-ish-TEEG | /ɪnɪʃˈtiːɡ/ | |
Ireland | Kiltimagh | kil-chi-MO | /kɪltʃɪˈmɒ/ | |
Australia | Kolan River | koh-LAN | /ˈkoʊlæn/ | |
New Zealand | Kurow | KOO-rao | /ˈkʊəraʊ/ | |
Canada | L'Ardoise | LORD-wayz | /ˈlɔːrdweɪz/ | |
Australia | Lalor | like Lawlor | /ˈlɔːlər/ | |
Australia | Launceston | LAWN-səs-tən | /ˈlɒnsəstən/ | |
Ireland | Leap | LEP | /ˈlɛp/ | |
Ireland | Leighlin | LOKH-lin | /ˈlɒxlɪn/ | |
Ireland | Leighlinbridge | LOKH-lin-brij | /ˈlɒxlɪnbrɪdʒ/ | |
Ireland | Leinster | LEN-stər | /ˈlɛnstər/ | |
New Zealand | Levin | lə-VIN | /ləˈvɪn/ | |
Australia | Mackay | mə-KY | /məˈkaɪ/[n 6] | As in Scotland |
Canada | Magaguadavic | mak-ə-DAY-vee | /ˌmækəˈdeɪvi/[4] | |
Australia | Mandurah | MAN-jə-rə | /ˈmændʒərə/ | |
Australia | Mandurama | man-JOO-rə-mə | /mænˈdʒʊərəmə/ | |
Australia | Manuka | MAH-nə-kə | /ˈmɑːnəkə/ | |
Ireland | Maynooth | mə-NOOTH | /məˈnuːθ/ | |
Australia | Mount Kosciuszko | koz-ee-OS-koh | /kɒziˈɒskoʊ/[5][n 7] | |
Ireland | Mountcharles | mownt-CHAR-liss | /maʊntˈtʃɑːrlɪs/ | |
Australia | Mudgeeraba | mu-jee-RAH-bə | /ˌmʌdʒɪˈrɑːbə/ | |
Australia | Mukinbudin | MUK-in-boo-din | /ˈmʌkɪnbuːdɪn/ | |
Ireland | Mweelrea | mwayl-REE-ə | /mweɪlˈriːə/ | |
Ireland | Naas | NAYSS | /ˈneɪs/ | |
New Zealand | Northcote | NORTH-kət | /ˈnɔːrθkət/ | |
Canada | Osoyoos | OS-oo-yəs | /ɒˈsuːjəs/ | |
OS-oo-yooss | /ɒˈsuːjuːs/ | |||
SOO-yooss | /ˈsuːjuːs/ | |||
Canada | Ossington Avenue | OZ-ing-tən | /ˈɒzɪŋtən/ | |
Ireland | Owenabue | ohn-ə-BWEE | /oʊnəˈbwiː/ | river in County Cork |
New Zealand | Point Chevalier | POYNT-shev-ə-LEER | /ˈpɔɪntʃɛvəˈlɪər/ | |
Trinidad and Tobago | Pointe-à-Pierre | poynt-ə-PEER | /ˌpɔɪntəˈpɪər/ | |
Canada | Pouce Coupe | POOSS-koo-pee | /ˈpuːskuːpiː/ | |
Australia | Prahran | p(ə)-RAN | /p(ə')ræn/ | |
Canada | Quesnel | qui-NEL | /kwɪˈnɛl/ | |
Canada | Quidi Vidi | KID-ee-vid-ee | /ˈkɪdiˌvɪdi/ | |
Canada | Quirpon | KAR-poon | /ˈkɑːrpuːn/ | |
Ireland | Raphoe | RAF-oh | /ˈræfoʊ/ | |
Ireland | River Suir | SHOOR | /ˈʃʊər/ | |
Canada | Rusagonis-Waasis | roo-shah-GORN-ish | /ˌruːʃɑːˈɡɔːrnɪʃ/[6] | |
Canada | Saanich | SAN-ich | /ˈsænɪtʃ/ | |
Canada | Sault Sainte Marie | SOO-saynt-mə-REE | /ˈsuː seɪnt məˈriː/ | |
Canada | Sechelt | SEE-shelt | /ˈsiːʃɛlt/ | |
Canada | Sheshatshiu | SHEH-hah-shee | /ˈʃɛhɑːʃiː/ | |
Canada | Skidegate | SKID-i-ghit | /ˈskɪdɪɡɪt/ | |
Canada | Stouffville | STOH-vil | /ˈstoʊvɪl/ | |
Canada | Strachan Avenue, Toronto | STRAWN | /ˈstrɔːn/ | |
Australia | Strahan | STRAWN | /ˈstrɔːn/ | |
Canada | Summerland | SUM-ər-land, not SUM-ər-lənd | /ˈsʌmərlænd/, not /ˈsʌmərlənd/ | |
Ireland | Tallaght | TAL-ə | /ˈtælə/ | |
Australia | Tallangatta | tə-LAN-gə-tə | /təˈlæŋɡətə/ | |
New Zealand | Thames | TEMZ | /ˈtɛmz/ | |
Canada | Thames River | TEMZ | /ˈtɛmz/ | |
Canada | The Pas | dhə-PAH | /ðəˈpɑː/ | |
Ireland | Thurles | THUR-less | /ˈθɜːrlɛs/ | |
Australia | Tiaro | TY-roh | /ˈtaɪroʊ/ | |
Canada | Tsawwasen | tə-WAH-sən | /təˈwɑːsən/ | |
Ireland | Tuam | CHOO-əm | /ˈtʃuːəm/ | |
Canada | Verdun | vər-DUN | /vərˈdʌn/ | |
Canada | Verdun Avenue, Verdun | VUR-dən | /ˈvɜːrdən/ | |
Australia | Wagga Wagga | WOG-ə-WOG-ə | /ˈwɒɡəˌwɒɡə/ | |
Australia | Wangi Wangi | WON-jee-WON-jee | /ˈwɒndʒiˌwɒndʒi/ | |
Canada | Waskatenau | wə-SET-nə | /wəˈsɛtnə/ | |
Australia | Wauchope | WAW-hope | /ˈwɔːhoʊp/ | |
Australia | Woonona | wə-NOO-nə | /wəˈnuːnə/ | |
Ireland | Youghal | YAWL | /ˈjɔːl/ |
Personal names
Bold names are common; so while not intuitive, are among the most well-used. Names in italics are common are names of non-English origin common among English speakers and only irregular in English pronunciation.
Given names
Name | Prounciation | Notability | Notes | |
Respelling | IPA | |||
Antawn Jamison | like Antoine | /ˈæntwɑːn/ | American basketball player | |
Chynna Phillips | like China | /ˈtʃaɪnə/ | American singer and actor | |
Dav Pilkey | like Dave | /deɪv/ | American author and illustrator | |
Dwyane Wade | like Dwayne | /dweɪn/ | American basketball player | |
Kiki Cuyler | KYE-kye | /ˈkaɪkaɪ/ | American baseball player and coach | |
Liza Minnelli | LYE-zə | /ˈlaɪzə/ | American actor and singer | |
MaliVai Washington | MAL-ə-vee-ə | /ˈmæləviːə/ | American tennis player | |
Michellie Jones | mih-KEE-lee | /mɪˈkiːli/ | Australian triathlete | |
Monta Ellis | MON-tay | /ˈmɒnteɪ/ | American basketball player | |
Wynonna Judd | wye-NOH-nə | /waɪˈnoʊnə/ | American country singer |
Name | Pronunciation | Notes | |
Respelling | IPA | ||
Anthony | ANT-ə-nee | /ˈæntəni/ | UK Pronunciation; also pronounced regularly |
Chloe, Chloë | KLOH-ee | /ˈkloʊi/ | Trema is sometimes used to separate two vowels that would normally be pronounced as one sound |
Geoffrey | JEF-ree | /ˈdʒɛfri/ | Spelled "Jeffrey" in the United States and sometimes Scotland |
Dafydd | DAY-vidh | /ˈdævɪð/ | Regular in Welsh |
Dylan | DIL-ən | /ˈdɪlən/ | Also spelled Dillon |
Eithne | EN-yə | /ˈɛnjə/ | |
Eleanor | EL-ə-nər, EL-ə-nor | /ˈɛlənər, -nɔːr/ | |
Freda | FREE-də | /ˈfriːdə/ | |
Hermione | hur-MY-ə-nee | /hɜːrˈmaɪəni/[7] | |
Hugh | HYOO | /ˈhjuː/ | |
Isaac | EYE-zək | /ˈaɪzək/ | |
Isla | EYE-lə | /ˈaɪlə/ | |
John | JON | /dʒɒn/ | |
Magdalen(e) | MAWD-lin | /ˈmɔːdlɪn/ | Pronunciation now rare |
Malachi | MAL-ə-KYE | /ˈmæləkaɪ/ (![]() |
Malcolm | MAL-kəm | /ˈmælkəm/ | |
Michael | MY-kəl | /ˈmaɪkəl/ | |
Morgause | mor-GAYZ | /mɔːrˈɡeɪz/ | |
Naomi, Näomi | NY-oh-mee, nay-OH-mee | /ˈnaɪoʊmi/, /neɪˈoʊmi/ | |
Niamh | NEEV | /ˈniːv/ | Regular in Irish |
Ngaire | NY-ree | /ˈnaɪri/ | |
Niall | NEE-əl | /ˈniːəl/ | Regular in Irish; also pronounced regularly in English |
Owen | OH-in | /ˈoʊɪn/ | |
Penelope | pə-NEL-ə-pee | /pəˈnɛləpi/[8][9] | |
Phoebe | FEE-bee | /ˈfiːbi/ | |
Ralph | RAYF | /ˈreɪf/ | Pronunciation now rare |
Rhys | REESS | /ˈriːs/ | Regular in Welsh; also spelled Reece or Rees(e) |
Rise, Risë | REE-sə | /ˈriːsə/ | |
Saoirse | SUR-shə | /ˈsɜːrʃə/ | Regular in Irish |
Seamus, Séamas | SHAY-məs | /ˈʃeɪməs/ | Regular in Irish |
Sean, Séan | SHAWN | /ˈʃɔːn/ | Regular in Irish (as Séan); also spelled Shaun or Shawn |
Sian, Siân | SHAHN | /ˈʃɑːn/ | Regular in Welsh |
Siobhan | shi-VAWN | /ʃɪˈvɔːn/ | Regular in Irish |
Stephen | STEE-vən | /ˈstiːvən/ | Pronunciation influenced by a Middle English word and surname ("steven") for an orator. |
Theresa | tə-REE-zə | /təˈriːzə/ | UK English pronunciation that has been influenced by French. |
tə-REE-sə | /təˈriːsə/ | ||
Thomas | TOM-əs | /ˈtɒməs/ | |
Vaugh(a)n | VAWN | /ˈvɔːn/ | |
Zachary | ZAK-ə-ree | /ˈzækəri/ | |
Zoe, Zoë | ZOH-ee | /zoʊi/ | Trema is sometimes used to separate two vowels that would normally be pronounced as one sound |
Family names
Name | Prounciation | Notability | Notes | |
Respelling | IPA | |||
Aaron Copland | like Copeland | /ˈkoʊplənd/ | American composer | |
Andre Dubus | də-BYOOS | /dəˈbjuːs/ | American novelist | |
Andrew P. Iosue | OZ-way | /ˈɒzweɪ/[10] | American general | |
Annastacia Palaszczuk | PAL-ə-shay | /ˈpæləʃeɪ/ | Australian politician | |
Benjamin Huger | OO-jee, OO-jay | /ˈuːdʒi/, /ˈuːdʒeɪ/ | Confederate American general | |
Bill Nighy | like nigh | /ˈnaɪ/ | British actor | |
Bill Veeck | VEK | /ˈvɛk/ | American baseball executive | |
Brett Favre | FARV | /ˈfɑːrv/ | American football player | |
Cara Delevingne | del-ə-VEEN | /dɛləˈviːn/ | English model and actor | |
Cary Elwes | EL-wis | /ˈɛlwɪs/ | English actor | Commonly pronounced EL-wayz |
Cecelia Cichan | like Sheehan | /ˈʃiːhən/ | American plane crash victim | |
Clarence Mackay | like Mackey | /ˈmæki/ | American financier | |
Clayton Yeutter | YITE-ər | /ˈjaɪtər/ | American politician | |
Cliff Politte | poll-EET | /pɒˈliːt/ | American basketball player | |
Clifford Geertz | GURTS | /ˈɡɜːrts/ | American anthropologist | |
Craig Chaquico | chə-KEE-so | /tʃəˈkiːsoʊ/ | American musician | As if Portuguese Chaquiço |
Dan Cortese | like Cortez | /kɔːrˈtɛz/ | American actor and broadcaster | |
Dan Majerle | like Marley | /ˈmɑːrli/ | American basketball player | |
Dana Suesse | SWEESS | /ˈswiːs/ | American composer | |
Daniel Ricciardo | like Ricardo | /rɪˈkɑːrdoʊ/ | Australian racing driver | |
Darrell Issa | EYE-zə | /ˈaɪzə/ | American politician and entrepreneur | |
David Acer | AK-ər | /ˈækər/ | Canadian comedian and magician | |
David Icke | like Ike | /ˈaɪk/ | English conspiracy writer | |
David Lange | LONG-ee | /ˈlɒŋi/ | 32nd prime minister of New Zealand | |
Don Ameche | ə-MEE-chee | /əˈmiːtʃiː/ | American actor | |
Donald F. Glut | GLOOT | /ˈɡluːt/ | American writer and director | |
Edward Ruscha | roo-SHAY | /ruːˈʃeɪ/ | American painter | |
Eli Broad | BROHD | /broʊd/ | American businessperson | |
Elizabeth Goudge | GOOJ | /ˈɡuːdʒ/[11] | English writer | |
Fiennes family | like fines | /ˈfaɪnz/[11] | British family of actors | |
Geraldine McCaughrean | mə-KAWK-rən | /məˈkɔːkrən/ | British children's writer | |
Herman Wouk | like woke | /ˈwoʊk/ | American writer | |
Hillary Haag | HAYG | /heɪɡ/ | American actor and voice actor | |
Isaiah Canaan | like cannon | /ˈkænən/ | American basketball player | |
Isley Brothers | IZE-lee | /ˈaɪzliː/ | American musicians | |
Jackie Speier | like spear | /ˈspɪər/ | American politician | Pronounced regularly for other holders |
James Anthony Froude | FROOD | /ˈfruːd/[11] | English historian and novelist | |
James Naughtie | NAWKH-tee | /ˈnɔːxti/ | British journalist | |
Jason Chaffetz | CHAY-fits | /ˈtʃeɪfɪts/ | American politician | |
Jim Bakker | like baker | /ˈbeɪkər/ | American televangelist | |
Jim Fuchs | FYOOSH | /ˈfjuːʃ/[12] | American shot put athlete | |
John Boehner | BAY-nər | /ˈbeɪnər/ | American politician | |
John Boozman | like Boseman | /ˈboʊzmən/ | American politician | |
John Caius | like keys | /ˈkiːz/ | English doctor | |
John Donne | DUN | /dʌn/ | English poet and cleric | |
John Keble | KEE-bəl | /ˈkiːbəl/ | English churchman and poet | |
John H. Kerr | like car | /ˈkɑːr/ | American politician | |
Johnny Manziel | MAN-zel | /mænˈzɛl/ | American football player | |
Jonathan Toews | TAYVZ | /ˈteɪvz/ | Canadian hockey player | |
Justin Duchsherer | DOOK-shər | /ˈduːkʃər/ | American baseball player | |
K. C. Boutiette | BOO-tee-ay | /ˈbuːtieɪ/ | American speed skater | |
Karch Kiraly | kee-RYE | /kɪˈraɪ/ | American volleyball player and coach | |
Karen Sillas | like Silas | /ˈsaɪləs/ | American actor | |
Keir Dullea | də-LAY | /dəˈleɪ/ | American actor | |
Kirk Rueter | REET-ər | /ˈriːtər/ | American baseball player | |
Klaus Roth | ROHTH | /ˈroʊθ/ | British mathematician | |
L. David Mech | MEECH | /ˈmiːtʃ/ | American biologist | |
Larry Woiwode | WYE-wuud-ee | /ˈwaɪwʊdi/ | American writer | |
Laura Nyro | like Nero | /ˈnɪəroʊ/ | American musician | |
Lauren Tewes | TWEEZ | /ˈtwiːz/ | American actor | |
Lee Godie | GOH-day | /ˈɡoʊdeɪ/ | American painter | |
Lisa Rieffel | rə-FEL | /rəˈfɛl/ | American actor and musician | |
Lou Piniella | pə-NEL-ə | /pəˈnɛlə/ | American baseball player and manager | |
Marge Roukema | ROK-ə-mə | /ˈrɒkəmə/ | American politician | |
Marin Mazzie | MAY-zee | /ˈmeɪzi/ | American actress | |
Mary Renault | REN-ohlt | /ˈrɛnoʊlt/ | English novelist | |
Matt Groening | GRAY-ning | /ˈɡreɪnɪŋ/ | American cartoonist | |
Mike Doughty | DOH-tee | /ˈdoʊti/ | American musician | Contrast from usual but equally irregular /ˈdaʊti/ |
Patricia Wrede | REED-ee | /ˈriːdi/ | American author | |
Patti Scialfa | SKAL-fə | /ˈskælfə/ | American singer | |
Pete Reiser | REESS-ər | /ˈriːsər/ | American baseball player and coach | |
Peter Agre | AHG-ray | /ˈɑːɡreɪ/[13] | American chemist | |
Rachel Scdoris | sə-DOR-iss | /səˈdɔːrɪs/ | American musher | |
Randy Neugebauer | NAWG-ə-bao-ər | /ˈnɔːɡəbaʊ.ər/ | American politician | |
Rob Kearney | like Carney | /ˈkɑːrni/ | Irish rugby player | |
Robert Fulghum | FUL-jəm | /ˈfʊldʒəm/ | American writer | |
Robert Faucheux | foh-SHAY | /foʊˈʃeɪ/ | American politician | |
Robert Mapplethorpe | MAY-pəl-THORP | /ˈmeɪpəlθɔːrp/ | American photographer | |
Roger Boisjoly | boh-zhə-LAY | /boʊʒəˈleɪ/ | American aerospace engineer | |
Roger B. Taney | like tawny | /ˈtɔːni/ | American former Chief Justice | |
Ron Faucheux | foh-SHAY | /foʊˈʃeɪ/ | American lawyer and scholar | |
Ronald Fedkiw | FED-ko | /ˈfɛdkoʊ/ | American mathematician | |
Samuel Pepys | like Peeps | /ˈpiːps/ | English MP | |
Sara Bareilles | bə-REL-iss | /bəˈrɛlɪs/ | American musician | |
Shia LaBeouf | lə-BUF | /ləˈbʌf/ | American actor | |
Stephen Cole Kleene | KLAYN-ee | /ˈkleɪniː/ | American mathematician | |
Terri Schiavo | SHY-vo | /ˈʃaɪvoʊ/ | Subject of Terri Schiavo case | |
Thomas Carew | like Carey | /ˈkɛəriː/ | English poet | |
Todd Tiahrt | TEE-hart | /ˈtiːhɑːrt/ | American politician | |
Vernon Dahmer | DAY-mər | /ˈdeɪmər/ | American activist | |
William Butler Yeats | like Yates | /ˈjeɪts/ | Irish poet and playwright | |
William Foege | FAY-ghee | /ˈfeɪɡi/ | American physician | |
William Froude | FROOD | /ˈfruːd/[11] | British naval engineer | |
William Hulme | like Hume | /ˈhjuːm/[11] | English lawyer |
Name | Pronunciation | Notes | |
Respelling | IPA | ||
Abercorn | AV-ər-korn | /ˈævərkɔːrn/ | |
Aucoin | aw-KOYN | /ɔːˈkoɪn/ | |
oh-KOYN | /oʊˈkoɪn/ | ||
oh-KWANN | /oʊˈkwæn/ | ||
oh-KWEEN | /oʊˈkwiːn/ | ||
Ayscough | like askew | /əˈskjuː/ | |
Bagehot | BAJ-ət | /ˈbædʒət/ | |
Beauchamp | BEE-chəm | /ˈbiːtʃəm/ | |
Beauclerk | boh-KLAYR | /boʊˈklɛər/ | |
Berkeley | like Barkley | /ˈbɑːrkli/ | Mainly UK pronunciation |
Bohun | like Boon | /ˈbuːn/ | |
Blount | like Blunt | /ˈblʌnt/ | |
Boulware | like Bowler | /ˈboʊlər/[n 8] | Also pronounced regularly |
Bowie | BOO-ee | /buˈi/ | Uncommon pronunciation |
Brough | BRUF | /ˈbrʌf/ | |
Buccleugh | bə-KLOO | /bəˈkluː/ | |
Buyer | BOO-yər | /ˈbuːjər/ | Also pronounced regularly |
Cadogan | kə-DUG-ən | /kəˈdʌɡən/ | |
Cheves | CHIV-is | /ˈtʃɪvɪs/ | |
Chisholm | CHIZ-əm | /ˈtʃɪzəm/ | |
Coke | like Cook | /ˈkʊk/ | |
Colclough | KOK-lee | /ˈkɒkli/ | |
KOHK-lee | /ˈkoʊkli/ | ||
Crichton | KRY-tən | /ˈkraɪtən/ | |
Cholmondeley | CHUM-lee | /ˈtʃʌmli/ | |
Cockburn | like Coburn | /ˈkoʊbərn/ | |
Colquhoun | like Cahoon | /kəˈhuːn/ | |
Cowper | like Cooper | /ˈkuːpər/ | Also pronounced regularly |
Cruwys | KROOZ | /ˈkruːz/ | |
Cuyjet | soo-ZHAY | /suːˈʒeɪ/ | |
Dalyell | dee-EL | /diˈɛl/ | |
Dalziel | dee-EL | /diˈɛl/ | |
Davies | like Davis | /ˈdeɪvɪs/ | Sometimes pronounced regularly |
Death | DEETH | /ˈdiːθ/ | |
De'Ath | dee-AHT | /diˈɑːt/ | |
DeLaughter | dee-LAW-tər | /dɪˈlɔːtər/ | |
De Ros | də-ROOZ | /də 'ruːz/ | |
Devere(a)ux | DEV-ə-roox | /ˈdɛvəruːks/ | |
DEV-ə-roh | /ˈdɛvəroʊ/ | ||
Doughty | DOW-tee | /ˈdaʊti/ | |
Dyches | like dikes | /ˈdaɪks/ | |
Eames | like Ames | /ˈeɪmz/ | Often pronounced regularly |
Ehle | EEL-ee | /ˈiːli/ | |
Enroughty | like Darby | /ˈdɑːrbi/[14] | |
Faneuil | FAN-yəl | /ˈfænjəl/ [11] | |
Fe(a)therstonhaugh | FAN-shaw | /ˈfænʃɔː/[11] | |
FEE-sən-hay | /ˈfiːsənheɪ/[11] | ||
FES-tən-haw | /ˈfɛstənhɔː/[11] | ||
FEER-stən-haw | /ˈfɪərstənhɔː/[11] | ||
Geogehan | GAY-gən, gi-HAY-gən | /ˈɡeɪɡən/ or /ɡɪˈheɪɡən/ [11] | |
Geoghegan | GAY-gən, gi-HAY-gən | /ˈɡeɪɡən/ or /ɡɪˈheɪɡən/ [11] | |
Gieves | GHEEVZ | /ˈɡiːvz/ | |
Greenhalgh | GREEN-hahlsh | /ˈgriːnhɑlʃ/[11] | |
GREEN-halsh | /ˈgriːnhælʃ/[11] | ||
GREEN-halj | /ˈgrinːhældʒ/[11] | ||
GREEN-hawl | /ˈgriːnhɔːl/[11] | ||
Grosvenor | GROH-və-noor, GROHV-nər | /ˈɡroʊvənʊər/, /ˈɡroʊvnər/[11] | |
Gough | like Goff | /ˈgɒf/ | |
Greenough | GREE-noh | /ˈgriːnoʊ/ | |
Guild | GYLDE | /ˈɡaɪld/ | |
Hardes | HARDZ | /ˈhɑːrdz/ | |
Harewood | like Harwood | /ˈhɑːrwʊd/[11] | |
Home | HYOOM | /ˈhjuːm/[11] | |
Hough | like Huff | /ˈhʌf/ | |
Jacques | JAYKS | /ˈdʒeɪks/ | Uncommon pronunciation |
Jordan | JURD-ən | /ˈdʒɜːrdən/ | Uncommon pronunciation |
Jourdan | JURD-ən | /ˈdʒɜːrdən/ | |
Keogh | KYOH | /ˈkjoʊ/ | |
Kehoe | KYOH | /ˈkjoʊ/ | |
Kerr | KUR | /kɝ/ | Pronounced regularly in Scottish English |
Keynes | KAYNZ | /ˈkeɪnz/ | |
Landrieu | LAN-droo | /ˈlændruː/ | |
Lalor | like Lawlor | /ˈlɔːlər/ | |
Lange | like Lang | /ˈlæŋ/ | |
Lascelles | LASS-əls | /ˈlæsəls/ | |
Leicester | like Lester | /ˈlɛstər/ | |
Legaré | lə-GREE | /ləˈɡriː/ | |
Lescroart | les-KWAH | /lɛsˈkwɑː/ | |
Leveson-Gower[n 9] | LOO-sən-GAWR | /ˈluːsən ˈɡɔːr/ | |
Lewes | like Lewis | /ˈluːɪs/ | |
Machin | MAY-chin | /ˈmeɪtʃɪn/ | |
MacKay, McKay | mə-KY | /məˈkaɪ/ | Pronunciation mainly in Scotland |
MacLean, McLean | like McClain | /məˈkleɪn/[15][16][17] | Sometimes pronounced regularly |
MacLeod, McLeod | like McCloud | /məˈklaʊd/ | |
MacMahon, McMahon | like McMann | /məkˈmæn/ | |
Mainwaring | MAN-ər-ing | /ˈmænərɪŋ/ | |
Marjoribanks | MARCH-banks | /mɑːr(t)ʃbæŋks/ | |
Marlborough | MAWRL-bə-rə | /ˈmɔːrlbərə/ | |
Maugham | MAWM | /ˈmɔːm/ | |
McCaughey | like McCoy | /məˈkɔɪ/ | |
McGrath | mə-GRAH | /məˈɡrɑː/ | Pronunciation mainly in Ireland |
Meagher | MAH-(ə)r | /mɑː(hə)r/ | |
Melancon | mə-LON-son | /məˈlɒnsɒn/ | Mimics French Melançon |
mə-LAW-saw | /məˈlɔːsɔː/ | Mimics French Melançon | |
Menzies | MING-iss | /ˈmɪŋɪs/ | Mainly pronounced regularly outside Scotland |
Molyneux | MOL-ee-nyoo | /ˈmɒlɪnjuː/ | |
Moog | MOHG | /ˈmoʊɡ/ | |
Moore | MOHR | /mɔɚ/ | |
like Moor | /mʊɚ/ | ||
Moragne | mor-AY-nee | /mɒˈreɪni/ | |
Muir | MYOR | /mjɔr/ | |
Muirhead | MYOR-hed | /mjɔrhɛd/ | |
Olivier[n 10] | ol-IV-ee-ay | /ɒˈlɪvieɪ/ | |
Ouzts | OOTS | /ˈuːts/ | |
Peirce | PURSS | /ˈpɜːrs/ | Uncommon pronunciation |
Pierce | PURSS | /ˈpɜːrs/ | Uncommon pronunciation |
Petre | like Peter | /ˈpiːtər/ | |
Pole-Carew | pool-KAYR-ee | /puːl ˈkɛəri/ | |
Pou | PYOO | /ˈpjuː/ | |
Powell | POW-əl | /'paʊ̯wəl/ | |
like pole | /'poʊ̯l/ | ||
Prioleau | PRAY-loh | /ˈpreɪloʊ/ | |
Proulx | PROO | /ˈpruː/ | |
Quincy | KWIN-zee | /ˈkwɪnziː/ | Slightly uncommon pronunciation |
Raleigh | RAW-lee | /ˈrɔːli/ | |
Rehm | REEM | /ˈriːm/ | |
Reich | RYSHE | /raɪʃ/ | Uncommon pronunciation |
Reynolds | REN-ohldz | /ˈrɛnoʊldz/ | |
Rhea | like Rae | /ˈreɪ/ | Also pronounced regularly |
Rhys | REESS | /ˈriːs/ | |
Riordan | REER-dən | /ˈrɪərdən/ | |
Roosevelt | ROHZ-ə-velt | /ˈroʊzəvɛlt/ | Often pronounced regularly |
Salisbury | SOLZ-bər-ee | /ˈsɔːlzbəri, ˈsɒlz-/ | |
Sandys | like Sands | /sændz/ | |
Schlumberger | SHLUM-bər-zhay | /ʃlʌmbərʒeɪ/ | |
S(c)haffer | SHAY-fər | /ˈʃeɪfər/ | Also pronounced regularly |
Scrope | SKROOP | /ˈskruːp/ | |
Seau | SOH | /ˈsoʊ/ | |
Seay | like say | /ˈseɪ/ | Uncommon pronunciation |
like see | /ˈsiː/ | ||
Shea | SHAY | /ˈʃeɪ/ | |
Smellie[n 11] | like Smiley | /ˈsmaɪli/ | |
Somerset | SUM-ər-sit | /ˈsʌmərsɪt/ | |
Sough | SUF | /ˈsʌf/ | |
St. Clair | like Sinclair | /'sɪnklɛɚ/ | Uncommon pronunciation |
St. John | SIN-jən | /ˈsɪndʒən/ | Also pronounced regularly |
sin-JON | /sɪnˈdʒɒn/ | Uncommon pronunciation | |
Stough | STOH | /ˈstoʊ/ | |
Strachan | STRAWN | /ˈstrɔːn/ | |
STRAK(H)-ən | /ˈstræxən/~/ˈstrækən/ | ||
Strange | STRANG | /ˈstræŋ/ | Uncommon pronunciation |
Synge | like sing | /ˈsɪŋ/ | |
Tal(i)aferro | like Tolliver | /ˈtɒlɪvər/ | |
Thome | TOH-may | /toʊˈmeɪ/ | |
Threatt | THREET | /ˈθriːt/ | |
Tilghman | like Tilman | /ˈtɪlmən/ | |
Tjoelker | like choker | /ˈtʃoʊkər/ | |
Trevelyan | trə-VIL-yən | /trəˈvɪljən/ | |
Teutel | like Tuttle | /ˈtʌtəl/ | |
Tyrwhitt | TEER-it | /ˈtɪrɪt/ | |
Urquhart[n 12] | UR-kərt | /ˈɜːrkərt/ | |
Vanderhorst | van-DRAHS | /vænˈdrɑːs/ | |
Vaugh(a)n | VAWN | /vɔːn/ | |
Waldegrave | WAWL-grayv | /ˈwɔːlɡreɪv/ | |
Wein | like wine | /'waɪn/ | |
Weiner | WY-nər | /'waɪnɝ/ | |
Winzet | WIN-yət | /ˈwɪnjət/ | |
Wodehouse | like Woodhouse | /ˈwʊdhaʊs/ | |
Worcester | WUUS-tər | /ˈwʊstər/ | |
Wriothesley | RAWTS-lee | /ˈrɔːtsli/ | |
RIZ-lee | /ˈrɪzli/ | ||
ROHZ-lee | /ˈroʊzli/[18] | ||
ROKS-lee | /ˈrɒksli/ | ||
RIZE-lee | /ˈraɪzli/ | ||
Yeend | YEND | /ˈjɛnd/ | |
Yount | YUNT | /jʌnt/ |
- For towns near the cusp of two dialect regions, both variants are usually heard, and wider still for important cities or even within them. Examples in that article include New York City and Bath
- cf. influential Duke of Albany and Albany, New York
- French for "Bay of Hope", and paradoxically pronounced "Bay Despair"
- Canberra as /kænˈbɛrə/ is rare and deprecated
- Same as the surname.
- When spoken in the clipped way, the same as original Scottish surname McKay.
- Polish-derived pronunciation /kɒˈʃʊʃkoʊ/ is sometimes used for the Australian example.
- Generally in Virginia
- Usually e.g. H. D. G. Leveson-Gower, Granville George Leveson-Gower
- While generally keeping separate vowel sounds at the end (as though with a diaresis), 'er' in Olivier is never pronounced like Oliver
- Scottish, e.g. William Smellie
- Scottish, see Urquhart Castle
- "Schenectady". Oxford Dictionaries UK Dictionary. Oxford University Press. Retrieved January 22, 2016.
- "Schenectady". Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved January 22, 2016.
- "Agassiz". Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved January 22, 2016.
- "Magaguadavic". Place Names of New Brunswick. Public Archives of New Brunswick. Retrieved 21 January 2017.
- "Kosciuszko" in Butler, Susan (ed), Macquarie Dictionary (online ed, at 26 November 2020)
- "Rusagonis". Place Names of New Brunswick. Public Archives of New Brunswick. Retrieved 21 January 2017.
- "Hermione". Unabridged. Random House. Retrieved January 22, 2016.
- "Penelope". Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved January 22, 2016.
- "Penelope". Oxford Dictionaries UK Dictionary. Oxford University Press. Retrieved January 22, 2016.
- "Biographies : GENERAL ANDREW P. IOSUE". Archived from the original on August 5, 2012. Retrieved October 9, 2012.
- Wells, John C. (2000). Longman Pronunciation Dictionary. 2nd ed. Longman. ISBN 0-582-36468-X.
- Douglas Martin, James E. Fuchs, Innovator in the Shot-Put, Dies at 82, New York Times, October 18, 2010
- "Voices Against Indifference Initiative". Retrieved October 9, 2012.
- Elsdon Coles Smith (1986-05-01). American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Com. p. 296 /. ISBN 978-0-8063-1150-0.
- "Pronunciation Of Surnames". Retrieved October 9, 2012.
- "Mclean | Define Mclean at". Retrieved October 9, 2012.
- "NHL pronunciation guide". USA Today. February 4, 2000. Archived from the original on October 19, 2009. Retrieved May 8, 2010.
- "Set VII, texts and comments". Retrieved October 9, 2012.
Further reading
- G. M. Miller (editor) (1971). BBC pronouncing dictionary of British names. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-431125-2.CS1 maint: extra text: authors list (link)
- Ordnance Survey of Ireland (1989). Gazetteer of Ireland. Government Publications Office. ISBN 0-7076-0076-6.