Síol Muireadaigh

Síol Muireadaigh, Gaelic-Irish lineage and territory, located in north County Roscommon.


The Síol Muireadaigh were a lineage within the Uí Briúin Aí who descended from King Muiredach Muillethan of Connacht (died 702). The term Síol denotes the seed, or descendants, of Muiredach.


Septs of the Síol Muireadaigh included

Family tree

    Muiredach Muillethan of the Connachta
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    Indrechtaig, died 723.                                                      Cathal
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    |____________________________________________________________               |__________________________________
    |                    |                     |      |         |               |             |       |           |
    |                    |                     |      |         |               |             |       |           | 
    Áed Balb (died 742)  Muiredach (died 732)  Tadg   Murgal    Medb            Dub Indrecht  Artgal  Dub Díbeirg Forgartach
                                             = ?              = Áed Oirdnide     d. 768.      d. 792.   d. 787.    fl. 789.
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                                               Tipraiti         Niall Caille
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                                         Síol Muireadaigh   Áed Findliath

See also

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