Czenglish, a portmanteau of the words Czech and English, refers to the interlanguage of English heavily influenced by Czech pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar or syntax spoken by learners of English as a second language. The term Czenglish is first recorded in 1989, with the slightly earlier variant Czechlish recorded from 1982.[2]

Examples include confusing verbatim translations (such as "basic school" for základní škola, which should be "primary school" or "elementary school"), incorrect word order in a sentence and use of inappropriate prepositions and conjunctions because of the influence of their Czech equivalents.
Another typical aspect is the absence of definite articles (due to the lack of articles in the Czech language) and the use of "some" in place of an indefinite article. In Czenglish and other Central European accents /θ/ is often pronounced as [s], [t] or [f]; /ð/ as [d], and /r/ as an alveolar trill as in some Scottish accents, rather than the more standard approximant. Voiced consonants at the end of words like "big" are pronounced unvoiced ([bɪk]); "ng" is understood as a /ng/ sequence and therefore follows the final devoicing rule (e.g. to sing merges with to sink [sɪŋk]).
Most elements of Czenglish only cause little confusion and are eventually understood by a native speaker. Some, however, may lead to embarrassing situations, since to a native English speaker they seem to be correct English sentences, although the Czech speaker meant to say something different. Such misunderstanding may be recognized only by considering the appropriateness of each of the possible meanings in the given context. Czechs in general tend to be openly hostile to one another's grammar mistakes, both in English and Czech.[3]
See also
- Czechia se po dvou letech příliš neujala. Kratší název ignorují úřady i sportovci, Prazdroj to vzdal
- Lambert, James. 2018. A multitude of ‘lishes’: The nomenclature of hybridity. English World-wide, 39(1): 23. DOI: 10.1075/eww.38.3.04lam
- Malý, Martin (2011). "Anglicky radši špatně, než vůbec". (in Czech). Internet Info, s.r.o.
Co je vám platné, že znáte spoustu jiných věcí, když v angličtině děláte chyby! Jste nula, niktoš, niemand a loser (běda tomu, kdo napíše v českém diskusním fóru „looser“; bude ukamenován!) ... Věta „Nauč se česky, když po nás něco chceš, nebo sem nelez!“ je vrcholem buranství, které není ničím omluvitelné – snad jen sníženým sociálním intelektem a těžkým mládím, stráveným ve chlívě… ... Mám na mysli situace, kdy (třeba) Angličan rozumí, ale kolega vás česky vypeskuje za to, že děláte chyby.
Further reading
- Sparling, Don (1991). English or Czenglish?: jak se vyhnout čechismům v angličtině. Prague: Státní pedagogické nakladatelství. ISBN 80-04-25329-6.