Languages of Guinea-Bissau

The official language of Guinea-Bissau is Portuguese. Portuguese is spoken by 11%[1] of the population. French is also learned in schools, as Guinea-Bissau is surrounded by French-speaking countries and is a full member of the Francophonie as well as the Lusophone CPLP.[1]

Languages of Guinea-Bissau
SignedGuinea-Bissau Sign Language
National language / lingua francaGuinea-Bissau Creole
The National Assembly with signs in Portuguese.

Native languages

Guinea-Bissau Creole is spoken by 44% of the population.[1]

Native languages include Balanta, Fula, Mandjak, Mandinka and Papel.[1]


  1. "Guinée-Bissau". Retrieved 2013-12-06.

Further reading

  • Barbosa, José Augusto (2015). Língua e desenvolvimento: o caso da Guiné-Bissau [Language and development: the case of Guinea-Bissau] (Master's thesis) (in Portuguese). Universidade de Lisboa. hdl:10451/18319.
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