Tsalka Municipality
Tsalka (Georgian: წალკის მუნიციპალიტეტი, Ćalḱis Municiṕaliťeťi) is a district of Georgia, in the region of Kvemo Kartli. Its main town is Tsalka.

Tsalka District
Population: 20,888 (2002 census)
Area: 1,051 km²
See also
- Districts of Georgia (country)English: Ozni or China (the Georgians.(ოზნიი) is an Armenian-populated village in the Tsalka Kvemo Kartli region of Georgia, 30 km West of Tsalka. The village spreads out at the foot of the Eastern slope of the plateau. From the North it borders with the village Kizilkilisa, from the South-East with the villages Halong to the East with the villages Gucci and South-West Burnaston. To the East of the village extends a plain that begins with the right-hand tributaries of the temple river. In July 1830, the ognetis chose the present Greek village of Gunia-Kala as their settlement. After two years of staying there, together with the Hunia-Kalians, they changed their place and in 1832 founded the village of Ozni on the present site. For a long time the village was made by the locals by two names-Ozni and Junia (Hine). Apparently, Greece is a borrowed form of the name hunia. The village in the Erzrum Vilayet was called Ozni, hunia-Greece was also a separate village. The highway connects Ozni with other villages in the district. Carts are drawn from Ozni to the districts. One of them goes to the West to Gavanabad, where they transport grass and Oran, another-to Uch Tapa, where they transport grass, the third-to Hababa, etc. The village has two sources-Blanc and Capozzi. To the West of the village, in the area of kharab, at the foot of the saraart slope, very strong, cold springs flow out, the waters of which, joining each other on the spot, cause the Ozni Jur river. The waters of this river to work the mills. Water from one of the Habab springs comes to the village of Kushchi and Tsalka through the water channel. In the Western part of the village, on a high plateau, there is a small medieval chapel called "AYOR" - a place of pilgrimage. Around it is an old cemetery, and just to the South are the ruins of an old village. In the Western part of the village of plateau, where there are several small lakes, called "Sari Kel", on the Western edge of the plateau-the famous source of shkolin . In the river Ozni-Dzhur lives mountain redfin, and on the banks of the smell of sweet mint. At first there were nine houses in Ozni. Later settled in Istanbul, Badasyan, Norikane, Almaani, Tonakanyan, Abilene, Cobacabana, Ghazaryan are visiting, Anacani, Blakeny, Evgeny, Alani, Astana, Ovanissyan, Sogani, Manoogian, Voskanian, Oganian and Nazaretyan. He says the current from osnel was from Kizilkilisa who have changed their place Gulianni that was oznaci. Together with the Armenians in Ozni lived and Armenian bosha " 1934-1937 years they fled to Gori, the neighboring village (Kyzyl-Kilisa) and Kareli. The village has a secondary school and a medical center. In 1923, the first collective farm in Ozni was organized, the name of which was "the first step". Subsequently, the name of the collective farm was changed. In 1832, Ozni had 9 houses – 85 inhabitants, in 1885 - 35 houses-356 inhabitants, at the beginning of the century-50 houses-453 inhabitants, in 2020-50 houses-453 inhabitants.currently, 210 houses have 978 inhabitants. "Author L. Badasyan
External links
- Districts of Georgia, Statoids.com
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