
UTC−11:00 is an identifier for a time offset from UTC of −11:00. This time is used in Niue, American Samoa, Swains Island, and parts of the United States Minor Outlying Islands. This is the latest inhabited time zone, meaning this is the last inhabited time zone to celebrate the New Year, as the world's latest time zone (UTC-12:00) is completely uninhabited.

time zone
World map with the time zone highlighted
UTC offset
Current time
20:45, 5 February 2021 UTC−11:00 [refresh]
Central meridian
165 degrees W
Date-time group
UTC−11:00: blue (December), orange (June), yellow (all year round), light blue (sea areas)

As standard time (all year round)


Formerly within


  1. "Midway Atoll: Midway Islands". WorldTimeZone. Retrieved 24 July 2012.
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