List of Arabic star names

This is a list of Arabic star names. In Western astronomy, most of the accepted star names are Arabic, a few are Greek and some are of unknown origin. Typically only bright stars have names.[1]

History of Arabic star names

Very old star names originated among people who lived in the Arabian Peninsula more than a thousand years ago, before the rise of Islam. However, many Arabic language star names sprang up later in history, as translations of ancient Greek language descriptions.

The astronomer Claudius Ptolemy in his Almagest (2nd century) tabulated the celestial position and brightness (visual magnitude) of 1,025 stars. Ptolemy's book was translated into Arabic in the 8th and 9th centuries and became famous in Europe as a 12th-century Latin translation. Many of the Arabic-language star descriptions in the Almagest came to be widely used as names for stars.

Ptolemy used a strategy of "figure reference" to identify stars according to their position within a familiar constellation or asterism (e.g., "in the right shoulder of The Hunter"). Muslim astronomers adopted some of these as proper names for stars, and added names from traditional Arabic star lore, which they recorded in various Zij treatises. The most notable of these is the Book of Fixed Stars written by the Muslim astronomer Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi (known as Azophi in the West), who thoroughly illustrated all the stars known to him along with their observations, descriptions, positions, magnitudes, brightness, and color.

In Europe, during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, many ancient star names were copied or translated incorrectly by various writers, some of whom did not know the Arabic language very well. As a result, the history of a star's name can be complicated.[2]


Main group

(quantity: single)

Group and Sub-divisions

(quantity: plural)

Arab-Latinized star name ِِArabic star name


Arabic star nameArabic transliterated name

[closest romanization]

Meaning ِِArabic star group/ division name


ِِArabic star sub-division name


[quantity: 2 and above]

Scientific star names
Group/ Division Name Transliterated Name

[closest romanization]

Meaning Sub-division Name(s) Transliterated Name

[closest romanization]

Acamar آخِرُ ٱلْنََهْرآخر النهرĀkhiru-n-Nahr the River's or Stream's End/ Tail/ Edge/ Border Theta Eridani
Achernar آخِرُ ٱلْنََهْرآخر النهرĀkhiru-n-Nahr the River's or Stream's End/ Tail/ Edge/ Border Alpha Eridani
Acrab عَقْرَبعقربʽAqrab the Scorpion Beta Scorpii
Acubens الْزُّبَانَى الزّبانىʼaz-Zubānā the Claw/ Dart/ Sting Alpha Cancri
Adhafera الْضَّفِيرَةالضفيرةaḍ-Ḍafiyrah/ the Braid/ Curl/ Strand (of the lion's mane) Zeta Leonis
Adhara الْعَذَارَىالعذارىal-ʽAdhārā the Virgin/ Nymph الْعَذَارِي al-ʽAdhāriy the Virgins/ Nymphs أَوَّلُ ٱلْعَذَارِي ʼAwwalu-l-ʽAdhāriy First of the Virgins/ Nymphs Epsilon Canis Majoris
ثَانِيُ ٱلْعَذَارِي Thāniyu-l-ʽAdhāriy Second of the Virgins/ Nymphs Omicron² Canis Majoris
Adhil الْذَيْل الذيلadh-Dhayl the Tail/ Annex Xi Andromedae
Adib الْذِّئْبالذئبadh-Dhiʼb the Wolf Alpha Draconis

also known as Thuban

Ain عَيْنعينʽAynthe Eye (of the bull) Epsilon Tauri
Aladfar أُظْفُورالأظفرal-ʼUẓfūrthe Talons (of the Swooping Eagle) Eta Lyrae

also nicknamed Alrubaʽ "the Four"

الْعَوَائِذ (الْرُّبَع) العوائذ (الربع) al-ʽAwāʼidh (ar-Rubaʽ) the Protecting Mother Camels; the Old Camels; nicknamed "the Four" الْعَوَائِذ al-ʽAwāʼidh the Protecting Mother Camels; the Old Camels; nicknamed "the Four" Gamma Draconis, Xi Draconis, Nu Draconis, Beta Draconis

[1st & main body of Draco* as observed in the past by the Arabs, also nicknamed الْرُّبَع ar-Rubaʽ]

*Draco was divided to 3 parts

الْعَوَّاد العوّاد al-ʽAwwād the Lutanist/ Lute Player Mu Draconis
Albali البَالِعالبالعal-Bāliʽthe Swallower Epsilon Aquarii
Alchibah الخِبَاءالخباءal-Khibāʼthe Tent Alpha Corvi
Alcor الخَوَّارالخوارal-Khawwārthe Faint One
Aldebaran اَلدَّبَرَانالدبرانad-Dabarānthe Follower (of the Pleiades) Alpha Tauri
fixed to here
Alderamin الذراع اليمينadh-Dhirāʽu l-Yamīnthe Right Arm (of Cepheus) Alpha Cephei
Aldhibah الْضِّبَاع الضّباع ʼaḍ-Ḍibaāʽ/

ʼaḍ-Ḍibāʽ [Adh-Dhibaaʽ/ Adh-Dhibaaʽe]

the Hyenas Zeta Draconis
Aldhibain الْذِّئْبَيْن الذّئبين ʼadh-Dhiʼbayn

[Adzh-Dzhi'bayn/ Adzh-Dzhi'ebayn]

the Two Hyenas/ Wolves الْذِّئْبَيْن ʼadh-Dhiʼbayn

[Adzh-Dzhi'bayn/ Adzh-Dzhi'ebayn]

the Two Hyenas/ Wolves Zeta Draconis (Aldhibah), Eta Draconis

[formed and combination of 2 stars]

Aldulfin Al Dhanab al Dulfīmthe Dolphin's Tail Epsilon Delphini
Alfirk الفرقةal-Firqahthe Flock of sheep Beta Cephei
Algebar رجل الجبار(Rijl) ul-Jabbār(Foot of) the Giant Rigel


Beta Orionis

Algedi الجديal-Jadythe Goat Alpha2 Capricorni
Algenib الجنبal-Janbthe Flank (of Pegasus) Gamma Pegasi
Algieba الجبهةal-Jab'hahthe Forehead (of the Lion) Gamma Leonis
Algol رأس الغول(Ra'as) al-Ghūl(Head of) the Ghoul Beta Persei

also known as the Demon Star

Algorab الغرابal-Ghurābthe Crow Delta Corvi
Alhena الهنعةal-Hanʽahthe Brand (on the neck of the camel) Gamma Geminorum
Alioth الجونAl-JawnThe black horse "John" Epsilon Ursae Majoris
Alkaid القائد بنات نعشal-Qā'id (banāt naʽash)the Leader (of the mourning maidens) Eta Ursae Majoris
Alkes الكأسal-Ka'sthe Cup Alpha Crateris
Almak/ Almach عَنَاقِ ٱلْأَرْضعناق الأرضʼal-ʽAnāqi ʼl-Arḍ

[Al-ʽAnaaqi 'l-Ardh]

the Caracal/ Desert Lynx; other meaning: "She-kid/ She-Goat of the land" Gamma Andromedae
Almeisan الميسانal-Maysānthe Shining one Gamma Geminorum

see also Alhena

Alnair النّيّرan-Nayyirthe Bright one Alpha Gruis
Alnasl النصلan-Naşlthe Blade Gamma² Sagittarii
Alnilam النّظمan-Niżmthe String of Pearls Epsilon Orionis
Alnitak النطاقan-Niṭāqthe Girdle (Orion's Belt) Zeta Orionis
Alphard الفردal-Fardthe Solitary one Alpha Hydrae
Alphecca نير الفكّة(Nayyir) al-Fakkah(the Bright one of) the Broken (Ring) Alpha Coronae Borealis
Alpheratz سُرَّة الفرس(Surrat) al-Faras(Navel of) the Mare Alpha Andromedae
Alruba' HD 161693 also designated HR 6618
Alrescha الرشاءar-Rishā'the Well-Rope Alpha Piscium
Alsafi الْصَّافِيّالصافيّaṣ-Ṣaāfiyy/

aṣ-Ṣāfiyy [Asw-Swaafiyy/


the Tripods Sigma Draconis
Alsuhail سهيلSuhaylGlorious can refer to different stars: Canopus Gamma


Lambda Velorum

Altair النّسر الطّائر(an-Nisr) uṭ-Ṭāʼirthe Flying (Eagle) Alpha Aquilae
Altais التيسat-Taysthe Goat Delta Draconis
Alterf الطرفaṭ-Ṭarfthe View (of the Lion) Lambda Leonis
Aludra العذرةal-ʽUdhrahVirginity Eta Canis Majoris
Alula Australis, Alula Borealis القفزة الأولى(al-Qafzat) ul-Ūla'the First (Leap) Xi Ursae Majoris


Nu Ursae Majoris

Alya الأليةal-Alyahthe fatty Tail of a sheep Theta Serpentis
Alsephina السفينةAl-Safinahthe ship Delta Velorum
Angetenar عرجة النهرʽArjat un-NahrCurve of the River Tau² Eridani
Ankaa العنقاءal-ʽAnqā'Anqa, Phoenix Alpha Phoenicis
Arkab العرقوبal-ʽArqūbthe Hamstring Beta Sagittarii
Arneb الأرنبal-Arnabthe Hare Alpha Leporis
Arrakis الْرَّاقِصالراقصʼar-Rāqiṣ

[Ar-Raaqis/ Ar-Raaqiss]

the Dancer; Trotting Camel Arrakis الْرَّاقِص ʼar-Rāqiṣ

[Ar-Raaqis/ Ar-Raaqiss]

the group Alwaid combined with the "Mother Dragon" - Mu Draconis becomes the group Arrakis Mu Draconis

[2nd sector of Draco* as observed in the past by the Arabs]

*Draco was divided to 3 parts

Asuja (improperly spelt Asuia) الْشُّجَاع الشجاع ʼash-Shujaāʽ/




the Hydra/ Sea-Serpent Beta Draconis
Atik عاتق الثّريّاal-ʽĀtiq ath-Thurayyāthe Shoulder (of Perseus) Omicron Persei
Auva العوّاءal-ʽAwwā'the Barking (Dog) Delta Virginis

also known as Minelauva

Azfar Adib أَظْفَارُ ٱلْذِّئْب أظفار الذئب ʼAẓfaāru ʼdh-Dhiʼb/

ʼAẓfaāru ʼdh-Dhiʼb

[Azw·faru ʼdh-Dhiʼb/

Azz·faru ʼdh-Dhiʼb]

the Wolf's Nails/ Fingerprints Azfar Adib أَظْفَارُ ٱلْذِّئْب أظفار الذئب ʼAẓfaāru ʼdh-Dhiʼb/

ʼAẓfaāru ʼdh-Dhiʼb

[Azw·faru ʼdh-Dhiʼb/

Azz·faru ʼdh-Dhiʼb]

the Wolf's Nails/ Fingerprints [3rd sector of Draco* as observed in the past by the Arabs]

*Draco was divided to 3 parts

Azha اشیانه(Persian: Ôshyôneh) Āshiyānah(Ostrich) Nest Eta Eridani


Common nameArabic name (transliteration)MeaningArabic nameScientific star name
BahamSa'ad ul-BihamLuck of the Young Beastsسعد البهام Theta Pegasi
Baten KaitosBaṭni QayṭusBelly of Cetusبطن قيطوس Zeta Ceti
BeidBayḍEggsبيض Omicron¹ Eridani
BenetnashBanāt un-NaʿashDaughters of the bierبنات النعش Eta Ursae Majoris

see also Alkaid

BetelgeuseIbṭ ul-Jawzā'Armpit of the Central Oneإبط الجوزاء Alpha Orionis
Boteinal-Buṭaynthe Belly (of the ram)بطين Delta Arietis


Common nameArabic name (transliteration)MeaningArabic nameScientific star name
Caphal-Kaff ul-Khaḍibthe Palm (reaching from the Pleiades)الكـــف الخضيب Beta Cassiopeiae
CelbalraiKalb ur-Rāʿīthe Shepherd's Dogكلب الراعي Beta Ophiuchi
Chortal-Kharatthe Ribالخرت Theta Leonis
CursaKursiyy al-Jauzahthe Chair or Footstool (of Orion)الكرسيّ Beta Eridani


Common nameArabic name (transliteration)MeaningArabic nameScientific star name
DabihSaʿad udh-Dhābiḥthe lucky star of the Slaughtererسّعد الذّابح Beta Capricorni
DenebDhanab ud-DajājahTail of the henذنب الدجاجة alpha Cygni
Deneb AlgediDhanab ul-JadyTail of the goatذنب الجدي Delta Capricorni
Deneb DulfimDhanab ud-DulfīnTail of the Dolphinذنب الدّلفين Epsilon Delphini
Deneb KaitosDhanab ul-Qayṭus (ul-Janūbīyy)(Southern) Tail of Cetusذنب قيطوس الجنوبي Beta Ceti

see also Diphda

DenebolaDhanab ul-AsadTail of the lionذنب الاسد Beta Leonis
Diphdaaḍ-Ḍifdaʿ ath-Thānīthe (second) Frogالضّفدع الثاني Beta Ceti
Dschubbaal-Jab'hahthe Forehead (of the scorpion)الجبهة Delta Scorpii
DubheKāhil ud-Dubb(the back of) the Bearكاهل الدّب Alpha Ursae Majoris
Dzibanadh-Dhi'banthe Two Wolves or Jackalsالذئبان Psi Draconis


Common nameArabic name (transliteration)MeaningArabic nameScientific star name
Edasichadh-Dhikhthe Hyenaالذّيخ Iota Draconis
El Nathan-Naṭḥthe butting (of the bull's horns)النطح Beta Tauri
Eltanin/ Etamin/ Etanin (properly: Raseltinnin)at-Tinninthe Great Serpentالتنين Gamma Draconis
Enifal-Anfthe Nose (of Pegasus)الأنف Epsilon Pegasi
Erraiar-Rāʿīthe Shepherdالراعي Gamma Cephei


Common nameArabic name (transliteration)MeaningArabic nameScientific star name
FomalhautFum al-ḤūtMouth of the Whaleفم الحوت Alpha Piscis Austrini
Furudal-Furudthe bright Single ones (but see that article)الفرد Zeta Canis Majoris


Common nameArabic name (transliteration)MeaningArabic nameScientific star name
Gienahal-Janāḥthe Wingالجناح refers to two stars:
Gomeisaal-Ghumaişā'the Bleary-eyed oneالغميصاء Beta Canis Minoris


Common nameArabic name (transliteration)MeaningArabic nameScientific star name
HadarḤaḍārSettlementحضار Beta Centauri
HamalRā's al-Ḥamal(head of) the Ramرأس الحمل Alpha Arietis
Hekaal-Haqʿahthe White Spotالهقعة Lambda Orionis

see also Meissa

HomamSaʿad al-Humāmthe Lucky star of the High-mindedسعد الهمام Zeta Pegasi


Common nameArabic name (transliteration)MeaningArabic nameScientific star name
IklilIklīl al JabhahThe Crown of the Foreheadإكليل الجبهة Rho Scorpii
IzarAl-IzarThe girdle, or, The loin-clothالإزار Epsilon Boötis


Common nameArabic nameMeaningArabic nameScientific star name
Jabbahal-Jab'hahthe Forehead (of the scorpion)الجبهة Nu Scorpii


Common nameArabic name (transliteration)MeaningArabic nameScientific star name
KabdhilinanKaʿab Dhiy l-ʿInānthe Shoulder of the Rein-holderكعب ذي العنان Iota Aurigae

also named Hassaleh

Kaffaljidhmaal-Kaff al-Jadhmā'the Cut-short Handالكف الجذماء Gamma Ceti
Kaus Australis, Kaus Media, Kaus Borealisal-Qawsthe Bowالقوس Epsilon Sagittarii

Delta Sagittarii

Lambda Sagittarii

Keidal-Qaiḍthe (broken egg) Shellsالقيض Omicron² Eridani
KitalphaQiṭʿat al-FarasPart of the Horseقطعة الفرس Alpha Equulei
Kochabal-Kawkabthe Starكوكب Beta Ursae Minoris
Kurhahal-Qurḥahthe Blaze on a horse's browالقرحة Xi Cephei


Common nameArabic name (transliteration)MeaningArabic nameScientific star name
Lesathal-LasʿahThe stingاللسعة Upsilon Scorpii
Luh-Denebola / DenebolaDhanab al-Asad/al-Layththe lion's tailذنب الاسد/الليث Beta Leonis


Arab-Latinized star name Arabic star name


Arabic star nameArabic name (transliteration)MeaningScientific star name
Maasym معصم الثّريّاal-Miʿasam uth-Thurayyāthe Wrist (of Hercules) Lambda Herculis
Maaz المعزal-Māʿazthe he-Goat Epsilon Aurigae
Mankib منكب الفرسMankib (ul-Faras)the Shoulder (of the Horse) Alpha Pegasi
Marfik المرفقal-Mirfaqthe Elbow Lambda Ophiuchi
Markab مركب الفرسMarkab (ul-Faras)the Saddle (of the Horse) Alpha Pegasi
Markeb مركبMarkabSomething to Ride Kappa Velorum
Matar سعد مطرal-Saʿad ul-Maṭarthe lucky star of Rain Eta Pegasi
Mebsuta الذّراع المبسوطهadh-Dhirāʿu l-Mabsūṭahthe Outstretched (Paw) Epsilon Geminorum
Megrez مغرزal-Maghrizthe Base of the bear's tail Delta Ursae Majoris
Meissa الميسانal-Maysānthe Shining one Lambda Orionis
Mekbuda الذّراع المقبوضةadh-Dhirāʿu l-Maqbūḍahthe Folded (Arm) Zeta Geminorum
Meleph Al Ma᾽lafthe Stall Epsilon Cancri
Menkalinan منكب ذي العنانMankib Dhiyi l-ʿInānShoulder of the Rein-holder Beta Aurigae
Menkar المنخرal-Minkharthe Nostril Alpha Ceti
Menkent منكب قنطورسMankib ul-Qanṭūristhe Shoulder of the Centaur Theta Centauri
Menkib منكب الثّريّاAl-Mankib uth-Thurayyā"The shoulder" of the Pleiades
Merak الْمِرَاقّالمراقّʼal-Marāqq


the Loins (of the bear) Beta Ursae Majoris
Mintaka المنطقةal-Minṭaqahthe Belt (of Orion) Delta Orionis
Mirach الْمِرَاقّ المراقّ ʼal-Marāqq the Loins/ Loinclotht Beta Andromedae
Mirak الْمِرَاقّالمراقّʼal-Marāqqthe Loin-cloth Epsilon Boötis
Mirfak مرفق الثّريّاal-Mirfaq uth-Thurayyāthe Elbow Alpha Persei
Mizar المئزرal-Mi'zarthe Apron Zeta Ursae Majoris
Mothallah الرعس المثلثRa'as ul-Muthallath(Head of) the Triangle Alpha Trianguli
Muhlifain مُحْلِفَيْن محلفين ʼal-Muḥlifayn


Gamma Centauri
Muliphein مُحْلِفَيْن محلفين ʼal-Muḥlifayn


Gamma Canis Majoris
Muphrid المفرد الرامحMufrid ur-Rāmiḥthe Solitary one of the Lancer Eta Boötis
Murzim/ Mirzam الْمُرْزِم \الْمِرْزَمالمرزمʼal-Murzim/ ʼal-Mirzamthe Herald Beta Canis Majoris


Common nameArabic name (transliteration)MeaningArabic nameScientific star name
NashiraSaʿad NāshirahLucky star of Nashirahسعد ناشرة Gamma Capricorni
Nekkaral-Baqqārthe Cattlemanالبقار Beta Boötis
Nihalan-Nihāl(camels) Quenching their thirstالنهال Beta Leporis
Nusakanan-NasaqānThe two arraysالنسقان Beta Coronae Borealis
Nushaba / AlnaslZujji n-Nashshāba [Zujji n-Nashāba?] / an-Naşlthe Arrowheadزُجِّ النشابة / النصل Gamma Sagittarii


Common nameArabic name (transliteration)MeaningArabic nameScientific star name
Okdaal-ʿUqdahthe Knotالعقدة Alpha Piscium


Common nameArabic name (transliteration)MeaningArabic nameScientific star name
Phact(al-)Fākhitahthe Doveفاخثة Alpha Columbae
Phad(al-)Fakhidhthe Thighفخذ Gamma Ursae Majoris
Pherkad(al-)Farqadthe Calfفرقد Gamma Ursae Minoris


Common nameArabic name (transliteration)MeaningArabic nameScientific star name
RasalasedRa'as ul-AssadHead of the lionرأس الأسد Epsilon Leonis
RasalgethiRa'as ul-JathīHead of the Kneelerرأس الجاثي Alpha Herculis
RasalhagueRa'as ul-Ḥawwā'Head of the Snake-manرأس الحوّاء Alpha Ophiuchi
RastabanRa'as uth-ThuʿabānHead of the Snakeرأس الثعبان Beta Draconis
RigelRijl ul-JabbārFoot of the Giantرجل الجبّار Beta Orionis

see also Algebar

RigilkentRijl ul-QanṭūrisFoot of the Centaurرجل القنطورس Alpha Centauri
Rishaar-Rishā'the Well-Ropeالرشاء Alpha Piscium
Rukbahar-Rukbahthe Kneeالركبة Delta Cassiopeiae
RukbatRukbat ur-RāmīKnee of the archerركبة الرامي Alpha Sagittarii


Common namesaba ! Arabic name (transliteration)MeaningArabic nameScientific star name
Sabikas-Sābiqthe Precedingالسابق Eta Ophiuchi
SadachbiaSaʿad ul-AkhbiyyahLucky star of the Tentsسعد الاخبية Gamma Aquarii
SadalbariSaʿad ul-BāriʿLucky star of the Splendid oneسعد البارع Mu Pegasi
SadalmelikSaʿad ul-MalikLucky star of the Kingسعد الملك Alpha Aquarii
SadalsuudSaʿad us-SuʿūdLuck of Lucksسعد السعود Beta Aquarii
Sadraṣ-Ṣadrthe Breast (of the hen)الصدر Gamma Cygni
Saiphas-Sayfthe Sword (of Orion)السيف Kappa Orionis
Scheatas-Sāʿidthe Shoulderالساعد Beta Pegasi
Shaulaash-Shawlāhthe Raised (tail of the scorpion)الشولة Lambda Scorpii
Shediras-Ṣadrthe Breastالصدر Alpha Cassiopeiae
Sheliakash-ShiliyāqLyraالشلياق Beta Lyrae
Sheratanash-Sharāṭānthe Two Signsالشرطان Beta Arietis
SirrahSurratu l-FarasNavel (of the Mare)سُرَّة الفرس Alpha Andromedae
Skatas-Sāq (or Shi'at)the Leg (or the Wish)الساق / شئت Delta Aquarii
Spicaas-Sunbulahthe Stemالسنبلة Alpha Virginis
Sulafatas-Sulḥafāhthe Tortoiseالسلحفاة Gamma Lyrae


Arab-Latinized name Arabic star name


Arabic star nameArabic name (transliteration)MeaningScientific star name
Talitha Australis, Talitha Borealis القفزة الثّالثةالقفزة الثّالثةal-Qafzat uth-Thālathahthe Third Leap (of the ghazal) Kappa Ursae Majoris
Tania Australis, Tania Borealis القفزة الثّانيةالقفزة الثّانيةal-Qafzat uth-Thāniyahthe Second Leap (of the gazelle) Mu Ursae Majoris
Tarf الطَّرَفالطرفaț-Țarf"The glance" of the lion Beta Cancri
Thuban الْثُّعْبَانالثعبانath-Thuʽabān


the Snake Alpha Draconis


Common nameArabic name (transliteration)MeaningArabic nameScientific star name
UnukalhaiʿUnuq ul-ḤayyahNeck of the Snakeعنق الحية Alpha Serpentis


Common nameArabic name (transliteration)MeaningArabic nameScientific star name
Vegaan-Nisr ul-Wāqiʿthe Falling Eagleالنسر الواقع Alpha Lyrae


Common nameArabic name (transliteration)MeaningArabic nameScientific star name
WasatWasṭ us-Samā'"Middle" of the skyوسط السماء Delta Geminorum
Wezenal-Waznthe Weightالوزن Delta Canis Majoris
Weznal-Waznthe Weightالوزن Beta Columbae


Common nameArabic name (transliteration)MeaningArabic nameScientific star name
Yed PosteriorMu'akhkhir Yad ul-Ḥawwā'(Back of the Snake Man's) Handمؤخّر يد الحوّاء Epsilon Ophiuchi
Yed PriorMuqaddim Yad ul-Ḥawwā'(Palm of the Snake Man's) Handمقدّم يد الحوّاء Delta Ophiuchi


Common nameArabic name (transliteration)MeaningArabic nameScientific star name
Zauracaz-Zawraqthe Boatالزورق Gamma Eridani
ZavijavaZāwiyat ul-ʿAwwā'the Angle of the Barking Dogزاوية العواء Beta Virginis

aka Zaniah

az-ZāwiyahThe angleالزاوية Eta Virginis
Zubenelgenubiaz-Zubān ul-JanūbiySouthern Claw (of the scorpion)الزبان الجنوبي Alpha Librae
ZubenelhakrabiZuban al-ʿAqrabClaws (of the scorpion)زبانى العقرب Gamma Librae
Zubeneschamaliaz-Zubān ush-ShamāliyNorthern Claw (of the scorpion)الزبان الشمالي Beta Librae


Common nameArabic name (transliteration)MeaningArabic name
Milky WayDarb ut-TabānahThe Milky Roadدرب التبانة
Andromeda Galaxyas-Saḥābat uş-Şaghirah ("small cloud")[3][4]"little cloud" was the Arabic name for the Andromeda Galaxy, which was first mentioned by Al-Sufi in his Book of Fixed Starsالسَحَابَة الصَغِيرَة

See also


  1. "Stargazing Network". Retrieved 2011-10-05.
  2. "Star Names: Where Do They Come From? And Can You Buy One?", RMSC Strasenburgh Planetarium Information Bulletin #19 December 1996, (archived 2007)
  3. Henbest, N.; Couper, H. (1994). The guide to the galaxy. CUP Archive. p. 31. ISBN 0-521-45882-X.
  4. Kepple, G. R.; Sanner, G. W. (1998). The Night Sky Observer's Guide. Vol. 1. Willmann-Bell. p. 18. ISBN 0-943396-58-1.
  • Islamic Crescents' Observation Project (ICOP) website, which in turn cites
    • Paul Kunitzsch, Tim Smart, Short Guide to Modern Star Names and Their Derivations (1986);
    • Guy Ottewell, The Astronomical Companion;
    • Abdul-Rahim Bader, Rasd al-Sama' ("Observing the Sky");
    • Hamid Al-Naimy Elm al-Falak ("Astronomy").
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