List of Shia books
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Books of Shia Imams
- Mus'haf of Ali, Tafseer Quran by Imam Ali
- Al-Jafr by Imam Ali
- Nahj al-Balaghah, a collection of sermons, letters and quotes of Imam Ali
- Ghurar al-Hikam wa Durar al-Kalim compilation of over ten thousand short sayings of Imam Ali
- Al-Sahifa al-Alawiya (Book of Supplications (Du'a)) by Imam Ali, translated by William Chittick.[1]
- Divan-i Ali ibn Abu Talib (poems which are attributed to Ali ibn Abu Talib).[2]
- Book of Fatimah by Fatimah
- Al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya by Imam Zayn al-Abidin
- Risalatul Huquq by Zayn al-Abidin
- The Fifteen Whispered Prayers by Zayn al-Abidin
- Dua Abu Hamza al-Thumali by Zayn al-Abidin
- Ma'athiru'l-Baqir by Imam Muhammad al-Baqir
- Umm al-Kitab by Imam Muhammad al-Baqir
- Tafsir al-Baqir by Imam Muhammad al-Baqir
- Tafsir Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq by Imam Jafar al-Sadiq
- Al-Sahifat al-Ridha by Imam Ali al-Ridha
- Al-Risalah al-Dhahabiah by Imam Ali al-Ridha
- Uyoun Akhbar Al-Ridha, a collection of debates on religious questions and the sayings of Imam Ali al-Ridha
- Al-Fiqh al-Radawi by Imam Ali al-Ridha
- Tafsir al-Askari by Imam Hasan al-Askari
Hadith collections
Al-Kutub Al-Arb'ah- the Four books
- Kitab al-Kafi of Kulayni (divided into Usul al-Kafi, Furu al-Kafi and Rawdat al-Kafi)
- Man La Yahduruhu al-Faqih of Shaikh Saduq
- Tahdhib al-Ahkam of Shaikh Tusi
- al-Istibsar of Shaikh Tusi
Primary Hadith Collection
(Primary Hadith books are those books which are collected, compiled and written by author or their students themselves).
- The Book of Sulaym ibn Qays by Sulaym ibn Qays
- al-Mahasin by Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Barqi
- Uyun Akhbar al-Ridha by Shaykh Saduq
- Al Ghaybah by Muhammad Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Jafar al-Numani
- Al Ghaybah of Al Tusi by Shaykh Tusi
- Tuhaf al-Uqul by Ibn Shuba Harrani
- Khasais of Al Aemmah by Al-Sharif al-Radi
- Daim al-Islam by Al-Qadi al-Nu'man
- Al-Ihtijaj by Abu Mansur Ahmad Tabrisi
- Kamil al-Ziyarat by Ibn Qulawayh
- Al Saqib Fi al-Manâqib by Ibn Hamaza Tusi
- Basâ'ir al-darajât by Sheikh Al-Safar al-Qummi
Secondary books of Hadith
(Secondary Hadith books are those books which are not collected, compiled and written by author himself but rather they are selected from already existing Hadith books i.e Primary Hadith books)
- Al-Wafi by Mohsen Fayz Kashani
- Wasā'il al-Shīʿa by Shaikh al-Hur al-Aamili
- Bihar al-Anwar by Allama Majlesi
- Haq ul-Yaqeen by Allama Majlisi
- Ayn al-Hayat by Allama Majlisi
- Ghurar al-Hikam wa Durar al-Kalim by Abdul Wahid al-Tamimi
- Mustadrak Al-wasa'il by Mirza Husain Noori Tabarsi
- Safinat al-bihar by Shaykh Abbas Qumi
- Mustadrak safinat al-bihar by Shaykh 'Ali Namazi
- Ayan al-Shia by Al-Sayyed Mohsen al-Amin
- Jami' ahadith al-Shi'a by Hossein Borujerdi
- Nahj-al feṣāḥa by Abul Qasem Payandeh
- Mizan Al Hikma by Mohammad Reyshahri
Hadith's Anthologies & Commentaries
- Sharh Usul al-Kafi — by Mohammad Salih al-Mazandarani
- A Bundle of Flowers — collected by Ayatollah Sayyid Kamal Faghih Imani; a popular English language secondary collection of Shi'a hadith. It narrates traditions from such Shia collections as Kitab al-Kafi and Man la Yahdhuruhu'l Faqih.
- A Shi'ah Anthology[3] — by William Chittick, Hossein Nasr and Muhammad Husayn Tabataba'i; a brief introduction to exemplary hadith from the 12 Imams.
Quranic Tafsirs
- List of Quran Exegesis books and Related Concepts
- Tafsir Al-Qummi by Mohammad bin Ali bin Ibrahim Al-Qummi (?? - 919 AD)
- Tafsir Ayyashi by Allamah Ayyashi (died 932 AD)
- Tafsir Furat Kufi by Furat Ibn Ibrahim al-Kufi (died 964 AD)
- Tafsir al-Nu'mani by Muhammad b. Ibrahim al-Nu'mani (died 971 AD)
- Al-Tibbyan Fi Tafsir al-Quran by Shaikh Tusi (995 AD - 1067 AD)
- Majma' al-Bayan by Shaykh Tabarsi (1073 AD - 1153 AD)
- Tafsir Safi by Mohsen Fayz Kashani ( ?? - 1680 AD)
- Al-Burhan Fi Tafsir al-Quran by Syed Hashim al Bahrani (died 1696 AD)
- Tafsir Noor al-Thaqalayn by Abd al-Ali ibn Juma Aroosi (died 1701 AD)
- Tafsir al-Mizan by Allamah Tabatabai (1903 AD - 1981 AD)
- Al-Bayan Fi Tafsir al-Quran by Abu al-Qasim al-Khoei (1899 AD - 1992 AD)
- Fasal Khizab by Mufti Jafar Hussain (1914 AD - 1982)
- Tafsir Anwar e Najaf fi Asrar Mushaf by Hussain Bakhsh Jarra (1920 AD - 1990 AD)
- Tafsir Nemooneh by Naser Makarem Shirazi (1927 AD - Present)
- Faizan Ur Rehman by Muhammad Hussain Najafi (1932 AD to present)
- Tasneem Tafsir by Abdollah Javadi Amoli (1933 AD to present)
- Tafsir Rahnama by Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani (1934 AD - 2017 AD)
- Al Kauthar fi Tafsir Al Quran by Mohsin Ali Najafi (1938 AD to Present)[4]
- Tafseer e Masoomeen (as)[5] compiled by Wilayat Mission[6]
Theology of Shi'a
These books include discussions about Theology of Shi'a (Usul al-din or principles of religion): (Tawḥīd, Nubuwwah (Prophecy), Imamah, Adalah (Justice of God), Maʿad (Resurrection)), etc.
Classic Kalam
These books seek to give a rational account of Shi'a theology in contrast with the Ash'ari, Mu'tazili and other theological schools of Islam. The contents of these books are taken from the 8th to the 13th century (2nd to 7th century of Islam).
- Eʿteqādātal-Emāmīya by Shaykh Saduq (923 AD - 991 AD)
- Al-Amali by Shaykh Saduq (923 AD - 991 AD)
- Al-Khisal by Shaykh Saduq (923 AD - 991 AD)
- Awail Al Maqalat by Shaykh Mufid (948 AD - 1022 AD)
- Al-Amali by Sheikh al-Mufid (948 AD to 1022 AD)
- Tashih al-I'tiqad by Shaykh Mufid (948 AD - 1022 AD), a correction of Shaykh Saduq's Eʿteqādātal-Emāmīya.
- Al-Amali by Shayhk Murtaza (965 AD - 1044 AD)
- Al-Amali by Shaykh Tusi (995 AD - 1067 AD)
- Tajrid al-I'tiqad by Nasir al-Din Tusi (1201 AD - 1274 AD)
Modern Kalam
These books seek to give a rational account of Shi'a theology in contrast with modern Western ideologies including Marxism and Liberalism during the 20th century.
- Fundamentals Of Islamic Thought by Morteza Motahhari, trans. R. Campbell: Berkeley, California, Mizan Press, 1982.
- Man and Universe by Morteza Motahhari
Ilm ar-Rijal
- List of Hadith Sciences
- Rijal al-Kashshi by al-Kashshi
- Rijal al-Najashi by Ahmad ibn Ali al-Najashi
- Rijal al-Tusi by Shaykh Tusi
- Mojam Rijal e Hadith by Grand Ayatollah Khoei
Shia Jurisprudence (fiqh)
- List of books about Fiqh Literature and List of books about Hadith Sources
- Ilal al-sharayi' by Shaykh Saduq
- Sifat al-Shi'a by Shaykh Saduq
- Fada'il al-Shi'a by Shaykh Saduq
- Al-Tawhid (Saduq) by Shaykh Saduq
- Ma'ani l-akhbar by Shaykh Saduq
- Urwa al-Wuthqa by Ayatollah Mohammed Kazem Yazdi
- Shara'i' al-Islam fi masail al-halal wal-haram by Muhaqqiq al-Hilli
- Jawahir Al Kalam by Ayatollah Muhammad Hasan al-Najafi
- Madarik al-ahkam fi sharh shara'i' al-Islam by Ayatollah Muhammad Musawi al-Amili
- Al-Mahasin by Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Barqi
- Tawdih al-Masa'il by Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani
- Tawdih al-Masa'il by Grand Ayatollah Hossein Vahid Khorasani
History books
- List of History books
- The Book of Sulaym ibn Qays by Sulaym ibn Qays (1st Century) (622-30 AD - 709 AD)
- Waq'at Siffin (book) by Nasr b. Muzahim (2nd Century) (738 AD - 827 AD)
- Al-Gharat (book) by Ibrahim b. Muhammad al-Thaqafi al-Kufi (3rd Century) (815 AD - 897 AD)
- Tarikh al-Yaqubi by Ya'qubi (3rd century) (died 898 AD)
- Ithbat al-wasiyya (book) arabic by Al-Masudi (4th Century) (896 AD - 956 AD)
- 'Murūj aḏ-Ḏahab by Al-Masudi (4th Century) (896 AD - 956 AD)
- Kamaaluddin wa Tamamum ul Ne'amah — by Shaikh Saduq (4th Century) (923 AD - 991 AD)
- Tarikh Qom (book) by Hasan b. Muhammad b. Hasan al-Qummi (4th Century) (died 1015 AD)
- Kitab al-Irshad also known as Tazkar-tul-Athar by Shaykh Al-Mufid (4th Century) (948 AD - 1022 AD)
- Al-Jamal (book) by Shaykh Al-Mufid (4th Century) (948 AD - 1022 AD)
- Masarr al-Shi'a (book) by Shaykh Al-Mufid (4th Century) (948 AD - 1022 AD)
- Dala'il al-imama (book) by Muhammad b. Jarir al-Tabari al-Saghir (5th Century)
- Rawdat al-wa'izin wa basirat al-mutta'izin (book) by al-Fattal al-Neyshaburi (6th century) (died 1114 AD)
- Kashf al-ghumma fi ma'rifat al-a'imma (book) by Baha' al-Din 'Ali b. 'Isa al-Irbili (7th Century) (1223-28 AD - 1294 AD)
- Al-Luhuf ala qatla l-tufuf (book) by Ali b. Musa b. Ja'far b. Tawus (7th Century) (1193 AD - 1266 AD)
- Majalis al-muminin— by Qazi Nurullah Shustari (10th Century) (1542 AD - 1610 AD)
- Hayat al-qulub (book) by Mohammad-Baqer Majlesi (11th Century) (died 1699 AD)
- Hilyat al-abrar fi ahwal Muhammad wa alih al-athar (book) by Seyyed Hashem Bahrani (11th Century) (1640 AD - 1698 AD)
- Al-Tatimma fi tawarikh al-a'imma by al-Sayyid Taj al-Din al-Husayni al-'Amili (11th Century)
- Riyad al-abrar fi manaqib al-a'immat al-athar (book) by Nematollah Jazayeri (12th Century) (1640 AD - 1701 AD)
- Jala' al-'uyun (book) by Mohammad-Baqer Majlesi (12th Century) (died 1699 AD)
- Nafas al-mahmum (book) by Abbas Qomi (14th Century) (1877 AD - 1940 AD)
- Al-Shia wa l-hakimun (book) arabic by Muhammad Jawad Mughniyya (15th Century) (1904 AD - 1979 AD)
- The Message — by Grand Ayatollah Ja'far Sobhani (15th Century) (1929 - Present)
- Al-Sahih Men Sirat Al-Nabi Al-Azam by Jafar Morteza Ameli (15th Century) (1945 AD - 2019 AD)
- Tragedy of al-Zahra’ (book) by Jafar Morteza Ameli (15th Century) (1945 AD - 2019 AD)
Bibliography of Ahl al-Bayt
List of books about Ahl al-Bayt
History and Biography
- Manaqib Ale Abi Talib— by Abu Jafar Muhammad Ibn Ali Ibn Shahr Ashub (489-588 lunar/1096-1192)
- Encyclopedia of the Biography of Ahl Al-Bayt (English) (Arabic) (40 Vol.) by Baqir Sharif Al-Qurashi (1925 - 2012)
- Fatemeh is Fatemeh by Ali Shariati (1933 – 1977) (about Fatimah al-Zahra)
- mudrik al talib fe nasb ale abi talib by syed qamar al araji (2017) (book of genealogy in Urdu language)
Shia-Sunni argumentations
- Al Muraja'at — by Abd al-Husayn Sharaf al-Din al-Musawi (1872 AD - 1957 AD)
- Peshawar Nights — by Sultanu'l-Wa'izin Shirazi (1894 AD - 1971 AD)
- Al-Ghadir — by Allamah Amini (1902 AD - 1970 AD) — (About the Hadith of Ghadir from Sunni books)
- The Role of Holy Imams (a.s.) in the Revival of Religion (Vol.1& Vol.2& Vol.3) — by Sayyid Murtadha al-'Askari (1914 AD - 2007)
- Imamate and Leadership — by Mujtaba Musavi Lari (1925 AD – 2013 AD)
- Then I was Guided (book) — by Muhammad al-Tijani (1943 AD - Present)
- The Shi'ah are (the real) Ahl al-Sunnah (book) — by Muhammad al-Tijani (1943 AD - Present)
- Ask Those Who Know (book) — by Muhammad al-Tijani (1943 AD - Present)
- To be with the truthful (book) — by Muhammad al-Tijani (1943 AD - Present)
- A Shi'ite Encyclopedia (book) — by Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project (
Dua (Invocation)
- Al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya by Imam Zayn al-Abidin (a collection of Duas)
- Mafatih al-Jinan by Shaykh 'Abbas Qummi (a collection of Duas)
- Misbah ul Mutahajid by Shaykh Tusi (a collection of Duas)
See also
- Ali ibn Abi Talib (1990). Supplications (Du'a). Muhammadi Trust. p. 42. ISBN 978-0-9506986-4-9.
- "Alī ibn Abu Talib". Encyclopædia Iranica. Archived from the original on April 29, 2011. Retrieved December 16, 2010.
- "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2001-11-09. Retrieved 2006-06-17.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
- Dar ul Quran Al Karim
- Tafseer -e- Masoomeen
- "Wilayat Mission: Leading Shia Books Publisher". Wilayat Mission.
Academic sources:
- Expectation of the Millennium: Shi'ism in History by Seyyed Hossein Nasr.
- Shi'ism Doctrines, Thought, and Spirituality by Seyyed Hossein Nasr.
- Introduction to Shi'i Islam by Moojan Momen, Yale University Press.
- An Introduction to Shi'i Law: A Bibliographical Study by Hossein Modarressi Tabataba'i (London 1984)
- Shi'ite Identities: Community and Culture in Changing Social Contexts by Christoph Marcinkowski (Berlin 2010).
External links
Online Shi'a references: