List of intelligence agencies
This is a list of intelligence agencies. It includes only currently operational institutions.
Agencies by country
- State Intelligence Service (INR) – Sherbimi Informativ Shteteror
- Intelligence agency of Defense (AISM) – Agjencia e inteligjences se mbrojtjes
- Département du Renseignement et de la Sécurité
- Département de Surveillance et de Sécurité
- Sécurité militaire
- Ministère de l'Armement et des Liaisons générales
- President's Office
- Federal Intelligence Agency (AFI) – Agencia Federal de Inteligencia
- National Intelligence School (ENI) – Escuela Nacional de Inteligencia
- Directorate of Judicial Surveillance (DOJ) – Dirección de Observaciones Judiciales
- Federal Counternarcotics Service (SEFECONAR) – Servicio Federal de Lucha contra el Narcotráfico
- Argentine National Gendarmerie Intelligence (SIGN) – Inteligencia de la Gendarmería Nacional Argentina
- Federal Intelligence Agency (AFI) – Agencia Federal de Inteligencia
- Ministry of Defense
- National Directorate of Strategic Military Intelligence (DNIEM) – Dirección Nacional de Inteligencia Estratégica Militar
- Ministry of Justice
- Federal Penitentiary Service Intelligence – Inteligencia del Servicio Penitenciario Federal
- Airport Security Police Intelligence – Inteligencia de la Policía de Seguridad Aeroportuaria
- Ministry of Interior
- National Directorate of Criminal Intelligence (DNIC) – Dirección Nacional de Inteligencia Criminal
- Argentine Federal Police Intelligence – Inteligencia de la Policía Federal Argentina
- Buenos Aires Police Intelligence (SIPBA) (Buenos Aires Police Intelligence) – Inteligencia de la Policía Bonaerense
- Argentine Naval Prefecture Intelligence (SIPN) – Inteligencia de la Prefectura Naval Argentina
- Ministry of Economy
- Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF) – Unidad de Inteligencia Financiera
- Intelligence Department of the Joint General Staff of the Armed Forces (J-2)
- Military Intelligence Collection Center (CRIM) – Central de Reunión de Inteligencia Militar
- Army Intelligence Service (SIE) – Servicio de Inteligencia del Ejército
- Naval Intelligence Service (SIN) – Servicio de Inteligencia Naval
- Air Force Intelligence Service (SIFA) – Servicio de Inteligencia de la Fuerza Aérea
- National Security Service (NSS)
- Department of Intelligence of the Armed Forces of Armenia
- Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung (BMLV): Federal Ministry of Defence
- Abwehramt (AWA): Military Protective Office
- Heeresnachrichtenamt (HNA): Army Intelligence Office
- Bundesministerium für Inneres (BMI): Federal Ministry of the Interior
- Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz und Terrorismusbekämpfung (BVT): Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Counter-Terrorism
- State Security Service (Dövlət Təhlükəsizliyi Xidməti)
- Foreign Intelligence Service (Xarici Kəşfiyyat Xidməti)
- Security and Intelligence Branch (SIB)
- Defence Force Intelligence Branch (DFIB)
- Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)
- National Intelligence Agency (NIA)
- National Committee for Intelligence Coordination
- External Intelligence
- Internal Intelligence
- Economic Intelligence & Securities
- Other Intelligence
- Military Intelligence
- Royal Barbados Police Force Special Branch (SB)
- Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)
- Criminal Investigations Department (CID)
- Military Intelligence Unit (MIU)
- Камітэт дзяржаўнай бяспекі / Комитет государственной безопасности (KDB/KGB) (State Security Committee)
- VSSE (State Security Service)
- ADIV / SGRS (ADIV/SGRS) (General Intelligence and Security Service, military intelligence)
- OCAD / OCAM (Coordination Unit for the Threat Assessment)
Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Intelligence-Security Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (OSA)
- Državna Agencija za Istrage i Zaštitu (State Investigation and Protection Agency, SIPA)
- Directorate on Intelligence and Security Services (DISS-Ministry of State President Espionage & Counter Intelligence unit)
- Crime Intelligence Branch (CRIB-Botswana Police Service Criminal Investigations Department unit)
- Military Intelligence (MI-Botswana Defence Force unit)
- Financial Intelligence Agency (FIA -Ministry of Finance department )
- Brazilian Intelligence Agency (ABIN)
- Federal Police Department (DPF) (counterintelligence agency)
- Army Intelligence Center (CIE)
- Navy Intelligence Center (CIM)
- Aeronautics Intelligence Center (CIA) (Air Force Intelligence)
- Secretaria da Receita Federal do Brasil (Federal Revenue Secretariat) (RFB) (General Coordination for Research and Investigations - Coordenação-Geral de Pesquisa e Investigação - Copei)
- Internal Security Department (Brunei)[1] (internal)
- Research Department[2] (external)
- Държавна агенция „Разузнаване“ (DAR) (State Intelligence Agency) – oversees intelligence gathering service under the supervision of the Council of Ministers of Bulgaria
- Държавна агенция за национална сигурност State Agency for National Security (DANS) – national security service under the supervision of the Council of Ministers of Bulgaria
- Служба "Военна информация" (CVI) (Military Intelligence Service) – under Ministry of Defence supervision
- Ministry of National Defense
- General Directorate of Intelligence
- Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)
- Communications Security Establishment (CSE)
- Canadian Forces Intelligence Command (DND)
- Canadian Forces National Counter-Intelligence Unit (DND) operated by the Canadian Forces Military Police Group
- Joint Task Force X
- Criminal Intelligence Service Canada (CISC) which is led by the (RCMP)
- Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC)
- Global Affairs Canada (GAC) Bureau of Intelligence Analysis and Security and Bureau of Economic Intelligence
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) -assisting other intelligence agencies but former intelligence role of their Security Service has been transferred to CSIS
- Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)
- Ministry of Interior
- National Intelligence Agency (ANI) – Agencia Nacional de Inteligencia
- Carabineros Intelligence Departament (DIPOLCAR) – Dirección de Inteligencia de Carabineros
- Police Intelligence Department – Jefatura de Inteligencia Policial
- Ministry of National Defence
- Defense Intelligence Departament (DID) – Dirección de Inteligencia de la Defensa
- Army Intelligence Departament (DINE) – Dirección de Inteligencia del Ejército
- Air Force Intelligence Departament (DIFA) – Dirección de Inteligencia de la Fuerza Aérea
- Navy Intelligence Departament – Direccion de Inteligencia de la Armada
People's Republic of China
- Ministry of State Security (MSS)
- People's Liberation Army
- People's Liberation Army Strategic Support Force, particularly the 3rd department ("3PLA").[3][4]
- Dirección Nacional de Inteligencia (DNI)
- Jefatura de Inteligencia Militar Conjunta
- Jefatura de Inteligencia Militar (JEIMI)
- Jefatura de Inteligencia Aérea (JIA)
- Jefatura de Inteligencia Naval (JINA)
- Dirección de Inteligencia de la Policía Nacional (DIPOL)
Democratic Republic of the Congo
- National Intelligence Agency (ANR)
- General Staff of Military intelligence (ex-DEMIAP)
- Directorate of General Information ( Congolese National Police PNC)
- CENAREF (National Financial Intelligence Unit)
Costa Rica
- Intelligence and National Security Department (DIS) – Direccion de Inteligencia y Seguridad Nacional
- Sigurnosno-obavještajna agencija (SOA) (Security and Intelligence Agency)
- Vojna sigurnosno-obavještajna agencija (VSOA) (Military Security and Intelligence Agency)
- Dirección de Inteligencia (DGI) (Directorate of Intelligence)
- Revolutionary Armed Forces Intelligence
- Cyprus Intelligence Service (CIS) (Κυπριακή Υπηρεσία Πληροφοριών)(ΚΥΠ), (former Central Intelligence Service-KYP)
Czech Republic
- Security Information Service (Bezpečnostní informační služba, BIS)
- Office for Foreign Relations and Information (Úřad pro zahraniční styky a informace, ÚZSI)
- Ministry of Defence
- Military Intelligence (Vojenské zpravodajství, VZ)
- Danish Security and Intelligence Service (Politiets Efterretningstjeneste (PET)).
- Danish Defence Intelligence Service (Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste (FE)).
- Army Intelligence Center (Efterretningsregimentet (EFR)).
Dominican Republic
- Departamento Nacional de Investigaciones (DNI) (National Department of Investigations)
- Gihaz al-Mukhabarat al-Amma (GIS) (General Intelligence Service)
- Idarat al-Mukhabarat al-Harbyya wa al-Istitla (OMIR) (Office of Military Intelligence and Reconnaissance)
- Al-amn al-Watani (GHS) (General Homeland Security)
- Mukhabarat
- National Intelligence Agency (Hagerawi Dhnet) (ሃገራዊ ድሕነት)
- Eritrea Intelligence Research Centre (EiRC - ሻዕቢያ) (Powered by NationalEr Interest)
- Estonian Internal Security Service (KaPo) (Kaitsepolitseiamet)
- Foreign Intelligence Service (Välisluureamet)
- Military Intelligence Centre of Estonian Defence Forces (Kaitseväe Luurekeskus)
- Information Network Security Agency (INSA)
- Ethiopian National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS)
- Ministry of Defence
- Finnish Defence Intelligence Agency — Puolustusvoimien tiedustelulaitos (PVTIEDL) / Försvarsmaktens underrättelsetjänst
- Intelligence Division (Finland) — Pääesikunnan tiedusteluosasto (PE TIEDOS) / Huvudstabens underrättelseavdelning)
- Ministry of Interior
- Finnish Security Intelligence Service (SUPO) — Suojelupoliisi / Skyddspolisen
- Ministry of Interior
- General Directorate for Internal Security (DGSI; Direction générale de la sécurité intérieure) – Domestic counter-terrorism and counter-espionage intelligence.
- Central Directorate of the Judicial Police (DCPJ; Direction centrale de la Police judiciaire) – Organised crime intelligence.
- Ministry of Defence
- Directorate-General for External Security (DGSE; Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure) – Foreign intelligence relating to national security.
- Directorate of Protection and Defense Security (DPSD; Direction de la protection et de la sécurité de la défense) – Foreign intelligence relating to national security.
- Directorate of Military Intelligence (DRM; Direction du renseignement militaire) – Military intelligence.
- State Security Service (SSSG) − სახელმწიფო უშიშროების სამსახური
- Georgian Intelligence Service (GIS) − საქართველოს დაზვერვის სამსახური
- Georgian Armed Forces
- Military Intelligence Department
- Bundeskanzleramt: Federal Chancellery
- Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND): Federal Intelligence Service
- Bundesministerium des Innern (BMI): Federal Ministry of Interior
- Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV): Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution
- Bundeswehr: Federal Defense Force
- Militärischer Abschirmdienst (MAD): Military Counterintelligence Service
- Kommando Strategische Aufklärung (KSA): Strategic Surveillance Command
- Landesministerium des Innern: State Ministry of the Interior (different denominations from state to state)
- Landesamt für Verfassungsschutz (LfV): (semi-independent) State Authority for the Protection of the Constitution for every single state
- National Security Council (Ghana) (Centre of National Security)
- Bureau of National Investigations (BNI) – (Internal Intelligence Agency)
- Research Department Unit – Research Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (External Intelligence Agency)
- Criminal Investigative Department (CID) – (Ghana Police)
- Military Intelligence Unit (MIU) – (Ghana Armed Forces)
- Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic
- National Intelligence Service (ΕΥΠ) – Εθνική Υπηρεσία Πληροφοριών
- Hellenic National Defence General Staff
- E Division – Intelligence Division
- Service d'Intelligence National (SIN) (National Intelligence Service)
Hong Kong SAR
- Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) of the Hong Kong Police Force
- Joint Financial Intelligence Unit (JFIU) of the Hong Kong Police Force and the Customs and Excise Department
- Információs Hivatal (IH) (Information Office)
- Alkotmányvédelmi Hivatal (AH) (Constitution Protection Office)
- Katonai Nemzetbiztonsági Szolgálat (KNBSZ) (Military National Security Service)
- Nemzetbiztonsági Szakszolgálat (NBSZ) (Special Service for National Security)
- Terrorelhárítási Központ (TEK) (Counter Terrorism Centre)
- Greiningardeild Ríkislögreglustjóra (GRLS) (National Security Agency) (formerly Eftirgrennslanadeild Lögreglunnar and Útlendingaeftirlitið)
- Greiningardeild Varnarmálastofnunar Íslands (GVMSÍ) (Military Intelligence Service) (formerly: Icelandic Intelligence Service (IIS))
- Skattrannsóknarstjóri Ríkisins (National Tax Investigation Police)
- External Intelligence
- Defence Intelligence
- Defence Intelligence Agency
- Directorate of Military Intelligence
- Directorate of Air Intelligence
- Directorate of Naval Intelligence
- Image Processing and Analysis Centre
- Directorate of Signals Intelligence
- Joint Cipher Bureau
- Defence Intelligence Agency
- Internal Security
- Intelligence Bureau (IB)
- Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)
- Economic Intelligence
- Directorate of Revenue Intelligence
- Economic Intelligence Council
- Directorate General of GST Intelligence (DGGI)
- Central Economic Intelligence Bureau
- Directorate of Economic Enforcement
- Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU-Ind)
- Other Intelligence
- Wildlife Crime Control Bureau
- Narcotics Control Bureau
- Foreign/Domestic Intelligence
- Badan Intelijen Negara (BIN) (State Intelligence Agency)
- Military Intelligence
- Badan Intelijen Strategis TNI (BAIS) (Strategic Intelligence Agency)
- Badan Intelijen Pertahanan/Badan Instalasi Strategis Nasional (BAINTEL KEMHAN/BAINSTRANAS) (Defence Intelligence Agency/Strategic National Installations Agency)
- Pusat Intelijen Angkatan Darat (PUSINTELAD) (Indonesian Army Center for Intelligence)
- Signals Intelligence
- Badan Siber dan Sandi Negara (BSSN) (National Crypto and Cyber Security Agency)
- Criminal Intelligence
- Badan Intelijen dan Keamanan Polri (BAINTELKAM) (National Police Security Intelligence Agency)
- Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang Intelijen Kejagung (JAM Intelijen) (Office of the Solicitor General for Intelligence)
- Direktorat Intelijen Imigrasi (Directorate of Immigration Intelligence)
- Seksi Intelijen BNN (National Narcotics Agency Intelligence Section)
- Financial Intelligence
- Inspektorat Bidang Investigasi Kemkeu (Ministry of Finance Inspectorate of Investigation)
- Sub Direktorat Intelijen Dirjen Bea Cukai (Customs & Excise Sub-Directorate of Intelligence)
- Ministry of Intelligence (VAJA)
- Oghab 2 – Nuclear facilities security
General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran:
- Intelligence Protection Organization of General Staff of the Armed Forces
Islamic Republic of Iran Army:
Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps:
Law Enforcement Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran:
- Iranian Security Police (PAVA)
- Intelligence Protection Organization of Iranian Police (SAHEFANAJA)
Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces Logistics:
- Intelligence Protection Organization of Ministry of Defence (SAHEFAVEDJA)
- General Security Directorate (GSD) (Internal security agency)
- Iraqi National Intelligence Service (INIS) (Foreign intelligence and special operations)
Foreign & Domestic Military Intelligence (Defence Forces)
- Directorate of Military Intelligence (G2)
- Communications and Information Services Corps (CIS) SIGINT Section
Domestic Police Intelligence (Garda Síochána)
- Crime & Security Branch (CSB)
- Special Detective Unit (SDU)
- National Surveillance Unit (NSU)
- Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)
- Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Interna (AISI): "Agency for Internal Information and Security" (domestic intelligence agency).
- Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Esterna (AISE): "Agency for External Information and Security" (foreign intelligence agency).
- Dipartimento delle Informazioni per la Sicurezza (DIS): "Department of Information for Security" (classified data management, personnel training for both AISI and AISE).
- Comitato Interministeriale per la Sicurezza della Repubblica (CISR): "Inter-ministerial Committee for the Security of the Republic" (a joint intelligence supervision committee).
- Centro Intelligence Interforze (CII): "Center for Interforce Intelligence" (Military Intelligence).
- Jamaica Defence Force Intelligence Unit
- National Intelligence Bureau
- Special Branch of Jamaica Constabulary Force
- Cabinet Secretariat
- CIRO (Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office)
- Cabinet Satellite Intelligence Center (CSICE)
- CIRO (Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office)
- Ministry of Defense
- Defense Intelligence Headquarters (DIH)
- Intelligence Security Command (JSDF)
- Military Intelligence Command (JGSDF)
- Fleet Intelligence Command (JMSDF)
- Air Intelligence Wing (JASDF)
- National Public Safety Commission
- National Police Agency
- NPA Security Bureau
- Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Public Security Bureau
- Prefectural Police Department Security Bureau
- Public Security Section
- Police Station
- Public Security Section
- NPA Security Bureau
- National Police Agency
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Intelligence and Analysis Service (IAS)
- International Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Collection Unit (ICTICU)
- Ministry of Justice
- Da’irat al-Mukhabarat al-’Ammah (GID) (General Intelligence Department)
- National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- General Intelligence Office
- State Security Service of Kazakhstan
- National Intelligence Service (NIS)
- Directorate of Military Intelligence
- National Cyber Command Center (NC3)
- State Committee for National Security (UKMK/GKNB)
- The Ministry of Interior (وزارة الداخلية),
- Domestic Undercover Police (المباحث الجنائية)
- Kuwait National Security Bureau (جهاز الأمن الوطني)
- The Ministry of Defense (وزارة الدفاع),
- Military Intelligence Agency ( الاستخبارات العسكرية )
- The National Guard (الحرس الوطني),
- National Guard Intelligence Agency (وكالة استخبارات الحرس الوطني)
- Valsts drošības dienests (VDD) (State Security Service)
- Satversmes aizsardzības birojs (SAB) (Constitution Protection Bureau)
- Militārās izlūkošanas un drošības dienests (MIDD) (Defence Intelligence and Security Service)
- General Directorate of General Security
- The Information Branch
- Lebanese State Security
- Intelligence Directorate of the Lebanese Army
- State Security Department / Valstybes saugumo departamentas (VSD)
- Second Investigation Department / Antrasis operatyvinių tarnybų departamentas (AOTD)
- Service de Renseignement de l'État Luxembourgeois / Lëtzebuerger Staatlëchen Noriichtendéngscht (SREL, Luxembourg State Intelligence Service, i.e. the Homeland Intelligence Service)
- Haut Commissariat de la Sécurité Extérieure / Héichkommissariat fir auswäerteg Sëcherheet (HCSE, High Commission for External Security, i.e. the Foreign Intelligence Service)
- Service de Renseignement de l'Armée Luxembourgeoise / Noriichtendéngscht vun der Lëtzebuerger Arméi (SRAL, Luxembourgish Army Intelligence Service, i.e. the Military Intelligence Service)
Macau SAR
- Counter-intelligence Section – Research and Information Division of Public Security Police Force of Macau
- Information Division of Macau Security Force
In the Presidents Office
- National Intelligence Service formerly known as National Intelligence Bureau
- Malaysian Special Branch[6]
- Defence Intelligence Staff Division[7]
- Royal Intelligence Corps (Kor Risik DiRaja), Military intelligence, Malaysian Armed Forces
- Research Division of the Prime Minister's Department (Malaysian External Intelligence Organization)[8]
- Chief Government Security Office (CGSO)
- Maldives National Defence Force (Defence Intelligence Service)
- Maldives Police Service (Directorate of Intelligence)
- Federal government of Mexico
- Civilian agencies
- Attorney General of Mexico (PGR)
- Attorney General's Crime-Combat Planning, Analysis and Information Center ( CENAPI / PGR – Centro de Planeación, Análisis e Información para el Combate a la Delincuencia )
- Attorney General's Office for Special Investigations on Organized Crime (SEIDO / PGR )
- Financial Intelligence Unit (Mexico) Unidad de Inteligencia Financiera (UIF)
- Interior Ministry (SEGOB)
- National Commission for Security (CNS)
- Federal Police
- Intelligence Division of the Federal Police (Division de Inteligencia – CNS / Policia Federal)
- Federal Police
- National Intelligence Centre (CNI)
- National Commission for Security (CNS)
- Attorney General of Mexico (PGR)
- Military agencies
- 2nd Section of the National Defense Intelligence Staff (SEDENA S-2 – Seccion 2da: Inteligencia del Estado Mayor)
- Military Intelligence – National Defense Ministry (Inteligencia Militar – SEDENA / Ejercito y Fuerza Aerea)
- Naval Intelligence – Navy Ministry (Inteligencia Naval – SEMAR / Marina Armada )
- Civilian agencies
- Information of and Security Service (SIS) – Serviciul de Informații și Securitate"
- National Security Agency (ANB)
- Ministry of Defence
- Intelligence-security Service
- Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire (DST) (Directorate of Territorial Surveillance)
- Direction Generale pour l'Etude et la Documentation (DGED) (Directorate of Research and Documentation)
- Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires (BCIJ) (Central Bureau of Judicial Investigations)
- Bureau Of Special Investigation (BSI)
- Military Intelligence of Myanmar (MI)
- Special Intelligence Department (Special Branch)
- Criminal Investigation Department (CID)
- Cyber Crime Intelligence Department ( CCI )
- National Cyber Security Agency ( NcsA )
- Secret Service for National & Union ( SS )
- NumLock 3113 Unit
- National Investigation Department (NID) Formerly known as Nepal Guptachar vibhag
- Directorate of Military Intelligence
- Algemene Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst (AIVD) (General Intelligence and Security Service)
- Militaire Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst (MIVD) (Military Intelligence and Security Service)
- Joint Sigint Cyber Unit (JSCU)
- Nationale Coördinator Terrorismebestrijding en Veiligheid (NCTV) (National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security), used for the analysis of threats and coordination of counterterrorism measures
- Koninklijke Marechaussee (Royal Marechaussee)
- Team Criminal Intelligence (KMar-TCI)
- Fiscale Inlichtingen- en Opsporingsdienst (Fiscal Information and Investigation Service)
- Team Criminal Intelligence (FIOD-TCI)
- Korps Nationale Politie (National Police Corps)
- Team Criminal Intelligence (TCI)
- Team Special Witnesses (TSG) (Team Speciale Getuigen)
- Regional Intelligence Service (Regionale Inlichtingendienst), National Police teams which collect national security intelligence for the AIVD
- Team Public Order Intelligence (Team Openbare Order Inlichtingen), intelligence unit focused on collecting intelligence to maintain public order and security
- Dirección de Información para la Defensa (DID) (Directorate of Information for Defense)
- State Security Service (Internal Security)
- National Intelligence Agency (Foreign Intelligence and Counterintelligence)
- Defence Intelligence Agency (Military Intelligence)
- Department Directorate Of Secret Service (Nigeria)
- Force Intelligence Bureau(FIB) (Intelligence Arm of The Nigerian Police Force)
North Korea
- Reconnaissance General Bureau[10]
- State Security Department[11]
North Macedonia
- Administration for Security and Counterintelligence (Uprava za bezbednost i kontrarazuznavanje) (Police Agency)
- Intelligence Agency (Agencija za Razuznavanje) (Civilian Agency) IA
- Military Service for Security and Intelligence (Voena služba za razuznuvanje i bezbednost) (Military Agency)
- Nasjonal sikkerhetsmyndighet (NSM) (National Security Authority)
- Politiets sikkerhetstjeneste (PST) (Police Security Service)
- Etterretningstjenesten (NIS) (Norwegian Intelligence Service)
- Forsvarets sikkerhetstjeneste (FOST) – Norwegian Defence Security Service (NORDSS)
- National Intelligence Coordination Committee (NICC)
- External Intelligence
- Defence Intelligence
- Internal Intelligence
- Economic Intelligence & Securities
- Other Intelligence
- National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA)
- Counter Terrorism Department (CTD)
- Crime Investigation Department (CID)
- Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF)
- National Crises Management Cell (NCMC)
- Anti-Crime & Anti-Terrorism (ACAT)
- Consejo de Seguridad Pública y Defensa Nacional (CSPDN) (security, defense and intelligence main government entity)
- National Police Intelligence Directorate (DNIP) – Dirección Nacional de Inteligencia Policial
- Direccion de Investigacion Judicial (DIJ)
- Direccion General de Analisis e Inteligencia Estrategica (DGAIE)[12]
- Servicio Nacional de Inteligencia y Seguridad (SENIS)[13]
Papua New Guinea
- National Intelligence Organization (NIO)
- Royal PNG Constabulary - National Criminal Intelligence Unit (NCIU), Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)
- PNG Customs Service - Customs Intelligence
- Department of Prime Minister - Office of Security Coordination & Assessment (OSCA)
- PNG Defense Force - Defense Intelligence Bureau (DIB)
- Bank of PNG - Financial Analysis & Supervision Unit (FASU)
- Dirección Nacional de Inteligencia (DINI) (National Directorate of Intelligence)
- Office of the President - Tanggapan ng Pangulo ng Pilipinas
- National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA) - Pambansang Ahensiya sa Ugnayang Intelihensiya
- Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) - Ahensiya ng Pilipinas sa Pagpapatupad ng Batas Laban sa Bawal na Gamot
- National Counter-Terrorism Action Group (NACTAG) - Pambansang Lupon ng Pagsasagawa Laban sa Terorismo
- Department of Justice - Kagawaran ng Katarungan
- National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) - Pambansang Kawanihan ng Pagsisiyasat
- Department of National Defense - Kagawaran ng Tanggulang Pambansa
- Intelligence Service, Armed Forces of the Philippines (ISAFP)
- Philippine Army - Hukbong Katihan ng Pilipinas
- Army Intelligence Regiment (AIR)
- Philippine Air Force - Hukbong Himpapawid ng Pilipinas
- 300th Air Intelligence and Security Wing (AISW)
- Philippine Navy - Hukbong Dagat ng Pilipinas
- Naval Intelligence and Security Force (NISF)
- Philippine Army - Hukbong Katihan ng Pilipinas
- Intelligence Service, Armed Forces of the Philippines (ISAFP)
- Department of Transportation - Kagawaran ng Transportasyon
- Philippine Coast Guard - Tanod Baybayin ng Pilipinas
- Department of Interior and Local Government - Kagawaran ng Interyor at Pamahalaang Lokal
- Philippine National Police - Pambansang Pulisya ng Pilipinas
- Directorate for Intelligence (DI)[14]
- Philippine National Police - Intelligence Group (PNP-IG)
- Philippine National Police - Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (PNP-CIDG)
- Philippine National Police - Pambansang Pulisya ng Pilipinas
- Department of Finance - Kagawaran ng Pananalapi
- Bureau of Customs (BuCor) - Kawanihan ng Adwana
- Department of Foreign Affairs - Kagawaran ng Ugnayang Panlabas
- Agencja Wywiadu (AW) (Foreign Intelligence Agency)
- Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego (ABW) (Internal Security Agency)
- Służba Wywiadu Wojskowego (SWW) (Military Intelligence Service)
- Służba Kontrwywiadu Wojskowego (SKW) (Military Counter-intelligence Service)
- Centralne Biuro Antykorupcyjne (CBA) (Central Anticorruption Bureau)
- Sistema de Informações da República Portuguesa (SIRP) (Intelligence System of the Portuguese Republic)
- Serviço de Informações de Segurança (SIS) (Security Intelligence Service)
- Serviço de Informações Estratégicas de Defesa (SIED) (Defense Strategic Intelligence Service)
- Centro de Informações e Segurança Militares (CISMIL) (Military Intelligence and Security Service)
- Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) – Serviciul Român de Informații
- Foreign Intelligence Service (SIE) – Serviciul de Informații Externe
- Special Telecommunication Service (STS) – Serviciul de Telecomunicații Speciale
- Protection and Guard Service (SPP) – Serviciul de Protecţie şi Pază
- Ministry of National Defence
- General Directorate for Defense Intelligence (DGIA) – Direcția Generală de Informații a Apărării
- Ministry of Internal Affairs
- General Directorate for Internal Security (DGPI) – Direcția Generală de Protecție Internă
Russian Federation
- Federal Security Service (FSB) – Федеральная служба безопасности
- Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) – Служба Внешней Разведки
- Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) – Главное Разведывательное Управление
- Federal Protective Service (FSO) – Федеральная служба охраны
- Special Communications Service of Russia – Служба специальной связи и информации
Saudi Arabia
- Council of Political and Security Affairs (CPSA) - مجلس الشؤون السياسية والأمنية
- General Intelligence Presidency (GIP) – رئاسة الاستخبارات العامة
- Presidency of State Security (PSS) – رئاسة أمن الدولة
- Mabahith (GDI) – المباحث العامة
- Saudi Arabia Ministry of Defense (MOD) - وزارة الدفاع
- The Armed Forces Intelligence and Security Commission - هيئة استخبارات وأمن القوات المسلحة
- The Land Forces Intelligence and Security Commission - هيئة استخبارات وأمن القوات البرية
- The Naval Forces Intelligence and Security Commission - هيئة استخبارات وأمن القوات البحرية
- The Air Forces Intelligence and Security Commission - هيئة استخبارات وأمن القوات الجوية
- The Air Defense Forces Intelligence and Security Commission - هيئة استخبارات وأمن قوات الدفاع الجوي
- The Strategic Missile Force Intelligence and Security Commission - هيئة استخبارات وأمن قوة الصواريخ الاستراتيجية
- The Armed Forces Intelligence and Security Commission - هيئة استخبارات وأمن القوات المسلحة
- Saudi Arabia Ministry of Interior (MOI) - وزارة الداخلية
- Saudi Arabia Border Guards Intelligence Directorate - استخبارات حرس الحدود
- General Directorate of Public Security (GPS) - مديرية الأمن العام
- General Administration of Financial Investigations (GAFI) - الادارة العامة للتحريات المالية
- Saudi Arabia National Guard (SANG) - الحرس الوطني السعودي
- National Guard Intelligence Commission - هيئة الاستخبارات بالحرس الوطني
- Saudi Royal Guard (SRG) - رئاسة الحرس الملكي
- Saudi Royal Guard Intelligence Commission - هيئة استخبارات الحرس الملكي السعودي
- The National Cyber Security Commission[15] (NCSC) - الهيئة الوطنية للأمن السيبراني
- Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA) - مؤسسة النقد العربي السعودي
- Anti-Money Laundering Committee (AMLC) - اللجنة الدائمة لمكافحة غسل الاموال
- National
- National Security Council and Classified Information Protection Office – Канцеларија Савета за националну безбедност и заштиту тајних података
- Ministry of the Interior
- Security Intelligence Agency (BIA) – Безбедносно-информативна агенција
- Ministry of Defence
- Military Intelligence Agency (VOA) – Војнообавештајна агенција
- Military Security Agency (VBA) – Војнобезбедносна агенција
- Intelligence and Reconnaissance Directorate (J-2) – Управа за обавештајно-извиђачке послове
- Ministry of Finance
- Money Laundering Prevention Administration – Управа за спречавање прања новца
South Korea
- National Intelligence Service
- Intelligence Bureau, National Police Agency
- Slovenská informačná služba (SIS) (Slovak Information Service)
- Vojenské spravodajstvo (Military Intelligence)
- Národný bezpečnostný úrad (NBÚ) (National Security Bureau)
- Slovenska Obveščevalno-Varnostna Agencija (SOVA) (Slovenian Intelligence and Security Agency)
- Obveščevalno Varnostna Služba (OVS) ( Intelligence and Security Service of Slovenian Ministry of Defence)
- General štab SV – Sektor za obveščevalne zadeve – J2 (GŠSV-J2) ( (General Staff SAF – Section for intelligence matters – J2)
- Nacionalni Preiskovalni urad (NPU)
- National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA)
- Puntland Intelligence Agency (PIA)
- Jubbaland Intelligence Agency (JIA)
- National Intelligence Agency (Somaliland) (NIA)
- Ciidamada Sirdoonka Qaranka, Armed Forces of the Republic of Somaliland (CSQ)
- Criminal Investigation Department, Somaliland Police (CID)
South Africa
- Domestic Branch (SSA)
- Foreign Branch (SSA)
- South African National Defence Force Intelligence Division (SANDF-ID)
- Crime Intelligence Division, South African Police Service
- Intelligence Unit
- Ministry of the Presidency
- National Security Department (DSN)
- Ministry of Defence
- National Intelligence Centre (CNI)
- Spanish Armed Forces
- Armed Forces Intelligence Center (CIFAS)
- Ministry of the Interior
- Intelligence Center for Counter-Terrorism and Organized Crime (CITCO)
- Cuerpo Nacional de Policia
- Brigada de Investigación Tecnológica (BIT)
- Comisaría General de la Información (CGI)
- Civil Guard
- Servicio de Información de la Guardia Civil (SIGC)
- Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation
Sri Lanka
- Ministry of Defence
- Sri Lanka Armed Forces
- Central Bank of Sri Lanka
- Financial Intelligence Unit (Sri Lanka)
- Sri Lanka Navy
- Navy Intelligence
- Sri Lanka Police
- Criminal Investigation Department (Sri Lanka)
- Sri Lanka Customs
Central Intelligence Directorate
- Swedish Military Intelligence and Security Service (MUST) – Militära underrättelse- och säkerhetstjänsten
- Office for Special Acquisition (KSI) – Kontoret för särskild inhämtning
- Intelligence Office (UNDK) – Underrättelsekontoret
- Security Office (SÄKK) – Säkerhetskontoret
- National Defence Radio Establishment (FRA) – Försvarets Radioanstalt
- Swedish Security Service (Säpo) – Säkerhetspolisen
- Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sports
- Nachrichtendienst des Bundes (NDB) Federal Intelligence Service as of 1 January 2010, created by merger of Strategic Intelligence Service (SND) – Strategischer Nachrichtendienst and Analysis and Prevention Service (DAP) – Dienst für Analyse und Prävention
- Swiss Armed Forces
- Military Intelligence Service (MND) – Militärischer Nachrichtendienst
- Federal Department of Justice and Police
- The Postal Service and Telecommunications Surveillance (UPF) – Überwachung Post- und Fernmeldeverkehr
Taiwan (Republic of China)
- General Strategy
- National Security Bureau, National Security Council
- Civil
- Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau (MJIB)
- National Police Agency, Ministry of Interior
- Semi-military
- Military
- All Service Units
- Military Police Command, Ministry of National Defense
- Military Intelligence Bureau, General Staff Headquarters, Ministry of National Defense
- Military Security General Corps, General Staff Headquarters, Ministry of National Defense
- Political Warfare General Bureau, Ministry of National Defense
- Single Branch Units
- Staff Department of Intelligence (S2), Army Command
- Staff Department of Intelligence (S2), Navy Command
- Staff Department of Intelligence (S2), Air Force Command
- All Service Units
- State Committee for National Security (SCNS) – Кумитаи давлатии амнияти милли (КДАМ)/Государственный комитет национальной безопасности (ГКНБ)
- National Intelligence Cooperating Center (NICC)
- Office of the Prime Minister
- Anti-Money Laundering Office (Thailand) (AMLO)
- Financial Intelligence Division (FID)
- Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) under the Office of the Prime Minister
- National Intelligence Agency (NIA) under the Office of the Prime Minister
- Anti-Money Laundering Office (Thailand) (AMLO)
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- News Division
- Ministry of Interior
- Department of Provincial Administration (DOPA)
- Internal Security Affairs Bureau (ISAB)
- Department of Provincial Administration (DOPA)
- Ministry of Justice
- Department of Special Investigation (DSI)
- Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB)
- Ministry of Defence
- Armed Forces Security Center (AFSC)
- Army Military Intelligence Command (AMIC)
- Department of Border Affair (DBA)
- Directorate of Joint Intelligence (DJI)
- Directorate of Intelligence Royal Thai Army (DINTRTA)
- Directorate of Intelligence, RTAF (INTELLRTAF)
- Naval Intelligence Department (NID)
- Royal Thai Police
- Crime Suppression Division (CSD)[16] and the Special Branch Bureau (SBB) of the Royal Thai Police
- President of Turkey
- National Intelligence Organization (MİT) (semi-dependent (main), foreign intelligence, counter espionage and special operations)
- Security İnvestigation Directorate
- Counter-Intelligence Directorate
- External Operations Directorate
- Security Intelligence Directorate
- Electronic and Technical Intelligence Directorate
- Signals Intelligence Directorate
- National Intelligence Organization (MİT) (semi-dependent (main), foreign intelligence, counter espionage and special operations)
- Ministry of National Defense
- Joint Chief of Staff Intelligence Bureau (GENKUR-İDB) (semi-dependent, military intelligence and special operations)
- Army Intelligence Bureau (semi-dependent, military intelligence)
- Navy Intelligence Bureau (semi-dependent, military intelligence)
- Air Force Intelligence Bureau (semi-dependent, military intelligence)
- Ministry of the Interior
- Coast Guard Intelligence Bureau (semi-dependent, military intelligence)
- Gendarmerie Intelligence Bureau (semi-dependent, military intelligence
- Police Intelligence Bureau (semi-dependent, law enforcement)
- Offices of the Other Ministries
- Ministry of Treasury and Finance, Financial Crimes Investigation Unit (MASAK) (semi-dependent, financial monitoring)
- Ministry of Trade, Customs Enforcement (Gümrük Muhafaza) (dependent, customs protection)
- Central Intelligence Directorate – Holovne Upravlinnya Rozvidky (HUR)
- Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine – Sluzhba Zovnishnioyi Rozvidky Ukrayiny (SZR or SZRU)
- National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)
- State Service for Financial Monitoring – (Financial Intelligence Unit)
- External secret agencies (ESC)
- Security Service of Ukraine – Sluzhba Bezpeky Ukrayiny (SBU)
United Arab Emirates
- UAE State Security
- Signals Intelligence Agency (SIA) formerly known as the National Electronic Security Authority(NESA)
MISS (formerly DMI - Defense Military Intelligence) now Military Intelligence Security Services
United Kingdom
- Joint Intelligence Organisation (JIO)[17] – Joint intelligence analysis.
Criminal Intelligence and Protected Persons
- National Crime Agency (NCA)[18] – Organised crime intelligence gathering and analysis. In addition to having intelligence and surveillance powers, officers from the National Crime Agency can hold any or all three of the powers of a (armed) police officer, immigration officer and/or customs officer.[19] The Agency and its officers have special powers including acting as an enforcement authority for Unexplained wealth orders and access of internet records through the Investigatory Powers Act 2016.[20] National Crime Agency officers are posted overseas in around 50 countries.[21] They operate the UK Protected Persons Service, which includes witness protection.[22]
Domestic intelligence
- Security Service/MI5[23] – Domestic counter terrorism and counter espionage intelligence gathering and analysis.
- Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism (OSCT) – Counter terrorism and protecting critical national infrastructure.
- National Domestic Extremism and Disorder Intelligence Unit (NDEDIU)[24] – Domestic counter extremism and public disorder intelligence gathering and analysis.
- National Ballistics Intelligence Service (NBIS)[25] – Illegal firearms intelligence analysis.
- National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB)[26] – Economic crime intelligence gathering and analysis.
Foreign intelligence
- Secret Intelligence Service (SIS)/MI6[27] – Foreign intelligence gathering and analysis.
- Defence Intelligence (DI)[28] – Military intelligence analysis.
Signals intelligence
- Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ)[29] – Signals intelligence gathering and analysis.
United States
- Office of the Director of National Intelligence
- Independent agencies
- United States Department of Defense
- Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
- National Security Agency (NSA)
- National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
- National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
- Army Intelligence
- Marine Corps Intelligence
- Navy Intelligence
- Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Enterprise (USAF ISR)
- Space Force Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Enterprise (USSF ISR)
- United States Department of Energy
- United States Department of Homeland Security
- United States Department of Justice
- United States Department of State
- United States Department of the Treasury
- Servicio de Inteligencia y Contraespionaje del Estado – State Intelligence and Counterespionage Service[30]
- Davlat Xavfsizlik Xizmati, Служба государственной безопасности (СГБ) (State Security Service)
- Servicio Bolivariano de Inteligencia (SEBIN) – Bolivarian Intelligence Service
- Dirección General de Contrainteligencia Militar (DGCIM) – Military Intelligence
- General Counterintelligence Office
- Ministry of Defence (Vietnam)
- Tổng cục Tình báo Quân đội (Tổng cục 2, or TC2) (General Department of Military Intelligence or Second General Department)
- Ministry of Public Security (Vietnam)
- Tổng cục An ninh (Tổng cục I) (General Department of Security or First General Department)
- Tổng cục Tình báo Công an (Tổng cục V, or TC V) (General Department of Public Security Intelligence or Fifth General Department)
- Zambia Security Intelligence Service (ZSIS)
See also
- IT Section, ISD. "Internal Security Department". Archived from the original on 2010-01-16. Retrieved 2014-06-27.
- "Cable Viewer". 2006-09-11. Retrieved 2014-06-27.
- Gertz, Bill (27 January 2016). "Chinese Military Revamps Cyber Warfare, Intelligence Forces". Wachington Free Beacon.
- Areddy, James T.; Mozur, Paul; Yadron, Danny (7 July 2014). "China's Spy Agency Has Broad Reach". Wall Street Journal.
- "Special Branch". Archived from the original on 2013-02-21. Retrieved 2010-07-11.
- Mahadzir, Dzirhan (2008). "Securing Southeast Asia: The Politics of Security Sector Reform by Mark Beeson; Alex J.Bellamy Review by: Dzirhan Mahadzir" (PDF). Contemporary Southeast Asia. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. 30 (2): 338–339. doi:10.1355/cs30-2j. Retrieved 24 August 2013.
- Malaysia's National Security Council described by new NSC Secretary (Report). WikiLeaks. Retrieved 19 August 2013.
- "New Zealand Intelligence Community – About Us". New Zealand Intelligence Community. New Zealand Government. Retrieved 25 August 2013.
- "Kim Jong-nam: Who in North Korea could organise a VX murder?". BBC News. 24 February 2017. Retrieved 2017-05-13.
- Stares, Paul B.; Wit, Joel S. (2009). Preparing for Sudden Change in North Korea. Council on Foreign Relations. p. 13. ISBN 978-0-87609-426-6.
- "State of Surveillance in the Philippines". Foundation for Media Alternatives.
- "Meaning of Crime Suppression Division (CSD) | Bangkok Post: Learning English channel - เรียนภาษาอังกฤษจากคำศัพท์ "กองบังคับการปราบปราม"". Bangkok Post.
- "Joint Intelligence Organisation". GOV.UK. Retrieved 2014-06-27.
- "Intelligence". National Crime Agency. Archived from the original on 2017-01-22. Retrieved 2017-01-21.
- "Crime and Courts Act 2013". Retrieved 17 May 2019.
- "Criminal asset denial - National Crime Agency". Retrieved 17 May 2019.
- "Intelligence: enhancing the picture of serious organised crime affecting the UK - National Crime Agency".
- "What is life like in the UK's witness protection programme?". 12 August 2015. Retrieved 17 May 2019.
- "The Security Service". MI5. 2014-02-28. Retrieved 2014-06-27.
- "National Domestic Extremism and Disorder Intelligence Unit". National Police Chief's Council. Archived from the original on 2 February 2018. Retrieved 21 January 2017.
- "National Ballistics Intelligence Service". Retrieved 2014-06-27.
- "General guide to the NFIB" (PDF). City of London Police. July 2010. Retrieved 21 January 2017.
- "Home page – SIS (MI6)". Retrieved 2014-06-27.
- "Defence Intelligence – Detailed guidance". GOV.UK. 2012-12-12. Retrieved 2014-06-27.
- "GCHQ Home page". Archived from the original on 2014-08-01. Retrieved 2014-06-27.
- "Servicio de inteligencia". Retrieved 2017-11-01.
External links
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