List of extraterrestrial memorials

List of extraterrestrial memorials is a list of different types of memorials that are not on Earth.

Fallen Astronaut plaque and statue on the Moon, placed there during the 1971 Apollo 15 mission
The Mars rover Spirit contains a memorial to the crew of the Space Shuttle Columbia's STS-107 2003 mission, which disintegrated upon reentry.


Several landing sites have been named, either the spacecraft itself or the landing site:

Carl Sagan Memorial Station
Interactive image map of the global topography of Mars, overlain with locations of memorial sites on Mars. Hover your mouse over the image to see the names of over 60 prominent geographic features, and click to link to them. Coloring of the base map indicates relative elevations, based on data from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter on NASA's Mars Global Surveyor. Whites and browns indicate the highest elevations (+12 to +8 km); followed by pinks and reds (+8 to +3 km); yellow is 0 km; greens and blues are lower elevations (down to −8 km). Axes are latitude and longitude; Polar regions are noted.
(See also: Mars map & Mars Rovers map) (view • discuss)
(   Named  Debris  Unknown )


The Moon



  • Hubert Curien Memorial Station, Huygens landing site on Saturn's moon.[12]



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