Road signs in Germany
Road signs and symbols used in Germany are prescribed under the Straßenverkehrs-Ordnung (StVO) (German Road Traffic Act) and the Katalog der Verkehrszeichen (VzKat) (Catalog of Traffic Signs).[1][2]
Paragraph 9 of the StVO states that "The traffic signs and installations illustrated in annexes 1 to 4 may also be installed with the alternatives described in the Catalog of Traffic Signs." (The Catalog of Traffic Signs (VZKat) is published in the Federal Ministry of Transport Gazette by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building, and Infrastructure.) The VzKat was issued in May 2017[2] under the Allgemeine Verwaltungsvorschrift zur Straßenverkehrs-Ordnung] (VwV-StVO) (general administrative regulations for the Road Traffic Act).[3]
All signs have assigned numbers. The suffix number after the hyphen refers to the variation of the sign; the suffix on signs with variable numbers is the number depicted on the sign (e.g. speed limit, maximum height, etc.).[2]
Symbols pursuant to paragraphs 7, 10, and 11 of the StVO:[1]
- Multi-track motor vehicles
- Motor vehicles with a maximum permissible mass above 3.5 t - including their trailer - and combination vehicles, except passenger vehicles and buses
- Bicycle utilized for the transport of goods or persons - freight bicycle
- Passenger vehicles or motorcycles with a sidecar which are occupied by at least three persons - high occupancy vehicle
- Passenger vehicle towing a trailer
- Motor vehicles and vehicle combinations which cannot or may not drive faster than 25 km/h
- One-seated two-wheeled mopeds with an electric motor which automatically regulates its design speed to no more than 25 km/h - E-Bikes -
- Small electric vehicles pursuant to the Elektrokleinstfahrzeuge-Verordnung (eKFV) (Small Electric Vehicle Act)
Danger signs
Danger signs pursuant to part 2 of the VzKat which includes permissible variations of signs listed in annex 1 of the StVO. When one sign has two sign numbers, the first number is the illustrated sign while the latter number is a mirrored or slightly altered version of the sign.
General danger signs
- Sign 101
Danger. A supplementary sign can specify the danger. - Sign 101-11 / 101-21
Pedestrian crosswalk - Sign 101-12 / 101-22
Cattle - Sign 101-13 / 101-23
Equestrians - Sign 101-14 / 101-24
Amphibians - Sign 101-15 / 101-25
Rockfall - Sign 101-51
Slipperiness due to snow or ice - Sign 101-52
Grit/gravel at the edge of the road - Sign 101-53
Shore or riverbank - Sign 101-54
Insufficient clearance - SIgn 101-55
Movable bridge - Sign 103-10 / 103-20
Curve - Sign 105-10 / 105-20
Double curve - Sign 108-10
Descent - Sign 110-12
Ascent - Sign 112
Uneven road - Sign 114
Slipperiness when road is wet or dirty - Sign 117-10 / 117-20
Crosswind - Sign 120
Road narrowing - Sign 121-10 / 121-20
One-sided road narrowing - Sign 123
Construction area - Sign 124
Traffic jams - Sign 125
Oncoming traffic - Sign 131
Traffic signals - Sign 133-10 / 133-20
Pedestrians - Sign 136-10 / 136-20
Children - Sign 138-10 / 138-20
Cycles - Sign 142-10 / 142-20
Wild animals
Special danger signs approaching railroad crossings
- Sign 151
Railroad crossing - Sign 156-10 / 156-20
Railroad crossing with three-striped warning - 240 m distance - Sign 156-11 / 156-21
Railroad crossing with three-striped warning - custom distance - Sign 157-10 / 157-20
Three-striped warning for railroad crossing - 240 m distance - Sign 157-11 / 157-21
Three-striped warning for railroad crossing - custom distance - Sign 159-10 / 159-20
Two-striped warning for railroad crossing - 160 m distance - Sign 159-11 / 159-21
Two-striped warning for railroad crossing - custom distance - Sign 162-10 / 162-20
One-striped warning for railroad crossing - 80 m distance - Sign 162-11 / 162-21
One-striped warning for railroad crossing - custom distance
Regulatory signs
Regulatory signs pursuant to part 3 of the VzKat which includes permissible variations of signs listed in annex 2 of the StVO. When one sign has two sign numbers, the first number is the illustrated sign while the latter number is a mirrored or slightly altered version of the sign.
Waiting and stopping requirements
- Sign 201-50 / 201-52
Crossbuck. Yield the right-of-way to railborne vehicles - Sign 201-51 / 201-53
Crossbuck with lightning rod. Yield the right-of-way to railborne vehicles; the tracks possess overhead electrical wires - Sign 205
Yield the right-of-way - Sign 206
Stop. Yield the right-of-way. - Sign 208
Oncoming traffic has the right-of-way
Mandatory direction of travel
- Sign 209
Right ahead - Sign 209-10
Left ahead - Sign 209-30
Straight ahead - Sign 211
Right here - Sign 211-10
Left here - Sign 214
Straight ahead or right ahead - Sign 214-10
Straight ahead or left ahead - Sign 214-30
Left ahead or right ahead - Sign 215
Roundabout - Sign 220-10 / 220-20
One-way street
Mandatory passing
- Sign 222
Pass on the right - Sign 222-10
Pass on the left
Drivable shoulders, bus stops, and taxi stands
- Sign 223.1-50 - 223.1-52
Drive on the shoulder - Sign 223.2-50 - 223.2-52
No longer drive on the shoulder - Sign 223.3-50 - 223.3-52
Vacate the shoulder - Sign 224
Bus stop - Sign 229 - 229-31
Taxi stand
Dedicated paths and lanes
- Sign 237
Bicycle path - Sign 238
Equestrian path - Sign 239
Sidewalk - Sign 241-30 / 241-31
Separated pedestrian and bicycle path - Sign 242.1
Begin of a pedestrian zone - Sign 242.2
End of a pedestrian zone - Sign 244.1
Begin of a bicycle street - Sign 244.2
End of a bicycle street - Sign 244.3
Begin of a bicycle zone - Sign 244.4
End of a bicycle zone - Sign 245
Bus lane
"Zipper Rule" for 1-Way Traffic Merging & 2-Way Traffic Priorities
- einseitig (links) verengte Fahrbahn
Road narrows on the left, 1-Way Zipper Rule Applies, 2-Way Oncoming Traffic Yields to You) - Verengte Fahrbahn
Narrow Roadway Ahead, 1-Way Zipper Rule Applies - einseitig (rechts) verengte Fahrbahn
Road narrows on the right, 1-Way Zipper Rule Applies, 2-Way Yield to Oncoming Traffic - Two way traffic ahead (Red indicates who must yield)
- Oncoming Traffic (Red indicates who must yield)
- Vorrang vor dem Gegenverkehr
Priority over oncoming vehicles
Environmental factors
Yield as necessary to not endanger yourself or other road users
- Steinschlag
Possible Rockfall in Road (No braking, slowing, stopping or parking) - Schnee- oder Eisglätte
Snow or Ice possible ahead (road freezes easily, no sudden braking or turning) - Splitt, Schotter
Loose chippings - Unebene Fahrbahn
Uneven surfaces ahead, bumpy road - Schleuder- oder Rutschgefahr
Slippery road (water, ice, snow, oil or dirt)
Traffic priority - priority roads
Priority Travel Does Not Yield, Signal All Turns
- Vorfahrtstraße
Priority Road - Course of this priority road turns left
- Road from left and ahead has priority
- Ende der Vorfahrtsstraße
End of Priority Road - Vorfahrt
Priority to through-traffic at the next intersection/crossroads only - Kreuzung o. Einmündung mit Vorfahrt von rechts
Uncontrolled Intersection Ahead - Yield to cross traffic
Other factors
Yield or Reduce Speed as Necessary [5]
- Stau/Verkehrstau
Traffic jams/queues possible - Kurve
Dangerous curve to the left (Slow & stay to the right) - Kurve
Dangerous curve to the right (Slow & stay to the right) - Doppelkurve
Double curves, first to left (Slow & stay to the right) - Doppelkurve
Double curves, first to right (Slow & stay to the right) - Gefälle
Steep Grade/Hill Down (10%) - Steigung
Steep Grade/Hill Up (12%) - Flugbetrieb
Low-flying aircraft, Aircraft noise & lights may distract drivers - Seitenwind
Crosswinds from the right possible - Seitenwind
Crosswind from the left possible - Unzureichendes Lichtraumprofil
Narrowed clearance by trees - Viehtrieb
Cattle possible - Reiter
Equestrians possible - Amphibienwanderung
Frogs & Toads possible
Vehicle classifications & specifics
Official (base) Symbols in Germany as per Straßenverkehrs-Ordnung (StVO) § 39 Verkehrszeichen[7]
Red Ring
In addition to any sign/placard, the Red Ring forbids (in general) the item noted and anything of greater size or value; i.e., if a car is pictured, then not only are cars not permitted verboten but also trucks too.
A Red Ring is also a traffic sign itself: No Vehicles (of any type) Permitted, Pushing Motorcycles/Mopeds/Bicycles Permitted
- Verbot für Fahrzeuge aller Art No vehicles of any kind permitted
- Verbot für Kraftwagen und sonstige mehrspurige Kraftfahrzeuge
No 2-tracked Motor Vehicles permitted - Verbot für Fußgänger
No Pedestrians Permitted
Bicycles & mopeds
- Radfahrer
Bicycles Permitted - E-Bikes
Electric Bicycles Permitted - Mofas
Mopeds - Mofas
Mopeds Permitted - Verbot für Mofas Mopeds Forbidden
- No Mopeds Permitted
Classified as above/below 500 cc motor size, and with or without sidecar
- Krafträder, auch mit Beiwagen, Kleinkrafträder und Mofas
Motorcycles (above 500 cc), also with sidecar, small motorcycles (below 500 cc) and mopeds - Motorcycles and Mopeds Permitted
- Verbot für Krafträder, auch mit Beiwagen, Kleinkrafträder und Mofas Ban on motorcycles including those with sidecars and mopeds
Personenkraftwagen - Pkw[8] – "Powered Car for (the transport of) Persons"; e.g., cars/automobiles
- Personenkraftwagen (Pkw)
Cars - Personenkraftwagen (Pkw)
Cars Permitted - Verbot für Personenkraftwagen/Pkw
- elektrisch betriebene Fahrzeuge
Electric Vehicles/Cars - Pkw mit Anhänger
Cars with Trailer - Pkw mit Anhänger
- Verbot für Pkw mit Anhänger
Recreational vehicles, farm equipment or animal powered
- Wohnmobile
Motorhomes & Campers - Kraftfahrzeuge und Züge
Farm & Powered Equipment (& Trailers) with less than 25 km/h top speed - Verbot für Kraftfahrzeuge und Züge
- Kraftfahrzeuge und Züge
Farm & Powered Equipment (& Trailers) Permitted - Gespannfuhrwerke
Horse-drawn Wagon - Verbot für Gespannfuhrwerke
No Horse-drawn Wagons Permitted - Verbot für Viehtrieb
No Cattle Permitted - Verbot für Reiter
No Equestrians/Horse Riders Permitted
Trucks & lorries
Lastkraftwagen - Lkw[9] – "Powered Car for Loads", e.g., truck, lorry, semi, tractor-trailer
- Lkw or Kfz
- Lkw Permitted
- No Lkw Permitted
Kraftfahrzeuge (Kfz)[10] mit einer zulässigen Gesamtmasse über 3,5 t, einschließlich ihrer Anhänger, und Zugmaschinen, ausgenommen Personenkraftwagen und Kraftomnibusse – Motor vehicles with a maximum authorized mass of more than 3,5 t, including their trailers, and tractors other than cars and buses
- Lkw mit Anhänger
Truck with trailer - Lkw with trailer permitted
- Verbot für Lastkraftwagen (Lkw) mit Anhänger
No trucks with trailer(s) permitted - Sattelkraftfahrzeuge[11]
Semi/Tractor-Trailer - Single & Double Trailer Semis
Restrictions & allowances for vehicles (generally larger) than cars
- Massenangabe
Weight (7.5 tons) - Verbot für Fahrzeuge über angegebene tatsächliche Masse
Total Vehicle Weight Limit (5.5 tonnes) - Verbot für Fahrzeuge über angegebene tatsächliche Achslast
Load Limit per Axle (8 tonnes) - Verbot für Fahrzeuge über angegebene tatsächliche Breite
Width Limit (including wing mirrors) - Verbot für Fahrzeuge über angegebene tatsächliche Höhe
Height Limit (3.8 meters) - Verbot für Fahrzeuge über angegebene tatsächliche Länge
Length Limit (10 meters)
Dangerous or hazardous cargos
- Dangerous or Hazardous Load/Cargos
- Verbot für kennzeichnungspflichtige Kraftfahrzeuge mit gefährlichen Gütern
No Dangerous or Hazardous Loads/Cargos Permitted - Dangerous or Hazardous Loads/Cargos to Water Bodies
- Verbot für Fahrzeuge mit wassergefährdender Ladung
No Dangerous or Hazardous Loads/Cargos to Water Bodies Permitted
Buses, public transit & rail
Buses (generally) and trains (always) have the priority/right of way[12]
- Kraftomnibus
Bus - Buses permitted
- Verbot für Kraftomnibusse
- Straßenbahn
Streetrail or Trams - Trams Permitted
- Train - Bahn/Zug
- Schienenbahn
"Railway Traffic", Trains - Bahn/Zug Permitted
- Military vehicles (generally a weight rating)
- Lkw, Busses & Pkw with Trailers
Basic Traffic Controls
- Verbot der Einfahrt
Do Not Enter - Verbot des Wendens
No U-turns
- Vorgeschriebene Mindestgeschwindigkeit
Minimum (30 km/h) Speed Required - Ende der ...
End of... - Beginn einer Tempo 30-Zone
Maximum (30 km/h) Zone (still in effect after junctions) - End of...
- Zulässige Höchstgeschwindigkeit
Maximum Speed (60 km/h) - Ende der ...
End of... - Maximum (or recommended) Speeds in Germany for Developed/Urban Areas (50), Bundesstraßen (100) & Autobahn (130)
Passing & Overtaking
- Überholverbot für Kraftfahrzeuge aller Art
No Passing (for any vehicle type) - End of...
- No Passing (by vehicles over 3,5 t)
- End of...
- Umwelt
Low-emission zone / Environmental Zone - End of a low-emission zone
- Lkw / Trucks / Semis must maintain minimum (70 m) spacing
- Schneeketten sind vorgeschrieben
Snow chains must be carried in vehicle
German Limited Access Highway - Blue Background[13]
Signs used on Autobahn
- Nummernschild für Autobahnen
Autobahn - (limited access highway) route number (48) - Knotenpunkte der Autobahnen
Interchange/Exit/Ausfahrt Number (26) - Autobahn distance sign (usually after entrance)
- Autobahn sign indicating next exit has a service area nearby
- Autobahn sign
announcing next exit - Autobahn reminder exit sign, showing next exit ahead
- Autobahn marker (300m before exit)
- Autobahn marker (200m before exit)
- Autobahn marker (100m before exit)
- Autobahn Ausfahrt
exit (at end of exit lane) - Begin of Autobahn (Motor vehicles capable of speeds exceeding 60 km/h only)
- End of Autobahn
- Tunnel ahead
- Breakdown bay (used only on highways without emergency shoulder or in larger construction areas)
Signs leading to Autobahn
- Pfeilwegweiser zur Autobahn
Direction towards Autobahn entrance - Direction Signs to Autobahn, Messe (Fair/Convention Center) & Bundesstraße (without number)
- same
Bundesstraße with Number and distances to next cities - Vorwegweiser zur Autobahn
Autobahn junction entrance sign - Vorwegweiser zur Autobahn
Autobahn junction entrance sign
other signs
- Autobahn Detour
- Autobahn Detour ahead
- Detouring onto opposite lane (in 200 m)
- End of lane
Signs of federal highways
Note: Though road design of Kraftfahrstrasse is comparable to Autobahn, speed limit is mandatory, signposting is similar but has yellow background.
- End of fast traffic highway
Bundesstraße - non-limited access highways or main roads - yellow background
- Bundesstraße
Country road (non-isolated highway) route number (35) - Ausfahrt auf Bundesstraße
Exit off Main Road (to Mainz/Wiesbaden) - Ausfahrt
Exit - Sign on approaches to junctions
- Sign on approaches to junctions
- Sign on approaches to junctions (lanes)
- Route for Lkw/Kfz
- Route for Lkw/Kfz
- Lkw/Kfz geradeaus
Go Straight Ahead - Lkw/Kfz abbiegen rects
Turn Right Ahead - Lkw/Kfz abbiegen links
Turn Left Ahead - Hazardous Cargos - Go Straight Ahead
- Hazardous Cargos - Go Right Ahead
- Hazardous Cargos - Go Left Ahead
- Radverkehr
Bicycles Go Straight Ahead - Radverkehr
Bicycles Turn Right Ahead - Radverkehr
Bicycles Turn Left Ahead - Detour sign (U3)
- Umleitung
Detour sign - End of Detour
- Planskizze
Layout of Detour route - Umlenkungspfeil (Streckenempfehlung)
Existing alternate Autobahn route - End of detour (symbol)
- Complicated traffic touring (if turning left is forbidden)
- European road number sign (E 36)
- Straßenname
Street name sign - Direction to Bahnhof
Trainstation/ Railway Station
Urban or built-up areas
- Start Urban Area (50 km/h speed limit)
- Town sign: End of Urban Area (here with distance to next town)
- End of Traffic Calming Zone
- Fußgängerüberweg
Pedestrian crossing - Fußgängerüberweg
Pedestrian crossing - Sackgasse
No through road - Street light warning marker (lamp will not remain lit all night)
Traffic priority - priority roads
Priority Travel Does Not Yield, Signal All Turns
- Vorfahrtstraße
Priority Road starts - Vorfahrtstraße
Priority Road ends - Vorfahrt
Priority at the next intersection/crossroads only - Uncontrolled Intersection Ahead
Proceed with extreme caution, priority is not assigned - Yield to cross-wise traffic
Fahrtbahn/Streifen - driving lane controls
Roadway lanes delineated by lines for/of single vehicle width
- Vorgeschriebene Fahrtrichtung, Geradeaus
You must go straight ahead, yield appropriately - Vorgeschriebene Fahrtrichtung, hier rechts
Turn right here (in front of the sign) - Vorgeschriebene Fahrtrichtung, hier links
Turn left here (in front of the sign) - Vorgeschriebene Fahrtrichtung, rechts
You must turn right ahead, yield appropriately - Vorgeschriebene Fahrtrichtung, links
You must turn left ahead, yield appropriately - Vorgeschriebene Fahrtrichtung, Geradeaus oder rechts
You must go straight or turn right - Vorgeschriebene Fahrtrichtung, Geradeaus oder links
You must go straight or turn left - Vorgeschriebene Fahrtrichtung, Rechts oder links
You must turn right or turn left - Kreisverkehr
Roundabout (Yield to traffic in circle, signal only on exit) - Einbahnstraße
One-way street - Einbahnstraße
One-way street - Vorgeschriebene Vorbeifahrt, Rechts vorbei
Keep right of traffic barrier/divider - Vorgeschriebene Vorbeifahrt, Links vorbei
Keep left of traffic barrier/divider - Use of hard shoulder as driving lane permitted
- No use of hard shoulder as driving lane permitted
- 3 Fahrstreifen und 1 Seitenstreifen'
3 Driving Lanes + 1 Hard Shoulder (use permitted) - 3 Fahrstreifen und 1 Seitenstreifen'
3 Driving Lanes + 1 Hard Shoulder (use not permitted)
Dedicated lane use required for ...
- Fußwege
Footway / Pedestrian lane - Gemeinsamer Fuß- und Radweg
Shared use path - Getrennter Rad- und Gehweg
Shared, but separated bicycle & pedestrian path - Radweg
Bicycle lane - Bussonderfahrstreifen
Bus lane - Sonderweg Reiter
Special zones
- Beginn einer Fußgängerzone
Pedestrian zone - Ende einer ....
End of pedestrian zone - Beginn der Fahrradstraße
Bicyclist zone - End of bicyclist zone
Stopping, waiting, parking
Parking is considered any stop exceeding three minutes.
Absolutely no stopping or waiting on traffic lanes (Emergency Excepted)
- Haltverbot
Absolutely No Stopping (on traffic lanes) - Continuation of Absolutes Haltverbot
Top arrow only (start of zone), Bottom arrow only (end of zone)
No waiting/standing longer than 3 minutes on traffic lanes - "Loading/Unloading & Pick-up/Drop-off Zone"
- Eingeschränktes Halteverbot
No parking. Waiting is allowed. - Eingeschränktes Halteverbot (Anfang)
Start of Waiting Only Zone (left side) - Eingeschränktes Halteverbot (Anfang)
Start of Waiting Only Zone (right side) - Eingeschränktes Halteverbot (Ende)
End of Waiting Only Zone (right side) - Continuation of Eingeschränktes Halteverbot
- No parking zone
- End of no parking zone
Bus Stop & Taxi Zones
- Bus or tram stop: 15 m parking prohibition prior to and behind this sign (30 m altogether)
- School bus stop: 15 m parking prohibition prior to and behind this sign (30 m altogether)
- Taxi rank (no stopping or parking allowed)
- End of previous limitation (i.e., speed or passing)
Road markings/lines
Intersections & Crosswalks[14]
- Haltlinie
Stop line - Fußgängerüberweg
Pedestrian crossing - Wartelinie
Yield line
Driving Lanes
- Fahrstreifenbegrenzung und Fahrbahnbegrenzung
Solid Travel Lane (middle) & Travel Lane Boundary (right) - Crossing Not Permitted - Leitlinie
Guide (Dividing) Line - Crossing/Overtaking Permitted - Einseitige Fahrstreifenbegrenzung
Traffic on Solid Side May Not Cross Line. Traffic on Divided Side May Cross Line. - Direction arrows (no stopping or parking allowed)
- Advance notice arrow
- Advance notice arrow to indicate a lane end
- Sperrflächen
Occupying this area not permitted - Grenzmarkierung für Halt- und Parkverbote
No Parking or Waiting Area
Information signs
- Parking place
- Parkplatz (Anfang)
Parking place (start) - Parking place (end)
- Beginn einer Parkraumbewirtschaftungszone
Start of Parking management area, only parking with parking disc or parking ticket - End of Parking management area
- Car park, parking garage
- Wasserschutzgebiet
Water protection zone - Place name (information only, does not imply a speed limit)
- Tourist route
- Tourist sign (here: river or channel)
- Tourist route
- Tourist route
- Tourist route
- Tourist sign (here: referring to the former East-West German border)
- End of toll road for heavy lorries
- Stop - customs
Informational signs
- Park and Ride
- Petrol station with LPG
- Petrol station with CNG
- Motorway hotel
- Information
- Charging station for electric vehicles
- Hydrogen Station
- Motor caravan campsite
- Campsite
- Motorway restaurant
- Motorway refreshments
Standardized traffic symbols
- To the left
- To the right
- After the left turn, a hazard exists (another sign defining the hazard would be above)
- After the right turn, a hazard exists (another sign defining the hazard would be above)
- Fußgänger Gehweg gegenüber benutzen
Use Sidewalk on left side of roadway - Fußgänger Gehweg gegenüber benutzen
Use Sidewalk on right side of roadway - Directional indications by arrows, detour signs, three-quarter circle[15]
- Both directions, two opposing horizontal arrows
- Both directions, two opposite vertical arrows
- Two-way cycle route crossing road
- Cycling in the opposite direction
- Directional indications by arrows, detour signs, semicircle[15]
- 2 km ahead[16]
- Stop 100 m ahead
- Zipper method in ... m
- For 800 m
- For 3 km
- Continues for ... m
- Continues for ... km
- 100 m ahead
- 200 m ahead
- 400 m ahead
- 600 m ahead
- Late merge in 200m
- Ends in ...m
- Risk of accident
- Migratory toad crossing
- Construction site exit
- Damaged roadway
- Spillage on road
- Exit
- Accident
- Knoll
- Police check
- Fog
- Driveway
- Right of way changed
- Traffic routing changed
- Industrial area (trains have priority)
- Port area (rail traffic has priority)
- Children allowed to play in road
- Skiers allowed to cross road
- Large wagons can park here without the usual two week temporal parking restriction
- Caravans can park here without the usual two week temporal parking restriction
- End of restriction
- Cyclists dismount
- Green wave at
- Stop here on red
- Pass over verges/shoulder
- End of passing over verges/shoulder
- Tunnel category B
- Tunnel category C
- Tunnel category D
- Tunnel category E
- Disabled with permit No. ... allowed
- Bicycle and residents allowed
- Residents only
- Residents or Resident's Visitors Parking Only
- Residents with permit No. ... allowed
- Taxis allowed
- Regular scheduled buses allowed
- Emergency vehicles allowed
- Ambulances allowed
- Delivery vehicles allowed
- Agricultural vehicles allowed
- Forestry vehicles allowed
- Agricultural and forestry vehicles allowed
- Operational and utility vehicles allowed
- Electric vehicles while charging allowed
- Electric vehicles allowed
- Construction vehicles allowed
- Access to construction site allowed
- Access to neighbouring construction site allowed
- Access to ... allowed
- Ferry users allowed
- Vehicles with red, yellow or green Low Emission Zone Sticker permitted
- Vehicles with yellow or green Low Emission Zone Sticker permitted
- Vehicles with green Low Emission Zone Sticker permitted
- Skiers crossing road at times shown
- At times shown
- At times shown
- Parking with disc for 2 hours
- Parking with disc in marked zone for 2 hours
- Working days at times shown
- Working days at times shown
- Monday-Friday, at times shown
- Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, at times shown
- Sundays and public holidays, at times shown
- School bus (at times shown)
- Disabled users only
- Disabled with permit No. ... only
- Residents with permit No. ... only
- Slow vehicles allowed to pass
- Number of taxis
- Electric vehicles being charged (with number)
- Electric vehicles (with number)
- Parking allowed in marked areas
- Only with parking ticket
- On the verges/shoulder
- When wet
- Mode of transport
- Weight (12 tons)
- Park (pull in straight)
- Park (pull in diagonally)
- Only within marked parking areas
- For cyclists and moped riders
- Grit on road
- No parking on verges/shoulder
- Also buses and cars with trailers
- Rabies! Endangered area
- Wild animal rabies! Endangered area
Road equipment
- Barrier board
- Guiding beacon
- Guide cone
- Moveable road barrier
- Moveable road barrier with flashing arrow
- Reflexion post (right-hand side)
- Reflexion post (left-hand side)
Retired signs
Obsolete signs since 2017 [15]
- Buses crossing
- Two-way cycle route running parallel to road
- Risk of ice
- Start of restriction
- Mopeds allowed
- Vehicles exempt from the traffic ban at an increased pollutant concentration
Obsolete signs since 2013 [15]
- Level crossing with barrier or gate ahead
- Level crossing with barrier or gate ahead
- End of recommended speed
- Soft verges
- Soft verges
- "Straßenverkehrs-Ordnung (StVO) § 39 Verkehrszeichen". Federal Ministry of Transport. Retrieved 18 August 2020.
- "VzKat 2017" (in German). 5 July 2020. Retrieved 18 August 2020.
- "Allgemeine Verwaltungsvorschrift zur Straßenverkehrs-Ordnung] (VwV-StVO)". Retrieved 18 August 2020.
- de:Reißverschlussverfahren
- "§ 39 StVO 2013 - Einzelnorm".
- "German Road Signs: Guide to Parking & Road Signs in Germany". Auto Europe. Retrieved 17 November 2015.
- name="LoC"
- "Personenkraftwagen". 11 April 2018 – via Wikipedia.
- "Lastkraftwagen". 16 April 2018 – via Wikipedia.
- "Kraftfahrzeug". 20 April 2018 – via Wikipedia.
- "Sattelzug". 25 April 2018 – via Wikipedia.
- /Traffic: Priority (right of way)
- "Brian's Guide to Getting Around Germany - The Autobahn".
- de:Straßenmarkierung
- "".
- "§ 40 StVO 2013 - Einzelnorm".
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