List of state leaders in 1901

This is a list of heads of state, heads of governments, and other rulers in the year 1901.




North America


South America


  1. Sokoto was only an independent state until 1903.
  2. Paul Kruger fled the nation in exile in 1900.
  3. Under regency until he came of age in 1921. Swaziland was a protectorate of the United Kingdom from 1903 to 1968.
  4. Queen Mother from 1921 to 1925. Swaziland was a protectorate of the United Kingdom from 1903 to 1968.
  5. Dhala was a British protectorate from 1904.
  6. Montenegro was only recognized as an independence state in 1878.
  7. In exile between 1940 and 1945.
  8. The seven member Swiss Federal Council is the collective head of state and the government of Switzerland. Within the Council, the President of the Swiss Confederation serves solely in a primus inter pares capacity for one year.
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