Anthem of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

The Anthem of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (Russian: Гимн Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа, Gimn Khanty-Mansiyskogo avtonomnogo okruga) is the anthem of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, a federal subject of Russia. It is one of the national symbols of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug along with its flag and coat of arms. It was written by Alexander Padchenko with music by Alexander Padchenko and Viktor Khudoley and was officially adopted in 2004.

Gimn Khanty-Mansiyskogo avtonomnogo okruga — Yugry
English: Anthem of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug
Гимн Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа — Югры
Coat of arms of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

The anthem of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug
LyricsAlexandr Alexejevič Padčenko
MusicAlexandr Alexejevič Padčenko and Viktor Romanovič Chudolej
Adopted24 November 2004
Audio sample
Anthem of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug
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RussianRussian – Latin transliterationEnglish translation[1]

Наш округ — седой богатырь
Свой дух возродил величаво,
Опора России — Урал и Сибирь!
Гордимся Югрою по праву!

Югра многоликая,
Делами великая
Идет вдохновенно вперед!
Мы пишем историю
Любимой Югории
И славим Югорский народ!

Под небом сибирской земли
Богатства от края до края,
И крылья надежды мы здесь обрели,
Югру на века прославляя!

Югра многоликая,
Делами великая
Идет вдохновенно вперед!
Мы пишем историю
Любимой Югории
И славим Югорский народ!

Югра — ты прекрасный наш дом,
Здесь ценят всегда человека,
И нашим упорством, и нашим трудом
Тебе процветать век от века!

Югра многоликая,
Делами великая
Идет вдохновенно вперед!
Мы пишем историю
Любимой Югории
И славим Югорский народ!

Naš okrug — sedoj bogatyrj
Svoj duch vozrodil veličavo,
Opora Rossii — Ural i Sibirj!
Gordimśa Jugoju po pravu!

Jugra mnogolikaja,
Delami velikaja
Idet vdochnovenno vpered!
My pišem istoriju
Ljubimoj Jugrii
I slavim Jugorskij narod!

Pod nebom sibirskoj zemli
Bogatstva ot kraja do kraja,
I kryljja nadeždy my zdeś obreli,
Jugru na veka proslavljaja!

Jugra mnogolikaja,
Delami velikaja
Idet vdochnovenno vpered!
My pišem istoriju
Ljubimoj Jugrii
I slavim Jugorskij narod!

Jugra — ty prekracný naš dom,
Zdeś ceńat vsegda čeloveka,
I našim uporstvom, i našim trudom
Tebe procvetatj vek ot veka!

Jugra mnogolikaja,
Delami velikaja
Idet vdochnovenno vpered!
My pišem istoriju
Ljubimoj Jugrii
I slavim Jugorskij narod!

Our okrug – our grizzled hero
His spirit revived majestically,
With support by Russia – Urals and Siberia!
Proud Yugra on the right!

The many faces of Yugra,
Of great works
Progress with inspiration!
We are writing the history
Of the beloved Yugra
And the people of Yugra!

Beneath the sky is our Siberian land
With wealth from land to land,
We have found the wings of hope here,
The Yugra is forever praising!

The many faces of Yugra,
Of great works
Progress with inspiration!
We are writing the history
Of the beloved Yugra
And the people of Yugra!

Yugra – you're our beautiful home,
There are always people who appreciate,
And our tenacity, and our labor
You thrive on the age of the century!

The many faces of Yugra,
Of great works
Progress with inspiration!
We are writing the history
Of the beloved Yugra
And the people of Yugra!

See also


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