List of mottos
This list contains the mottos of organizations, institutions, municipalities and authorities.

An example of a motto, Te mauri, te raoi ao te tabomoa (Health, peace and prosperity) on the Coat of arms of Kiribati
National mottos
Cultural, philanthropic and scientific
- Amsterdam Zoo: Latin: Natura Artis Magistra (Nature is the teacher of art)
- International Expositions: Latin: Semper Verum (Always true)
- Monarchist League of Canada: Latin: Fidelitate Coniuncti (United by fealty)
- Real Academia Española (Royal Spanish Academy): Spanish: Limpia, fija y da Esplendor (Cleans, fixes and gives shine)
- Royal Society: Latin: Nullius in verba (On the word of no one)
- South African Museum: Latin: Semper aliquid novi Africa affert (Africa is always producing some novelty)
- Swedish Academy: Swedish: Snille och Smak (Talent and taste)
Public service and youth service
- Air Training Corps: Venture, Adventure
- Army Cadet Force: To Inspire and achieve.
- Boy Scouts: Be Prepared
- Boys' Brigade: Sure and Stedfast (Old spelling)
- Brownies: Lend A Hand
- Civil Air Patrol: Latin: Semper Vigilans (Always vigilant)
- Cub Scouting Do Your Best
- Girlguiding UK: Be Prepared
- Girls' Brigade: Seek, serve and follow Christ
- Guides: Be Prepared
- National FFA Organization: Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve
- New Zealand Air Training Corps: We Train to Serve
- St.John Ambulance:For the Faith and For the Service of Mankind
Police and public safety
- Carabineros de Chile: Order and Fatherland
- Chicago Police Department: We Serve and Protect
- Detroit Police Department: Making Detroit a Safer Place to Live, Work, and Visit
- Houston Police Department: Order through law, justice with mercy.
- Indian Shores Police Department: Protect with honor, serve with pride
- Indonesian National Police: Sanskrit: Rastra Sewakottama (Serving the Nation)
- Los Angeles Airport Police: Serving the Aviation Community
- Los Angeles Police Department: To Protect and to Serve
- Maine State Police: Latin: Semper Aequus (Always just)
- Metropolitan Police Service: Working together for a safer London
- Minneapolis Police Department: To Protect with Courage, To Serve with Compassion
- New South Wales Police Force: Latin: Culpam Poena Premit Comes (Punishment Follows Closely On Guilt)
- New York Police Department: Fidelis ad Mortem (Faithful unto death)
- Royal Malaysian Police: Malay: Tegas, Adil dan Berhemah (Firm, Fair & Prudent)
- Singapore Police Force: Malay: Setia dan Bakti (Loyalty and Service)
- New Zealand Police: Safer communities together
- Thames Valley Police: Latin: Sit pax in valle tamesis (Let there be peace in the Thames Valley)
- Trinity House: Latin: Trinitas in unitate (Trinity in unity)
- United States Department of Veterans Affairs Police: Protecting Those Who Serve
- Victoria Police: Uphold the Right
- Milwaukee Police Department: Be A Force
- Korean National Police Agency: Korean: 국민과 함께하는 따뜻하고 믿음직한 경찰 (A Friendly and Reliable Police Force for the People )
- Sacramento County Sheriff: Service with Concern
- Icelandic Police: Icelandic: Með lögum skal land byggja (With laws shall lands be built)[1]
International organisations
- Fédération Internationale des Échecs: Latin: Gens una sumus (We are one people)
- International Practical Shooting Confederation: Latin: Diligentia, Vis, Celeritas (Accuracy, power, speed)
- Olympic Games: Latin: Citius, Altius, Fortius (Faster, higher, stronger)
- Paralympic Games: Spirit in Motion
Africa and Asia
- Al-Quwa Al-Jawiya: Arabic: الخلق، الأيمان، القوة (Character, Faith, Force)
- Asante Kotoko S.C.: Ashanti Twi: Kum apem a, apem beba (Kill a thousand, and a thousand more will come)
- Kolkata Knight Riders: Korbo, Lorbo, Jeetbo re (Will do, will fight, will win)
- Vivekanand College: Teaching with some Masala with Prof. Gaurang Joshi
- Carolina Panthers: Keep Pounding
- Chicago Fire SC: Tradition. Honor. Passion.
- Colo Colo: Spanish: El equipo que ha sabido ser campeón (The team that has known to become champion)
- CR Flamengo: Portuguese: Uma vez Flamengo, sempre Flamengo. (Once Flamengo, always Flamengo)
- Tabor Academy: Latin: Vincit Semper Veritas (Truth always conquers)
- Adelaide Football Club: Latin: Natus ad magna gerenda (Born to great things)
- Carlton Football Club: Latin: Mens sana in corpore sano (Sound Mind in a Healthy Body)
- Collingwood Football Club: Latin: Floreat pica (May the Magpie flourish)
- Essendon Football Club: Latin: Suaviter in Modo, Fortiter in Re (Gently in manner, resolutely in execution)
- Footscray Football Club: Latin: Cede Nullius (Yield to none)
- Hawthorn Football Club: Latin: Spectemur agendo (Judged by our actions)
- North Melbourne Football Club: Latin: Victoria amat curam (Victory loves the care)
- Port Adelaide Football Club: We Are Port Adelaide
- St Kilda Football Club: Latin: Fortius quo fidelius (Strength through Loyalty)
- FC Barcelona: Catalan: Més que un club (More than a club) and Catalan: Tots units fem força (All together we are strong)
- Sport Lisboa e Benfica: Latin: E Pluribus Unum (Out of many, one)
- Feyenoord Rotterdam: Dutch: Geen woorden maar daden (No words but deeds)
- S.S. Lazio: Latin: Concordia Parvae Res Crescunt (In harmony small things grew)
- Olympique de Marseille: French: Droit au but (Straight to the Goal)
- AC Milan: Italian: il club più titolato al mondo (the world's most successful club) or Italian: Forza Milan (Strength to Milan / Go Milan)
- F.C. Porto: A Vencer desde 1893 (Conquering since 1893)
- Sporting Clube de Portugal: Portuguese: Esforço, Dedicação, Devoção, Glória (Effort, dedication, devotion, glory)
- Real Madrid C.F.: Spanish: Hala Madrid y nada mas (Hail Madrid and nothing more)
United Kingdom
- Arsenal F.C.: Latin: Victoria Concordia Crescit (Victory through harmony)
- Aston Villa: Prepared
- Chelsea Football Club: Keep The Blue Flag Flying High
- Everton Football Club: Latin: Nil satis nisi optimum (Nothing but the best is good enough)
- Leeds United: Marching on Together
- Leicester City: Foxes Never Quit and #Fearless
- Llanelli Wanderers RFC: Welsh: Cyfeillach trwy Grwydro (Friendship through wandering)
- Liverpool Football Club: You'll Never Walk Alone
- Manchester City F.C.: Latin: Superbia in Proelio (Pride in battle)
- Norwich City F.C: On the Ball, City
- Queen's Park F.C.: Latin: Ludere Causa Ludendi (To play for the sake of playing)
- Rangers F.C.: Ready
- Sheffield Wednesday F.C.: Latin: Consilio et Animis (by Wisdom and Courage)
- Shrewsbury Town F.C: Latin: Floreat Salopia (May Shropshire flourish / Let Salop flourish)
- Stoke City: Latin: Vis Unita Fortior (United Strength is Stronger)
- Sunderland A.F.C.: Latin: Consectatio Excellentiae (In pursuit of excellence)
- Tottenham Hotspur: Latin: Audere est Facere (To dare is to do)
- Chechen Resistance: Ojal ya Marsho (Chechen: Freedom or death)
- Christian Democracy (Italy): Libertas
- Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (Cuba): ¡En cada barrio, Revolución! (Spanish: In every neighborhood, Revolution!)
- ETA: Bietan jarrai (Basque: Keep up on both)
- Industrial Workers of the World: An injury to one is an injury to all
- La Francophonie: égalité, complémentarité, solidarité (equality, complementarity, and solidarity).
- Liberal Party of the Philippines: Noon at Ngayon, Liberal Marangal (Past and present, honorable Liberal)
- Muslim Brotherhood: Allah Akbar, Wa Lellah Al Hamd (God is greater, thanks to God)
- Nacionalista Party: Ang Bayan Higit sa Lahat (The nation above all)
- Socialistisk Folkeparti: Det ku' være så godt (Danish: It could be so good)
- Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League: One God! One Aim! One Destiny!
- Women's Institute: For Home and Country
- Women's Social and Political Union: Deeds not words
- Zapatista Army of National Liberation: Ya Basta! (Spanish: Enough already!)
Heritage and historical
- Daughters of the American Revolution: God, Home, and Country
- Sons of the American Revolution: Latin: Libertas et patria (Liberty and country)
- United Daughters of the Confederacy: Love, Live, Pray, Think, Dare
- Ahmadiyya Community: Love for All Hatred for None
- Benedictine Order: Latin: ora et labora (pray and work)
- Carmelite Order: Latin: zelo zelatus sum pro Domino Deo exercituum (I am aflame with zeal for the Lord God of Hosts)
- Cartellverband der katholischen deutschen Studentenverbindungen: Latin: In necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus caritas (In need unity, in doubt liberty, in everything charity)
- Dominican Order: Latin: Veritas (Truth), Latin: Laudare, Benedicere, Praedicare (Praise, bless, preach)
- K.A.V. Lovania Leuven: Latin: Semper Excelsius (Always do your best); German: Der Geist lebt in uns allen (The Spirit lives in us all)
- Khuddam-ul Ahmadiyya: A Nation cannot be reformed without the reformation of its youth
- Knights Hospitaller: Latin: Tuitio Fidei et Obsequium Pauperum (Support the faithful and serve the poor)
- Knights Templar: Latin: Non nobis Domine, non nobis; sed Nomini tuo da gloriam (Not to us, Lord, not to us ; but your name give glory)
- Lajna Imaillah: No nation can progress without educating their women
- Philippine Independent Church: Latin: Pro Deo Et Patria (For God and country)
- Pontificate of Pope Pius XII: Latin: opus iustitiae pax (peace is the fruit of justice)
- Pontificate of Pope Francis: Latin: Miserando Atque Eligendo (by having mercy and by choosing)
- Salvation Army: Blood and Fire
- Society of Jesus: Latin: Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (For the greater glory of God)
- United Church of Christ: That they may all be one.[2]
- United Methodist Church: Open hearts, Open minds, Open doors
- Audi: Vorsprung durch Technik (Literally: Advantage through technology, Figuratively: The technical edge)
- BBC: Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation
- Harrods: Omnia Omnibus Ubique (All Things, For All People, Everywhere)
- IdentLogic Systems: Latin: Ille qui meritus est praemium habeat ( Let him who has earned it bear the reward)
- Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer: Latin: Ars Gratia Artis (Art for art's sake)
- Royal Mail Lines: Latin: Per mare ubique (Everywhere by sea)
Mediaeval nobility
Famous mottos, usually deliberately cryptic, adopted during the age of chivalry and courtly love by great noblemen and ladies include:
- À Mon Seul Désir, appearing on The Lady and the Unicorn tapestry made in Paris circa 1500;
- Me Sovent Sovant, Lady Margaret Beaufort (1441/3-1509) (Souvent me souviens, "Often I remember") which was adopted by St John's College, Cambridge, founded by her;
- A Vous Entier John of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Bedford (1389-1435);
- Le Temps Venra Jean de Berry (1340-1416)
- Le Bon Temps Viendra, ("the right time will come") Bourchier family;
- Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense, King Edward III (ruled 1327-1377) of England, motto of the Order of the Garter (1348);
- J'en Garde un Leal, Anne Malet de Graville ((1490?–1540?))
- British monarchy (Plantagenet): French: Dieu Et Mon Droit: (God and my right / God and my right shall me defend)
- Greek royal family : Greek: Ἰσχύς μου ἡ ἀγάπη τοῦ λαοῦ (People's love, my strength)
- Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, House of Romania : Latin: Nihil Sine Deo (Nothing without God)
- Pahlavi dynasty : Persian: مرا داد فرمود و خود داور است (Justice He [God] bids me do, as He will judge me)
- Rothschild family: Latin: Concordia, Integritas, Industria (Unity, integrity, diligence)
- House of Savoy: FERT
- Royal mottos of Danish monarchs
- List of Norwegian monarchs' mottos
- Royal mottos of Swedish monarchs
- American Board of Ophthalmology: Latin: Ex Obscuris Lux (From darkness, light)
- Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland: Latin: In somno securitas (In sleep there is safety)
- Association of Veterinary Surgeons in Bulgaria: Latin: Culter in manu sapienti vitam dat (A scalpel in a wise hand gives life)
- Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland: Latin: omnes ab omnibus discamus (Let us learn all things from everybody)
- Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists: Latin: Corpus curare spiritumque (To care for the body and its breath of life)
- Australian College of Pharmacy: Education for Practice and Management
- Canadian Association of General Surgeons: Latin: Sapientia Manaque Apta (Wisdom and a skillful hand)
- Canadian Orthopaedic Association: Latin: Pietate, Arte et Scientia Corrigere (With compassion, skill and knowledge we correct, straighten or set right)
- Grant Medical College, Mumbai, India. Mens sana in corpora sano (Latin: Healthy mind in a healthy body)
- Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons: Latin: Vincat Scientia Morbos (Let knowledge conquer disease)
- Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists: Excellence in women's health
- Royal College of Anaesthetists: Latin: Divinum sedare dolorem (It is divine to alleviate pain / Divine is the effort to conquer pain)
- Royal College of General Practitioners: Latin: Cum Scientia Caritas (Scientific knowledge applied with compassion)
- Royal College of Midwives: Latin: Vita donum Dei (Life is the gift of God)
- Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists: Latin: Super Ardua (Let us overcome our difficulties)
- Royal College of Ophthalmologists: Latin: Ut Omnes Videant (So that all may see)
- Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health: Latin: Hereditas Domini filii (Children are a heritage from the Lord)
- Royal College of Psychiatrists: Let Wisdom Guide
- Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland: Latin: Consilio Manuque (Scholarship and dexterity)
- Royal Pharmaceutical Society: Latin: Habenda ratio valetudinis (We must pay attention to our health)
- Walter Reed Tropical Medicine Course: Safiri Salama (Swahili: Travel safely)
- ZAKA: Hessed Shel Emet (True kindness)
- Association of Trust Schools: Latin: Ad Susceptum Perficiendum (In order to achieve what has been undertaken)
- Glasgow Filmmakers Alliance: Whatever the weather, we stand together
- International Thespian Society: Act well your part. There all the honor lies
- Linux Foundation: Open your source, Open your mind
- The Boondock Saints: Latin: Aequitas et Veritas, alternately Veritas et Aequitas (Truth and justice / Honesty and equality)
- The Red Green Show: Quando omni flunkus moritati (Pseudo-Latin When all else fails, play dead)
Military and governmental
- Irish Army Cavalry Corps: Through the mud and blood to the green fields beyond
- Apollo 13: Latin: Ex luna, scientia (From the Moon, knowledge)
- British Special Air Service: Who Dares Wins
- Indian Army: Naam, Namak, Nishan (Be honourable, true to your salt, and uphold the flag)
- Indian Army Medical Corps: Sarve Santu Niramaya (Everyone should remain healthy, good health for all)
- National Security Agency (NSA): Defending Our Nation, Securing The Future
- Ontario Regiment of Canada: Canadian Armed Forces Armoured Reserve Regiment: Latin: Fidelus Paradus (Faithful and prepared)
- Pakistan Army: Iman, Taqwa, Jihad Fi Sabil-illah, Men at their Best. (Faith, piety, struggle in the way of Almighty Allah, men at their best)
- Philippine National Police: We Serve and Protect
- Royal Air Force (United Kingdom): Latin: Per Ardua Ad Astra (Through adversity to the stars)
- Royal Marines (United Kingdom): Latin: Per Mare, Per Terram (By sea, by land)
- Household Division (United Kingdom): Latin: Septem Juncta in Uno (Seven joined in one)
- United States Coast Guard (USCG): Latin: Semper Paratus (Always ready)
- United States Coast Guard Life-Saving Service (USCG LSS): You have to go out, but you don't have to come back[3]
- United States Marine Corps (USMC): Latin: Semper Fidelis (Always faithful)
- United States Military Academy: Duty, Honor, Country
- US Air Force Pararescue: That Others May Live
- United States Army: This We'll Defend
- Spanish Light Armoured Cavalry Regiment Santiago No 1 : Latin: Pes meus stetit in directo[4] (My foot has stood in the right way/direction (or in uprightness; in integrity )
- United States Secret Service: Worthy Of Trust and Confidence
- Order of Canada: Latin: Desiderantes Melioram Patriam (They desired a better land)
- Order of Military Merit (Canada): Latin: Officio ante Commodum (Service before self)
- Legion of Honour (France): French: Honneur et Patrie (Honour and Fatherland)
- Order of Charles III (Spain): Latin: Virtuti et Merito (By virtue and merit)
- Order of the Crown (Belgium): French: Travail et Progrès (Work and Progress)
- Order of the Cross of Liberty (Finland): Finnish: Isänmaan Puolesta (For the Fatherland)
- Order of the Dannebrog (Denmark): Danish: Gud og Kongen (God and the King)
- Order of the Elephant (Denmark): Latin: Magnanimi Pretium (The prize of greatness)
- Order of the Golden Fleece (Spanish version): Latin: Ante ferit quam flamma micet (Strike before they see the flame)
- Order of the House of Orange (Netherlands): French: Je Maintiendrai (I will maintain)
- Order of Leopold (Belgium): French: L'Union Fait La Force (Union makes strength)
- Order of Leopold II (Belgium): French: L'Union Fait La Force (Union makes strength)
- Order of Merit for the Fatherland (Russia): Russian: Polza, chest i slava (Benefit, honour and glory)
- Order of the Netherlands Lion: Latin: Virtus Nobilitat (Power ennobles)
- Order of Orange-Nassau: French: Je Maintiendrai (I will maintain)
- Order of the Polar Star (Sweden): Latin: Nescit Occasum (It knows no decline)
- Order of Saint Andrew (Russia): Russian: Za Veru i Vernost (For faith and loyalty)
- Order of St. George (Russia): Russian: Za Sluzhbu i Khrabrost (For service and bravery)
- Order of St. Olav (Norway): Norwegian: Ret og Sandhed (Justice and truth)
- Order of the Seraphim (Sweden): Latin: Iesus Hominum Salvator (Jesus, saviour of men)
- Order of the Star of Romania: Latin: In Fide Salus (In Faith is the Salvation)
- Order of the Tower and Sword (Portugal): Portuguese: Valor, Lealdade e Mérito (Valour, Loyalty and Merit)
- Order of the White Eagle (Poland): Polish: Za Ojczyznę i Naród (For Fatherland and Nation)
- Order of the White Lion (Czech Republic): Czech: Pravda Vítězí (Truth Prevails)
- Order of the White Rose of Finland: Finnish: Isänmaan hyväksi (For the Well-Being of the Fatherland)
Holy See
- Order of Pius IX: Latin: Virtuti et Merito (By virtue and merit)
- Order of St. Gregory the Great: Latin: Pro Deo et Principe (For God and Prince)
- Order of St. Sylvester: Latin: Multum in Parvo (Much in a small space)
United Kingdom
- George Cross: For Gallantry[5]
- Order of the Bath: Latin: Tria Juncta In Uno (Three joined in one)[5]
- Order of the Garter: French: Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense (Shame be to him who thinks evil of it)[5]
- Order of Merit: For Merit[5]
- Order of St Michael and St George: Latin: Auspicium Melioris Aevi (Hope of a better age)[5]
- Order of the Thistle: Latin: Nemo Me Impune Lacessit (No-one injures me with impunity)[5]
- Royal Victorian Order: Victoria[5]
- Victoria Cross: For Valour[5]
Northern Territory
- Darwin, Northern Territory: Latin: Progrediamur (Let us go forward)
Western Australia
- City of Perth: Latin: Floreat (Prosper)
New Brunswick
- Saint John: Latin: O Fortunati Quorum Jam Moenia Surgunt (O fortunate ones whose walls are now rising / O happy they, whose promised walls already rise)
- Montreal: Latin: Concordia Salus (Salvation through harmony)
- Province of Quebec: French: Je me souviens (I remember)
- Quebec City, Quebec: French: Don de Dieu feray valoir (I shall put God's gift to good use)
- Amsterdam: Dutch: Heldhaftig, Vastberaden, Barmhartig (Valiant, Steadfast, Compassionate)
- Bordeaux: Latin: Lilia sola regunt lunam undas castra leonem (The fleur-de-lis alone rules over the moon, the waves, the castle, and the lion)
- Brescia: Latin: Brixia fidelis (Brescia faithful)
- Bucharest: Romanian: Patria și Dreptul Meu (The Homeland and my right)
- Douglas: Manx: Kiannoortys cheusthie jeh Kiannoortys (Government within a government)
- Frankfurt: German: Stark im Recht (Strong in justice)
- Gdańsk: Latin: Nec temere, nec timide (Neither rashly nor timidly)
- Gdynia: Polish: Gdynia—miasto z morza i marzeń (Gdynia—a city built of sea and dreams)
- Genoa: Latin: Libertas (Liberty)
- Kaunas: Latin: Diligite justitiam qui judicatis terram (Love justice, landlords)
- Łódź: Latin: Ex navicula navis (Big boat out of a small one)
- Madrid: Spanish: Fui sobre agua edificada, mis muros de fuego son. Esta es mi insignia y blasón (On water I was built, My walls are made of fire, this is my ensign and escutcheon)
- Marseille: Latin: Actibus immensis urbs fulget Massiliensis (By her great deeds, Marseille shines in the world)
- Nancy, France: Latin: Non inultus premor (I'm not touched with impunity)
- Nantes: Latin: Favet Neptunus Eunti (Neptune favours the traveller)
- Nice: Latin: Nicaea Civitas (City of Nice)
- Oporto, Portugal: Portuguese: Antiga, mui nobre e sempre leal, Invicta cidade do Porto (Antique, highly noble, always faithful, unvanquished Oporto City)
- Paris: Latin: Fluctuat nec mergitur (Tossed by the waves, she does not founder)
- Prague: Latin: Praga caput rei publicae (Prague, head of the republic). Formerly: Praga caput regnum (Prague, head of the kingdom)
- Rotterdam: Dutch: Sterker door strijd (Stronger by struggle)
- Seville: Spanish: No me ha dejado (written NO8DO) (It [Seville] has not abandoned me)
- Sofia: Raste, no ne staree (Bulgarian: Grows, but does not age)
- The Hague: Dutch: Vrede en recht (Peace and Justice)
- Toulon: Latin: Concordia parva crescunt (Small things increase by concord)
- Valletta: Italian: Città Umilissima (The most humble city)
- Vilnius: Latin: Unitas, Justitia, Spes (Unity, justice, hope)
- Warsaw: Latin: Contemnit procellas (It defies the storms), Semper invicta (Always invincible)
- Żebbuġ, Malta: Latin: Semper Virens (Evergreen)
- Jakarta: Jaya Raya (Victory and glorious)
- Bandung: Gemah Ripah Wibawa Mukti (rich soil, prosperous people)
- Rarasing Rasa Wiwaraning Praja, a Javanese sengkala, (referring to the year of 1966), people's harmonious feeling for entering a gate of prosperity
- Karawang: Pangkal Perjuangan (Struggle starting point)
- Bali: Bali Dwipa Jaya (Glorious Bali Island)
- Kolkatta (Calcutta): Purosree Bibardhan (Bengali: Progress of the city)
- Mumbai: Yato Dharmastato Jaya (यतो धर्मस्ततो जय) (Sanskrit: Where there is righteousness, there shall be victory). Pre-independence motto: Urbs Primis in Indis (India's first city)
- Kerala: Ever To Be The Best (Tolins World School)
- Tamil Nadu வாய்மையே வெல்லும் (Tamil) (Truth alone triumphs)
Republic of Ireland
- Cork: Latin: Statio Bene Fida Carinis (A safe harbour for ships)
- Dublin: Latin: Obedientia Civium Urbis Felicitas (Happy the city where citizens obey)
- Dún Laoghaire: Ó Chuan go Sliabh (From the harbour to the mountain)
- Limerick: Latin: Urbs Antiqua Fuit Studiisque Asperrima Belli (An ancient city well versed in the arts of war)
- Waterford: Latin: Urbs Intacta Manet Waterfordia (Waterford remains the untaken city)
Latin America
- Nuevo Leon, Mexico: Latin: Semper Ascendens (Always ascending)
- São Paulo: Latin: Non ducor, duco (I am not led, I lead)
New Zealand
- Auckland: Advance[6]
- Christchurch: Latin: Fide Condita, Fructu Beata, Spe Fortis (Founded in Faith, Rich in the Fulfillment thereof, Strong in Hope for the Future).
- Dunedin: Latin: Maiorum Institutis Utendo (By following in the footsteps of our forefathers)
- Nelson, New Zealand: Latin: Palmam qui meruit ferat (Let him, who has earned it, bear the palm)
- Wellington: Latin: Suprema a Situ (Supreme by position)
- Aylesbury Vale: Latin: Concordia prorsum (Forward in harmony)[7]
- Chiltern: Freely we serve[7]
- High Wycombe: Latin: Industria ditat (Industry enriches)[8]
- Milton Keynes: By knowledge, design, and understanding[7]
- South Buckinghamshire: Latin: Consillo et animis (By counsel and courage)[7]
- Huntingdonshire:Labore omnia florent (Latin: By labour everything prospers)[9]
- Peterborough: Upon this rock[9]
- South Cambridgeshire: Dutch: Niet zonder arbyt (Not without work)[9]
- Benfleet: Latin: Societas florebit (Fellowship will blossom)
- Braintree: By wisdom and foresight[9]
- Brentwood: Latin: Ardens Fide (burning with faith)[9]
- Canvey Island: Latin: Ex Mare Dei Gratia (From the sea by the grace of God)[9]
- Chelmsford: Many minds, one heart[9]
- Colchester: No Cross, no Crown[9]
- Great Dunmow: May Dunmow prosper[9]
- Halstead: Latin: Consilio et Prudentia (By wisdom and foresight)[9]
- Harwich: Latin: Omnia Bona Bonis (To the good all things are good)[9]
- Harlow: In Common Endeavour[9]
- Leigh-on-Sea: Latin: Lux Salubritas Felicitas (Light, health, happiness)
- Maldon: Vision, courage, integrity[9]
- Rayleigh: Latin: In Reliquom Laboramus (We work for the future)
- Rochford: Our heritage, our future[9]
- Southend-on-Sea: Latin: Per Mare Per Ecclesiam (By the sea and by the church)[9]
- Thurrock: Latin: Secundum Tamesim Quovis Gentium (By the Thames to all peoples of the world)[9]
- Waltham Abbey: Latin: Sanctae Nomine Crucis (By the name of the Holy Cross)[9]
- Cheltenham: Latin: Salubritas et eruditio (Health and education)
- Cirencester: Latin: Corinium floreat (May Corinium (Cirencester) flourish)
- Cotswold District: United we serve
- Gloucester: Latin: Fides invicta triumphat (Unconquered faith triumphs)
- Gloucestershire: Latin: Prorsum semper (Ever forwards)
- Tewkesbury Borough: Latin: In consilio sapientia (There is wisdom in counsel)
Greater London
- Barking and Dagenham: Latin: Dei Gratia Probemur Rebus (By the grace of God, let us be judged by our acts)[12]
- Barnet: Latin: Unitas Efficit Ministerium (Unity makes service)[12]
- Bexley: Boldly and Rightly[12]
- Brent: Forward Together[12]
- Bromley: Latin: Servire Populo (To serve the people)[12]
- Camden: Latin: Non Sibi sed Toti (Not for oneself, but for all)[12]
- Croydon: Latin: Ad Summa Nitamur (Let us strive after perfection)[12]
- Ealing: Progress With Unity[12]
- Enfield: By Industry Ever Stronger[12]
- Greenwich: We Govern by Serving[12]
- Hammersmith and Fulham: Latin: Spectemur Agendo (Let us be regarded according to our conduct)[12]
- Haringey: Progress With Humanity[12]
- Harrow: Latin: Salus Populi Suprema Lex (The health of the people is the supreme law)[12]
- Havering: Liberty[12]
- Hillingdon: Forward[12]
- Hounslow: Latin: Iuncti Progrediamur (Let us progress together)[12]
- Islington: We Serve[12]
- Kensington and Chelsea: Latin: Quam Bonum In Unum Habitare (What a good thing it is to dwell together in unity)[12]
- Lambeth: Latin: Spectemur Agendo (Let us be regarded according to our conduct)[12]
- Lewisham: Latin: Salus Populi Suprema Lex (The health of the people is the supreme law)[12]
- Merton: Stand Fast In Honour And Strength[12]
- Newham: Progress with the People[12]
- Redbridge: In Unity Progress[12]
- Southwark: United to Serve[12]
- Sutton: Latin: Per ardua in fide servite Deo (through difficulties serve God in faith)[12]
- Tower Hamlets: From Great Things to Greater[12]
- Waltham Forest: Fellowship Is Life[12]
- Wandsworth: We Serve[12]
- Westminster: Latin: Custodi Civitatem Domine (Guard the city, O Lord)[12]
Greater Manchester
- Bolton: Latin: Supera moras (Overcome difficulties)[14]
- Bury: Forward in unity[14]
- Manchester: Latin: Concilio et Labore (By counsel and labour)[14]
- Oldham: Latin: Sapere aude (Have courage to be wise)[14]
- Stockport: Latin: Animo et fide ( With courage and faith)[14]
- Tameside: Industry and integrity[14]
- Trafford: Hold fast that which is good[14]
- Wigan: Ancient and Loyal[14]
- New Forest: Old Yet Ever New
- Portsmouth: Heaven's Light Our Guide
- Romsey: Quae Recta Tene
- Rushmoor: Strength in Unity
- Test Valley: Latin: Deo Teste Valeamus (With God as our witness, let us be strong)
- Broxbourne: Latin: Cor Unum, Via Una (One heart, one way)[7]
- Dacorum: The Borough of Dacorum[7]
- Hertsmere: Do Well And Fear Not[7]
- North Hertfordshire: Memores Acti, Prudentes Futuri[7]
- Stevenage: The Heart of a Town Lies in its People[7]
- Watford: Latin: Audentior (Bolder)[7]
- Welwyn Hatfield: By Wisdom And Design[7]
- Ashford: With Stronger Faith[15]
- Canterbury: Latin: Ave Mater Angliae (Hail, Mother England)[15]
- Dartford: Latin: Floreat Dartford (Let Dartford Flourish)[15]
- Folkestone and Hythe: Latin: Amoenitas et Salubritas (Delightfulness and healthiness)[15]
- Maidstone: Agriculture and Commerce[15]
- Medway: Forward Together[15]
- Swale: Known by their Fruits[15]
- Tonbridge and Malling: Forward in Unison[15]
- Tunbridge Wells: Do Well Doubt Not[15]
- Blackburn: Latin: Arte et Labore (By art and labour)[14]
- Blackpool: Progress[14]
- Burnley: Hold to the truth[14]
- Chorley: Be aware[14]
- Fylde: Latin: Gaudeat ager (Let the field rejoice)[14]
- Hyndburn: By industry and prudence[14]
- Lancashire: Latin: In consilio consilium (In counsel is wisdom)[14]
- Lancaster: Luck to loyne[14]
- Pendle: Latin: In unitate florescemus (In unity we increasingly flourish)[14]
- Rossendale: Prosperity through endeavour[14]
- South Ribble: Progress with humanity[14]
- West Lancashire: Salus populi suprema lex Latin: The well-being of the people is the supreme law)[14]
- Wyre: Latin: Utraque parte fluminis (On either side of the river)[14]
- Mablethorpe: Latin: Amoeniora Litora Nostra (Our shores are more delightful) [1]
- Norwich: Do different
- Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Latin: Fortiter Defendit Triumphans (Triumph by brave defence) [5]
- Elmbridge: Latin: Dum Defluant Amnes (Until the rivers cease to flow)[15]
- Epsom and Ewell: None Such[15]
- Guildford: Latin: Fortiter et Fideliter (Bravely and faithfully)[15]
- Mole Valley: Latin: Ministrando Vigilans (Vigilant in our serving)[15]
- Spelthorne: Latin: Ad Solem Prospicimus (We look towards the Sun)[15]
- Surrey Heath: Latin: Festina Diligenter (Make haste carefully)[15]
- Tandridge: Latin: Concordia (Harmony)[15]
- Reigate and Banstead: Never Wonne Ne Never Shall[15]
- Runnymede: In Freedom We Serve[15]
- Waverley: Latin: Oppida Rusque Una (Town and countryside in unity)[15]
- Woking: Latin: Fide et Diligentia (In faith and diligence)[15]
- Brighton and Hove: Latin: Inter Undas et Colles Floremus (Between sea and downs we flourish)[15]
- Crawley: I Grow and I Rejoice[15]
- Eastbourne: Latin: Meliora Sequimur (We follow the better things)[15]
- Horsham: Proudly We Serve[15]
- Mid Sussex: Latin: Salus Populi Suprema Lex (The good of the people comes first)[15]
- Wealden: Latin: Interiora Ruris (Rural interior)[15]
- Worthing: Latin: Ex Terra Copiam e Mari Salutem (From the land, fullness; from the sea, health)[15]
- Bradford: Progress, Industry, Humanity[17]
- Calderdale: Latin: Industria Arte Prudentia (Industry, Skill, Foresight)[18]
- Leeds: Latin: Pro Rege et Lege (For the king and the law)[19]
- Rotherham: By Industry and Honour[20]
- Sheffield: Latin: Deo Adjuvante, Labor Proficit (With God's help, our work is successful)[21]
- Wakefield: Persevere and Prosper[22]
- Aberdeen: French: Bon Accord ( Good agreement)[23]
- Arbroath: Propter libertatem (Latin: For Freedom)[24]
- Braemar: Scots: Mak Siccar (Make sure)[25]
- Clydebank: Latin: Labore et Scientia (By work and by knowledge)[26]
- Dingwall: Salve corona[27]
- Duns: Scots: Duns Dings Aw (Duns beats all)
- East Kilbride: Prosper but Dreid
- Edinburgh: Nisi Dominus frustra (Latin: Except the Lord [keep the city, the watchman waketh] in vain. Psalm 127)
- Falkirk: Scots: Touch Ane, Touch Aw - Better meddle wi the Deil than the bairns o Fawkirk (Strike one, strike all - easier fight with the devil than the children of Falkirk)
- Forfar: Ut quocunque paratus
- Galashiels: Scots: Soor Ploums (Sour Plums)
- Glasgow: Let Glasgow Flourish
- Irvine: Latin: Tandem bona causa triumphat (The good cause triumphs in the end)
- Jedburgh: Latin: Strenue et Prospere (With vigour and success)
- Kelso: Scots: Dae Richt - Fear Nocht (Do right — fear nought)
- Kinross: Scots: Siccar (Sure)
- Lerwick: Dispecta est et Thule
- Orkney Islands: Boreas domus mare amicus (Latin: The North our home, the sea our friend)[28]
- Perth: Latin: Pro Rege, Lege et Grege (For the King, the Law and the People)
- Port Glasgow: Latin: Ter et Quarter anno Revisens Aequor Atlanticum Impune (Three and four times a year revisiting the Atlantic with impunity)
- Rosehearty: Scots: Tyauve awa Rosehearty (Strive always, Rosehearty)
- St Andrews: Latin: Dum spiro spero (While I breathe I hope)
- Selkirk: At spreta incolumem vita defendere famam
- Shetland Islands: Með lögum skal land byggja (Old Norse: By law shall the land be built up)[29]
- Thurso: Scots: Wark tae God (Walk towards God)
County Antrim
- Antrim: Per Angusta ad Augusta
- Ballyclare: Latin: Industria et Probitate (By work and integrity)
- Ballymoney: Goodwill to all People
- Belfast: Latin: Pro tanto quid retribuamus (What shall we give in return for so much)
- Carrickfergus: Latin: Gloria Prisca Novatur (The glory of the Old made New)
- Larne: Latin: Falce Marique Potens (Powerful With the Sickle and on the Sea)
- Lisburn: Latin: Ex Igne Resurgam (I will arise from the fire)
- Newtownabbey: Latin: Multi in uno resurgent (Multi in uno resurgent)
County Fermanagh
- Enniskillen: Ut proavi in Deo confidemus
- Fermanagh: Feor Magh Eanagh
- Cardiff: Y Ddraig Goch Ddyry Cychwyn (Welsh: The red dragon leads the way)
- Merthyr Tydfil: Nid Cadern Ond Brodyrdde (Welsh: No strength but in fellowship)
- Llandudno: Hardd Hafan Hedd (Welsh: Beautiful haven of peace)
- Newport: Terra Marique (By land and sea)
United States
- Adelanto: Progress through unity
- Alameda: Prosperitas terra mari que (Prosperity from the land and sea)[30]
- Banning: Proud History, Prosperous Tomorrow
- Berkeley: Westward the course of empire takes its way; / The first four Acts already past, / A fifth shall close the Drama with the day; / Time's noblest offspring is the last.
- Carson: Future Unlimited
- Ceres: Together We Achieve
- Del Mar: Multum in parvis (Much in little)[31]
- Downey: Future Unlimited
- Eastvale: Family, Community, Diversity
- El Centro: Shining with Opportunity
- Eureka: Eureka (I have found it)
- Garden Grove: Absit invidia (Let envy be absent)Gardena: Freeway City
- Half Moon Bay: Vivir, trabajar, jugar (Live, work, play)
- Hanford: Planning Tomorrows
- Kerman: Community Comes First
- Lanare: Building from the Ground Up
- Manhattan Beach: Sun, Sand, Sea
- Millbrae: A Place in the Sun
- Monterey: Anda (Onward)[32]
- Ontario: Balanced Community
- Orange Cove: Honoring Our Past, Embracing Our Future, Come Grow With Us; In God We Trust
- Paradise: In Harmony with Nature
- Redwood City: Climate Best by Government Test[33]
- Rialto: Bridge to Progress
- San Diego: Semper vigilans (Always vigilant)
- San Francisco: Oro en Paz, Fierro en Guerra (Gold in peace, iron in war)
- Santa Fe Springs: Salus populi suprema lex exto (Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law)
- Upland: Madonna of the Trail
- Palm Bay: A Perfect Place to Grow
- East Chicago: Progredemur (We progress)
- Fort Wayne: Ke-ki-on-ga
- Hammond: Land of Calumet
- South Bend: Peace
- Valparaiso: Vale of Paradise
- State of Iowa: Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain
- Campbellsville: Urbs progrediens media in civitate (City in the middle of the commonwealth)
- Commonwealth of Massachusetts: Latin: Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem (By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty)
- Boston: Latin: Sicut patribus sit deus nobis (God be with us as He was with our fathers)
- Somerville: Municipal Freedom Gives National Strength
- Baltimore: Believe
- Detroit: Latin: Speramus meliora; resurget cineribus (We hope for better things; it will rise from the ashes)
- Grand Rapids: Latin: Motu Viget (strength in activity)
- Minneapolis: En Avant (Forward)
North Carolina
- North Carolina State Motto: Latin: Esse quam videri (To be rather than to seem)
- Centerville: Progress, Stability
- Chillicothe: Primum capitolium Ohioensis (Ohio's first capital)
- Cincinnati: Juncta juvant (Unity assists)
- Cleveland: Progress & Prosperity
- Coldwater: The family is our most important product
- Dublin: where yesterday meets tomorrow
- Fairborn: Tradition, Innovation
- Obetz: For Work, For Play, For Everyone
- Parma: Progress Through Partnerships
- Reading: Wir Tun Unser Bestes (We Try Our Best)
- St. Marys: Where Living is a Pleasure; Urbs inter agros (City amid fields)
- Streetsboro: Gateway to Progress
- Toledo: Laborare est orare (To work is to pray)
- Union: Sheets Rifle
- Oregon State Motto: She flies with her own wings[34]
- Portland, Oregon: The City that Works[35]
- Philadelphia: Latin: Philadelphia maneto (Let brotherly love continue)
- Austin, Texas: Friendship
- Virginia State Motto: Latin: Sic semper tyrannus (Thus always to tyrants)
- Richmond, Virginia: Latin: Sic Itur Ad Astra (Such is the way to the Stars)
British counties
- Bedfordshire: Constant Be
- Buckinghamshire: Latin: Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum (No stepping back)
- Cambridgeshire: Latin: Per undas, per agros (Through waves, through fields)
- Cheshire: Latin: Jure et dignitate gladii (By the right and dignity of the sword)
- Cornwall: Cornish: Onen Hag Oll (One and all)
- Cumberland: Latin: Perfero (I carry through)
- Derbyshire: Latin: Bene consulendo (By good counsel)
- Devon: Latin: Auxilio Divino (By divine aid)
- Durham:
- Dorset: Who's Afear'd
- Essex:
- Gloucestershire: Latin: Prorsum Semper (Ever forward)
- Hants:
- Herefordshire: Latin: Pulchra Terra Dei Donum (This fair land is the gift of God)
- Hertfordshire: Trust and fear not
- Huntingdonshire: Latin: Labore Omnia Florent (By work everything flourishes)
- Kent: Latin: Invicta (Unconquered)
- Lancashire: Latin: In Concilio Consilium (In counsel is wisdom)
- Leicestershire: For'ard For'ard
- Lincolnshire: Latin: Perseverance vincit (Perseverance conquers)
- Middlesex:
- Norfolk:
- Northamptonshire: Latin: Rosa Concordiae Signum (The Rose—Emblem of Harmony)
- Northumberland: Northumberland
- Nottinghamshire: Latin: Sapienter proficiens (Progress with wisdom)
- Oxfordshire: Latin: Sapere Aude (Dare to be wise)
- Rutland: Latin: Multum in Parvo (Much in little)
- Shropshire: Latin: Floreat Salopia (Let Salop flourish)
- Somerset: Old English: Sumorsaete ealle (All the people of Somerset)
- Staffordshire: The knot unites
- Suffolk: Latin: Opus Nostrum Dirige (Direct our work)
- Surrey:
- Sussex: We wunt be druv (Sussaxon dialect: We won't be driven)
- Warwickshire: United to serve
- Westmorland:
- Yorkshire, East Riding: Tradition and Progress
- Yorkshire, North Riding:
- Yorkshire, West Riding: Latin: Audi Consilium (Heed counsel)
- Wiltshire:
- Worcestershire:
- Bristol: Latin: Virtue et Industria (Virtue and hard work)
- Cumbria: Latin: Ad montes oculos levavi (I shall lift up mine eyes unto the mountains)
- East Sussex:
- Greater London:
- Greater Manchester: Ever Vigilant
- Isle of Wight: All this beauty is of God
- Merseyside: Unity in the Service of All
- North Yorkshire: Latin: Unitate Fortior (Stronger by union)
- South Yorkshire: Each shall strive for the Welfare of All
- Tyne and Wear:
- West Midlands: Forward in Unity
- West Sussex:
- West Yorkshire: By Effort Achieve
- Avon:
- Cleveland: Endeavour
- Hereford and Worcester:
- Humberside: United we Flourish
- Aberdeen: Bon Accord
- Angus: Scots: Lippen on Angus (Trust in Angus)
- Ayr: God Shaw the Right
- Banff: Latin: Spe et Spiritu (With hope and courage)
- Caithness: Commit thy Wark to God
- Clackmannan: Leuk aboot ye
- Dumfries:
- Dunbarton: Scottish Gaelic: Levenax (Land of the elm trees)
- East Lothian:
- Fife: Latin: Virtute et opera (By virtue and by industry)
- Inverness: Scottish Gaelic: Air son Math na Siorrachd (For the good of the county)
- Kincardine: Latin: Laus Deo (Praise to God)
- Kinross: For all Time
- Kirkcudbright:
- Lanark:
- Midlothian:
- Moray: Latin: In Spe (In hope)
- Nairn: Unite and be Mindful
- Orkney: Latin: Boreas Domus Mare Amicus (Home to the winds, friend of the sea)
- Peebles: Latin: Contra Nando Incrementum (There is increase by swimming against the stream
- Perth: Latin: Pro Lege et Libertate (For law and liberty)
- Renfrew:
- Ross and Cromarty: Dread God and Do Well
- Roxburgh: Latin: Ne Cede Malis Sed Contra Audentior Ito (Yield not to misfortunes [evil things] but go on more boldly against them)
- Selkirk:
- Stirling:
- Sutherland: Scottish Gaelic: Dluth Lean Do Dhuthchas Le Durachd (Cling to thy heritage with diligence)
- West Lothian: Aye for the Common Weal
- Wigtown:
- Zetland: Icelandic: Með Lögum Skal Land Byggja (With laws shall this land be built)
- Anglesey: Welsh: Môn Mam Cymru (Anglesey mother of Wales)
- Brecknock: Welsh: Undeb Hedd Llwyddiant (Unity, peace, prosperity)
- Caernarfon: Welsh: Cadernid Gwynedd (The strength of Gwynedd)
- Carmarthen: Welsh: Rhyddid gwerin ffyniant gwlad (A free people a prosperous country)
- Cardigan or Ceredigion: Welsh: Golud Gwlad Rhyddid (A nation's wealth is freedom)
- Denbigh: Welsh: Duw â digon (God is sufficient)
- Flint: Welsh: Gorau tarian, cyfiawnder (The best shield is justice)
- Glamorgan: Welsh: A ddioddefws a orfu (He that endureth, overcometh)
- Merioneth or Merionydd: Welsh: Tra Mor Tra Meirion (While the sea lasts, so shall Merionethshire)
- Monmouth: Latin: Utrique fidelis (Faithful to both)
- Montgomery: Welsh: Powys paradwys Cymru (Powys paradise of Wales)
- Pembroke: Latin: Ex unitate vires (Out of unity is strength)
- Radnor: Welsh: Ewch yn Uwch (Higher and higher)
- Clwyd: Welsh: Tarian cyfiawnder Duw (The shield of justice is God)
- Dyfed: Welsh: Rhyddid Gwerin Ffyniant Gwlad (A free people, a prosperous country) - as Carmarthenshire
- Gwent: Latin: Utrique fidelis (Faithful to both) - as Monmouthshire
- Gwynedd: Welsh: Cadernid Gwynedd (The strength of Gwynedd) - as Caernarfonshire
- Mid Glamorgan: Welsh: A Ddioddefws a Orfu (He who suffers, conquers) - as Glamorgan
- Powys: Welsh: Undeb A Rhyddid (Unity and freedom)
- South Glamorgan: Welsh: Y Ddinas a'r Fro (The city and the vale)
- West Glamorgan: Welsh: Cardarn pob Cyfiawn (The just are strong)
Educational institutions
See also
- List of U.S. state and territory mottos
- List of national mottos
- List of university and college mottos
- List of sundial mottos
- List of United States Armed Forces unit mottoes
- Category:Latin mottos
- Category:Lists of mottos
- "What is the United Church of Christ?". Retrieved 30 September 2018.
- "Coast Guard History". United States Coast Guard. 2016-12-21.
- "Pes meus stetit in directo - Heraldic motto". Retrieved 2020-07-03.
- Mackinnon of Dunakin, Charles (1968). Observer's Book of Heraldry. Frederick Warne & Co. retrieved 10 November 2013.
- David Thorns and Ben Schrader, 'City history and people - Towns to cities', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 21 January 2019)
- "Thames Valley and Chiltern Area". Robert Young. Retrieved 2016-11-10.
- "Mayor of Wycombe". History of Wycombe's Swan. Mayor of Wycombe. Archived from the original on 2017-03-13. Retrieved 2016-11-10.
- "East Anglia Essex". Civic Heraldry. Robert Young. Archived from the original on 2009-08-28. Retrieved 2016-11-10.
- "Chester - Coat of arms (crest) of Chester". Retrieved 30 September 2018.
- By the right and dignity of the Sword
- "Greater London". Civic Heraldry. Robert Young. Retrieved 2016-12-28.
- "Cornwall and Wessex". Civic Heraldry. Robert Young. Archived from the original on 2016-11-20. Retrieved 2016-12-10.
- "Cumbria and the Palatine Counties". Civic Heraldry. Robert Young. Retrieved 2016-11-10.
- "Weald and Downs". Civic Heraldry. Robert Young. Retrieved 2016-12-28.
- "Liverpool (England)". Retrieved 2015-12-08.
- "Bradford". Retrieved 2015-12-08.
- "Calderdale's coat of arms". Retrieved 2018-04-21.
- "Leeds". Retrieved 2015-12-08.
- "Rotherham". Retrieved 2015-12-08.
- "Sheffield". Retrieved 2015-12-08.
- "Wakefield". Retrieved 2015-12-08.
- "Aberdeen". Retrieved 2015-12-08.
- "Arbroath". Retrieved 2015-12-08.
- "Braemar". Retrieved 2015-12-08.
- "Clydebank". Retrieved 2015-12-08.
- "Dingwall". Retrieved 2015-12-08.
- "Orkney". Retrieved 2017-01-26.
- "Shetland". Retrieved 2017-01-26.
- "About City Hall". City of Alameda. Retrieved May 14, 2018.
- Haydu, Lee (November 19, 2014). (PDF). Letter to John Laird. City of Del Mar, California Retrieved May 14, 2018. Missing or empty
(help) - "City Seal and Flag". City of Monterey, California. Retrieved May 14, 2018.
- ""Business Climate Best by Government Test" City Puts a Spotlight on Economic Development". Redwood City. October 31, 2011. Archived from the original on February 13, 2015. Retrieved February 12, 2015.
- "State Symbols: Flag to Motto". Oregon Blue Book. Retrieved 13 October 2017.
- "City Slogan". City of Portland. City of Portland Archives & Records Management. Retrieved 13 October 2017.
External links
- Mottos in heraldry (over 2000)
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