Index of chemistry articles
Chemistry (from Egyptian kēme (chem), meaning "earth"[1]) is the physical science concerned with the composition, structure, and properties of matter, as well as the changes it undergoes during chemical reactions.[2]
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Chemistry |
Below is a list of chemistry-related articles. Chemical compounds are listed separately at list of organic compounds, list of inorganic compounds or list of biomolecules.
- Abichite
- Acetaldehyde
- Acetaminophen
- Acetic acid
- Acetone
- acetyl
- Acetylcholine
- Acetylene
- acid
- Acrylamide
- Actinide
- Actinium
- Actinolite
- Activation energy
- Adolf Friedrich Johann Butenandt
- Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus
- Adolph Wilhelm Hermann Kolbe
- Agate
- Ahmed H. Zewail
- Alabaster
- Alan G MacDiarmid
- Alan J Heeger
- Albertus Magnus
- Albite
- alchemical symbol
- alchemist
- Alchemy
- alcohol
- aldehyde
- Alexandrite
- Alfred Stock
- Alfred Werner
- alicyclic compound
- aliphatic compound
- Alkali
- Alkali metal
- Alkaline earth
- alkane
- alkene
- Allingite
- allotrope
- Allotropy
- alloy
- Alum
- Aluminium
- Aluminium gallium arsenide
- Aluminium oxide
- Alunite
- Alvite
- amalgams
- Amazonite
- Amber
- Amblygonite
- Amedeo Avogadro
- Americium
- Amethyst
- amide
- amine
- amino acid
- Ammonia
- ammonium
- Ammonium nitrate
- Ammonium perchlorate
- Amphibole
- Analcim
- Analcite
- Analytical chemistry
- Anatase
- Andalusite
- Andesite
- Anglesite
- Anorthite
- Anorthoclase
- Anorthosite
- Antimony
- Antoine Lavoisier
- Apatite
- Aquamarine
- Aragonite
- Archer John Porter Martin
- aromatic hydrocarbon
- argon
- Arne Wilhelm Kaurin Tiselius
- aromatic amine
- aromatic compound
- Arrhenius equation
- arsenic
- Arthur Harden
- Artturi Ilmari Virtanen
- Arfvedsonite
- Asbestos
- Astatine
- Astrochemistry
- atom
- atomic absorption spectroscopy
- atomic mass
- atomic mass unit
- Atomic nucleus
- atomic number
- Atomic orbital
- Atomic radius
- Atomic weight
- Auger electron spectroscopy
- Augite
- Axinite
- Azurite
- Baddeleyite
- Barite
- Barium
- barometer
- Basalt
- base
- Bastnasite
- battery
- Bauxite
- Beckerite
- Benzene
- benzene ring
- Berkelium
- Beryl
- Beryllium
- Bicarbonate
- Bioaccumulate
- Biochemistry
- Bioinformatics
- Biotite
- Bismuth
- Boehmite
- Bohr model
- Bohrium
- Boiling point
- Borane
- Borax
- Boric acid
- Bornite
- Boron
- Boron group
- Boron nitride
- Brass
- Bromine
- Brucite
- Buffer solution
- Bunsen burner
- Burette
- Burmite
- Butane
- n-Butyllithium
- tert-Butyllithium
- sec-Butyllithium
- Bytownite
- cadmium
- Calamine
- Calcite
- Calcium
- Calcium carbonate
- Calcium oxide
- Californium
- calomel
- Calorimeter
- Canfieldite
- Carbohydrate
- carbon
- carbon dioxide
- Carbon group
- carbon monoxide
- carbonate
- carbonation
- Carbonic acid
- carbonyl
- carboxylic acid
- Carl Bosch
- Carl Remigius Fresenius
- Carl Wilhelm Scheele
- Carnallite
- Carnelian
- Carnotite
- CAS registry number
- Cassiterite
- catalyst
- Cationic
- caustic soda
- Celadonite
- Celestine
- Celsius
- central nervous system
- Cerium
- Cerussite
- Caesium
- Chabasite
- Chalcedony
- Chalcogen
- Chalcopyrite
- Chalcocite
- Chalk
- Charles J. Pedersen
- Chemical bond
- chemical element
- Chemical elements named after people
- Chemical elements named after places
- Chemical engineering
- Chemical equilibrium
- chemical formula
- Chemical nomenclature
- chemical property
- Chemical reaction
- Chemical series
- Chemical thermodynamics
- Cheminformatics
- chemist
- chemistry
- Chemistry basic topics
- Chirality
- Chloride
- Chlorin
- chlorine
- Chlorite
- chocolate
- Christian B. Anfinsen
- Chromatography
- Chromite
- Chromium
- Chrysoberyl
- Chrysolite
- cinnabar
- Cinnabarite
- Citric acid
- Citrine quartz
- Clay
- Cleveite
- Clyssus
- Coal
- Cobalt
- Coil (chemistry)
- Coinage metal
- Colemanite
- colloid
- color
- Colorimeter
- Coltan
- Columbite
- Combinatorial chemistry
- Commission on Isotopic Abundances and Atomic Weights
- complex
- compound
- computational chemistry
- Concentration
- condensation polymer
- Condensation reaction
- Cooperite
- Copper
- corderoite
- Cordierite
- Corrin
- corrosion
- Corundum
- cosmetics
- covalent bond
- Covalent radius
- Covellite
- Crocidolite
- Crookesite
- Cryolite
- crystal
- Crystal structure
- cubic metre per mole
- Cumene process
- Cuprite
- Curium
- cyanide
- Cyclopentadiene
- Cylindrite
- Cymophane
- Cytosine
- d-block
- Darmstadtium
- Datolite
- decay energy
- decay mode
- decay product
- decomposition temperature
- Delessite
- Density
- Deposition
- Derek Harold Richard Barton
- Deuterium
- diamond
- Diaspore
- Diatomite
- diffusion pump
- Diopside
- Diorite
- Dipole
- Discovery of the chemical elements
- Distillation
- Dmitriy Mendeleyev
- Dolomite
- Donald J. Cram
- Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin
- Dubnium
- Dudley R. Herschbach
- Dysprosium
- Eduard Buchner
- Edwin Mattison McMillan
- Einsteinium
- Electrical conductivity
- electricity
- Electrochemical cell
- Electrochemistry
- electrode
- Electrode potential
- electrolysis
- Electrolyte
- Electrolytic cell
- electromagnetic spectroscopy
- electron
- electron capture
- electron configuration
- electron shell
- electron volt
- electronegativity
- electrophile
- element
- element symbol
- Elements song
- Elias James Corey
- Emerald
- Emil Hermann Fischer
- Emil Knoevenagel
- emulsion
- energy level
- Enthalpy
- Entropy
- environmental chemistry
- Enzyme
- Epidiorite
- Epinephrine
- Epoxyethane
- Epsom salt
- Erbium
- Ernest Rutherford
- Ernst Otto Fischer
- ester
- Ethanol
- ethene
- ether
- Europium
- Euxenite
- explosive
- f-block
- f-orbital
- F. Sherwood Rowland
- Fahrenheit
- Fat
- Feldspar
- Felsic
- Ferberite
- Fergusonite
- Fermium
- Ferrocene
- Filtration
- Flerovium
- Flint
- Fluorapatite
- fluorescence spectroscopy
- Fluorine
- Fluorite
- Fluorspar
- Formaldehyde
- Formic acid
- Fractional freezing
- Francis William Aston
- Francium
- Francois Auguste Victor Grignard
- Franckeite
- Franklinite
- Franz Joseph Emil Fischer
- Frederick Sanger
- Frederick Soddy
- freezing point
- Friedrich Bergius
- Friedrich Woehler
- Fritz Haber
- Fritz Pregl
- Frédéric Joliot
- functional group
- fur
- g-block
- Gabbro
- Gadolinite
- Gadolinium
- Galena
- gallium
- Gallium arsenide
- Garnet
- gas
- gaseous
- Gedanite
- Geometric isomerism
- Geoffrey Wilkinson
- Georg Wittig
- George A. Olah
- George de Hevesy
- George Porter
- Gerhard Herzberg
- Germanite
- Germanium
- Gibbsite
- Gilbert Stork
- Giulio Natta
- Glauconite
- Glenn T. Seaborg
- Glessite
- Glucose
- Glycerine
- Glycine
- Gneiss
- Goethite
- gold
- Granite
- Graphite
- Group 1 element
- Group 10 element
- group 12 element
- Group 2 element
- Group 3 element
- Group 4 element
- Group 5 element
- Group 6 element
- Group 7 element
- Group 8 element
- Group 9 element
- Gypsum
- H. M. Rouell
- Hafnium
- half-life
- Halite
- halogen
- halogenoalkane
- Hans Fischer
- Hans Karl August Simon von Euler-Chelpin
- Harold Clayton Urey
- Harold Kroto
- Hartmut Michel
- Hassium
- heat
- Heat of fusion
- Heat of vaporization
- Heavy metal (chemistry)
- Heinrich Otto Wieland
- Helium
- Hematite
- Hemoglobin
- Henri Louis le Chatelier
- Henri Moissan
- Henry Taube
- Heptane
- Herbert A. Hauptman
- Herbert C. Brown
- Hermann Emil Fischer
- Hermann Staudinger
- heterocyclic compound
- Hexane
- Hiddenite
- Hideki Shirakawa
- High performance liquid chromatography
- Histidine
- Holmium
- Hornblende
- Hübnerite
- Humphry Davy
- Hund's rule
- Hutchinsonite
- Hyalite
- Hydrazine
- hydrocarbon
- Hydrochloric acid
- hydrogen
- Hydrogen bond
- Hydrogen cyanide
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Hydrogen sulfide
- Hydrolysis
- hydroxide
- hydroxyl
- hyperconjugation
- ice
- Idocrase
- Illite
- Ilmenite
- Ilya Prigogine
- Indium
- infrared spectroscopy
- Inorganic chemistry
- Intermolecular force
- International Temperature Scale
- International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
- Iodine
- Ion
- Ionic bond
- ionization potential
- Irène Joliot-Curie
- Iridium
- iron
- Iron (III) oxide
- Irving Langmuir
- isocyanate
- Isomer
- isoprene
- isotope
- Isotope table (complete)
- Isotope table (divided)
- Israel Shahak
- J. H. van 't Hoff
- Jade
- James Batcheller Sumner
- James Dewar
- Jaroslav Heyrovský
- Jasper
- Jean-Marie Lehn
- Jens C. Skou
- Jerome Karle
- Johan August Arfwedson
- Johan Gadolin
- Johann Deisenhofer
- Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von Baeyer
- Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner
- Johannes Diderik van der Waals
- John Pople
- John Alexander Reina Newlands
- John C. Polanyi
- John Cowdery Kendrew
- John Dalton
- John E. Walker
- John Ernest Walker
- John Bennett Fenn
- John Howard Northrop
- John Pople
- John Warcup Cornforth
- Jöns Jakob Berzelius
- Joseph Priestley
- joule per kilogram-kelvin
- Justus von Liebig
- Labradorite
- Lactic acid
- Lanthanide
- Lanthanum
- Lapis lazuli
- Lars Onsager
- Lawrencium
- Lazurite
- Le Chatelier's principle
- Lead
- Leopold Ružička
- Lepidolite
- Leucite
- Lewis acid
- Lewis base
- Ligand
- Lignite
- Limestone
- Limonite
- Linus Pauling
- liquid
- Lise Meitner
- List of alchemical substances
- List of alloys
- List of biochemistry topics
- List of biomolecules
- List of chemists
- list of compounds
- List of elements by name
- List of elements by number
- List of elements by symbol
- List of elements named after people
- List of elements named after places
- List of inorganic compounds
- List of inorganic compounds by element
- List of organic compounds
- List of scientific journals in chemistry
- Lithium
- liver
- Livermorium
- livingstonite
- Lodestone
- Lonsdaleite
- Lorandite
- Lord Todd
- Lothar Meyer
- Louis Pasteur
- Luis F. Leloir
- Lutetium
- Magnesite
- Magnesium
- magnetic resonance
- magnetism
- Magnetite
- Malachite
- Malacolite
- Manfred Eigen
- Manganese
- Marble
- Marcasite
- Marie Curie
- Mario J. Molina
- Marl
- mass
- mass spectrometer
- materials science
- Max Ferdinand Perutz
- medicine
- Meerschaum
- mega-
- Meitnerium
- Melting point
- Melvin Calvin
- Mendelevium
- Mendozite
- Menilite
- Mercury (II) sulfide
- Mercury (I) chloride
- Mercury (element)
- Mercury (II) chloride
- mercury fulminate
- mercury-vapor lamp
- Metacinnabarite
- metal
- metal halide
- Metallic bond
- Metalloid
- Methane
- Methanol
- methyl
- methyl group
- Methyl isocyanate
- Methylene
- Methylene bridge
- Methylene group
- Methyllithium
- Methylmercury
- metre per second
- Mica
- Michael Faraday
- Michael Smith (chemist)
- Microcline
- Milk quartz
- millinery
- mineral
- mineralogy
- mixture
- Mohs hardness scale
- Molar mass
- Molar volume
- mole (unit)
- Molecular dynamics
- Molecular mechanics
- Molecular modeling
- Molecular orbital
- molecule
- Molybdenite
- Molybdenum
- Molybdenum disulfide
- Monazite
- Morganite
- Moscovium
- Mössbauer spectroscopy
- Muscovite
- Mustard gas
- Naphthalene
- natural abundance
- Neodymium
- neon
- Nephiline
- Neptunium
- Nernst equation
- neutron
- neutron activation analysis
- Nickel
- Nihonium
- Nikolay Nikolaevich Semenov
- Nils Gabriel Sefström
- Niobite
- Niobite-tantalite
- Niobium
- nitrate
- Nitric acid
- Nitric oxide
- nitrogen
- Nitrogen dioxide
- Nitroglycerine
- Nitrous oxide
- Nobel Prize in Chemistry
- Nobelium
- Noble gas
- Nonmetal
- nuclear magnetic resonance
- Nucleic Acid
- Nucleophile
- Octane
- Odd Hassel
- Oganesson
- ohm
- Olivine
- Opal
- Optical isomerism
- Organic chemistry
- organic compound
- Organic nomenclature
- Organic reaction
- Organic synthesis
- Organolithium reagent
- Orthoclase
- Osmium
- Osmium tetroxide
- Otto Hahn
- Otto Paul Hermann Diels
- Otto Wallach
- Oxidation
- Oxidation number
- oxidation state
- oxide
- oxygen
- p-block
- paint
- Palagonite
- Palladium
- Parabens
- Partial pressure
- Pascal (unit)
- Paul Berg
- Paul D. Boyer
- Paul J. Crutzen
- Paul J. Flory
- Paul Karrer
- Paul Sabatier
- Pauling scale
- Pegmatite
- Pentlandite
- Peptide
- perchlorate
- Peridotite
- Period 1 element
- Period 2 element
- Period 3 element
- Period 4 element
- Period 5 element
- period 6 element
- Period 7 element
- Period 8 element
- periodic table
- periodic table block
- periodic table group
- periodic table period
- Periodic table series
- Periodic table (big)
- Periodic table (electron configurations)
- Periodic table (extended)
- Periodic table (large version)
- Periodic table (metals and non-metals)
- Periodic table (standard)
- Periodicity
- Perlite
- pesticide
- Petalite
- Peter D. Mitchell
- Peter Debye
- pH
- phases of matter
- Phenacite
- phenol
- phenyl
- Phlogopite
- Phosphorite
- Phosphorus
- Phosphoric acid
- Phthalates
- Phyllite
- Physical chemistry
- physics
- picometre
- Picric acid
- Plagioclase
- Platinum
- Plutonium
- Pnictogen
- Pollucite
- pollution
- Polonium
- polymer
- Polymerization
- Porphyrin
- Post-transition metal
- Potassium
- Potassium nitrate
- Pourbaix diagram
- Praseodymium
- Prehnite
- Promethium
- Propane
- Protactinium
- Protein
- Proton
- Pumice
- Pumicite
- Purine
- Putrescine
- Pyridine
- Pyrimidine
- Pyrite
- Pyrochlore
- Pyroluria
- Pyroxene
- Pyrrole
- radical (chemistry)
- radioisotope
- Radium
- Radon
- Radon fluoride
- Raman spectroscopy
- Raoult's law
- Redox
- Reduction
- Reflux
- Reversible reaction
- Rhazes
- Rhenium
- Rhodium
- Rhyolite
- Rhyolitic
- Richard Adolf Zsigmondy
- Richard Kuhn
- Richard Laurence Millington Synge
- Richard Martin Willstätter
- Richard R. Ernst
- Richard Smalley
- Riebeckite
- Roald Hoffmann
- Robert Bruce Merrifield
- Robert Burns Woodward
- Robert Curl
- Robert G. Parr
- Robert Huber
- Robert S. Mulliken
- Robert Wilhelm Bunsen
- Rock crystal
- Roentgenium
- Ronald George Wreyford Norrish
- Rose quartz
- Roumanite
- Rubidium
- Ruby
- Rudolph A. Marcus
- Rudolph Pariser
- Ruthenium
- Rutherfordium
- Rutile
- Ryōji Noyori
- s-block
- s-orbital
- S.P.L. Sørensen
- salt
- Salvinorin-A
- Samarium
- Samarskite
- Sand
- Sapphire
- Sard
- Scandium
- Scheelite
- Schist
- scientific notation
- Seaborgium
- Selenium
- semiconductor
- Serpentine
- SI
- Sidney Altman
- Silane
- silicon
- Silicon dioxide
- Sillimanite
- Simple aromatic rings
- silver
- Simetite
- Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood
- Sir Robert Robinson
- Sir William Ramsay
- skeletal formula
- skin
- Smectite
- Smoky quartz
- Soapstone
- Soda niter
- sodium
- Sodium bicarbonate
- Sodium carbonate
- Sodium chloride
- Sodium citrate
- Sodium cyanide
- Sodium hydroxide
- Sodium hypochlorite
- solid
- solid state chemistry
- soluble
- solution
- Solvent
- solvation
- solvent
- species
- Specific heat capacity
- Spectroscopy
- Speed of sound
- Sperrylite
- Spinel
- Spodumene
- stable isotope
- standard temperature and pressure
- Standard Ambient Temperature and Pressure
- Stanford Moore
- Stannite
- Stantienite
- State of matter
- Staurolite
- Steatite
- Stereochemistry
- Stoichiometry
- Strontianite
- Strontium
- structural formula
- Sublimation
- sulfate
- sulfur
- Sulfur dioxide
- Sulfuric acid
- superconductor
- surface chemistry
- suspension (chemistry)
- Svante Arrhenius
- Syenite
- Sylvite
- synthetic radioisotope
- systematic element name
- Tabun
- Talc
- Talcum
- Tantalite
- Tantalum
- Tanzanite
- Teallite
- Technetium
- Telluride
- Tellurium
- Tennessine
- Terbium
- Tetryl
- Thallium
- Theodor Svedberg
- Theodore William Richards
- Thermal conductivity
- Thermochemistry
- thermometer
- Thiamin
- thioether
- Thiol
- Thomas Graham
- Thomas R. Cech
- Thorium
- Thortveitite
- Thulium
- Timeline of biology and organic chemistry
- Tin
- Titanite
- Titanium
- Titanium dioxide
- Titration
- Toluene
- Topaz
- Tourmaline
- toxic
- transition metal
- Tremolite
- Trinitrotoluene
- triple point
- Troctolite
- Tuff
- Tungsten
- Turquoise
- Tutty
- Tyrosine
- Walter Gilbert
- Walter Kohn
- Walter Norman Haworth
- Walther Hermann Nernst
- water
- watt per metre-kelvin
- Wendell Meredith Stanley
- Wilhelm Ostwald
- Willard Frank Libby
- Willemite
- William Francis Giauque
- William H. Stein
- William Hardin Graham
- William Hyde Wollaston
- William Lipscomb
- William Perkin
- William S. Knowles
- Wiserine
- Wolframite
- Wollastonite
- WorldWide Molecular Matrix
- See: Chemistry (etymology) for possible origins of this word.
- Chemistry. (n.d.). Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary. Retrieved August 19, 2007.
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