Digaro languages

The Digaro (Digarish) or Northern Mishmi (Mishmic) languages are a small family of possibly Sino-Tibetan languages spoken by the Mishmi people of southeastern Tibet and Arunachal Pradesh.

Northern Mishmi
Arunachal Pradesh
Linguistic classificationpossibly Sino-Tibetan or an independent family

The languages are Idu and Taraon (Digaro, Darang).

External relationships

They are not related to the Southern Mishmi Midzu languages, apart from possibly being Sino-Tibetan. However, Blench and Post (2011) suggests that they may not even be Sino-Tibetan, but rather an independent language family of their own.

Blench (2014) classifies the Digaro languages as part of the Greater Siangic group of languages.


Autonyms and exonyms for Digaro-speaking peoples, as well as Miju (Kaman), are given below (Jiang, et al. 2013:2-3).

Names of Mishmi peoples
Taraon name Kaman name Idu name Assamese name
Taraon people da31 raŋ53 tɕi31 moŋ35 tɑ31 rɑŋ35 Digaru;
Digaru Mishmi
Kaman people tɕɑu53 kɯ31 mɑn35 mi31 tɕu55 Midzu
Idu people dju55;
dju55 ta31 rɑŋ53;
min31 dɑu55;
i53 du55 Chulikata Mishmi
Zha people 扎人 tɕɑ31 kʰen55 tɕɑ31 kreŋ35
Tibetan people lɑ31 mɑ55;
mei53 bom55
dɯ31 luŋ35;
hɑi35 hɯl55
ɑ31 mi53;
mi31 si55 pu53


Idu, Tawra, Kman, and Meyor all share a system of multiple language registers, which are (Blench 2016):[1]

  1. ordinary speech
  2. speech of hunters: lexical substitution, the replacement of animal names and others by special lexical forms, and sometimes short poems
  3. speech of priests/shamans: more complex, involving much language which is difficult to understand, and also lengthy descriptions of sacrificial animals
  4. poetic/lyrical register (not in Idu, but appears in Kman)
  5. mediation register (only in Idu?)
  6. babytalk register


  • Blench, Roger (2011) (De)classifying Arunachal languages: Reconstructing the evidence
  • Blench, Roger (2014). Fallen leaves blow away: a neo-Hammarstromian approach to Sino-Tibetan classification. Presentation given at the University of New England, Armidale, 6 September 2014.
  • Blench, Roger. 2017. The ‘Mishmi’ languages, Idu, Tawra and Kman: a mismatch between cultural and linguistic relations.
  • Jiang Huo [江获], Li Daqin [李大勤], Sun Hongkai [孙宏开] (2013). A study of Taraon [达让语研]. Beijing: Ethnic Publishing House [民族出版社]. ISBN 9787105129324
  • van Driem, George (2001) Languages of the Himalayas: An Ethnolinguistic Handbook of the Greater Himalayan Region. Brill.
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